HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-03-05, Page 443D iii %►`D!DKETEDQFDC 'I'D42{DORQD (t (lid IIneor'poratec3 1.S55 CANT R. W - $3,500.000 REST FU r" Elf a W $3,500,000 1 Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. s SAVINGS A ' K •EP , FIT il:! ENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. va Zurich Branch - - 11. AIR.NOLD, Manager *• DC :(1D®CIDdt' -' CD g33ain + • elID J(IDa (1hOEZIDOI4 LEGAL DARDS. 1L J. D. COOL E, BARRISTER AND SO- lieitt+r, Notary Public, Ilensall, Ontario. At Zurich (teller's oi"riee) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, SAYS i4 BLAIR, BAR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. O. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. Sg PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faetion guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left 11t this olliee will be promptly attended to. }L 0 DOAN, Y. S., AS T TtAV •. PUN - chased back ally ltn incur from P. W. Steskopf, I am in a poslt.lc i i aat cud t;o all business as formerly. Call: at limes Hotel. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - dilate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, tiso iu r< 1 .gradu- • cate of I part:nen of DE 1 try, To- ronto Uri versit3•. Painlesr.1 c..,raetion of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Za','l:, eve.v Mon- day. 7-26 1l, ?Tl LL£1' cu:a +. .. -T' t AND .Notitry 'Public. D i 11. `. t etro 14,701e un:1 i i},or T.r,.i,i rare felly arml jnc nets• .1 r 1. ,Oa;i .— ?e1:4. bloc';. Zur:.a , Ont. 117911 IEJS.? PUBLISHED I3Y E. ZEE,LLER.' FRIDAY MAR, 5th, 1909 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS He took a step in her dirention, spoke her name. then as she made a inoveinent of her head, "My God" he oried! "my God, Bessie, I am a devil" and he covered his eyes with his hands to shut out the sight, of the swollen, blackened face his brutality had disfigured. She longed to go to him, to comfort him, but she knew 'it would but add to his misery, she was no more Bessie this morning than he was Ben. "Have softie coffee Ben" she said at last, "It will do you good" ,.Twould choke me" he cried. then rose hastily washed his fade and hands, and sat down to the table as if unwilling' to refuse her any• thing she should ask. .And there they sat, he could not eat, site could not eat, he tasted the coffee but with effort. Every other mo' relent his horrified .eyes travelled. to the face opposite and retreated in dismay only to return again as if unable to resist its awful fascina- ti:2n No it was not Bessie ; he could est make himself believe it was iter or treat her as he usually treat t•,; his wife. A wail, 'What music to both parents cats. Here \vas 'r. .rnber of tl,e family intact, . ... .. __ . _. _ sttr.ly, this morning as yestt r- th, r' 1 `^ ` t . _ ° 1 ^i ?t, pzepareF. rli,v t., both heart anti eye. Instal - 1 P1ipi1S for ' 1t ricn'nntn Cert. led in hio high Glair, how speedily scroll. r'^ ,rtitl:.ic )ar.,+ ufltt til took away all the stiffness Cert, a and formality and made things Address: :easy andnatural, he rose and - pA'..o-'^G.c, za`s'i: ]1. Pett0,0TIt the. roozxi., 1,p.GSI.1.,. 1118. • ;,, litlire to the' ceiling uutii he nearly screamed with delight. lin 't. ct soh,. luridt, of Saturday rr,:.d him, then a;lanoing at the Fe `,tr 1.^tr ;, ;i.t1 ,1'l r+e:(t' tc•• 1elr: ti; dropped led 11)•ar hastily •into the r . hi x Lit c•c =l, 1„' p. 7.. 1;oe. r:r.- �, , 1 1 mother s lap tend donning coat and " !hat went forth- He did not loon ti.,. ' 11:C ni . TritrIijtnt'e t at 1'ASS•ie as be put the baby in her tt.ic to [;' tl. r.j, �, i•1 the \-il-i t i ,a ` i1 1 r!;.• :`r.'!1 I , i i#; �xti >0=t Lltd r' ' ]i1S tS* �" "Good -by" [t1: ', a _ t.. , S.. r._�[. X11.:fl without 1 I t 1 \ Irl' �!1 J t'�. hi:-..,,.nti,lle-" 'E, 2,,., that anti l� 9 scaled nt; and ti. for his life he could not kiss that ] <710t only l,ccau1Ie it would be G, :!t to hiss where ho had smitten FOP h,=' f�af". 1tatt• 'becausetile• f<^a di.i t stod him. ti ,, i, •..'Il �. , its 11 + `o for the first time in her wedded tee- ( 1 t1.tr. 