HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-02-19, Page 6LENT AGAIN. A. prompt remedy is what every one is looking for. The efficiency of Peru - 'la is so well known that its value as a grip rem- edy need not be ques- tioned. The grip yields more quickly if taken in hand prompt- ly. If you feel grippy .get a bottle. of Peruna at once. Delay is almost 'certain to aggravate your case. For a free illustrated booklet en- titled "The Truth About .Peruna," ad- dress The Perinea Co„ Columbus, (:thio. Mailed postpaid. o.r Tonsorial Tale. "By Jove, Carl!" said Bentley, as the barber rubbed the top of his head, "that feels mighty good, i can tell you. The WWI W110 invented massage was not only a genius, but a benefactor to the whole human race. They ought to put up a status to hits. There's nothing lige it when a fellow feels seedy. There's only one trouble about it." "Vot ise it?" asked Carl, honing that perhaps he might overcome the d.fficttl- S t'. "Why, its' all on the outside," said Bentley. "If there were only souse appl- ra'tus that would enable you to rtes in- side a, fellow's head and clear out the pains of the morning after, what a bless- ing it would be." "Veli," said Karl, "I t'ink that nf:ivba some day dose vacuum -cleaner fellers will do dot already yet. Vot' Flar- =,er's Weekly. LOOKING FOR THEM. ' Wood 13. Booth—How are you feel- ing, old luau? Manager—Pretty good, but I have trouble after meals. Wood B. Booth—Queer; moat of my trouble is before meals. The Charm of Algiers. A celebrated Anglican divine, the lite Bishop of Rochester, who had been ail- ing for some month:;, decided to consult Sir Frederick Treves, the noted surgeon. .After a careful examination Sir Freder- ick pronounced his verdict and added, "Your Lordship ntu.t go to ai.giers or some winter resort on the Riviera." "Impossible," replied the bishop; "quite impossible. I have too much work to get through,," "Well," said the doctor, "you must make your choice. It either Algiers or heaven." "Dear me," said' the bishop with a sigh: "then I suppose it must be il- giers."---S uceess -Magazine. BAB'1(S OWN TABLETS A BLESSING TO CHILDREN A medicine that will keep babies and young children plump and good natured, with tL clear e3 e and rosy slain is a blessing not only to the lit- Sle ones, but to mothers as well. 13u,by's Sawn Tablets is just such a medicine. They cure all the minor ailments of children and make theist eat well, t+trop- well and play well. 7`htitsaxaldt f mothers < s use the Tablets and praise s e , them. Mrs. Lorenzo Rnat, Lake Talon (Me.. says: "I cannot bay tot) much for Baby's Own :tablets. 1 have prov- ed their value in cella, constipation and other ehildhood troubles." Sold by medicine dealers or ty snail at Ya -encs a box from The Dr. Williams' ?Medicine Co.. Brockville, tint. The Latest "Hit." 'Te celebrated soprano was in the middle of her silo when little Johnny said to his mother, referring to the eon- t'.utto-r of the orchestra.: "Why does that ntan hit at the. Fernee With tilt stick?" "He is not hitting at lit;r," replied his soother. "Keep quiet." FREEGGGOLO SHELLARINGD PRACTICAL POINTi. The meek may inherit the earth, but the mortgage is held by the other fellow. Don't bide your light under a bushel— m.• a reflector and make th.a most of it. t i .cess is the ability to forget foliar:. You can't play hooky from the School of 01erlenee. '1':.e reason that babies are so expensive :yecouse the stork baa such a long bill— i,ohemian, e e m for selling only 01-1 dozen; Gold Point Iukiess Pens at, 60. each. These pens write a beautiful color by simply dlp- ist Plug in water. Writeto-day and we will send pens and; big premium list. In a short time you eau win this "Electric Sparkler" and also an elegant chain. QUEEN CITY SUPPLY CO” Dept.30L Toronto, ut. 