HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-03-26, Page 1Vol. IX. Rbc LOCAL NEWS. New ads—J. J. Merner. D. S Faust, 3. Preeter. a Go to D. S. Faust for a fine dres- sy shirt. The best in town. We have received a big range of spring hats and caps for men. J. J. Merner, Zurich. About 30 members joined the Evangelical church here, on Sun day. Mr. A. Stoskopf of Sebrlugvile is visiting his son E. W. Stoskopf V. S. this week. See the Themo Washing Machine at our store. It has them all beat en. 3. Preeter. Mr. D. S. Faust is at Stratford this week attending a convention, in connection with the Evangelical church. It is reported that Mr. George Witmer of the Babylon Line, has purchased Mr. U. Bechler's proper- ty, north of town. The population of Goderioh Jail has not been increased from this town, as all the fines in the recent Indian list cases have been paid. Mr. E. W. Stoskopf V. S., has had a telephone installed, also Mr. John Geiger of the Zurich Road. The number of rural phones now in operation is close to forty, and the indications are that there will be at least a hundred by next fall. The local milliners are getting ready for their openings on Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday next Our stores have been making a reputation in other lines and their millinery departments are becom- ing increasingly popular with buy- ers. Zurich's trade circle is widen- ing and it is not an Unusual sight to see people living ten to twelve miles distant, do their trading here. The services of the Evangelical church. were largely attended last Sunday morning and evening. The evening service was one of the most impressive services witnessed for years. The pastor gave a short address, subject Why a christian should be a church member., fol- lowed by reading the rules of the church, after which 7 candidates were baptized. 'Thus 28 were re- ceived as members of the ohurch during the day. The service was closed by singing the famous re- vival hymn, "In the good old fash. ioned way." AI 7 The Official Organ of Zurich Pind Hay Township. FRIDAY MORN 1NG,'�1f, AR. 26, 1909. A full range of stripe linens, at D. S. Faust. One carloacl of first class pota- toes wanted, at C. Hartleib's. Cuff button lost on Sunday. Fin- der please leave at this office. A new stock of men's and boys spring caps, at D. S. Faust. Dr. Campbell visited Toronto last week, as a delegate from Rick. beil Lodge, 'A. 0. U. vd. Mr and Mrs. W. C. Callfas, were at Dashwood, on Sunday to attend the funeral of the former's mother, Mrs. Sachs Mr. C. Eilber has invested in a four-year old pacer. which shows signs of developing considerable speed. A new shipment of silverware just opened out. Sugars, fruit dishes, pickles, biscuit jars etc , 3. Preeter. D. S. Faust has the latest 1909 button machine. If you want any buttons to match your dress, bring cloth and get them made while you wait. A number of friends from Dash- wood and Zurich spent a pleasant evening on Thursday -with Miss Flossie Merner, 14th Con. A nice lunch was sertAed about midnight. Mr. Henry Neeb of the Babylon disposed of his heavy sorrel team, to Mr. Handford of Exeter. They were considered to be about the best team of their class in the Township. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, Mar. 26th. Hours 5 to 10 p. m. Glasses pro- perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. Mr. Julius Challet of the Sauble Line Stanley, had the misfortune to get his foot badly crushed by, a log falling en it, on Friday, while working at Mr. Sherrit's in comp- any with Mr. Ed. Mero, Three toes were badly smashed and a fourth was also injured. Mr. Charles Hartleib Sr., an aged resident of Dashwood, died there on Tuesday evening. in his 84th year. The deceased was well known in this vicinity, and had many warm friends. Ile was for- merly a school teacher in Bruce County and was considered a very able scholar. His remains are being laid to rest today (Friday) at 1 p. m. in the Dashwood cemetery. No. 34° carloadTwo nzf c. tel at once.3. J�Mereriat D. S. Faust has 01 Pull 'range of ready made snits 111s0 arrived. You. can buy a suit for little i,• iinev, The annual meeting of, Ilio Evan. gelical congregation will e*held in the ohurch next Mondli y i t,2 p. m, D. S. Faust has the It ailing shad es in dress goods. Oor.eand see them. Mr. Henry Ruppis netting the material ready to build, ubrick ad- dition to his house s A heavy rain occuici•ecl in this section on Wednesday 'T1:is will take the frost out of the ground and farmers will soon start, their spring work. Tlie snow i`.practi- cally all gone. The Peoples Railway have open• ed an offioe in New Hamburg, on the north side of East Sand. West street, where they have car truck models, blue prints and pictures of cars, estimates of earnings,' nips, etc., on exhibit. This paper is always pleased to receive the results of examinations in the various schools of the town- ship The publishing of these re- ports serves not only as an,a incen- tive to the pupils, but parents, are thus kept informed of their .pro- gress. Teachers are i-nvited to send in their reports. The Ladies Aid of theE' ange]ioal ohurch, met on Triesday afternoon, for their annual election of officers, resulted as follows : Pres., Mrs. (Rev) A. D. Gisehier; ist,Vice Pres Mrs. C. Wagner' , . 