HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-03-05, Page 5The Zurich Heralt-1,
We have opened up our
New Stock of
Spring and
Dress Goods..
consisting of --No
Prints. Gin gharns,
Mus1ins Etc.
Come and inspect before
buying elsewhere.
Our prices as usual are
Highest Prices
For Farm Produce
General Merchant, B L A Ii E.
for the balance of
this month.
Every Ring
Solid Gold.
Watch and Clock
My .Specialty
That New
Winter Suit,
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, oto not forget, to
give us a call. We have a tine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
WO also have a largo number of
S.rnples to select from.
Laundry in. connection.
'lid ei
. . a
WE keep in stock a
full line o fresh
na.eats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
1� AU ' fi
iiCiH O
9l of l
A. Edighoffer
Successor to
Fred, Manns
Fa Quick and Easy
Shave, or an Up-to-date
Hair -cut,
ercial Rotel
Whether your bread
is good or bad, the cost
of baking is the same.
You pay a few cents
more for
Royal Houser!
but those few cents ill -
sure good results every
time. It is the finest,
whitest, purest flour
that's milled. It's the
flour that is always good.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Cs., %8d.
158 Montreal.
James Donaldson of Sault Ste
Mario, who has been visiting his
parents, and other friends for the
past few weeks, has returned home
again While hero he was one of
the victims of La Grippe.
Dr. Stanbnry is still under the
weather. bat his many friends hope
to see hila around again soon.
The Women's Institute inet at
the home of Miss L. Cameron, last rt,
week, and all enjoyed themselves.
James Tough of Edmonton Al-
berta, who has been spending the
winter in Ontario, has started for
home. While in Bayfield he was t
the guest of his sister, Mrs. James le
The farmer's Institute purpose ,H
holding a meeting in the Town
1Ia11, Bayfield, on Tuesday Feb j
23rd. These meetings are a great
benefit to the farming community
and should bo well attended.
Tho "Play" held in the Town
Hall, under the auspices of Trinity
chureb, was a grand success. Pro-
ceeds $26. +;
Miss Tough of Stanley is visiting
relatives and friends in Bayfield.
Mr. McNeil Presbyterian minis- r.zar,
ter, is taking his holidays in Toron-
Thy Methodists of Bayfield pur-
pose holding a social in the Town
Ball, next Wednesday evening.
Have you a pain—of any kind,
anywhere? Stop just a nhinnte i ail
think ! It matters not whether it
be womanly pains, head pains. or
any kind of a pain, one of Dr
Shoop's little Pink Pain Tablets
will surely stop it in 20 minutes.
Formula plainly printed on the 25e
box, Sold by J J Merrier.
If you want a Piano or Organ—we handle The
Bell. When in need of a Sewing Machine—we han–
dle the New Williams and Raymond. No agent's
commission to pay....that goes to you..
New Furniture
Arriving Every Day
Our Stock is the largest we ever carried and
our prices the >Very Lowest.
Big Stock of Baby Carriages
Go -Carts and Folding Beds
the very latest will arrive about' April 1st.
Our Undertaking Stock
Our stock is now one of the„largest we have ever carried. Ow
ing to the big (J.ket factor' being burnt out in London, we
have dubled our stock, so we are prepared to meet all. orders.
When in need of the above give us a call. Our business has
dubled in the last eight year,.
Furniture and Undertaking
•. IW �.1:.x«'. ,W ..,y heti„?:.J...#Mwu,•
Snowden Bros„ delivered a fine
span of colts to Mr, Smillie of
Tuckersmith one day last week.
The price paid being a fair ono.
Mr. Nelson of Dashwood, is visit-
ing friends in this vicinity.
A. Sparks, who some time ago
sold his farm to Mr. W. Sparks has
since purchased a fine farm from
Mr, Notts on the 2nd con., of Stan-
A, Challett and T. Westlake have
purchased the two large wine vats
in the St, Joseph wine factory
Mr. T. Westlake is busy getting
things in order, for the moving of
his barn, this coming summer. Tom
is a hustler to get things in shape.
A number of young people Inet
at the honkie of A Sootchhnere of the
Bronson Line on Thursday evening
of last week, the fore part of tieo
evening being spent in pro reseive
games, after which a dainty lama'
was served. During the latter
part of the evening a quarette was
A pleasant evening was spent by
a number of young people at the
home of S. Huston on Wednesday
evening of last week.
The end of a long life came to
Mrs. Jane Moro, ono of our old.
residents, on Friday morning Feb.