'hso.tdri sosestmo A new tubercular theory as to leprosy was suggested some time ago by Dr, Charles E. MacDonalt.l, of the army, who noticed in the Philippines the same•facts as to, fish diet which have long been held by Hutchinson as the cause. The present idea Is not that the diet quills at fault, but that there h au infection from tu- berculous fish-- -rather startling, to be sure, but not at alt improbable. The matter is of timely interest in view of the differences of opinion its to the trausntission of bovine tuberculosis. The vast difference between bird tuber- culosis and the human variety has long boon known, and it raises the suspicion that there may be very many kinds of tubercle bacilli, some of which produce in man other condit!ens than tubereulo- sis as we now t.rtusider it. The revelation that bubonic. plague is in reality a rat disease and that some rats have a "tolerant immunity" to the germ has raised o•atnparative pathology to extreme importance. It is now neea- sary study th.) paeve lower to truintal with a viewrasites of diseovofetittryg which of diem can rrist in man, either harmlessly or other'.vise.—Front Ameri- ictut Medicine. THE i;.sCHAMPION" A Deadly Offence. "Well, sir," remarked the somewhat garrulous landlord of the 1?uxien tavern. "Thogmorton, the constable, arrested a feller, Clay before yesterday, fur walk- ing down Maiu street here, in the 'mid- dle of the afternoon in his stockirt' feet. He's in jail now. and—" "But—great Scottl--ejaculated the washing machine agent, "We not a crime,, is it, for a person to walk in his stocking feet, •' hy, my dear sir, per- sonal 1 ]iUerty— „ "saw. personal liberty is proper en- ough as long as it don't interfere with the rights of other people. Anything that tends to add to the sitence of nur prontisin' little city is an offer se against the general weal. We're pubis•' -spirited here, even if we ain't exactly utetropol- BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble: Mrs. ,M. Sum- mers. Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instrutions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the -child, the chances are It can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. Might Not Bark Forever. "Conte right in, ,ambo," the fainter railed out, "Ile won't hurl; you. You know a barking dog never bites" "Sure, hose, ah knows dat," replied the cautious colored man, "but ah don't know how soon tae's going to stop bark- Success M.agariee. The Girl—liow did he lose his ideal? 'file Bachelor—Well, he marrieds one of tbons—New -York Telegram. }...,. 0.,m...«...I•Mm.11 GAS arni GASOLINE ENGINES It mist Sive satis- faction or you don't pay for it. • SOLD ON TRIAL Is the only GesolOoe'Engtne that you can try befopion" will doyand 1 want you to be fult the ly satisfied with it before you pay for it: The price is ioW. Full particulars free. Wm. Gillespie, Dept. "Ilii" 98 Front St. East, Toronto THE CRI0i0Rf''UL GIVER. "dere. Benny." said Mr. Btoombumper to Lir young eon, as Clip litter started to onuralt, "here is a 5 -cent piece and a quarter. You eau tint which you please in the oontribu- tton b 0:..•' Beaay thanked Lia papa and went to church. Curious to know which cols Penny had given his papa asked him when :to retern- ed, and Benny replied: "Welt. papa, it was this way: The prcar.her said the Lord loved a cheerful giver. and knew I could give s tooket a gond deal I;+ore cheerfully than 1 could give a qunrtor, , o 1 out the uleket iu."—Phtladeiphia ! edger. The Nova. Scotia "Lumber umber Kin„" says: "t consider 1\I IN 1101>,S 1.1Ni 1LNT: the 'BEST linitneitt in use, I got my font badly jammed lately. 1 bathed it well with INARD'S LLti 1-, MENT and it wa., as well ns ever next day. Yonro very truly, T. O. Meal;;H.L8.N. 61.19.11 re Pale, weakdndrtxervous people need. , t "o that will build tht and make them Weil and Th strong. Celery Ming is the h tonic that win do these things. Large package 1S cents, -at deal- 11.8 ars or by mail S. 0. Iarells & Co.. Toronto. Valued Advertising. Fifty years ago Mr. Thomas Be'erllam, who recently died, and who founded the famous pill -manufacturing firm, was sell- ing pilla in the mark. t -plan of tit. Hel- ens. The stall from which he sold thein consisted if a fish -tub and a tray which was ft rmerly part of 0 door. One day a woman cane up to hint and said that his pills had drone her so lauds good that they "were worth a guinea a box." The phrase gripped Mr. Beecham, and he t hundreds of thousands