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The Herald, 1909-02-19, Page 5
rhe Zurich HAralrl. D(ippegeYYpegOMP°D UDGIM eq<NIZ°DaAUgDDDIAADe,U 0 We have opened up our New Stock of ' Spring and Summer t� ress Goods.. consisting of —"N, Prints. Ginghams, Muslins Etc. Come and inspect before buying elsewhere. Our prices as usual are RIGHT Highest Prices For Farm Produce R. IN Lf S, General Merchant, B L A K E. Da=KAeni'n CDC.=' CD ",JD(5: a D=Waf=GDC`..EE°nK cell ni s for the balance this month. Every Rini. Solid Gold.. Watch and Clock Repairing My Specialty ~e We HESSy JEWELLER • of gssamerneelefte 1 1 That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new 'Winter Snit, do not forget to give de ai call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from.. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a largo number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. it HOFFMAN EiRRHIZRULTENXIEN , ZURICH MEAT MARKET E keep in stock a full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUM LUT Call on A. Edighoffer TONSORIAL ARTIST Successor to Fred. Manns .]J1 orka Qnick and Easy Shave, or an Up-to-date Hair -cut, Opposite 'Commercial Betel 71 Tw r•H SETTLERS' TRAINS TO MANIT'O'BA, LBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canndiar 1<°aedfic direct line For Settlers travelling with livestock and effects Special Trains will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY in MARC/l andAl'it1L at 10.15 p.m. Settlers and families without livestock should use Re ;lllar Trains leaving Toronto 10.15 p.m. daily Tourist Sleeping Gars Fastest Time COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Charge for berths Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest agent for full information and free copy of "Settlers' Guide" or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., G.P.R., Toronto DRYSDA"ILE The weather during the past few weeks, has been particularly mild with scarcely any snnwv and con• sequently* very poor sleighing Ow- ing to this drawbaok farmers, who are engaged in the wood cutting industry find it inconvenient to transport either wood or logs to a ready place of market. Mr. W. Slack has in his posses- sion a team of fine. roadster horses, which in the npininn of competent horse dealers would be considered valuable animals. Miss C. Woods teacher of S. ee. No. 4 Stanley, was the guest of bliss E. Snider on Sunday last. The new library recently instal- led in the Drysdale public school, is daily b000tning more appreciat ed by the teacher and the scholars of her school. The numerous books therein contained no doubt stimu- late and awaken the slumbering genius within the youth and tend to acquaint him with the lives of great men, who stand out preemin- ent as statesmen and generals and who have assisted in the develop- ment and extension of this vast Dominion of ours. The present prices paid for farm stock, more particularly cattle, which are adapted to meet with the approval of Toronto buyers are exceptionally good. Farmers in this vicinity now realize, that the rearing of stook forms a very im- portant factor in the agricultural industry and to this end should direct all their energies and exer- tions. A. Horner believes, that owing to Tom Longboat having a longer stride than that of Alfred Shrubb the English champion that Long- boat will be victorious at the corn. ing race in Buffalo. Albert posses. ses considerable knowledge of the marathon race and knows ,whereof he speaks. The problem relating to the con- ductor shooting the brakesman, which appeared in a previous edi- tion of this paper has created numerous interesting arguments in this vicinity. It is claimed by many mathematicians, that owing to the train and bullet having similar speeds that the brakesman cannot be shot. A number of writers have had the problem un- der consideration for the pant week and by accurate figuring have ar- rived at the correct answer which is as follows. "The conductor on the platform of the back coach could shoot the brakesman on the platform of the front couch because the gun and bullet have a speed of a mild a minute owing to the speed of the train. Then with its speed owing to the explosion of the cartridge it moves a mile .i minute relatively le the train. Because meats are so tasty they are oonse naecl in great excess. This leads to stomach troubles, bilious- ness and constipation, Revise your diet, let reason and not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again, Try it, For sale at .1. J. Merner's store. Samples free. HENSA Lie Mr. Joynt o£ Winghten is em- ployed in J. Weismiller's store, Mrs. T. Neelands and son, are visiting relatives in Toronto and Oakville: • Harold Jarvis has been engaged to give a concert in Carmel Pres. byterian church, on March 8th Dr. Cooper D D. G. M paid the masonic lodge an official visit on Monday night last. The interest.taken in the revival services being • conducted by Miss Morton is increasing. 