HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-02-12, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich,• and Hay Township.1
Vol. IX.
No. 28,
iettneernet-^e-gemretanitenee-nie.a-sierioeniam D, S. Fatist, has soma good bar The is ready to harvest. ,l.. t..„leu -
........__. _ ......_._.._.,
1/4-1U \ - "j" MWAVIAN 14 *AM) AVM Wdiece`WWWW,
gains in remnants of till kinds February is putting rip" a geed i 4-1.1"'454:/stg
4 LOCAL NEW Mr. W. H. Bender returned last article of winter this veivk, " ., 1
tecree-easeiscreeenere...e-e.aetta-saa-04-0,,-ele week from Illinois, where he pur. The Rev. L. K. Etat of 'Ditsii.wood rx .
anent of new prints. Come and Dle . S. Faust has sonie of his new on Monday evening. . ''''.
.„..„-a.„---na.,-.......,...-- -... ^',4V404),..^•., WIIII.71.1062.10911.11.430.....“5,0 1.SE
ilit. el
D. S. Faust, has it large assort. chased, a percheron stallion. preiteheil in the Evangelical...church ' :4,te *
see them. spring dress goods. The leading ,A bean gueseing contest is on at ex_
shades f Or this year are, peacock C. Fritz' shoe store, the . proceeds
shade, and amethyst. to go to the baseball treasury.
Mr. John Deichert Tr., who has D. S Faust his a fine range of
been at Clinton Hospital, for seve- stripe linens in different shades,
ral weeks returned on Saturday for spring sultings.
evening, and is looking well.
A business meeting of the Zurich
Baseball Club, will be held at the
Commercial hotel on Tuesday even-
ing next, at 8 o'clock.
Quite e number of young people
drove to Hensall on Wednesday
evening, to attend a dance at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mit.
Mrs. Agnew and son Samuel, of
Clinton were in town on business,
Itis reported that Mr , Charles
Grob andlatnily intend moving to
Berlin early in the spring.
Mr. John Voelker of Dashwood,
has-been appointed agent of the
Massey•Harris Implement Comp-
' any, for this section.
Mr. Philip Hauch, took quite ill
last week, but he is improving
-which his friends will be
pleased to hear.
Tho evangelistic meetings in the
Emmanuels Evangelical church,
are well attended. A good interest
le :manifested. Meetings begin at
7.45 p. m.
Mr. J. Nevins of Bay City, Minh.,
is here this week and has purchas-
ed the stallion, Young Indian Chief
• from Mr. Chas. Fritz. the well-
known horseman and politician.
Cameron & Moore's general store
at Goderieh, was destroyed. by fire,
the latter part of last week. The
loss is heavy and partially covered
by insurance. The rural telephoneis 'atebing
Mr. Cecil Wiggins of London on in this section. and by next fall,
visited his brother, here, over close to a hundred. farmers. will
Sunda.y. Mr. Wiggins is a printer enjoy the convenience of 4 . first
and gave THE HERALD a short call, class telephone service.
Mr. Louis Kalbfleisch, has re-
cently disposed of one of his fine
'Phis week (Thursday) we experi- has just put in stook about - 64 new
black colts, to Mr. U. Turnbull. f n
eeed the worst part of the winter suit lengths. All the neweste.pate
Bauble Line, 11537. This colt o far.
• . o
The cold wae intense and terns, which he is selling nt • very
was s
the West wind, blowing 40 miles close figures. Give him your order
.......... en_ ........•••.......•...................
sired by Sago, and Mr. Turnbull
per hour -a regular Longboat gait- for your next suit of clothes. e , - .
has an excellent driver now. . • .
A.•public meeting of the citizens -,..csem.t.........-tee...c..c.....eceneee...„.........e.e.....,,...,....,..ee...„...sze....,..„
blew the fine, dustlike snow into
every small crevice. We are ready One of Mr. and Mrs. Marcie:0er- 1 ,...„.tle .,----„,,,•-•....tet----..e...no-n2.---.nee.e.e-e---..,...cee•-.ne...--e--e,..."----,ne-s:ene„..F,nes.,,,....-tr---e.e......e.„-Feenen----,„.;-.......aget==-:,,,,e,„,‘,5•,----.e.„,-.- 5,..,1
day) evening, to discuss the epos. for a change.
tion of granting $10,000 to the St. Rev. N. S. Methfessel, of west i (N1NircettclocTery sndclenly of ortietql, on • le
esday morning. Thfyneiether - qo THE UP:T• :DATE
.c4, gr#7,. 41a.N. fr----) !FL" g
of Exeter is being hold this (Fri- riveau's twins, of the Satibleline,, „JO
Marys and Western Ontario Rail- Seneca, N.. Y. will assist Rev. A. i little ono has been under ,4itadien.1 iP.-"eeil 9
..., eto. • ee, Figael
• -.:
way, for the purpose of assisting D. (i bit in his evangelistic 1 treatment for some tine i� is ; “•,„,,,,,, , •
.4e, ,1 tiini L -H qt.li
,„. liStR,,.6 E..,..„,,,T.. %awl.) id ...
