HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-02-19, Page 44
r LS NlM:..E BAN' 1
Incorporated 1855
: E� lTAL
• $3,50 ,OOO
• $3,5 0,000
Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in alp
the Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Zurich Branch H. ARNOLD, Manager
in .the Spot
6-kiliestage'of bustness'the spelt
dight is:onthe man who advertises,
Our Classified'.iWant.Ads will
place you or your needs ict rhe;lime;
light ofpublic attention,(
1( you have, not, tried them;Tthiir
illuminating powcr_w•ill surprise.yott
aereriereiebeei &O 1,
'SLB.... '"�•,+.2'!-t zJ�.!n ..�.- .,: ,;.,,yrf,`s,:.t+. urcn.+.r„,�
1"'A1tG1 YOIt SALT
50 ser ca, all good lend, with good bank
barn, frame house, all in good repair. The
farm is well drained, plenty of good water
and will be sold for 53000.00. .Apply to
E. Zeller, Zurich.
!leiter, Notary Public, Heneall, Ontario,
At Zerieh (Zeller's office) every Mon -
riseers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc.,
Goilerieh, Canada. W. Proodfuot,
1 . O.fHsys. O. P Blair.. '
i 0J'w^IV
'n a
' Sales conducted in ai'l parts. Suis-
faeti;on guerard:eed or no pay. 'terms
reasonable. Orders left at this oiliee
will be promptly attended to.
chat:tetl baric ray lm•+iness from. E. W.
:'toekopf, l: are in :e position to ettend
to t:ll husiue' , .a; ;urmerly. Calls at
l'iau's Hotel.
:latate of the Reyal Ooliege. of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of )?epiuttn.eut of Dentistry, Pc-
ronto L"sirverelty. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate week a speciality. At
Domiirion House, Zurich, every Non -
day. 7-`i i
Notary Public. De e d s, Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Ordce—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
Vii' I 5 S V. MAASS, Prepares
K. Pupils for the Toronto Con-
servatory of Music ttncl. other
Con tres.
Ltfr'ttert-1:f PARSONAGE, crnrieh,
Auction Sale in Zurich, on Saturday
Feb, 27th 1999. Elousehoid effects etc.,
Catharine Livengood, prop. E. 13os;.on-
berry, cruet.
Th trobred .First class Short Horn Bull •
practical good.
cl at ' a right
l'ippen, P. 0.
BerkA-ajre Boar.
• i r John Becker has the celebra-
ted Berkshire ""Lord Stanley" for
service, at his farm, Town Lite,
P:rlt3c ea1 r::—Lord Stanley, farrowed Mee'
15th 1304. bred by John Lahrner, '4 tris:
Kine, farrowed the ffproperty of Thos. M.
Snowden, Deviled Ont. Sire Hil'lore't
'Warrior 1204"L, ,red by Geo. Breen, Fair.
view Ont.,-•--dant Huron Lassie, 18015,
bred by John Labtner, Vine-- by Lord
Il.olyroecl of Hillcrest 9920, bred by Dar.
harp and Cava..p, East Toronto, Ont. Mies
Hillcrest 9937, by Major 5842,
'a842, 'golden
Duchess 6988, by Reyal Lsnd, 4412,
Lady Uno 4614 by Star One—imp-3071,
Hilclerse—: imp-- 1727 by Patenf 1658,
Compton 1550, by Prince, Sister of I)ev
onsbire Duehesa, by Warwick frit. 13eanty
bq ]Fifties, --Favorite. 22.4p
dark red t o'Ur. . Fired front imported
:.tock, a i cd 1> rtinillt1 s, A
urctlividu3.l, c .:'l seed be sol
Tor ice!, John
i 5---4p.
£ BLIS1iEn BY I9. zl:LLlsit.
FRIDAY FEB, 19th. 1909
VV. C. T. U.
Six n'eloel;--half past—seven.
Something had detained him. ' She
would not allow the slightest sug
gestion of evil a place in her
thoughts as by the window she
watched, half past seven, baby
boy's little head drooped to her
shoulder. She must undress him.
Too bad! she did want papa to see
hits in his pretty . new dress, but
then he was lovely in any thing.
Could earth hold a sweeter baby?
she tried to sing us she gently un -
robed the sleepy darling, and all
the while her hands wrought so
speedily and skilfully she was
fighting back the cruel suspicions
that sought entrance to her breast.
