The Herald, 1909-02-26, Page 2WOMEN AND
Comprise Majority of Dead in Mexi-
can Theatre Horror.
Common Grave Will Enclose All
the Victims.
'Carelessness and Inexperience of
Moving Picture Operator.
Mexico City, Feb. 22. --Late des-
vatolteS from „ampule°, where the Flores
'idly retro was burned on Sunday night,
;When the strueture was crowded at a
egala performance given in honor of (,ov-
'eir or Damian Flores, of the Sttit.e of
'Guerrera., bring varying estimates of the
Iiosr of life from the holocaust. They
'agree in declaring, however, that the
!dead will exceed 20n, while some Place
the figures as high as 350. Most of the
f'aead were charred and burned beyond
ixecognition, so that it will take several
jdaays probably to seeurr an aceurate List
t ca£ the dead.
Acapulco is d3aaed by the catastrophe.
All business at the port has ceased, the
' sthops having closed. and the. people are
'erowdiug the churches. where masts are
:liebig celebrated throughout the State of
Guerrero and in -Mexico City for the
The fire, which apreaci with in -
rapidity throngit the immense
'wooden and adobe structure, was due
to the carelessneaa aid inexperience of
:the. operator of the moving pic'tur'e ma-
chine. There was an explosion, a. burst
mf flame, which eonntunicmtcd to the
reuniting used for decorative pnrpttses,
sous in a few minute:, the entire strneture
was a mass of fire.
.The flames started practically over the
main entan.nee. 'rhe exits were all in
'Ale front part of the building, which was
almost immediately turned into a wall
of fire, so that the people were trapped
lin the burning building. The people, in
aa, frearzied panic. tried to run the o:mt-
1et of flame, but where one escaped
*cores of others perished. As nearly al-
ways in catastrophes of this kind, wo-
men and children snffered the most, com-
prising, the majority of the dead.
The search of the ruins, which Itas
now been going on for some ]tours, }las
atalms. . far • revealed, no recognizable
human forms. Charred bodies, from
which legs and arms have been burned,
together with many di-Snientheral limbs,
,, eat e been taken from the ruins an 1 ars.
1.liete was • nt>:tint et!e f'sit1t•ii€i4 1lie
rentable all have been buried ire. :i
()amnion trench by the mnnieipal author-
The gr'eatee4t fess of life was oeca-
srioned, according to survivor, by the
fall of the roof, which erashed down on
the entrapped per:pie. in what seemed a
chat. time after the (dere was diseor-
ered. Previously to this the men in the
'i pit had fought like (1E1110115, gLrikiug
;c]eown women and children in their efforts
''to escape. The fall of the roof, however,
arti]led the E•as and groans of the
fighting, pari!-etricken audience.
The firemen and the crowds en the
outside who. hail been attracted to the
aoese eould de nothing to help the
people in tire burning building, and were
• compelled to stand helpless and watch
the theatre with. its Truman contents
burn. After the firt•t five or ten minutes
there were no eries heard, anti there was
710 noise save that made by the spurting
and crackling flames.
Many of these who veeai ad were inn-
fared in the }ramie or severely burned,
and many of the houses near the scene
were trans formed into hospitals to take
sane of these people,
Four Masted Schooner Coes Ashore
a Second Time.
New Turk, Fev. '32. The four-ruaetdedl
schooner ?Miles M. Merry event ashore
early to -day near the Life-saving Station
of :Moriches, 1.. 1. She carried a crew of
twelve men, all u1 whom were taken off
in. the breech&; buoys by the crew from
the &ta't}oo.. The schooner was bound
from 13ostan. for Norfolk aunt was un-
loaded. She wan nehore at the same
point on ]Lung Ireland hiet year. She is
a vessel of 1.317 ton,.
Portland, Me., Feb, 22.--X despatch
from Captain Farrow, of the eehooner
Miles at. Merry; ashore at llertehes, b.
7.. Lo the owners. .1, S. Win -low dC Co.,
received to -day. crated that the vessel
had Mown high up on the beach and
would probably prove as total loss.
