The Herald, 1909-02-12, Page 5�D�aD�dDe®DD�mUD�OGDD)mUD6Zl�Up�C
Spring and
I Dress Goods..
We have opened up ono
Now Stook of
consisting of --"s,
Prints. Ginghams,
Muslins Etc.
Colne and inspect before
buying elsewhere.
Our prices as usual are
Highest Prices
For Farm Produce
General Merchant, B L A K E.
for the balance of
this month.
Every Ring
Solid Gold.
Watch and Clock
My Specialty
That New
Winter Suit.
When looking for your new,
Winter Suit, do 'hot forget ,to
give us a -call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large nnmber of
Samples to select, from,
Laundry in connection.
1E keep in stock a
" full line o fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
M 1_ IBLUT &
Cali on- r;m,
A. Edighoffer
Successor iCCEaOi $0
tit ..
Fred. Manns
J3'or a Qnick and Easy
Shave, or an Up-to-date
Hair -cut.
Commercial Hotel
I he Zurich Heratci,
ou cannot buy flour as fine,
white, pure and nutritious as
Royal Household under'. any other
There is no other flour in Canada
upon which half so much money is
spent to insure perfect. purity ---just
think for a moment what that means
to the health of your household—how
vcry important it is that your flour,
above all things, should be absolatejy
is the best—most wholesome—most.
carefully milled flour to be had in
this country. The Ogilvie name and
trademark are on every barrel and
sack—a guarantee from the maker
to the consumer. Tell your grocer
you mast have Royal Household.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited
Mr. Michael Kaeroher is reported
as being ill, this week.
Supplementary meetings of Sonth
11rio1z;'Parneers Institute, will be
held in the following places : Far-
quhar Feb. 20, Strangs Hall ; Tuok-
ersmitli Feb. 22 ; Bayfield Feb. 23 ;
Grand Bend, Feb, 24 ; Eensail. Feb.
25. Speakers, Dr. H. G. Reed, of
Georgetown, and A. E. Caiman of
Allesonvill P. O. Meetings at 2
and 7.30 p. tn. W. D. Sanders,
Pres., B. S. Phillips, Sec. A
programm will be given at the
evening meetings.
Prof. Golciwin Smith in this
week's Toronto Sun in regard to
union of the Protestant churches,
says :—"A movement towards a
virtual union of the Protestant
Churches appears to be setting in.
Nothing can be more likely or more
reasonable. What are the doctrinal
differences between any two of the
really Protestant Churches com-
pared with their spiritual agree•
rnent, and with the necessities of
their present position? After all
the original separation was largely
not spiritual but political. The
Anglican Church, the High Church
section of it at least, perhaps, could
hardly well fuse with the anti-sac-
erdotai communities, There might
at first be other difTiculties of or-
ganization to surmount, but these
would not be so great as the (tiff.•
culties of division in face, on one
hand, of the advance of scepticism,
and on the other of Romanist reac-
tion, which the perplexity caused
by the breaking up of belief seems
not unlikely to produce."
atifAreareancem.ors armo tsuniieunnagorega irdouri
Ct71'Z= .f'
This remedy can always be depended upon and
is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or
other harmful drug and may be given as confi.,
dentlr to a baby as to an adult.
dun 9e eewle CITA* tit. SII ,.nM.
Fred McDonell has j uaf teased
the stock of the J.' C. i3neman
estate, and has taken pO OIn.
Wheat brongitkosa!
on the local market this
Miss Florence Pope is one of the
candidates in the London ;Adver-
tiser's European trip contest.
Mr. and Mrizt'Adani Richeitttook
a trip to Port Huron,. Iast week.
Miss Morton is holding . vtnge-
listic meetings, in the M'thodist
Miss Clara Kr uspe, who hit.$ he en
visiting friends here fox i some
time, left for her home on Satur-
John Hall shipped his seed fxom
here on Tuesday.
John Bender is all smiles, over
the arrival of a little son, which
has come to brighten his home.
Wesley Geiser, who is working
for a farmer in the township of
Usborne, spent Sunday at his home
in this place.
Mr. Finkbeiner and sister of
Shipka, visited friends here on
Sunday last,
Miss Clara Ratz of Khiva, spent
several days last week, with friends
in this community.
Rev. L. K. Eidt preached at
Crediton, on Tuesday evening.
W. Snider has pu rchasecl Mr, S.
Schroeder's property, at the west
end of the village, taking posses-
sion on the 1st of March.
Frank Jeremette and family, of
Grand .Bend, 'visited friends in
the village on Saturday.
It is rurnoiecl that there is to he
another wedding in this communi-
ty in the near future, More parti-
culars later.
;y -.i Caution
Never,pos!tivcli noyerpoisonyourlttngs, Tisch
cough—even fro a simple, cold only—yon should
always heal, soothe, and case the irritated broil»
chili? tubes. Don't hlinilly suppros it with -a
stupefying poison. IL', strange itow,s nue things
linally come about. 1''or twenty years Dr. Sheep
has constantly ww•ltrncd' people not to take Coni;1L
1 htutes or prescriptions containing Opium,
Chloroform, of ,uuilnr poi ori,. Ault new--.1talo
• � thelabel.
ht a. t — , 1 ut tt rnt
t tips h (>n tis tti•,
if p<ntion, are in your Cough Tfrtitnrc. (iced!