of pounds A BASKET FULL of clean, sweet-snoeiling linen Is obtained with half the toll and halt the time if Sunlight Soap Is used, Sunlight :shortens the day's work, but lengthens the life o1 your clothes, spell to advertise it, and to point the moral of the pill The vast business at St. Helens is the result. Mr. Beecham was a model business man, and a great believer Talking Post Cards. The talking postal card is the inven- tion of a French engineer, and has be- come so popula • in that country that the American rights have been secured and the device will he placed in the cit. les of the United. States. The person wishing to send a talking postal can to a friend, enters the booth and talks roto a machine that, records the words on the specially prepared postal card. When the recipient receives • the carer a hundred or a thousand utile, away, he, or perhaps she, takes the earn to the nearest postal booth and inserts it in a machine witiclt talks the message it con- tains. The record on the postal earl is indestructible and the exact voice of the sender is heard.—Popular Meehanics. The Bald Truth. in the value of arlverirising. Ile once "Barber, do you know of anything . year la letting the public know all about that would be ;ootl for that bald spot on the crown of my head?" "Yes, sir, but it would be pretty ex- pensive, "Now much?" "Probably not less than $25." it a sure thing1" "Yes, sir." "What do you call it??" 'A wig, sir„ That was the time the barber didn't get any tip. Also he lost a eustotner. .m Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. ---• stated. that his firm spent £100,000 a the value of Beecham s pills. He ;b.+'rinself managed and controlled his advertising department for a great number of years, and no man knew better how to get the greatest possible value from an ,outlay on printer's ink, Descriptive. Operator ---What do you think of the i new Internet), •lintlnie? Devil—Say, dot feller could print all be knows in display type on a postage stamp without cancelling the stamp.- Monotyrit. - Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Monumental hinder. It was while Charlemagne Towner was Antbassa.dor to Russia that a newspaper "spread itself" upon a fete held at St,. Petersburg. A green copy reader pro- (lueed this result: "As pleasing to the eye as was all this decoration there was additional pleasure in the sight, as one stood at the head of the Prospekt Nevska, of Charlemagne Tower, brilliantly iliumhtat•cd, looming grand and imposing against the winter sky."—Success Magazine. VERY SLIGHT INb11SD. 1110110 (who has given Jinks a cidai—Fou'I1 finar. d, +Iks faal)t r that few putisl—By tJ!ove! there la a slight resemblance. What Is It? -Royal liana zine. At any rate the blink sheep lives long - Q"uaeanteetifet' 20 years FREE tor selling s dozen Co batt Gold inkless Bens attic each. Those pens write c beautiful color by simply dip ping in water. No ink re quired. Write to -day., W trust you with the pens, ser thein and return the moue; and win this itttlo fseauti Goid Finished Watch ant also a lovelyy Tea Set Fre+ COBALT�OIJJIPEN Qts',t+ Dept i; 0 All the Pleasure Taken Gut. The young Seotehman never liked hi mother-in-law and this weighed heavil on the mind of itis wife, ho was ill. Calliug her husband to her bedside sh said to hide. "Sandy, lad, I'm verra i1 and I think I'm gang to dee, and be fore I dee I want you to gic me a pr mise." "VII promise," replied Sandy, "Wha is it " "Wel, I ken that when I dee I'll ha ,1 Want you to r fine furel•al ani I a t a , up in front in a carriage wi' Icy mot er." "'Weel," sadly responded Sandy. "I' geed ye my word, au' it's nae me that gauin back on that, but I'll tell ye o thing, ye've spoilt the day for ine." Success iJagaziue. 