'l']te* lferry sailed from Jioston on 1
the 11.6. int., fur :Newport News. ('
Farrow was in charge temporarily, ow-
ing to the illnese of ('nptain Pickett, the
regular nutstel. The Merry wet: built at
Bath, the, in EMI, and is valued at 835,-
Chinese With Silk Hat, and White'
Wife, Tried to Get Into U. S. '
ANiapent Falls, Ont.. despatch: A
taraiclue method of evading United
States customs was adopted by a Chin-
ese at 4 o'clock this morning, when
disguised as a Frenchman, he attempt-
ed to obtain entry into the Butted
States, He was aecompenied by ati white
toucan, who claimed to be his wife, and
'Toronto as his home. The roan wore a
silk hat, under -which his pig -tail was
concealed, and be was richly appareled
izt tars; The pair arrived .here on a
Grand '.trunk train and immediately se-
emed a sleigh to convey them aeross
the river, They were refused admission
at both bridges.
Great Britain Wants the temente Tax
on the Proceeds.
London, Pell. 22. --Before ,Tudge Chan -
hell, the quee!tion of whether the Hud-
son's Bay Company should pay an in-
e.ome tax, on tete, proceeds of the land
sales nae argned. Tile Solicitor -General
declared that nude were divisible pro-
Mts. Sir Robert Finley, for the coni -
pally, replied that they were the repay-
epaymnent of catpitai. The TJ.udsora's Bay
Company had been echar•tered as a trad-
ing company. and its original purpoe e
had never laeer) extended. .fudge Chan-
noll said the gttestion depended on
whether ibe company was dealing in
/and or out. Ile reserred his decision.
`W=hen yin see 1.11( other fellow try -
big to do you it't bnman nature t:r do
es yin) exltett to be throe 1,;.
Grand Secretary Reports Progress
in beneficiary Department.
Toronto despatch: The annual meet-
ing of the Outario Grand Council, Roy-
al Template of Temperance, opened at
Zion Congregational Church yesterday
megrim g.
In his annual report, Grand Council-
lor W. J. Armstrong, to give solidity
and pertelanence, urged the general
membership to unite with the insur-
ance department. He also advocated the
abolition of club liquor licenses.
Grand Secretary W. M. McMillan,
Hamilton, reported that since 18(x4 tate
percentage of members in the sick and
burial benefit department has increas-
ed from 2 to 28 per cent. Tlie record to
date is that beuefieiary members have
received benefits to the amount of $54,-
651.05, in 3,0.25 claims, and 35,535 has
also been paid. for 117 funeral benefit
Ald. J. J. Graham and Keeler com-
mended the Royal Templar order for
their assistance M. the license reduction
Whitt Skin and That of Puppies
Save a Negro.
Baltimore, Feb. 22. — After eight
months' work surgeons at the City Hos-
pital have grafted enough skin to save
the life of a negro boy who bad lost
three-quarters of his skin by burning.
In accomplishing the remarkable result
the surgeons useu skin from puppies anti
from humans.
The patient is Raymond .11owaed, dine
year old. who was burned. in a gasoline
explosion Jtaly 4 last. The child was ad-
mitted 'to the hospital Sept. 1, Little
poppies were robbed of skin to be used.
for cowering the wound on the child's;,
back, The skin took hold and soon nein.
skin was formed. A piece of skin taken.
from an amputation in the ease of a
white woman was next tried. That, too,
adhered to the wound on the back, and
some of it was pieced on the arm and
the legs. A w;ritr• roan had lost a font,
The skin from it was grafted to the
boy's legs. and finally a negro met with
a. similar accident. The skin from his
crushed ler was used for the buy, and
gradually the wounds are bring covered
with r taety skin, As Po on as they tate
get the boy'a bath eovnred the doctors
say the fight will be wort.
Rare Collection of Ramsay Heir-
looms at Montreal.
Sandusky in Darkness and All
Wires and Poles DOWD.
Communication Not Restored. -Fruit
Trees Destroyed.
Sandusky, Ohio Feb. 22.--'1he city
has been beyond the reaeh of the outside
world by wire slice 0 o'clock Sunday
night, when the last telegraph line be-
tween stere and Cleveland went down, en
a result of the heavy sleet storm. The
eestenis of both tnlei'hore companies,
local and long tttttauee, are out of own -
mission. '.!'stere is no light at night, ex-
cept from lamps, candies or gas jets. The
gas supply is low. Miles of wire are
lying tet the streets and alleys through-
out the city, and hundreds of poles are
lying on the ground. 11 colnnntnicatioa
i., re-established within a week, those
oho have fullknowledge of the estima-
tion say they will be satisfied!. Business
is at a standstill.
L'he storm is the worst in the Jtistory
of the eity. No estimate of the damage
done can be made. '!'Irousnnds of fruit
trees have been rained end tee effects of
the devastation will be apirirrrtt in the
coning eeesor's crape. There is send to
be absolutely re hape for pemxies
throughout the entire fatuous bake Erie
peach belt.