Perhaps Ben's aunt had sent for
him, perhaps Maurice Droutly had
invited him to dine with him and
be presented to his bride she knew
all about their old time friendships
and wondered how it came to be
broken. She pressed a kiss on the
rosebud mouth as she lay her trete
sure down and took her dace again
et the window. It was growing
late, what if ,--she shuddered at the i
horrible suggestion, No, No ! she i
cried and. ettlrtecleaffrighted at tire.
sound of her own. voice. Nino,
We,. eh 0. ,rm1.,.becatanee.,..claxke .the
fire burned fee r, sl e -telt nutnbed
find lealf..saraid to move. Ben w oul l
i ate r i+..~rt .: neither• light
weir warmth mtl r to greet hi-a.t h s
coinin it, ',f a; ; ', he drefvdeci -to--stir,
Back to her bai.be she crept, bow
eti11 lie ]ay ! Could he be dead? No,
no, she knelt and nestled ]ler face
to hie. Little comfort! lot+; er and
lower she sank until her head drop-
` e.d from the cradle to her knees ;
she crouched a cowering heap on
the floor. Oh, how long hours can
be ! 'T'ell not the wvutolter that time
has no likeness to eternity ! Twelve
she counted every stroke of the
silver throttled french clock, Ben's
last birthday gift. Ha! baby stirs,
if he but wakes ; she drew him to
her breast, but he only nestled to a
deeper slumber. Half past t .velve,
ono, Hark ! A step. Some one was
was fumbling at the muter door,
she held her breath, she dared not
rise. He was in the hall, his hand
was on the latch, she prayed for
green to sit quite still while all her
quivering nerves prompted her to
run anti shriek. Oh, that face r
'Her first glimpse revealed how he
returned to her, why he was so
late. She shrank into the chair
she had token when baby woke
and hoped he would not.see her ;
yet she followed fearully his
every movement with: her startled
eyes, clinging meanwhile' to the
little being in her arms. He roiled
his blood shot eyes about, ;they
met her' "Damn you'-"' he died,
put down that brat and come and
greet me as a wife should. Obed-
iently the woman placed her dar-
ling in his crib and went to her
master "kiss me" he commanded.
And to tho:,e sin cursed lip's; as foul
as hell she raised hers pure as
heaven, the stench of pollution
made her faint. He saw it and
laughed a hideous laugh. "You
dont like me" ho said, "I'm not
nice. Damn you, 1 am your husb-
and just the same. Go and get my
Supper really, is this the way you
treat the man yeti promised toe
obey and honor? Oh the consisten-
coy of drunkeness ! leis sapper 1
she had forgotten it. she looked in
dismay at the biscuits grown cold,
the untouched table with its dainty
appointments. She turned to the
stove, she could make hum a iresh
o'ep of tea, she stopped suddenly.
Ben was stooping over tb.e cradle,
what was he doing? He turned
and looked at her. "What alis you
now'?" he Basked with an oath. "He
is asleep" she answered. The man
gathered the babe in his arms,
steadying himself with difficulty.
"Oh, Ben," she erica springing -
towards him, all her mother's soul
in alarm 1 Oh, Ben you'll drop him.
"Oonfound you" get nay supper,
will you? 1 need none Of your help,
The Z urlch Herald.
he's mine as well as ,yours. "Yes,
oh yes, but he is asleep and you
have frightened him," as he opened
his big eyes, 4nd began to cry.
'Let me have ' bini please" dear
Ben let me have him I can get your
supper nicely with him in my arms
Well perhaps you'll get it nicely
without him,.I'll see if he's to cry
at me. You're spoiling hizn. I'm
his father and I'll have no non
sense shut up ! shut up.or I'll—and
the rum crazed man lifted his
strong aria to smite. t'iCih no, Ben,
he is only a baby 1" and she wrens
head it from his. grasp He would
not cry if he knew you, but your
voice is not,naturai, he does not
recognize it, you are not yourself
Am I not? we'll see. I'm master of
my own house yet. I'll teach the
(To be continued)
Ethel M. Williams,
Press„ Supt
In sickness. if a certain hidden
nerve gees wrong, then 'the organ
that this nervo controls~ will ltiso
surely fail It may be: stomach
nerve, or it may have given streng
th and support t;o the heart incl
kidneys. It was DrShoop that
first pointed to this vital truth.
