HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-02-26, Page 6SHEEP FILSBANDRY.
A. Helpful Bulletin blued by the
Da mini13n Cove .ntuefit.
A timely bulletin entitled "Sheep
ift::baticiry in Canada," by Mr. J. B.
1Sp neer, B• t+. -1.., has been issued by the
:Mee Stoc's Branch at Ottawa. Mr.
spencer ha, taken up the task. from
peaetieallee all the elandpoints that con -
teem the sheep raiser in whatei'er pro -
vistas, he /nay dwell. After describing
tr.'• ideal mutton sheep he gives a brief,
theetuglt comprehensive, history and des-
sxiption of ele'reu of the popular
tn.naeds. Next he covers in a practical
way the establishing of a commercial
ia'eeding flock, Mutton production as a
Weekly specialized industry, is dealt
with by reviewing the methods iu vogue
ea Great Britain. Nor does the treat-
xatrat of the subject stop when the ani -
'mall is fattened for it is followed right
tieseugh the butchering and curing pro-
ct tess,s until the joint is ready for the
r:: xk.. Then coque sections on handling,
eleesping, wether'ing, feeds and feeding,
i`;cearsing, weed destroying, enemies, etc.,
ratte:lr subject exhaustively treated accord -
iris,' to the practice of the most success-
ful shepherds. As a practical home
&vater book for the flock/nester this
week will undoubtedly become a helpful
e.�Ceu+dby. A review of the wool indus-
tlea coneh/dee the text of the work of
=ere than 135 pages of reading mat-
ter, illustrated by some sixty beautiful
p:a& e illustrations printed in sepia and
• ' tz.mber of line drawings. This attrac-
t:eve-, comprehensive and practical "13u1-
le:lla, No. 12 of the Live Stock Branch"
it ready for free distribution to all those
eseerested in the sheep or its product's
ergo -care to apply for it to 3, G. Rubles
asrtard, Live Stock Commissioner, Ot-
Mrs. Farnct'ei, of Ctementsport, N.S.,
Suitered Alt Her Lilo From Asthma,
But Was Permaneintly Cured by
CatarrboxoreAfter Alt Other Means
Mr. Parndel gives the following state-
ment of her ease for the benefit of oth-
ers who are suffering from asthma, and
hopes that many will follow her example
•and use Caterrhozone,
"1 ant now in my eightieth year, and
cannot recall the time when i was free
from the asthma. I had always a
shocking cough, feverishness, spasms,
difficulty in breathing, headache and
nausea, My druggist advised Catarrh -
ozone one day, autl 1 bought a large
outfit. it gave relief in fire minutes,
and helped me very m.ueh in one day.
"1 inhaled C:atarrltozone ten minutes
every hoar, and by the time two bottles
were used 1 was entirely cured. T am
as free now from asthma as if T never
had it. My perfect recovery is due en-
tirely to Catarrhozone. 1 prize my Cat-
arrhoeone inhaler next to life it elf."
Mrs- T. Osborn, Norton dills•
'11't,, err -s: "I have no haaital-
ei' '`,ion in esying that Bahy'e Own
Tablets saved my baby's life
▪ sand 1 cannel any enough in e
▪ ;raise of this mt'dieinc, He
..,,, was so weak and sickly that he
4 .00k no notice of anything, and.
▪ eriedso much that 1 was worn
es out caring for him. After giv-
ing slim the Tablets: • there was
a as great change, and he is now
• a bright-eyed, laughing baby, the
▪ pride of our borne." Baby's Own
« Tablets cure all stontnelt and
bowel troubles, break up colds,
{destroy worms and keep little
s ones healthy and happy. Sold
'x' if medicine dealers or by mail
,at 25 cents a box, from the ler.