Dr. Bruce Smith to investigate House
of Refuge at Cobourg.
A Balvnuru vi Ile tia'Spnt eh : Dr. Bruce
Smith. Provincial inspector of prisons
and charities, will conduct an invegtigat-
tion into the charges glade by John
Maynard and his fawners of ill-treatment
and hardship while an inmate of the
Hoose of Refuge at feobourg at the
Counties Council. buildings on Thursday
afternoon this week. .Rowmanvilie offi-
cials will accompany Tera Maynard ae
witnesses. Warden Powers and the eonr
mittee of management of the house of
Refuge have instigated this second in-
NewYork. <Fb. r'2.• -('has. W. Morse,
under an eider of the United States
(intuit Court of Appeals, given yester-
day, though technically a prisoner in
the :limbs, May ;go now around the city
and attend to his derivate business aft
fair's like any other Citizen.
But he will have to sleep in the Tombs
Prison every night. •
After a colfc•renee between Attorney
T. W.. Lytticton and United States Dis-
trict Attorney Stinson in the federal
building `este alav nft.ernoor, the for-
ma} order of the l'nitted States Circuit
Court of Appeals. denying bail to Chas.
V. ;stores, tite curt icted hanker, pend-
ing este herring of hit append. was served
1)11 l"nited States •1iar„lutl llenkle.
Two Blenheim Young Men Sowed
Rye Among It.
Paid Damages and Costs and Got
Off en Suspended Sentence.
ZVndxl tock <leseetch: 'i'he culmination
of one of the neat remarkable cases ever
heard in the pniire court here came this
morning,. when Wesley West paid into
court, Mt behalf of Hermit /Owe and
Thomas ITowere, two young men from
Blenheim township, the sunt of $43.65.
Beare and'Ilowa.rd had previonely been
found guilty., by Magistrate Ball of sow -
ins rye in fifteen acres of wheat on the
farm of William Forman, of Blenheim,
Howard told how they went at midnight
With a bag. of rye, and stow Beare car-
ried the bap tet•eral times around the
field and distributed the grain, damag-
ing the crop to the extent of vi00, in the
estimation of 1"oa ma.n. - The defendants
had tertient425 dettittges to .Forman, and
$I1r6+at lila t e nat . of the case, and
enc,e Jt
was t g: a '. , • 1 1Me' ria ? he ac='
tion. of :the .tvotlr g Men Wee due to their
desire to gat revenge. on Forman, who
was said to be unpopular in the neigh-
Had Appendix Taken Out While
He Looked,On at Operation.
New Pork, Feb. 22. -Dr, Edward S.
Robins, a vete:'inttry surgeon, of Bay
Shore, L, I, refused to take ether when
be had his ap-.ntlix removed last week.
He remained ,quiet throughout the oper-
ation and just. four days after it he
drove five miles to his home. The fol-
lowing day lie Was attending to Itis enema
tiee. The case is believed ,to be without
a parallel,
1)r. Robins drove over to the Senator -
him of Dr, William 11, Ross at Brent-
tpood, fine utiles from his own home. Dr.
Ross and Dr. Haven prepared. to operate,
and as the nurse approached the patient
with the ether cons he ealatty waved her
"There is nothing the platter with
your heart, old gran," Dr. Ross, till is
1111 oldfriend, assured him.
"1 know it, but I'm going to cut the
ether out, Incense I want to see the op-
eration," said Dr. Robins. "You may
paint on a little cocaine, if you wish."
'!'his was clone, and the operation pro -
vented steadily, without interruption
froththe patient, whose head was prop.
pod up so he could see every move et the
Montreal, Feb. 22.—Ile:irloonle from
the First Ituipire in France, Scottish
furniture of the Georgitn. period, Shcf•
field plate silver of one hundred years
ago. two pictures, "Tree Astension of -the
Holy ('host" and "The Descent of the
Holy (ghost," nileged to have been paint-
ed by Raphael; quaint engrnvures from
paintings of kir•. Edwin Landseer; a ent
glass dec:.anter made in Seotland, and an
imposing collection of dusty tomes and
invaluable reminieeenees of the'troublous
times in western Europe and of the
more peaceful clays of the latter seig-
neridrl regime in Tower Canada, passed
under the mallet of the auctioneer to-
day in the house alt 140 ;Metcalfe street,
the last resting ghee of Monseigneur
Ramsey, a notable figure in the latter
seignori tl history of Canada.. -
All the ordinary house furniture used
by Monseignent' R.ant.,ay was put up for
auc•tima and the ett-iection of invnlua.hle
souvenirs of big:Writ, tutees. both in west-
ern. Femme nail lower !Yamada, leas now
been dtvidc:cl up by. ea.ger souvenir -hunt-
ers and scattered. all over Canada.