't lifer Bessie was left without a faro - i It , rtt i r 11 <1 i j < . i , r i <1 aril#„ well caress ; and when he went ,,11! i, . - t . ,. tr a w1 yT without fl \i<), 1, "'.ho Plitt her peor, bruised fate down on baby's heed 'incl wept her fill. But the WOG:a' yds: t n.- It of her ertintion was as the suironcrr shower beside theth whiral wind when compared T+'ithat �'t 111 Fa Cory; /771' h No. 1.24tr vrbic'il swe.ut ]Ben's soul as he left ,-f r•, P.1:111, OVCIY irrl !i)4(1 t, • A 111••'@ilty r.f c:,, �, 1' lit 11.t :5 ?' fJC;. p, to .a the A, (t. 1'. . 1 } .1. J. ',);.,stat, (2. It, t ,i 1 . ,.t,} - � �j,, 1 ti-�;+/ell Lo:t,ro � t -` . ria ✓• ".- o v V a i!) :493, moots i rn t .13110 1.. 1.11.1; , \' •', n17. M . 14-, a s i1 'DE-:nfl1r6 {n:?�4 ' . 1 RHEUMATIC TREATMENT ' he rinnz• of his honer. ; words would let poorly express his horror of he deed he lead committed, his wbnlc being quivering in sympathy :-ith the sufferings of his wife ; she mild never forgive or Joy° him :tin, 1'r, crnzlcl paver Torg elf, l;nd las if last nights madness were not enough, he had gone from ter this morning without either mild or gesture of affection- What oust she think of him? should he urn back, and take her in his riest•[;l ask her forgiveness? No o shuddered at the thought, I: le '.11 not wart to see that fhlt'•e again. tics I ,1ds, and nerves were all ta- veinitlrrag,•. whet ail Maurice. Drout]y Mottled see hint thus? Be must are 11 drink to steady himself, so ("0. ha•*C1 into a saloon. Another lass, Blitz? asked the bartender, Nor" he answered fiercely "not a rot) n'.ore " throwing the i110ney n the counter as he tore out. He vas itead and rnoreae all day, his allow clerks, noting his humor, winked lit each other slyly and let hitn alone Be was always se cross alts a bear after a dr.nnke.n spree and the nit:*.ocl no telling that he hacl been at it again. He was very quiet that night, in an humble thought- ful fashion that moved Bessie's heart to pity. She was almost too sick to stand up, and he helped her to bccl, and kept baby amused until she slept. She appeared so deathly when at last she slumbered, that several times during the night— unable to rest himself—the unhap- py man hung • over her in terror lest site had died, His poor, abused Bess 1 his shrinky tender, wife ! By the morning he was as heart brok- en and penitent as one could wish. ;he 2nti. ;11:d 4 1r 1 n r)'1' I c y icy the tt alr`.r r 1 " to 1Ve hiln- �EIi inuoweloraket Some Simple Precautions Which d Will Prevent a Recurrence of Attacks. A prominent citizen, who had for li years suffered from nccurn:.tism and heun atic gout, has been giving his riends the benefit of hise..xperience, nU incidentally a copy of the pre- cription which was o. m<terial as- cl istance in effecting a cure. In the first place, he found that l' very time he partook freely of acid tits his old trouble returned ; and, condly, he learned that it was abso- tely essential to keep the kidneys tive. - To do this it was necessary drink plenty of water. Occa- onally he would dissolve a lithia blot in the water to assist its tion on the kidneys. The treatment is as follows : Pro - re from your druggist: uid Extract Cascara 1,6 oz. rup Rhubarb...z. r o rriana Compound ...... x oz. mpound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 oz. Take !one teaspoonful after each eal and at bedtime. This is valuable information. TWA n be mixed at home. Save the escriptiotti. "I will never touch the stuff again Bessie, so help me God," and the woman who listened knew he was in earnest., 'meant every word he uttered, yet in soul was certain he would break his vow. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Press., Supt. When, you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their action and allays produce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call at J J Merner's store for a free sample. S. S. NO 6 HAY. The following is the report for S. S. No. 6, Hay, for the month of February, Jr V Milton Haugh 285. Sr, IV Joseph l3uaith 321. Moses Buechler 296. Jr IV Adeline . Buechler 300, Lauretta Dooher 280, Cornelius Foster 257, Flossie Howald 255. Sr 1II Lizzie Eisenbach 324, Ko - Jetta Foster 274, Adlebert Smith 246, Beatrice Rennie 245, Cora Haugh 24.3, Albert Hey 233, Her - bort Hey 217. Jr 11I Jacob Gingerich 320, Eddie Hey .305, Robert Eisenbach 286, Christopher Baechler 213. Sr II Hurley Howald 297, Gar- field Staubus 249, Herbert Witmer 243. • Jr II Isidore Smith 267, Philip Eisenbaoh 238. Pt II Theola Smith 289, Clayton Wildfong 282. M. Sparks, Teacher. STEPHEN COUNCIL. The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall Crediton, on Monday, the 1st day of March 1909. All members were present, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.; The clerk read a letter from the Clerk of the Townshia of Bosanquet, in reference to the con- struction of:o bridge on the Town Line between the Township of Stephen, McGillivray and Basan- quet. It . was resolved that the Clerk write ther.Clerk of the Town- ship of Bosangtiet that this Conn - oil will meet the members of the ) ui o ncil1 at the proposed site on April 7th next at 2 p. m. Anderson -Yearley "That the auditors repot bo received and that order; 1:e ,„tied for their re- niuneration" Love -it' ale !That Councilman Wuerth to 1<. Ander- sc1l evztsr t, cltaiizl of Irlr":.)viep- burn fui ti 1:".'04,. the 4th eon. with full power2.1 act us they think best" Carried. Wuerth-Anderson 'That the Bond oftue Township Treas., be accepted and thut the same be filed with the clerk of the Municipality for safe keeping" tarried, Yearlev-Love "That Anderson & Wuerth have the Crediton Brid- ge repaired at once" Carried, Anderson -Yearley "That the Clerk write the Township Huai trier F. S. Farneonib, requesting hint to examine the site of the Crediton bridge and prepare plans and specifications ' for concrete abut. ments to be constructed this year" Carried. The following orders were paid: II fluter, Registrar of 13 i) &N to Dec 31. 1908 $10.40; Boll Telephone Co, phone messages to Jan 1 1909, 6, u5 ; Chester Prouty gratuity $25.00; The Municipal World subscriptions $5.75 ; Sun In surance office, insurance on Town Hall, $11.50; -Dr McLaughlin Re Bernhoiit, Insane indigent :6,80 F Schneider, rep cul con 4, $1,25 C Bluett Auditor's fees $8.00 ; Hy Switzer Auditor's fees $8.00 ; F ' V Farnooixtb Awards under D , W Act, $19,59; J Ziler, refund of statute labor, $4.00; A O'Leary refund of statute labor, $6.00 ; I Bastercl Rock elm lumber $72.95 ; , T Essery ditch on London road. E 13 $8 00; F Green gravel N 13 f0,10 1 [ D Westnzan concrete tile, $6.50. t The Council adjourned to meet e again in the Town -Hall, Crediton, t on Monday, the S,tii day of April f 1009 at 1 p. ni, eft which date, the t Paathmaasters Pound keepers and j. Fence -viewers will be appointed. H. Eilber, Clerk, 1 A failing tiny nerve—no larger, than the finest silken thread—talc- es from the heart its impulse, its t power, its regularity. The stotnaach also has has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing stoinacb, heart or kidneys. His prescription—Dr Shoop's Bestorative—is directed straight for the cause of these ail- ments—these weak and •faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt clear- ly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the only sensable and successful way, Sold by J J Merrier. No Trou +, f. �p IE11L " 1 IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. Sm RANNlE, = ICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs am ready to contract all kinds of good logs for winter delivery, and will pay top prices. Of to ? ;if you intend building next year, call , . d talk the matter over with USe Fe Co KAL =F'LE SCO- , Zurich :10110E CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statues of Ontario, 1897 Chapter 129, Section 38, that all Credi- tors - and othsr persons. having claims against •the Estate of Jacob S. Gingerich, Ltteof the Township of Hay, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Farmer, deccused,-who diad on or about the 'Ira day of July 1908 are required, to send -by post prepaid, or de- liver to the undersigned the executors of the last- will and.testament of said de- ceaseden er 'before the, 15th day of March, 1900, their Clhri'•tib,n and