Dr. Shoop's Restcrativo was not
made to dose the i.tonial,ah nor to
temporarily stimulate the heart or
kidneys. That old fashioned meth-
od is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Re-
storative goes directly to these
failing inside nerves. The remark-
able success of this prescription
demonstrates the wisdom of treat-
ing the actual cause of these failing
organs. And it is indeed easy to
prove. A simple five or ten stays
test will surely tell. Try it once,
and see ! SoIo. by J J• Merner,
Russian iisunieipal n'dministra
tion of Hamlin which China alleges
constitutes; -"the establishment of
Russian territorial jurisdiction in
violation of ;the Portsmouth treaty,
is again receiving attention by the
British foreign office.
The Chilie minister has made
representatti,ons to Sir Edward
Grey, secretary of state for foreign
affairs, on this subject, but Great
Britian, being without a consul
at. Harbin; has been unable to es-
tablish the facts.
If, however, they are found to
be as China alleges. foreign office
officials stat that Great Britian
and theX,T ,-d States will act to-
gether tel ; +,resent to Russia the
ecessii S y i g• treaty obli,
,aeon l
Sh#Lt ' Acuse icnna,
Con lir y e,, yr ib1n � .
I) tt9 sadrz at'thb atta-
tude of Ru.. a. which Great Bri-
tain and tile: United State:; h:ttl
hopad would be changed after the
representations of last yeu,r,
This seemingly small matte is
viewed as ailec.ting the yt'ilole ques-
tion of the open door in Manchuria
for if Russiazi ownership of the
North Manchurian Railways con-
fers the rights of .territorial untho-
rity, the same -.will apply in the
south where the Japanese are sup-
reme, and Cbina''s Sovereignty thus
would become merely nominal.
AMESS—D:ivIDsON---At the Manse,
Hensall, on Wednesday Feb, 10th
1900, by Rev. E. F. McL, Smith.
B. A., Elizabeth June Davidson,
to Walter Joseph Amess,
blow.iltD-PoLLoog-At the residence
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
• Mrs. John Howard, Town Line,
Hay Township, en Wednesday
Feb. 17t1i by Rev. T, Davidson
of Varna, Mr., Jatnes A. Pollock
of Ripley to Miss Sarah Howard.
Tells Why So Many Suffer from
Catarrh and Rheumatism.
A distinguished physician, famous
for his su.cnssful treatment of
catarrh and rheumatism, kidney and
bladder troubles, states as follows :—
"Our climate being more or less
damp and changeable, is bad for
catarrh and rheumatism, and care
must he taken not to let these
troubles gain headway. In addition,
he states that a great many Cana-
dians are careless in thein habits,
and to this as much as climatic con-
ditions is due a great deal of the
trouble. Insufficient clothing and
improper eating will cause rheumatic
and . catarrhal troubtles,'in any cli-
This eminent authority gives the
following as the simpl t, and best
treatment known to scie ce, and to.
it ' he gives credit larg'ry for his
success :-�-
Tluid Extract Cascara...... l4 oz.
Carriana Compound r oz.
Syrup Sarsaparilla . * ... 6 oz.
Directions : One teasp onful after
each meal and at bedtim.
The ingredients are al vegetable,
and have a direct and sp cific action
on the lives, kidneys, a d bowels,
eliminating all poisonous atter from
the systern. 0 Any druggi t can dis-
pense this, or you can y the in-
gredients . separately an raiz at
home by shaking in a 1e. a
Many of our readers s •:ld benefit
by this article. Save the w" _; e.
Royal Household
Five Roses
or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour
and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close
Prises. All kinds of Feed on hand.
Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs
v N 4,4_0 <
I am ready to contract
ail kinds of good logs
for whiter delivery, and
will pay top prices.
r 0
If you intend building next
year, call and talk the :,.,4ter
over with us.
F. C. KAL FLE ISCH, Zurich
ArOTZC1, is • hereby given, pursuant to
the Reviser' otatuea of ,Otatario, 1887
'hient e 129, ' Section 38, that all Credi-
tors ' and eothsr persons having claims
against'the Estate of Jacob S. Gingerich,
late of the Township of Hay, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who diad
on or about the grit day of July 1908, are
required, to send by post prepaid, or de-
liver to the undersigned the executors of
the last will and testament of said de.
ceased on or before the 15thday of March,
1009, their Chrietinn aud surnames, ' ad-
dres ses aud descriptions, the full particu-
lars of their claims, a statement of their
aceounts and the nature of the securities
(if any) held by them.