theeptirchase of the rignt.of-way MeetincrS beginning next week. , some better. set., • v. .!
thrateten. that town. The Rev. gentleman is a class mate i Headquarters for tho best that is made in Boots and. Shoes. •
been i styling, ihemselves: the Emit U and I tv,,b
Mr. N. M. Cantin's young dangle- and.a very intimate friend of Rev. ; A company of London ce,
ter. aged about 12, has been very A. D. Gisehler, both having
i Northwestern Railway CO 'e An., f',FA con -q-)140 iint; in Fan and, whiter G.Gods fj.0
siek, the past week, Dr Ruther. -.members of the ftinione North
in for a enarter frorn-,' Do -1 oi..4 at prie81$ \nit:init. "\Vill 1-10.Nt? you money. V.9
ford of Stratford was in constilta. Western Collette LT Ib" 0 nartette, I P1T-eg
minion Government, to sc.... - • an 1 Ike;
tion with the local medical men. in of Napiervine,'Ills. Mr. 3,1etlifessel I
eletitrie lino from Lontloir ,,.:- .•.,:.
,,.. .
- de i ctiO W•O, eye solo, tq.40.,Itt.., for the famorts Wit- 9:.?
beatitifeI singer. Come un hear Hams staple shocs, made vpecially for farm wear
atega.d to the ease.girl was is an excellent speaker and a
rich and if tho toad is de ' •• 44•1111 A
.1..so weak thitt.an operation ••could rnn through Znrich. -. Thin- *4. :ion I V) ..
,..e.elightly better this 'week, hnt. is.' Longboat the Canadian Indian litieg for along. time an • - e
has been Vtniiting Dee rail'. "d: '- •
.• ..
.". '' 0; 1•::v4P' Complete Tango WilliamS patent
not be formed. The epittient is him-
sti4 in a. 'very dangerous eendi... has again proven. his superior and sidents will give every 6 • ::.'0'.: ':El7. '' .46 the best on eo.rth. King7s.,$tab-proof wad Kabt
rod; 41)
hon. .' - . - -,:- tinneatabio•qualities as a, long-dis- ment.to a line of railve
. • t. t,;:: • • d.-:,.' 1.,•-eene Krack:;Rubbers. i.. ...... . :.. .,-. .
, „al., 411,a 7,1Qt .,50,111,01;i7 ', .r .•. -. • . pm • Friday. evening. sne11 ens .,,e. - .. ,. .
.:,,,',••.'1•',:s,":,i'eelt..,,,'''' • . .. '. ' RttrediP8 - n'td-hilcr you.wait. :...;,., -,., ,., .,..,,;.._
4re.:110.4.. i.npo .claiJ.,a,.,:.'441 ,.,.,1-.1...*0.:g. .:, '4:Aita-.:..AlfiOd 'Slirtibb", 'braiding WO i
• • •. .. _ t • d a -A WO take butter tin'il eggs in e::,1clial.44!c
0 , . omeme.ad.ortme8"have 110 English 'oliampion. • Shiebbhad the to‘vnship and N , 4 : '4:1,,!..; ,
'., • , • , , . _ • ..,. - •• :., ,
throughout the West. an increase his opponent, and in the 2ath mile vince and with. gooOliearket Ana
homestead entries were recorded the Indian gradually closed up on is hardly secood to cnicy in. the o- MP
first ten months of the year 31,578 20th mile was reached, after which before. The farming.... district bre • t:„kteti -
ere, i, krt. I, dett itee
§11.6Nt..11 on increase. 'During ' the a lead of nearly a, inile when the town such a boom rte it nee.Or.'14;u1 .' lit
'1)P i.1:7.- i7„ F I'? I v
States headed the list with 1,485 gave up the •contest. Longboat 9 bedorne, what it was intended t ilia 1 77-1E' SHOEZMAN . - Aff 7, Le' Y; ,
of 6,273. Settlers from United he passed Shrubb when the latter shipping facilities:, ginnieln evilld.
entries and: English came second time for the 26 miles and :385 yards -one of the foremost- towns in he (.1.. et,IP
-with 72i.'i. veils 2 hours and 53 animates. Conn ty. : ,... • t
e • e••• • ts,;eien.-3,e0.,,..en...g...e-n...,.......„. ...ge„.....e.e.0.,,eten.eA.... .,X,,,,,0,,,,,.0., 7., .., w, ,-•., „:- ; -... yo,....,
.•'" rcr'Z'''Te '-..;*--6.r0?.1F:611"'&7'. *34.1.27.j'VQ:A17;'`,5•V".:4--':':-
I have a place f Or $2400i• On 100
acre farm. Wanted 1Rt April. Ap-
ply to E. Zeller, Zurich; ..