2nd. Vice, Pres., Mrs. John Preeter ; Reo-Sec.,Miss Lydia Faust; Cor -Sec., Mie. D. S. Faust; Treas., Mrs. Jacob Ort; Organist. Mrs. MoWatters ; Ass't Organist, Mrs. Geo. 'Innis.' The Society is in a prosperous condition i new members joined on Tuesday. This society deserves the hearty support of every member- rf the congregation. They area F the church and therefore t' interest in' the ' 'veli' perity of the congrega.l+r 8`; "w an unprejudiced mind 'must se - knowledge. The success during the past year of assisting the poor and needy in the city of Winnipeg, Parry Sound as well as at hcmo is most encouraging for the members of the society, At the close of the II meeting a hearty vote of thanks �® ' was moved by Mrs. 0. Wagner and G' __-___ _--_... _. I have put in a big stock of Wall Paper for Spring. I invite one and all to come and see my beautiful stock. Prices reasonable. All Farm Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. D. '. FAUST lig H Z13RICH rie M W N M M l ��1i1i Uliltl •�o•�oo�;�c000•ocoonc THE UP:TO:DATE HOE ST.E 'Headquarters for the best that is made in Boots and Shoes, Complete lines in Fall and Winter Goods at prices which will save you money. We are sole agents for the famous' Wil- liams staple shoes,`;i aade.specially for farm. wear. ,.. ,'CoMplete .r' i.g "" "� ,', `be+ ,. y the best on earth. King's Stub—proof and Kant Krack Rubbers. Repairs while you wait. We e take butter and eggs in exchange. RITZ their ver by high appreciation Preeter for THE SHOEMI4N Z UR! �,H•. their very b.igh .appreciation of Mfrs Gisebler's leadership and service as ? President during the past, year. ..o.�•c,•o•v.`�.� . ^ '•r�.r ..`�.� •c�. ��-` • �, Ci 4 9'®� ri `t. •G":a � • t�•'J'�J-4-;•ci"v "G r>'e.- •moi •.>�= ; 3 E3 m3sez43+J `.w.A% 31.. £ `3( a"•£ x nn tl � �4, x. .,� h ;� �i'1 � ,a, 3 � ,'e� , t _ i M'°�,p+`.,`S a�•� �' }:t 1�' r" Y �� ��rt � �•n �*� � S �-t+ j(,A'�_1 V} � -�� u h? { �a' t L �1 sr1� ! ^ ' .. ni �' IS lN �' t1 �� Mawr fit r i'1 �', G %Cv'✓ h�21R� t3,�r Alk, . +.Min 1 E cordially invite you to visit our formal opening dis- play is- play of Spring Millinery, which takes place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April ist, 2nd & 3rd, and following days. Wo have spared no pains to snake this a notable showing of correct Millinery for Spring 1949, Miss Colvin, who has had charge of this depart- ment for the past two seasons, is with us again, and the ladies of Zurich and vicinity may be sure that their wants in this line will receive the best attention. Yon are heartily welcome to visit our Show Rooms whenever and as often as you please, L :.: test Wall Papers Do not miss seeing our large stock of new Wall papers, Borders, etc. Bigger and better than ever. All prices. Lino1euns, Oilcloths, Etc. We have a large, stock of linoleums,. in very prettry patterns, also oil clohs, window shades, •rollers, etc. ' e s 11 1 , S) n " E take special pleasure in naming our Store tl;.' Dressx I Goods Store of Z ur.ii;h, and this set..,ou the naL.te is store appropriate than ever, as our 5toek of l)res.s Goods is bigger and better than ever rle'fore, Neither k•l'ol'1 not' money has been 4parecl in procuring the best and la- test fabrics manufactured, and our large and well- a s - rted stock is ready for your inspection whether you buy c.o.:: iiet. Our tock of Spring Dress Gods consists of the :.i]kiwi1 g lin—,,, al', the' pupalar shades and colors. : WOOL Po]?LIN WOOL 1;IPP DUCHESS VENETTAY .ROYAL, 'COSTUME CLOTH 11.ICIIESS COSTUME CLOTIT SHADOW ST11Il'r STRIPE CORD POPLIN W001, S.ANTOY 14 ortsTb:D QUI' INC—:S \A' 001., \ 1' )'-'l WOOL TRI (WINE IlOTA\NV PANAMA SATIN CLOTII . ' CHIFFON PANAMA DUCHESS SATIN From 50c. to $1.50 a var s . hardware Victor Flour Sifters Granite Dippers, reg 25 cts for 3 qt granite sauce pats 6 qt granite saucepans.......... Pant and skirt hangers 2 foot wood rules ,4 sow nesesteampsammatiumaws Bargains .. .15 Iron block planes .,...,...... .15 100 ft clothes line wire . .. • , • •' .15 50 ft clothes line wire . ... ,•.•.•:> .25 Large 7 inch scissors •.... • . ... .10 Pocket scissors . • • . •4• .10 Snap hand Cleaner......... ,... » . .20 .30 .15 .20 .15 •15 Get our. Prices on fencing, Roofing, Eavetroughing, Etc. All Work Guaranteed J. PREETER, Zurich F3 .31=13 £ :3 + iw" ? 0 34 C s 3 c 3ti 3 3 i > 3 ;s 3 3 F 3 i `'3 3 3 3t 33&.333- '?•?