And further take notice that after such
last mentioned date the said executors
will proceed to distribute the assets of the
said. deceased among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard ouly to the claims
of which they shall then have had notice,
and that the maid executors will not be
linble for the said assets or any part there-
of, to any person or persons of whose
claims notice shall not have been received
by them at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Zurich, February 16th. 1909.
Uavid Oingerie,h 1 Executors.
Samuel Gingerich )
NOTICE ishereby given, pursuant to
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897
Chapter 120, Section 38, that all Credi-
tors and other persons having claims
against the Estate of Frederick Demuth,
late of the Village of Zurich in the County
of Horne, carpenter, deceased, who died
dtt or about the 31st day of December 1908,
are required, to send by postpropaid, or
deliver to the undersigned the executor of
the hast will and testament of said, deeeas-
od on or before the 1st day of March, 1909,
their Cltriet.ian and surnames, ' addresses
anti cleeeriptionss, the full particulars of
their realms a statement of their occonnts
and the nature of the securities (if any)
hold by theta.
And farther take notice that after such
last mentioned date the said executor will
proceed to 1iettiletto the aeaot5 of the said
deceased among the parties entitled there-
to, having regard only to the claims of
which he shall then have had notice, and
that the said executer will not be liable for
the said assets or any part thereof, to any
person or persons of whose claims notice
shall not have been received by them at
the time of such distribution.
Dated at Zurich, 'January 291h, 1009.
P. W. Hess, Executor Zurich.
H. .J. 1), Cooke, Solicitor.
Threatening feverishness with
children is quickly and safely calm-
ed by Preventiss. These little Can-
dy Cold Cure Tablets should al-
ways be at hand -for promptness
is all-important. Preventics contain
120 quinine, nothing harsh or sick-
ening. Tliey are indeed, "the stitch
in tune." Carried in pocket, or
purse. Preventios aro a genuine
safeguard against -Colds 250. Sold.
by J J Merner.
During the present year the On-
tario Government will proceed up-
on it large scale with the projected
colonization scheme which, it is
expected, will result in the settling
of large areas oa; the lend now lying ,__
idle,in:ths province. The province's
new offices in London, England,
have been opened and a vigorous
policy will be pursued in order to
interest a desirable class of em-
migrants to come here.
A correspondent writes strongly
on the evils of private gossip. It
is not; perhaps, generally recogniz-
ed that the libel which appears in
a newspaper is the least dangerous
of all attacks upon private charac-
ter. The blow is delivered in the
open ; the person struck may strike
back, may vindicate himself in the
courts. But a story circulated
through private gossip may travel
and gather strength and venom for
months and years without the vic-
tim being made aware of the mis-
chief. He may find friends growing
oold without suspecting the cause,
With the person who circulates
these slanders with malicious in-
tent it is useless to remonstrate.
But there is a temptation to listen
to them, and to pass them on, not
from the desire to inflict injury,
but because there is a certain zest
and flavor in sarcastic and censor-
ious remarks and a melancholy
satisfaction in the contemplation
of the faults and calamities of
others. Our correspondent says
with much force :—"The person
who brings you gossip reflecting on
the character of a man or a woman
or the safety of a business firm
pays you no compliment. Retailers
of scandal do not present their
ware to people who hate cowardly
insinuations, and who would be
likely to reprove them for being
uncharitable."—Toronto Star.
£l'ofnach trouble i3 but a symptom of, ane not
in itself 0 true di.ea3e. We think of Dyspepsia,
Ilenrtbarn, end indigestion as real diseases yet
they are symptoms onl,r of a curtain spccifio
Nervy lel ores—hothins else.
11, Wait th Lit fuel; fault first correctly tea Dr. Snoop
in the creation of that now very popular Stomach
Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct
tr, the stomach nerves. t s, alone brought that suecess
and fa ver to 1)r. Shoop and his Restorative. With -
ant that original and highly vital principle, no
snei, ie. tints accomplishments were everto be had-
Ibr stomach distress, bloating, biiiousness, bad
breath anti sallow complexion, try Dr. Shallop's
Reel orat i ye—Tablets or Liquid—arid sere for your-
self •tvbet ,t can ttnd will do. We self audcheer-
fully recomntend
'e fi