Lonis J. Kraft' has, disposed of
his land East of town, to Mr. Hy.
Flaxbard for the suiu of $:335,00.
The Rev. A. D. Gischler, attend.
ed theaninisterial Meeting in Jain -
es street Methodist chttreh, on
Monday afternoon.
Miss Mabel Hersey. of Landon,
formerly of Exeter has been ap-
pointed lady superintendent pf the
Royal Victoria Hospital Montreal..
W. H. Hoffman, merchant 'tapir,
I a
I have now opened some of my New Spring Stock.
I want you to come and visit my Store and examine
my Goods. I have the Newest Uptonlate Goods in
to-cp. Come early and have First Choice,
My Reninant Table
Will be filled once more witha good assortment of
Good Bargains in Dress Goods. Prints, Flannelettes,
end Towellihgs. COME EARLY and gait some.
M1 Farm Produce taken in
Exchange for Goods.
a S &AL'S,
497"kWV-R5111RARF"trr?K' to • • • -
. •
.... ,. ,
4 V.'
*. 6
1! 0) li ' r, e r 0 4-'-'9 •,/
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5I Are;,,h, .trzg '10,41 11 11-..4111 er'lle) GZ, ar,-,,, „
I, •,) .- 4 . ti e• et. , t ‘. es e
Stocktaking is over. We have decided to clear out an our Winter Goods regareJes5
1 '1
of cost. This $ale means molley in your pocket. Remember all regular pl.i..e4 have boeu e:n- 11.zil.1y in
Do not miss this Great Bargain Sale. Below are a few of the prices:
!I, 0
J.. p
4 vi
•,i "
ri 0
g a
i t('
,.1 .8'.
6 )it
a '•;::
IV 0
(I I
‘k::•-•=1E.:.::::::4:=8-vz,;*ms,A=5,amnrzazzavx.:41,,iwsz3z-zz7.30.4mo-..:2041L..403raiMrn.lateet.13Cataz",04=0A1,:a' 3qt243e341:1;Lt-ce
Regular $1.25 'Tweeds for 75 (tents
cc 1.50 " for 1.00
" 2.50 " for 1.50
2.25 " for 1.25
4 00 " for 50
" 15e wrappers 10 cents
cc 12o shirtings foil° cents
cc ee cc for 5 eeuts
" 14c for 10 cents
Cloves, Mitts Etc.
Men's heavy Astrican Gauntlets
horse bide face,
Regular $2.00 for 1.25
CC 1,50 for 1.00
c • 1.00 for 75 cen10
A largo stock of all kinds of
leather mitts and gloves at greatly
reduced prices.
Children's Cloaking.
Regular :531.25 for 07 cents
Regular 85 cents for 511 cents
Boys' 2 Piece Suits
Sizes 116 to 28
Regular $4,00 snit for 3.00
cc 1.50 for 2.50
8.00 for 2.00
c, 2:75 for 1.75
" 2,00 for. 1,50
1 only ladies' Ast. Jacket
rubber lined, with fur
collar, reg. $18.00 for
1 ladies' fur coat, regular
010.00, for
1 ladies' fur coat, regular
35.00, for
1 ladies' fur coat, regular
25.00, for
, 1
$ tr.
1 Only 07 piece Dinner Sett regular
elm() for 7.50.
9 only 07 piece Dinner Seta regular
;neon for Ti.00
4 only 07 piece: See t menhir
-00 for 0.00
Boys' 3 Piece Sufis
Sizes 28 to ee
Regular $0,00 suit for 4.3133
;i.00 f'r
'' nesen
p..;30 for 2,e1)
1)o not miss
; y Men's Double=Breasted
heavy Suits, reg. $9., for
ly Men's Double-, reasted
heavy Suits, reg. $7.9 for
An kinds of Farm Produce wanted
in exchange for Goods.
Snaps in Fiard-,.;..-exe.
Spring ro eents
(.7itreei te...-ke paeages .• -en;
Inesitet. eletts, eent•;
sinetss-. kneie 95 tee...,
eenie 131
nteecec, 331 vents a
75 centlie
Sifter t•isti, elsoons foutranteed
yeera 75 eeets a dozen
Greante eh:millers tni cents
slipiens 5 cents
Spring I...it:tiles pin 5ets a (10
and strliee lwlls at greeily redueesi
pre.ess. Sp -et -nal 1 3tI3 3 'nee:tine.
11.1:4 3 sl
regt173.• 4c,:tt for
aid Table Linens.
All icir r!,;2.t prints for 10
All 0,:r 13) .05 prints for
Tahlt'•* Lin,:u1. regular
Regeiar i5 rents for 45
.•5 for 32
;1s for 23
C15 for 1" cents
A lar'? Nicck of Dre
to 1,1(a1' Ot hall' price. Alt geed
goiels and l3 3) collars, else a int
of rt. =nuts. at a snap.