' 'Wilifaans' h1.edicine Co., Brock-
villas Ont. f,
ese seles-a*4-+,-aa e-e-e-e-so-o=a-o-o-'a-n''"'- -se
tics Robson was most •popular with the
eats and young unmarried members of 'Can-
rriile's school board. They did not pro-
•eln:axase to have any change of teachers In Dis-
c-_.tt Number Throe.
•"Do you think Miss Hobson pays quite
eamIgh attention to discipline?" suggested
0,4A of the elderly, married school-conl.lttittee-
n ge ons day. •
-Discipline,Why. of ,course she pays a
oemat deal of attention to It," asserted Ed.
lev.rter, pastil:'.
-"We never had anybody else begin to pay
as much," said henry Lalte. • Why, one
aa:ierneon I was in there at Number Three,
r,cnd Bliss Hobson spent the -whole Niue -every
a .nute of 11.—preserving order in that school-
sea."—Youth's Companion.
1 1 Washington, D. C. and Return,
via Philadelphia.
Prom Suspension Bridge, Friday,
, w::eruary 19th, via Lehigh 'Valley R. it.
_ffstets good ten days. Particulars, 54
ing street east, Toronto, Ont.
Relieves at Once ---- Prevents and
.Curses Quickly.
For the nose, throat, lungs and bron-
chial tabes, Catarrhozone is unrivalled.
Try it yonree!f--both pleasant and safe.
Two menthe' treatment guaranteed. to
ease; price $1; nnedium size, 50 cents;
small trial size. 2.5 cents, at all dealers,
or N. C. Poison et C'o., :Hartford, C'onn,,
and Kingston, Ont.
Too Light a Sentence,
That Beerbohm Tree, the player, has a
caustic wit is evidenced by alt incident
wherein he and an unknown playwright
'1110 writer had obtained permission to
read his offering to free, The actor
evinced no groat degree of e11thIlSiaSStl
either during or after the reading; but.
he did take the' manuscript, .upon which
he scribbled hastily a few suggestions
for its .bei'terment.
"See here, Mr. Tree," was the indig-
nant ejaculation of the ambitious play-
wright, "It's hardly fair of you to dis-
pose of my work in this summary and
nonchalant fashion, I'd have you know
that this play cost me a year's hard
"Soo" queried Tree. "My dear fellow,
any impartial' judge would give you at
least five! Harper's Weekly.
English a Hard Language.
"Leesten!" said the perplexed French-
man. "When, you give a sing, you can-
not keep 'emu! So?"
"So," said the English instructor.
"But when a holies' man gives 'ees
'word, 'ee keep 'cern. So?"
"So," said the instructor.
"But when 'ee give 'ees word, 'ow can
'ee keep sewn.? Does 'ee take 'seem
"No," said the instructor,
"But if 'ee keeps 'ees word. 'ee does
not give 'emit!"
"Oh, fest If he does not- keep his
word he is not an honest loan."
"Ah, 1 beegeen to see! '.wing given
'ees word and not taken 'eem back, 'ee
keep seem aft ze while?"
"That's it!"
"Oh, lo, la, la! \Vhat a language eez
ze Englishe."-Democratic Telegram -
Kind Mane You look discouraged,
my son.
Dear Eye Mike—Aw 1 certainly.'. I've
thrown ten snowballs at ten hats and
only hit eight of thein. _
for selling only 51-2 dozen
�,iiJi/.� Uold Point lnkless Ions at
5.1. each. These gena write a
beautiful color by simply dip-
ping iu water. Write today
and we will send pens and
big prenritun list. in a short time you can
Win this "Electric Sparkler" and also an
elegant chain.
Dept.,,,, Toronto, Ont.
Color Blindness.
'Robins' Winter Nest.
Ti: is a rare oecurrence for robins to
e found sitting at the end of Decem-
;ear; yet this can now be seen at 'Vine
tdSunels, Overton, Hampshire. The rob-
ee leave chosen for their nesting place
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, settd me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will aleo send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references from your own locality if
requested. Inunediate relief and per-
manent cure assured, Send no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Saituners, Bos P. 5,
Windsor, Ont.