911 Washington, D. O. and Return, via Philadelphia. From Suspension Bridge, Friday, February i th, via Lehigh Valley R. R. Tickets good ten days. Particulars, ii4 King street east, Toronto, Ont. BRUTAL. He --This is heaveialy, darling! She—Divine! He—Celestial! She—Angelio1 Servant (entering)—Miss Alice, your tripe and onions is ready 1 "Well, then, whatshe hoilerin' f' ? Sono Ma ammo Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, et !ra Some Satisfaction in That. Mrs. Hewligus—"'You say that a burglar wants to get into the hou he'll get in stn shite of everythit you can do to keep nitn out. Thf what, is the use of your taking much pains to fasten all the doo and windows? Mr, Hewligus—"I want to give hi all the trouble I possibly can, blas him!" ISSUE NO. 7, 1.9-09 C_ de h- v0 ue HELP WANTED. c.1ANVASSb7RS WANTED TO BELL IMAM v line of supplies used daily in every house. Apply Aift'ed Tyler, London, Ont. •i TYiiEN 'WARTED IN EVERY LOCALITY Co advertise our goods, tack up ahow- cards in all conspicuous places and dletri- bute small advertising matter. Oommiasion or salary, $83 per month, and expenses, $L Der day. Steady work the year round; en- tirely new pian; no experience required. Write for particulate. Royal Remedy Co., Loudon. Ont., Canada, VYL WANT RELIABLE WOMISN, ALL over Canada to work for ua during their spare hours, selling our high b'l'ade Perfumes, Toilet Requisites, Tees, Coffees, ate. No experience necessary. Work 'pleas- ant and remunerative. The Homo Spotiaitien Co.. Tran'by Avenue. Toronto, Canada. --` FARMS TO RENT. _ STOCK FARM .'0R RENT—A FINl7 STOOK farm of 125 acres, five miles north of London. on Proof Line road; grand opportun- ity for right party. Enquire Wm, Sifton, Arca P. 0., Ont. FOR EXCHANGE. FARROPERTY • MOntario. IN ASyd eyASmythe, FOR P404 Talbet street. London. Out. MEDICAL, (,y-' l;RE Ct?RE FOR THE NEXT THIRTY k-' days; $2.00; one half regular price. Cur- tis Asthma Remedy. 51 Richmond East, Tor- onto, Ont.--,,, LAND WANTED. $460.0' CASE, PAID FOIL South African Volunteer Land Warrants It substitute papers properly executed. Make sight draft with papers attached. First National Realty Co. Winnipeg, Man. reference—Merchants' Bank. .,, Sweet Rumination. Jacob Riis tells many amusing experi- cnees about street archins when they first see the green fields and the wooded hills. I -Here is one of his best: "A couple of waifs, who for the first • time were watching the cows being milk - eel on a Cattskill Mountain farm, seemed i very much puzzled. The farmer, noticing the peculiar expression on their countess. an000, inquired the cause. The reply was, "Say, mister, do pot , keep dem animals in chewing gum?"— Judge. AWoman's Sympathy v Are you discouraged? Is your doctor'. bill a heavy financial load? Is your pair a heavy physical burden? I know wha 1 been discouraged too but leixrned how t cure myself. I want to relieve your bur - dens. Why not end the pain and stop th doctor's bill? 1 can do this for you ani w11j, if you will assist me. need do is to write for a fro All of the 1 iin my ?lanremedy given away, been this one box will cure you—it has done s e for others. 1f so, I shall be happy. an you will be cured for 2c (the cost •of Your letters e 1 destiae stamP3 held confl entiily, Write to -day for my free treat tient. MILS. F. E CUItRA11, Windsor; Ont a's ..---.4...-aa--- ..-► 'sHeard in a Restaurant. Gerald—On account of their similarit — in dress, it's hard to tell a gentle n from a waiter. CCeraldint--But doesn't a waiter u c. nally own his dress ,suit?—from TI Bohemian -Magazine f or November. e to if Minard's Liniment Cures Distempe :e o.a u; ! Not Profoundly impressed. in so Mrs. Upsome--So you took a tot rs through Switzerland, did you? What d you think of the Matterhorn? in Mrs. Pmeurieh—To tell you the trut nea_,A _. n,. T a...P+ +,hinle "Introit these foreign beverages, anyhow. y au 0 r. IT ati1."rtitifii'Rin ti a wt,llis .,. Write for Weekly Pelee Lists. JOHN HALLAM - S hipereenta Solicited. TORONTO„ ONT. 7 Rnit:11::" wm.....v MSSEMEArigiV.,91,MS9ROVA88129SETtlat Xrgt.. 1•414N4 1111 ictal a'" tI fi'litti "Spoilt as the Sphinx!" TEE MOST PERFECT MATCHES YOU EVER STT',UC . Always, every -Awe dei Cr;;xigials, ask kr Eddy's Matches rizTIVI I:P.%. -. _------ nasi s,.rY; 01) 100,000 MUSKRAT 80,000 COON 5,000 RED iFOXEr'3 20.000 SKUNK WANTED IMMEDIATELY. WMT ALSO BUY OTHER FURS. Ship to us at once and satisfy yourself that WE are the VERY BEST buyers of Raw Furs in Canada. THS MONTEIITH, SMOTHER FUR CO., 11 & �'onor Sl