Vier good 11'Tierce tier for thisysryi' a,onmothers,
and others, should insitit on having Dr Shoop's
Cough (,rare. No poison milts on 1)r Shoop's
labels --curd mono in the medicine, elso it must by
law bo on the iabel. And rt, not only cafe, but it
is said to ho by ill ost that know it best, a truly s o.
rnat kahle cough remedy. Take ,no chenet then,
parttcltlarly with your children., insist on having
Dr. Shoop's Clough' Cure. Compare carefully .the
Dr. Shoop peeks go with others and note the
difference. No poison*, marks there! You Can
always bo on the safe side by demanding
Cough Cure
During the present year the On-
tario Government will proceed np•
on a large scale with the projected
colonization scheme which, it is
,expected, will result in the settling
of large areas of the land now lying
idle in the province. The province's
new offices in London, England,
have been opened and a vigorous
1 policy will be pursued in order to
interest a desirable class of em -
migrants to come here.
The Commercial hotel has been
transferred from W. W. Barrows,
to Palmer Bros.
A number from town attended
the Y. M. C. A. annual County
Convention at Wingham, this
Henry Smith, has been elected
vine president of the Dominion
Shorthorn Breeders' Association.
Mr. Charlie Dyer is the new
teller at the Molsons Bank. He
succeeds Mr. Palmer, who goes to
Miss Tillie White left for a trip
to California this week
The Misses Carling, teachers of
Dashwood school hate resigned
their positions and will go to
Brantford, to reside with their
uncle, Mr. Geo Ranton.
Rev. W. M. Martin, who has
been pastor of Caven Presbyterian
church for 26 years, preached his
farewell sermon on Sunday, and
intends moving with, his family to
London. The reverend gentleman
and family have many warns
friends, who regret their departure,
The Census. Bureau at Ottawa
lias issued ate important statement
,regarding the tgtiantities and values
of Canada's field crops for last
year. An ai'eal,,.of 27.505,403 acres
of crops bpi– yielded a harvest
which, colnptited at average mar-
ket price, has a value of $442,533,-
The 19 Liberals in the Legisla-
ture will occupy only one out of
the six divisions, the corner at the
left Band of she' Speaker with a
lonely representative in the second
is of o
three lieutenants row. The t o
A. G. MacKay who occupied the
front seats beside him, Messrs.
Harcourt, Preston, and Penso, are
all gone and it is expected that W.
Prondfoot, K. C„ of Centre Huron,
will be seated next to Mr. MacKay
with Stun Clark beside hien, Mr,
A. Studholme comes fourth to the
front benches, fifth seat on the
left from the Speaker. There will
be few changes on the Government
side. For the new members six
seats will be provided at the far'
The undersigned on lot 16. Con
2 Hay, has about 800 bushels of No.
21 barley, grown and kept for seed
purposes. This is a new variety
that has proven to possess a re-
markable clean stiff straw, excel-
ling all other varieties. Also gave
the highest yield of grain per acre
of all the barleys tested in 1907 at
the O. A. C., Mandschuri included.
It has been without an exception
the most popular variety with the
experimental union throughout
the province, ever since the first
distribution in 1906, in two ib lots,
from the O. A. C.
Price in small quantities,
$1.00 per bushel.
28 Hensall P. O.
for a Reliable Local Salesman
representing Canada's Oldest
and Greatest ,Nurseries in
Zurich and adjoining country.
You will find there is a good
demand for Nursery Stock on
account of the high prices that
growers have realized on their
fruit this season. Our salesmen
are turning in big business to
us this year. Be one of them
and earn good wages through
the winter months. Territory
reserved. Pay Weekly. Free
sample outfit, etc. Write for
Stone & wellington,
Fonthill Nurseries. 850 acres.
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils,
Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned.
Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol-
len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in •
jured and irritated conditions of the skin.
Mr. MatthiasWurm of Zurich Ont, says.
"I was bothered for some time with a run-
ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how
painful it was. I doctored for some time
till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's
Salve, and the result was so pleasing thab
I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's
Salve eased the pain for the first time. I
am cured. I am thankful indeed for .my
cure and gladly give you permission to
publish my case."
Mrs. .Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says; —
"For six months I suffered acutely from
sore breasts and doctored all that time. I
trieda sample ofJoseph Smith's Sale. Ib
was different to everything else I had
tried and it cured me. I am grateful for
the cure, as I have never been tronbieti
with it since."
Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.50
Obtained from W. H. B.i:xvrla Zurich, One
Norm. Bock
Paper Hanger
'and Painter.
All work promptly and
neatly done. Now is the
time to have your home
brightened and fixed up
for the bpring and Sum-
mer months.
Charges Moderate
N. BOCK Zurich
,60 'YEARS'
TRADE ('tti1ARtiS
Anyone sending a s toteh and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion froe whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communion.
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A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Cir-
enlation of any scientific journal. '!'cans for
Canada, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold lis'
fill newettealers.
MUNNe1,p2""6IBeoadway, New York
Branch Mae. lrao P St.. Washington, D. C.
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