With half tlee labor, and at
half the cost of other soap,
Sunlight does the whole
washing In Ralf tho time,
yet without injtaring the
most delicate fabric,
ISSUE Ni0. 8, L909
ril to consumers at wholesale rate1,
Nothing better than a route of regular cus-
tomers. Alfred Tyler, 'Loudon, Ont,
over Canada to work for us during
their spare hours, selling our hIgh grade.
Perfumes. Toilet Requisites,Teas, 00111Os,
leas -
ale. No eork lrad remunerative. The HomSpeaaattes
Co., Tramby Avenue, Toronto, Onnada.
17 farm of 125 acres, five miles nor se
London. on Proof Line road; grand oppotu
ity for right party, 13nquire Wm. $ifton,
Arra P. 0., Ont,
account of age; best place in all 'Cane
ada for good ,plumber and tinder. Vlvlarr
Vance, Essex. Ont.
Trying to Shake Him Off.
Mrs. G-ritnshaw (while the visitor is
removing his W1'aps)—'What did yott
bring that matt out here to dimer for,
when the house is all torn up and full
of the smell of paint? Besides, ybu've
told me a thousand times that he's a
bore and you. don't like him!
Mr. Grimshaw—I know it, ln3' dear.
That's why I brought eine—Chicago Tri-
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Queer Sleeping Places.
One of our large, wild altimale that
sleep through the winetr is the badger.
His burrow extends a considerable dis-
tance and winds about as if rim occu-
pant meant 'to make it as difficult an
possible for his enemies to storm hie
fortress. \Sites clic winter conies he
bars the flours sty closing the entrant's
with soil, which not only makes hie
dwelling all the more suture, hilt help,
to keep out the cold. Then he retiree
to the farthest corner and voila himself
ep on a nii•e, soft bed of wet I -dried grass.
Sometimes the badger will occupy a -foe
earth," which for some reason. has hewn
deserted by Reynard. The squirrel also
oes to sleep in his cosy neat among the
trees, though he wakens occasionally to
have a feed of nuts which he has stored
in an. out-of-the-way corner known only
to himself.
Twain•'s Reputation.
Mark Twain was talking about the
famous robbery in his beautiful coun-
try house, says the Boston Herald.
"Had I been livin;, in Hartford,"
he said whimsically, `some of my
Hartford f ` "Would certainly have
accused I •Ming 'myself. They
have a poor opinion of nee in that
"Marshall fewett„ the ex -Governor,
used to' take up the collection in our
Ilartford church.' They
me to,. take it up.
deal oyer this matter,
" 'See here, J•ewett,' 1 said one day,
'they „let you take up the collection
every Sunday, but they would never
Forty men and four waruten per
thousand are either wholly unable to
• perceive certain colors, or can reoog-
nize them only with difficulty. The
defect may be hereditary and cause
so little trouble as to peas undetect-
I ed for seventy years. All attempts to
overcome color blindness by educat-
ing the color sense have failed. There
are three theories of color vision, all
of which, based on the workings of
the sensitive fibrils of the inner eye,
are discussed by John 1'z'
From Trains to Stockings.
Front the gigantic task of hauling
freight and passenger trams over the
A disused railway eerriage at the ken- electrified branch of the Canadian Pa-
,.,.rG where the nten 'r,inally clean their I chic the Aroostook Trails, in Maine,
etethee, a process which seems to inter -
".1 tut 1001,04 /IAA a
One of the windows of the carriage is
Broken, and th};ougit this the birds ob-
t'n;&n iugress and egress. Their nest, iu
Which are three eggs, is in a crevice in
irnaf of the carriage.—From the London
performs such little chores as knit-
ting etockings, The falls has recent-
ly been harnessed to drive electric
generators which supply current to
the railroad and to the knitting mills
of the vicinity. An electrically oper-
ated machine will knit a stocking in
less than two minutes,
let me
'Oh, yes, they would,' said Jewett
—"that is, with a bell punch, like the
lime car conductors use."
it must give satis-
faction• or you dan'I
pay Car. it.