Fate of Two Unprepared Prospec-
tors lira the North.
Toronto deepateh: A pathetic story of
the t;owganda silver fields was told yes-
terday in a loeal railway office by a man
brat returned. front the district.
It gots to stem: the dangers confronting
those who in the need rust for riches go
unprepared into the eold north land.
During la -t week a nrospeetor going
t]trongh the distract between Bnrwash
Lobe and Sallwood came upon the dead
body of a man in a little hut. All the
eireurstamees pointed to death by freez-
Owing to the depth of the snow and.
the hardness of the ground it was fin -
possible to bury the man where he was
found, so the corpse was heeled upon the.
`toboggan, the little tent and the suppliee
belonging to the unfortunate man were
piled up with 'Min ata; the whole
tightly wrapped in, eornplete]y obscur-
ing the grim contents beneath. Down
n•t Seilwood Junction, the terminus of
the C. N. 0. Railway line, the whole
MIS shipped on the train with the live
prospector's effeete. On arriving at Sud-
bury the police were notified and the
body later claimed:, The prospector was
riznknown,.�zind hats not since been seen.
"1.'fris Leas the Beet vii "pdreel of a like
nature shipped down With other effects,,
and the railroad oondlueted an inquiry
with the result that the above circum-
stances mane to light. The second body
was also claimed. Previous to this two
men had been reported missing, and this
probably clears up the mystery.
Firemen and Three Brakemen to be
Tried in Connection With Collision.
Guelph, Ont., despatch: Charged with
inan.slaughter, the fireman nud three
brakemen of the train drawn by engine
No. 584, which caused the :fatal collision
near Harriston an .Tan. 14, when En-
gineer Smith and Brakeman Root Were
killed, Were Ibis• morning before Magis-
trete Saunders and were committed
without further eviclenoe than that
of the inquest to stand trial with
Engineer Kennedy and Fireman
Fleming at the assizes opening on Feb.
23. The men are Fireman Frank T.
Lane, Front Brakeman W. 3, Alexander,
Rear Brakeman A. 13. Bergman nail
Flagman ITarvey Jackson, and they were
all Served in Stratford yesterday. They
are now out one bait, the following Strat-
ford men going security Messrs. Dawn,
11, R. Came, W. J. McCully, Norval J:
Babb, 7', Bruner, Hamilton and :Moulton.
Lack of ballasthas caused malty a
shipwreck on the sea of matrimony.
w. e ---
Remains Found in Red River Near
St. Peter's.
Raaliseon, Sett., Feb. 22.— Rev.
Thomas Lawson, of this place, states
that he bas in his possession a state-
ment written by ane Setter, of Pop-
lar Point, Man., m which the t writer
states that in the spring following
the, aesa9.9rneaten of Thomn.S Scott
by the Lepine party at Fort Garry, a
corpse was foend on the banks of the
Red River, in the vicinity of St, Pet -
ars, Mr. Setter knew the late 'Phomas
Scott personally and identified the
remains as hie, although the body
was decomposed. several assert that
the remains were mane other than
those of Scott. The ears showed
plainly that the person when alive
wore earrings, 'here was a rope
around the neck. This rope was
frayed, the inference being that a
weight had been attached: to it for the
purpose of sinking the em'.pse in the
Red River. The water being high at
the time, it would be nn easy matter
fur the body to float through St. An-
drew's 'Rapids,
Mr. Setter states that after the body
wags identified the hate Archdeacon Hen-
ry Caclu'ane had the remains interred. in
St, Peter's Cemetery, and a wooden crass
was erected to mark the last resting
irlatcc of J'hootee Scott, Archdeacon
Coeht'ane, it is said, reported the mat-
ter to a Hudson's l3ay official, who
advised him and all concerned to keep
the matter quiet. '.''hose were stirring
times, and for many reasons reticeney
can be understood.
The rimer that Lepine would diselose
his ghastly secret has created; very gen-
eral interest among all old-timers, but
especially among the Metis.
FELL 200 FEE`',
Halifax' deepetch: An accident ooe,.ir-
red at Torbrook Iran mines last night,
in which two lives were lost and two
men were injured. „Two brothers named
Sarly were conning up out of the mines
in the hoisting tub. In some way the
tub turned over and both Hien were
thrown out, falling a distance of about
200 feet. ]30th were instantly killed.