1.9th at her residence township of
Stanley. She had been ailing but
about throe weeks, and death was
due to a breaking up of the con-
stitution, the end coming quietly
and peacefully. She was born May
4th, 1824 near Montreal, so that
she was almost 86 years of age,
corning to upper Canada in 9834,
and she had resided here ever
since. Rev. Father Loiselle of St.
Peter's Catholic church conducted.
the service at the church and at
the grave.
Every Far 1 Ger Should
Have a Good 'telephone
A telephone, in a fariner's home, not only enables kiln to
keep constantly posted as,to market prices, but saves him need-
less trips to town.
If a telegram or other important message comes, it can be
delivered without loss of time.
It will, at a moment's notice, summon a doctor and may
be the means of saving wife or.your child's life.
A telephone is usefal in a hundred different ways and
should have a place in everyIronic-.-town and country.
The Cost is only: ,Il2. a.. year •
Wo are making pre iarations'for. Spring work and
those desiring conndetlons ;should complete their
contracts befora the- ` Iar.h .. _,.. _ w ..
Parties in town or near present lines can be con-
nected on short notice. •
E. ZELLER, Zli idi
wl. vx 4.ewe.:ws ..•m,w",' •rr.!;•: L;
The follrrwing is the report of S.
ta. No. 4, Hay. Report is based on
conduct, attendance and general
proficiency. Names are in order
of merit.
Sr IV Gordon Surernes Ferne
ulper, Alberta Geiger, Violet
lige:Mein, Emery Ruby.
Jr IV Pearl Kaercher, Joseph
1")neliarme, Charles Treffry. Mary
all Mandy Mosseau, Flossie Sur-
• erne, Tulli:1d Duchartne, Lydia
Dei tz.
Jr III Norman Elnislie, Verne
etelver, Aaron Gingerich.
II Harry .T3assow, Dennis Pilch-
' arnie, Tlerbie kiossoare •
Jr II (ertio Kaercher, Edith
Pt II (a) Olive Elnislie, Edmund
Gingericb, Ada Deitz.
Pt II (b) Lila Melick, Myrtle
Pt I Clayton Ortwoin, Catharine
No. on roll 28. Average attend-
ance 21. Lillian L. Idartleib,
Rh e,
1 have found c. tri, rl and tested cure for 8hew
matim r \trt a rrn n;ly that will etn0ghten the
ei.toru d limns al cl ronie cripples, nor turn bony
`t„t th:; bael; tallest' again. 'Shatt is impossible.
a t J c•an nnu ^e1y kill the pains and pangs Of
u 0 p1nrtble.i:.l'ase.
In cl. mauj--•ssfth a Che:aist in the City of
1t t it t futt.trl
t� ,t , + t• t I r+ d+r 'it,''s .I]tahbtlnhe nrtaRein rdditievnats mwith
pesciptmieony. e
tt I I.• Ig rrdiec � I auceessfully treated many,
Tp„„„.,u t11,,'lmatism;butnotiv,atlast,ituni•
+ nr s all c nr-rble cases of this heretofore
`chose sand -like granular
I,w ,a r th ur aticl3lood,seemtodissolv�e
i l • ua.,y +r. ,ler ne action of this remedy as
'1-'ar when added to pure water.
And to I W1131 ,d., olvo,i, these poisonons wastes
forever'ystem, end
ere the muse Of
l.n,'trnratl nr to tm , is now no
real need nontt' ul senseto. Thsuffer longer With-
out help. a sell, and in confidence recommend
D. Shoop s
Rheumatic Re e
The following is the report for
the month of February, room III
Z. P. S., based on monthly exams,,
and general. deportment.
Jr III Russell Zeller, . Altna .Axt,
Karl seinen, Erma Uttley, Elva
Heyrock, Ford Haberer, 13. Hilde-
brandt, Roy Appel, Theo Mittel-
holtz, Clara Thiel, Elvin Bock.
Jr lI Milton Eoyrook, Albert
McCormick, Mary Price, Theodore
Howaid, Gertie Book. Mary Zettel,
Willie Clausius, goy Weber,
• Second No. 1 Promoted. Carrie
Brenner, Leo Mittelholtz, Melvin
Bock, Minnie Merner, Alberta
Mittelholtz, Simon Thiel. Cecil
weber, Clara Weber, Celia Dis-
• Jr pt 11 Reinhold. Koch, Iva
Welker, Gladys Fisher, Ada How-
ald, Roy Foster, Lawrence Rau,
Maggie Fuss, Janet Thiel, Ernie
Jr pt I Anthony Mittelholtz,
Ronald Witwor, Celia Hildebrandt,
Armand Schenck, i\lary Schenck,
Maggie Thiel.