SOLD Orli TtllAiL
Is the only Gasoline Engine that you. can try
before you buy. I know what the ` Obam
p1021" will do, and I want you to be fully
is low. IFull before pera ulars fes. The
Wm. ddl9tespiu , D.ept.. os „
S•kt Front St. East, Tot:onto
The pubiieher of the best. 1'arnler'a
paper in the Metrithne Provinces in writ-
ing to us states:
I would 503' that I do not know of a
medicine that has stood the test of time
like 11IAiAR1",''S L1NIKENT, It has
been an unfailing remedy 111 our house-
hold ever since I can remember, and has
outlived dozens of would-be eornpeltitors
and imitators."
Writer for Weekly Price Lints,
Shipments; Sellettere .
oa tetteteeziereut d:,n". taMa asollelia leers ,4aeaelees S i FileMe"u Li S>` eesliali 1P ':
,fes t
ee „; Haat aa as > Sphinx!" .1 '
*Iran everratere in Crtizade, mato for Edd,,'itt Matcbei
,W.':O, ,,.,, J.,.t,•`'i :.•,,'-•, r',i.',,
x,460.0 i; CASH
South African.Volunteer Land Warrants
If substitute papers properly executed.
Make sit;+ht draft with papers attached.
First National Realty Co.
Winnipeg, Man.
1'eterence--Merchants' Bank.
Recently Incapacitated.
There was some deficiency In the early
education of rare. Donahue, but she nov,er
mentioned them or admitted their existence.
xist -
"Will you slga your nmtne here?" said •the
youaQ lawyer whom Mrs. Donahue had asked
to draw up a deed transferring a parcel of
land to her daughter.
'You sign 1t youreilt an' I'll make me
marrk." said the old woman, quickly. "State
;sue eras gave out, 'I'm not able to write a
wurrd, young man."
"Slow do you spell it?" he asked, pen
poised above the proper apace.
Spell it whatever way you place," said
:are. Donahue, recklessly. "Since I loot me
teeth there's not a wurrd; in the wurrld 1
can spell."—Youth's Companion.
Origin of Dominoes.
The origin of dominoes has been attrib-
uted variously to the Greeks, the Chis.:..
eau and •sews, but a Paris contemporary
has discovered that the ever popular
iname owes its invention to the Benedic-
tines of Mont C'assin. Iwo or the ordc_
were sent into lengthy retreat, and they
hit upon a method of whiling away Lhe
spare time without infringing the r11L:s
of silence by playing with square stones
Iupon which varit us dots were ma,"{ed.
While perfec:,in.g themselves they twriect-
ed or nether e'r1e:v'etl the game, and were
accustomed to frequently, repeat when
playing in the et ening Psalms (rout Ves-
pers, especially the first, thee is P80 lin
cix., which begins "llixit Dominus Dom-
ino mea" When the retreat was over
the game was soon known in the convent.
Then its faire spread to the village and
beyond. The verse was reduced to one
word, "Domino," hence the name ark we
have received it.. ---Front the London
1K east ,;q•
Cnnrntpteesl1oP 20 years
FREE torsot.ting4do enCo-
ballt Gold Inkiess Pans at uo.
cash. These pens write a
beautiful color by simply dip-
ping in water. 210 ink re-
quirod. Write to-day.4 Wo
trust reit with the pens, sell
them and returathie money
and win this little beauty
alslit lF nl,shed Watch ilea
so a lovely Toa Set Free
Dopt tie
He "Thinked•" Right.
Prof. George Porter, prineipal of the
1Tallsville Schools, has continually told
the pupils that they should. think twice
before they speak. One cold. morning
last week Prof. Porter backed up. to the
stove after having given. expression It.
his famous adage, when a little boy o
the front seat, after having been geveu s
permission to talk, .said: ��
"Prof. Porter, I've thinked- once.