11er appeals on Sunday wax'e wonderfully pow- erful and impressive She has cer- tainly special aptitude for this kind of work and ane ettn readily understand her success during the past 12 years. Hensel' as a hard place to work. Here self righteous. ;less and materialism reign supreme People are quite contented to drift quietly along with the current An. evangelist will :arouse then to some activity but they soon get back into the sante old rut —Ob server R. j. REDS AS PRODUCERS. Fifty four rears ago a swan nam- ed Tripp. living in Rhode :Leland, conceived an ideas of originating a distinct type of poultry,. He had Leghorns, Malay red dames and Cochins. His ideas were to secure the laying qualities of the Leg- horn, the size and quality of the Cochin and the hardincids, beauty' and hustling qualities of the Malay By crossingeand re.or t,,sing and selecting bircls that cattle nearest to bis ideas, he produeoei what is now known as the R, i:i eds In this work he has gipten us one of the best all round fetetits in the whole catalogue, one ti eetproduees two eggs to where any other breed produces one. Although compara- tively a new breed, having been admitted to the :Stand •n '`oiily- four years ago, yet theyy l been known in this- ori sty for over fifty years:: In our observation hand testing of almost every breed known dur- ing the past fifty years, w ) find this breed to have more practical good points and fewer. undesirable qualities than any other breed we have hod. They are quick matur- ing hulls, and lay early, Pullets eight months old began laying in December and continued uninter- ruptedly till the following May. They aro rather a large breed, the hens welshing fronx.7 to 9 pounds and tho conks from'f1 to 13 The leading characteristics aro oblong bodies, full breasts, yellow legs and skin, brown beaks, red eyes and the feathers red to the flesh. They are good hustlers and require but little feed in moderate weather. They lay an even sized egg of a beautiful shape and color ; are excellent setters and .careful mothers. They are hardy, stand the severest weather and are free from disease. We have not lost a. single bird from disease, while the Rocks show muohdbss. Tile winter laying qualities li;aee exceptional,— American. Farmers Born Bt:Nninn—At the that Con, Hay, on Friday 12th inst., to Mr. and Mrs Ezra Bender, a son. Wm/rafts—At the Bronson Line, Hay. on Tuesday the 16th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walters, a daughter. p:i gig immediate relief from Dir. Shoop's Magic O ntlucut. f a eo YEARS° fp EXE'Eii OENGE 4. iii p nrnignaiePatna+©rtenrarUR IUaeame+ammiq ohs hoqpiugCou This remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given ascot!. Matta baby as to ass Ault. X chaste, Carie aisle XI task, TEA oF MARKS DESIGNS , f✓<e'QPVRIGHTS d'f6C. .anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly asro: tutu our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patontahle. Communion.. Mons strictly conedonttai. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents, Patento taken through plutm & Co. receive ,ncciat notice; without charge, In the Salentine A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. '.germs for Canada, $3.71) a year, postage prepaid. Sold 81 all newsdeatera. u Cil ss1aroadtvay, New York Stanch Olnoo.esfe r St.. Washington, D. C. Send The Herald to your absent relatives Or friends. ;.,.r t Only part of the wheat berry is fit for food. Yet much that isn't often gets into flour. You cannot see it or taste it, but it's there. It is simply a case of the miller getting more flour from his wheat and your getting less nourishment. Royal Household Howe is so milled that' nothing goes into it except the part of the wheat that is . food. You get just what you pay for—the best and purest flour made. It goes farther because it is all flour. Your grocer can supply you. Ogilvie Om bilis Ca., Ltd. 1s6 IG;<oatreal. SEED ,ABLEY may. FO;!. SALI ! The undersigned on lot 16. Con 2 Hay, has about 800 bushels of No. 21 barley, grown and kept for seed purposes. This is a new variety that has proven to possess a re- markable clean stiff straw, excel- ling all other. varieties. Also gave the highest yield of grain per acre of all the barleys tested in 1907 at the O. A. C., Mandsohuri included. It has been without an exception the most popular variety with the experimental union throughout the province, ever since the first distribution in 1900, in two