Sr pt I Edgar Schnell, Forrest
Welker, Clarence Brenner, Edgar
Schenck, (ilaytus Mittelholtz, It t -
more Clausius, Louisa Howald,
Earl Zettel, Alma Uttley, Alphonso
Deitrich. Miss Jackson,
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 1, Hay, for the month of
Februory. Marks aro based on the
weekly examinations, conduct and
general proficiency.
Sr IV Eddie Brisson, Maximo De -
nonny, Hector Laporte, Maximil.
Ilan Oorriveau.
Jr IV Edward Corriveau, Valerie
Laporte, Maximillian Denomy,
Wilfred Laporte, Solomon Denon:y.
Sr III Alex Aubin.
Jr IV Eugene Denomy, Anna
Corriveau, Loretta Laporte, Ar-
mand Denomy, Richard Laporte,
Evangeline Laporte, Edward La-
porte, (Lily Denomy, Simon Bedard,
Fabian Corriveau.
Jr II Filbert Denomy, Adolph
Sepha, Teddy Denomy Leo Denomy
equal, Rachel Bedard,
Pt II Lawrence Denomy, Charles
Sr 1 Beatrice Denomy, Lavine,
Denomy*, Theodore Laporte Marcel
Laporte equal, Albina-Bedard.
Jr I Leopold Denomy, Napoleon
Deno.rny, Lucy Denomy, Delia De-
nony, Adelaide Denomy.
H. Harrison, Teacher.
Nearly all diseases of the skin
such as eczema, tetter, salt rheunh
and barbers' itch, are characteriz-
ed by an intense itching and smart-
ing, 'Which often makes life a bur-
den and disturbs sleep and rest.
Quick relief may be had by apply-
ing Chamberlain's Salve. It allays
the itolting and smarting almost
instantly. Many oases have been
urea by its use, For sale by 3 3
The undersigned on lot 16. Con
2 Hay, has about 800 bushels of No.
21 barley, grown and kept for seed
purposes. This is a new variety
that has proven to possess a re-
markable clean stiff straw, excel-
ling all other varieties Also gave
the highest yield of grain per acre
of all the barleys tested in 1907 at
the O. A. C., Mandschuri included.
It has been without an exception
the most popular variety with the
experimental union throughout
the province, ever since the first
distribution in 1906, in two lb lots,
from the O. A. C.
Price in small quantities,
$1,00 per bushel.
Five bushels and over at re-
duced rates.
Hensall P. 0.
Iii ,}'rent
for a Reliable Local Salesman
representing Canada's Oldest
and Greatest Nurseries in
Zurich and adjoining country.
You will find there is a good
demand for Nursery Stock on
account of the high prices that
growers have realized on their
fruit this season. Our salesmen
are turning in big business to
us this year. Be one of them
and earn good wages through
the winter months. Territory
reserved. Pay Weekly. Free
sample outfit, etc. Write for
Stone & Wellington)
Fonthill Nurseries. 850 acres.
Tho Home Jonrnal for Marcie
contains a most startling article on
the •'White Slave Traffic,” by Hon.
E. T. Sibs of Chicago, in which
the inner working of this nefarious
trade in young girls is laid.. baro.
"Western Women and the'. Dower"
is the subject of a most interesting
discussion by Lillian K. Beynon of
Winnipeg, and this with a quaint
description of the Life of a Prairie
Settler by an Englishman, gives an
insight into conditions in the Great
West. The March number is of
course Irish in tone and contains
in addition to two of Thomas
Moore's Irish Melodies, an histori-
cal reference to St. Patriok, Ire-
land's patron saint. There is the
usual amount of story matter with
interesting departments on Fash-
ions, Fancy Work, Sick Room,
Women's Institutes, Household,
etc. For the boys some interesting
coin tricks are explained. An in-
ereasn in size and an advance in
Sub cription price is announced for
June 1st, but in the meantime
subscriptions .are being taken at
the old rate of fifty cents. The
Home Journal has developed won-
derfullyand is a credit to Canadian
j ourn alism.
Paper Hanger
and Painter.
All work promptly and
neatly done. Now is the
time to have your home
brightened and fixed up
for the bpring and Sum-
mer months.
N. BOCK, Zurich
ingi araioAW ra!MINE aamcDa>T.sMMAZIMEMIIDUCCIO tebaag
oQ a
This remedy can always be depended upon and
is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or
other harmful drug and may be given as coal-
dendy to a baby alto an aal6
Mee 25 cents, large size 30 esus.