HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-02-26, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. IX. FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. 26, 1909. No. 30. eLOCAL NEWS. sue acsagac ae a. .-a-e arie� m* D S Faust has the latest dress goods, call and seethe goods. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brenner of Dashwood were here on Monday. Mr. Wes Merner of Floradale is • home for a few days this week 11 S. Faust has his supply of wall papers. Colne early and have the first choice. I can please you. Mr. David Livengood of Detroit is visiting his mother and other friends this week. Miss EIizabeth Rennie has pas- sed the Jr. Harmony examination, of the London Conservatory of music -with first class honors. • The revival meetings in progress in the Evangelical church are large ly attended, people Dome from far and near. A goodly number have decided for Christ and his service. Mr. John Schafer of Parkhill accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Shoemaker, were here this week, visiting their mother, Mrs. De - meth who has been quite poorly the past week. Mr. R. A. Walrnsly colpnrteur of the Upper Canada tract society is in town canvassing in , behalf of Said. society. He is also assisting ,in the ovangelistio meetings in the Evangelical church. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, ()enlist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, Feb. 26th. Hours 5 toA0 p. m. glasses pro- "perly fitted, Catarrh. deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat . troubles ,treated. 'Rev. N. S. Mcthfc'sse1 of Buffalo, Taftyesterday morning, :forr hi's home. He was called home owing sickness in his family. He rend- comniiftee a claim. for fifty dollars ed excellent service during his against George Hodgins, a ray in- elt's stay in connection ;with the mate from .Exeter. The debt is 'val meetings in progress in. th+ :seta trr l ve:.iie r „i..ibtii;aan gelical church. '• •Years ago, scber7 mon were engaged in construction work on the Buffalo and Gocicrioh Railway. A large range of new prints in all patterns, at D. S. Faust. Miss Iva and Mr. Hurley Weber visited friends in Clinton, over Sunday. Found, on Wednesday, near Dashwood, a fancy table cloth. Owner call at Mr. Jacob Ort's Zurich. The decision day, which was ob- served in the Evangelical church last Sunday afternoon, proved a marked success. Mrs. McCormick is busy getttng her new shop into shape and un- packing her confectionery stook. She will be ready for business by Monday. Mr. Peter Lamont left on Tues- day for Dubuc, Sask., in connec tion with the sale of the stallion, Nateby Grant. He expects to be back in two weeks. A quiet wedding was solemnized in town on Thursday evening, last, when Mr. D. S. Faust postmaster, was united in marriage to Miss England, of Dashwood. The number of beans in the bot. tle, which' has been creating a good deal of interest, was found to be 6065. Mr. Henry Pfile of the 24th Con., guessed the exact num- ber, and wins 8200. A good manse years ago when a boy was whipped at school, he re- ceived another whipping when he went hone, but in these clays the father and mother wipe his tears away and go and whip the teacher. Sacramental services will be con ducted in the Evangelical churoh next Sunday at 10 a. ni. Rev. A. Y. Heist A. Iii., of Berlin will officiate. Preparatory service swill be conch -toted on Saturday at 2.13o p. m. •Foster, Clinton, has -William rcr, of �11z1toa presented to the House of Refuge Mr. N. M. Cantin has a gang of men at work at the foot of the Zurich Road, . cutting down the steep bank for a roadway to the dook. This will save the munici• pality of Har a good deal of money. and it is to be hoped he will make a good road as the lake shore has not been very easily reached, and a dock is not of much value uniess it can be approached from the land side. The case of N. M. Cantin the St, 7oseph promoter, against Z Gallag- her a Toronto lawyer. was dismis sed with costs, at Toronto on Mon. Clay. Cantin was immediately thereafter arrested in connection with some mining shares in Cobalt but was subsequently released on bail.. The trial has been set for Mardi 1st. For afine Tailor made suit call at D. S. Faust, he can please you, Two calves for sale. Apply to John Galster, Zurich P. 0, D. S. Faust has a good range of stripe linens for dresses and suit ings. Found, a few days ago, a sum of money. Loser give particulars at this office, and finder's name will be given. Mrs. Fred Demuth was success. fully operated on, on .'Wednesday, for an internal trouble, and she is doing as well as can be expected. The work was done by the local doctors. Miss Lizzie Pollock of Drysdale left on Monday for a visit to Sask. atchewan. She aoconapanied her brother, Mr. Samuel Pollock, who is a resident of that Province; and has been visiting here for a few months. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reibhert of the Parr Line, mourn the death of their youngest son: Arthur, a lad of about 15. The boy had been sick for some weeks, but it was not thought the illness would prove fatal. He took a sudden turn for the worse and died on Tuesday night. The funeral will take place (today) Friday. A STRONG POPULAR SCHOO L "In union there is strength." ''In a. multitude of counsellors there is wisdom." These aro two of the many reasons why young people oonsider it best to attend. Canada's Greatest Chain of SH'iglegrade, Modern, Actual Business Schools, Clinton Business .College, whose new advertisement appears in this issue, is a worthy link.. The men Who .o do the town more harm than good, niav be-.olitssod as fanciers e-aFirst, those Whos. oppose improvement, seooucl, it o;e who run it' down to sitect,, .•; t'lhlyd, those. wWitte I_.� WWWWWMAMANWAVAMAMANAMMAIMW DRESS UGO[ DESS (1 1 HARA AND STRIPED LINENS FOR SUITIWGS I have now opened some of my New Spring Stock. 'avant you to come and visit my Store and examine my Goods. I have the Newest Up-to-date Goods in town. Come early and have First Choice. My Remnant Table Will be filled once more with a good assortment of Good Bargains in Dress Goods. Prints, Flannelettes, and Towellings. COME EARLY and get some. A111. Farm Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. r s FAUST ZURICH use are- Le. +se- ca �•C� �..•ca•'>�•V �. �• �. ��•� •'may: a:`y � .�.•�.za:�.. !% •4•P • J !1 •li' v •i% CT :d`e'/9�J•C% 4.:i'v •G' •.v �1.�!•r` t3 T ES E Li P: o: DATE; 4 a � ,� icy +` •, ,te V. v�V Headquarters for the best �i t that is made in la anc.:�:i, a4 %,t Complete lines i11 Fall and Wi t c.,,,,ii,.Q at prices Wlii(;h will vavp 6•o1' 11...031,e) • . We 'ave..sole agentfor the l't;mozl�.; Wil- U' l a,ns staple shoes, made spccially:I:o1: tarm wear 9 trust 'public spl ated :men, fifth, those who show no hoapitality.to any one, sixth, those who hate . to see others make money. seventh., those who oppose every forward movement that does not originate with themselves, eigth, those who put on long faces when a stranger. speaks of locating in the town, ninth, those who oppose every public enterprise. which does not: appear of public benefit to them. selves. the best on earth. Kra k • Rubbers. Repairs while yon wait. We, take utter and eg i.tegangs: t, �,� King's Stub -proof and Kant 9 4 v am el 4-t 1 ;(1,,PG S" t l 1 �'; rill, 1, a,•,?, � N� 4Da :i - Z'I ��q n R iJ` THE SHOEMAN rt;E:g45RMKgMVr3£31Fi rW 0:M '" 3w,. i3. i" gE .: cI 4i"a.1F *a`C313 .3COMIn:I k Fs'�"aYi3 � :ra. -"" 3�a 1 .SK' ii �a. x✓ „Ai tc 'Stockt.i king is over. We have decided to clear out all our Whiter of cost. This sale heats money in your pocket. Remember all regular pries have been Do not hiss this Great Bargain Sale. Below are a few of the prices: TWEEDS, ETC. Regular $1.25 Tweeds :for 75 cents C4 1.50 CC for 1.00 CC 2.50 'C for 1,50 ca 2.25 " for 1.95 CC 00 CC 'for 50 15c wrapperettefor 10 cents CC 12c skirtings fori8; cents CC Se CC for 5 cents " 14s 'C for 10 cents Gloves, Mitts Etc. Men's heavy Astrican Gauntlets horse hide face, Regular $2.00 for 1.25 " 1.50 for 1.00 C. 1.00 for '75 oent0 A large stock of all kinds of leather mitts and gloves at greatly reduced prices. Children's Cloaking Regular i'1.95 for 97 cents Regular 85 cents for 59 cents Boys' 2 Piece Suits Sizes 90 to 28 Regular $4,00 suit for 8.00 Cg 3.50 for 2.50 3,00 for 9.00 2.75 for s 1.75 9,00 for 1.50 Ci CC 5 ?tet. y" rx kl'- '? "ss. FUR COATS ETC. 1 only ladies' Ast. Jacket rubber lined, with fur collar, reg. .$1S.00 for 1 lathes' fur coat, regular $40.00, for 1 ladies' fur coat, regular 35.00, for 1 ladies' fur coat, regular 25.00, for $12 $31 26 $17 DINNER SETTS 1 only 97 piece Dinner Sett regular el0.cofor 7.50. 9. only 07 piece Dinner Sett regular ;0.u0 for 7.00 4 only 07 niece Dinner Sett regular $11..00 for y1) 000 Boys' 3 Piece Suits Sizes 28 to 83 Regular $6.00 suit for •1.00 ec . 5.00 for 3.50 CC 4.50 for 3,00 CC 8.50 for 2.50 llo not miss these values. lit only Men's Double=Breasted heavy Suits, reg. $9., for 6 only Men's Dble$ reasted he vy 5 its, reg. y7., for All kinds of Farm Produce wanted in exchange for Goods. AVIV "•i T4rS,. Ci ees ...... s ti �Y fi�-...�. ri `. Goads re ai dless 11t' rly In Snaps in Harthvare Spring ss ales 0') (-:,11t8 Carpet tacks „ packages tt.)i ; . •, ills Paring knives f; euu1s each 3 blale pocket. knife 25 scuts Haul save 50 cent.) up Hockey skates, 40 wait, a r:;;a• Horse, blankets 75 cents up Silver tea spoons guarantee 1 for 5 years 75 cents a dozed Granite chambers 95 cents Tin (lii.)peis 5 cents Spring clothespin dots a dozen Coln blast lanterns 50 cents A fo\w Saskatchewan robes., open and string bells at greatly reduced price.. Special values h'. heating and cool: stoves. (T;1lvenized pails, regular 40ets for 30. Prints and Table Linens. All our .121print,; for 10 cs'u;ti All our 10 cts prints for 9 ..t••LIN 'Table Linens, rr-pular 3a t' fey 2.5. Regular 05 wens- ror 45 Cc'): 43 for 3 CC W for :.3:; ' i! for 1S cents A large stock of Drese.vT ).uh4, to ch a1• at hid!' pricegood good* and plain collars, .., o a lot of rc innaat:, at a snap, 67 i'