surnames, ad. dresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars. of their quints, a statementof their ul ucno.tes and thenature of the securities (if any) held by them. Arn[ furthertake notice tih'at after such 1 t .t mentioned date the said evoe.nturs 11 ,n , ee<l to distribute thef assets of the 1, ; c' .sed atnan the parties entitled the o:: t, having retnt1-.1 only to the claims of whichthey 1.117711 Hien have had notice, awl that the said executors will not be Iivblo for the said assts or any part ther::- of, to tiny person or personsof vthose claims notice shall not hive boon remixed. itv them at the time of suchdistribution. Dated at Zurich, February15th. 1909, David(lingeriolh Samuel Gingerich j Executors. :29 3. etaT C T° CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807 Chapter 3.29, Section 38, that all Credi- tors and other persons having. claims against the -Estate of Frederick Demuth, late of tiro illatge of Zurich in the (County of Huron, carpenter, deceased, who died mor about the 31st day of December 1908, oto required, to send by post prepaid, or lclner to the undersigned the. executor of he 1'17t; will and testament of ue4,1. dames c} on or behre the 1st clay of 1.1lart•1i, 1909, heir t.'hris!ia11 and surnames, It:'drosses to 1 cit :rthi,tl ns, the full particulars of h lr cl ti us 'a statement of their oecounts 11111 then.rtal•u ,af the securities (if any) told by And frit he take notice that after such a.st 11letttl , t :1 date the said executor will loo 1 C, ,i1 r iliute the assets of the said ler c tsed 17111,117,4 the parties entitled titore- a, having only only to the claims of vt 111shall be .tll 111011 have thrid notice, and hat tb,>.said executor wilt not be liable for the said i7$,Ot3 or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not halo been received by thorn at the tune of such distribution, Dated at Zurich, January 29th, 1909. F. W. Floss, Executor Zurich. 11..1. D. Cooke, Solicitor. Fortify now against the Grip— for it comes every season sure ! Preventies—the little Candy Cold Cure Tablets --offer in this respect a most certain and dependable safeguard. • Proventics, at the "sneeze stage" will, as well, also surely head off all common colds. But promptness is all-important. Keep Preventics in the pocket or purse, for instant use. Box of 48 for 25c. Sold by .7 J Monier. SETTLEF1-8' TATS lv. A TIt 2.4, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canadian Pacific direct Lae Por Settlers travelling with livestock and y,,q(. e!iTectttsteOfp, 4pcmirm! rains will leave Toronto li.aoh TUESDAY in MARCH aria APRIL at 10:13 p.m. Settlers and familiis without livestock should use Nebular Trains leaving Toronto 20.15 p.m. daily Tourist Stooping Cars Fastest Time COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Charlie for Berths Low Colonist Rates 1)oiy+ Through 4eriQce to the West Apply to nearest agent for full information and fres copy of "Settlers' Guide" or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., C.P,R., Toronto W. J. CARLING, Agent, EXETER BLAKE Mr, 3 J. Bases intends having a sale of farm stook and implements, on the 16th. inst. previous to his departure for the Nest. Mrs. F. Cressweller of "Soo" is at present visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, P. Douglas. Mrs, Cabling and Mrs, Johnston held successful quilting bees this week. Mr, 3, Beohlor is now connected by phone. J. Alliin delivered a fine horse to Mr, Sparrow on Saturday last. A. Nicholson had a bee hau ling ice, on Monday. Jos. Brenneman has hired with .T. I3oyes of l3rucefield for the sum- mer, The following report shows the relative standing of the pupils of U. S. S. No. 9, Stanley, for the month of February based on regu- larity, punctuality and general de- portment. V F. Capling, M Douglas, G Man- son. IV A Keys, I Manson. E Zapfe. Sr III M J' Meyers, A Gascho, P Gingerich. Jr III E Bechier, A Brennernzan, M Kennel. Sr II E Moyer, J Moyer, S Oesch: Jr II L Manson, J A Meyers, E Erb. Pt II (a) N Brennerman, A Fin- lay, 0 Zapfe. Pt II (b) E Finlay, W Manson, L Gingerich. Pt I A Meyers, E Boyes, 3 Moyer, G. 8, Howard, Teacher, tXD