"Think again," he replied.
"I've thinked twice;" said the young-
"Then speak."
"Yes, sir. I thinked your coat tail
M inard's
"There in one thing for which man-
kind, 1 think, deserves credit."
"What might that be,"
"When you think of all the liars we
have, there has never beep. one who
claimed positively that he had seen
the North Pole.
"It is eald that King Edward emoetes
cigars costing two dollars apiece."
s samse even the air.' —Louisville gets
mas aro pretty
Journal. and a resident of America's
Katy. aged 1,
seat of culture,ran to her father one mora -
lea ex'claimin'g: - ,;
"rather, Brother Howard wore,
Jessie—Why are you gazing so eatu
estly at the dancers in the ball room?"
Berrie--I'nt wondering if .ib's in the
winter or suiftmer that one .gets to see
the most of ,you girls? -1 ansae City
Journal. •
Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
was a scorchfn'; now i' Bunk 1t Is
ablaze," replied the obedient urchin. --
Belleville (Mo.) News.
A Womaf7s Sympathy
Are you discouraged? Is your' doctor's
bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain
a heavy physical burden? I know what
these mean to delicate women—1 have
been discouraged, too; but learned how to
cure myself. I want to relieve your bur -
doctor's Why
canthe do painthandostop the
yea and
will 1f you wile assist me.
All you need do is to write for a free
box of the remedy which has been placed
in my hands to be given away. Perhaps
this one box will cure you—it bas done so
for others. If so, I Khali be happy and
postaggelstamp). Your letterset ldt onfl
dentially. Write to -day for my free treat-
ment. MRS. F. E CURBAH, Windsor, Ont.
Things That Went Wrong.
A visitor in. a suburban printing office
had accidentally soiled hie hands with
printer's ink and has washed them,
"Where is your towel?" he asked.
"Behind that door," ansrwered the
editor, in a faint voice.
The visitor looked behind the door and
found the towel,
It was perfects? clean. •
Minard's Liniment MCures�Garget in
His Helpmate.
"You are always trying to throw' cold
water on my literary ambitions,' growl-
ed the aspiring author. "You say it
doesn't pay. Look at Charles Dickens,
will you? He left a fortune of $400,000,
all earned with his pen."
"1 know it, dear," said his wife, car-
essing him; "but don't you remember.
that Aladdin could make more than
that in five minutes by simply rubbing
an old lamp? I'd so much rather you'd
do something of that kind, Will!"
M inard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
A Time Limit.
A New Engiaud man tells of au elder-
ly citizen in it New Hampshire town who
long bore the reputatietl of being the
meanest Inav in the country. This old
chap was proprietor of a hotel, the rules
whereof required that everything should
be kept under lock and key, the result
of whieh was that no hanger-on could
get his hands on a ,newspaper, a bit of
hotel stationery, a free wash, or, in fact,
anything free at all. To cap the climax,
the old elan one day came in. and
posted the following notice above the
only clock in. the place:
"This, clock for nee of hotel. guests
only. "-1Tarpe?''s 'ekk1y.
Didn't R41oan lt, perhaps,.
Aunt Ann slack Cori1C back oil tt visit.
"Don't you keep any eats Irow, Bes-
sie ?" she asked.
"No, a .untie," Said her little niece.
"W e liaVen'b had a eat in the house
since you went away."
Once a smart hare met a wlstt fox,
"II -r -r -re chattered the hare.
the trouble, my friend?" queried
+•Why, thls weather is tereibie. I am at•
most fozen,
The wise lox winked up it the eroW in the
1n that case, my fries t," he crualrlee, "r
think .you will find It warmer inside than it
is outside.
Without turthor ceremony be swallowed blw
Moral It is not always a solo policy to
eonlnlaitt of the wc4+be:.