In falling they struck twa men at the
bottom of the shaft, who were awaiting
their turn to come up. One man bad
his arra broken and the other was slight-
ly injured. Both the injured men sere
doing well to -day. . ..
Nearly 200 Men Were Entombed in
English Mine.
Flames Followed the Explosio
Scorching the Workers.
Those Rescued Were Severely Bur-
ned—Others Still in Mine.
Newcastle, Eng., Feb. 22.—.k terridzte
disaster has occitered at West Stanley,
a small mining town twelve miles dis-
tant, in which it -is feared 180 lives have
been lost. There were twa explosions:
at 4 o'clock this afternoon in West
Stanley colliery, which employs 400 men.
Nearly 200 of the men were in the pit
at the time and up to a late hour to-
night none of them have conte to the.
surface, although reppnlgs have been
heard, and it ie supposed these are front
same of the miners who escaped death
from the explosion and the fire whim
followed it.
Almost immediately after the expla-
Mon flames burst through the shaft,
scorching the workers at the pit bead
and blowing out the fencing and appar-
atus at the entrance to the urine. The
flames spread rapidly, and. it was impcxa-
sible for the rescuing party to desoenel
into the woekinga. Thousands of aux-
ions people gathered at the mouth of
the. pit, but for hours the fire burned
furiously. At midnight it was still tut- -
possible to attempt a rescue and it wilt.
be nniny hours before the entranee,is
An exploeion involving • the. loss of
twelve lives urn erred at the sane cols
liery in
Newcastle, Eng., Feb. 22. --After rens-
etre work had progressed all night in !hell
shaft of the eclliery at West Stanley,
a small mining town near here, whare8
a disastrous explosion occurred yostee
day afternoon, entombing nearly 200
men, the mine was cleared as far as the
seeoncl level, where 32 men were fou etit
alive this morning. Most of them, hove -
ve-ever, were severely injli'red. •
The rescuers reached the bottom levet
of the mine this aft=ernoon without find-
ing any further signs of life, but they
did discover the bodies of a score of:
men who apparently had succumbed to
after -damp. Only thirtyseven men have
been brought up alive out of a total
of; 147.
Kind and Loving Father Throws,
Baby.on a Heater.
Hornell, Feb. 22.— George Coroaan,
a butcher, who lives at Sam's Hotel
on Lodei -street, was to -day sentence:
to three months rn toe county,
in default of bonds to provide for the
support of his wife and child.
Mrs. Corocan said that her husband.
had failed to pay their board and that
they were about to be thrown out of
the house. She added that a few
nights ago he came into the room in-
toxicated and, grabbing the baby
from the bed, threw it on the hot
plate of a gas heater. She rescued the•
child after it was severely burned.
The woman had no money and was -
about to be sent to the county -house,
but a place was secured for her by
Overseer Wafer.
The Terrible Fate of a Fifteen -Year -
Old Boy.
Y orkten, Fele 22,—Bilory And}a•ijavr,.,
aged 15, left his brother's home here last
November, and, despite cliligeut search,
was never seen again until Wednesday,
when the lade remeine were found by
his brother near his 'home, in the bush.
The body was doubled up in au agonized..
posture on hands and knees. The
elotlree• were nearly all burned off and
the body charred and frozen, and part*.
of it eaten by wolves. There were ua•
traoes of foul play, and it is believed
the lead ameidentally fired itis clothes,
and, frigbtentei, ran until exhausted, anis
expired in the positioir in which found.
The remains!. were identified by frag-
inents of clothing between his knees nasi;
the ground!, which alone were unburned•..
The coroneves jury found, a verdict of
death by burning, and recommended a
further investigation by the mounted
Woman Set Out Across the Prairie -
and Was Lost..
Laekevoo3, Satk.,a are)), 22.-- nAdrew
Avandso, a. Swedish homesteader, with
a family of five small child: en, being in
Straitened cireniii tanees, his wife, aged&,.
34, has been working at a keel hotel.
On Saturday night she purchased about
fifty pounds of provisioners and starters
to walk home, about; three miles. Not
arriving horse; her husband, who could
not 'well leave the children, scut word to.
a passing team.
A. search party tr'ae:ed her about five
miles, her tracks 'leasing twice within
three hundred yards of the home ache -
could not find. Finally she died erithisa
a hundred yards of a neighbor's hoarse,