lb lots, from the O. A. C. New ads -0. P R , P. Mcisaac, 1..T. Morner, 0. Hartleib, London Advertie er. Messrs. R. R. Johnston el Son of the Dominion had a big wood - hauling on Thursday. The sleighing this week is splen- did and farriers are taking ad- vantage of it by hauling wood, logs etc. Mi, Harry Parker of Listowel has rented a house from the Zurich Flax Co. and will move in next' week. The directors of the Huron Weather Insurances Co. met here on Tuesday and transacted consider- able business. Quite a number of losses wore adjusted and paid. Who wouldn't give 25 cent to stop a pain 20 times? Just one little "Pink Pain Tablet"—Dr Shoop's— will stop any paint in 20 minutes, sure! Read the formula on the box. Dootors say•it can't be„ bettered. Checks womanly pains, head pains. any pain. 20 tablets 25o Sold by J J Merner. At the South Huron County L. 0. L, meeting held in Exeter on Tuesday of last week the election of officers resulted as follows.— Master, W. Conrsey of Liman ; De- puty, D. 0. Galbraith of Bayfield ; Reo-Sec,, P. Cantelou of Clinton ; Fin -Sec., D. S. Cook of Clinton ; Treas.. Atlam Cantelon, of Holnaes- ville ; Chaplain, W. Lewis of Credi- ton; D. of C.. G. Vanderburg of Porter's Hill; Lecturers, R eltirray of Bayfield and John Forel of Clin- ton. "The Automatic Hired Man" is the name of an interesting rnechae nical apparatus designed by a Pennsylvania man to take the place of the ordinary farm. helper. It is said that the machine can be installed. for. $900, and it will do the work of two men. There are many good points to the automatic hired man. It will not smoke a pipe in the barn or chew tobacco behind the kitchen stove, It will not tell wicked stor- ies to the farmer's sons or tell of the strange things to be seen in the city, It will not take out the best horse to give its lady friend a ride. During the summer the autoteme tic hired man will work in the sun as well as in the shade, and in the winter it does not lay off because of the misery in the back, It can even, be made to build the fire in the morning, which is something that no human choreman thinks of doing. 98 Price in small quantities, f(1.00 per bushel. Five bushels and over at re- duced rates. JOHN ELDER, Hen.sall P. O. 5 easy . l®y fl elk nt for a Reliable Local Salesman representing Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries in Zurich and adjoining country. You will find there is a good demand for Nursery Stock on account of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this season. Our salesmen are turning in big business to us this year. Be one of them and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay Weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Write for particulars. Stone & Wellingtons Fontbill nurseries. 850 acres. TORONTO, - - ONT. JOS. SMITH'S SALVE, ISA SURE CURE POR Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, Chilpleins, Bolls, Glcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in jured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias Wurm of Zurich Ont, says. "I was bothered for some time with a run- ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how painful it was, I doctored for some time tall I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. I am cured. I am thankful indeed for my cure and gladly give you permission to publish my case." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:— "For ays:— "k or six months I suffered anutely from sore breasts and doctoredall that time. I tried a sample of J e meph Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I had tried and it cared mu. I mu grateful for the cure, as I have never been troubled with it since." Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.50 Obtained from W. IL BENDER Zurich, Ont _ori ! , Boo_ r Paper Hanger and Painter. All work promptly and neatly done, Now is the time to have your home brightened and fixed up for the Spring and Sum- mer month$, Charges Moderate N. BOCK, Zurich Every Farmer Should Have a Good. elephone A telephone, in a farmei;'s borne, not only enables hila to keep constantly posted as to Market prices, but eaves him need- less trips to town. Ii; a telegram or other important message comes, it can be delivered without loss of time. It will, at a moment's notice, summon a doctor and may be the means of saving your wife or your child's life. A telephone is useful in a hundred different ways and should have a place in every home --town and country. The Cost is only $12. a year We are making preparations for Spring work and those desiring connections should complete their contracts before the 1st of March. Parties in town or near present lines can becore- nested on short notice. 710