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The Herald, 1909-02-05, Page 8
0 41 sa I r • SATURDAY, and MONDAY, On Saturday at d flonday we will put on Sale our stock of Lreifs ats, lles9 ts 9 RI Get Fzur oat T:ga and all Fur Stock consisting of Ladles' Astrachan Jackets, Fur Caps, Scarfs and Collar= ettes. On these two days you can buy these goods ~.SS Reit hesaie Pric so 0 a good deal less In most cases SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY MEN'S SHIRTS regular price $1.00 on sale Saturday for ALL NEW PRINTS regular 12Xcts a yard, on Saturday and Monday for 075 .10 take Farm Prothice OF ALL KINDS Of In Si'v°r�4k4 u; c eralcL A.d1'�OQse leaf ledger, (� bill and charge pard system, and a,. 11 modern d e- ach e vises known to business science are at disposal of our students. Con- sequently business houses of leading Canadian and American cities are calling loudly fora ;our graduates, Individual instruction, Sober any dzty . Mail Courses Send postal 'tor particulars. CL,ANTON Business College Gso. SSroari)N Principal, " • Selling Pelham' Peerless rruit and Orna nental tree's, sin ubs, etc., dering the winter iuonths. We offer yet steady and profit- able empleyieent in your own district at good pay. We have over, 600 acres • of clime nursery stock which yon will rell direet:to your customers. No diseased or dried out Ame- rican stock supplied. Estab- lished over 30 years. Write new for particulars. P.Li'LIIAM NURSERY CO. Toronto, Ont. The big sale is on in full force. Prices were never so low, every- thing eutd,,own to the lowest notch. All Al goods. , J. Preeter. ' Born OnTwEiz,—At the Bronson Line, Hay, on the 1st inst, to Mr. and Mrs. 4. Qrtwein, a son. RAU—A..;,t+ a Sauble Line, Stanley, on th "•',' Inst, to Mr. and Mrs. I3y. Ran, a son. =-w The folks a'.'ng is the report for room III P. S.. based on at- tendati= ; :'eekly examinations and co p,u', The names are in order o Jr I f TJttley. Alma Axt, Russe t" ii �,4 ,7 Iva, Beyrock, Roy Appe to Schnell, Bernard Hil �erdinand Haberer, Cltir!a ,1r�t if grin Bock, Theo. Mit- tel Me holt A1b• Celitq ,Ir pt« Glad's. Reinhol Tliirl, Srpt''; Sohn ell;:: Mittenolt„ ,Edgar Schenck, Alp- honso Dietrich, Elmore Ciansins, Louisa Eov ttid, Earl Zettcl, .Alma Uttler, Jr 0,11f I Ronald Witwer, Anthony Mittel/Altz, Mar,; Schenck Armand chenek, Celia 3-1ildrandt, Maggie Thiel. Ne.,on roll, 54. Average :attendaan: iafor month of January 41. .1 A. Jacl:;:on, Teacher. Heyrock, Gertie T-hoodore How- • nick, Mary Zet- illi© Glausitts, •a. Weber, Minnie Thief, Leo Mittel - miner. Cecil Weber, eltz, Melvin Book, 0.. Howald, Iva Welker r, Lawrence Ran, h. Ernie Bender, Janet ester, Maggie Fuss. reneo Brenner, Edgar r+?st 'Welker, Cla vtus Clubbing rates. V °We have nude . arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Trit HvaAnn : Daily Globe $ 4.25 ,, Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globo 1.75 „ • Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2,50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2,75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sim 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 For that Terrible itching Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims in perpetual torment. The application of Chamberlain's Salve will instantly allay this itching, and many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by J J'Merner. MARKET • REPORT.—The fol- lowing i the report of Zurich, markets corrected lip to Thursday. Barley 50 to 50 Peas.. 4V44•4 ' 80 Bran, , 20.00 Shorts,'..... • • • — 23.00 Oats , . , . 86 86 Wheat . .. 02.., 92 Hay»?.. , . , . 7,00 Driest apples 5 5 Clover seed 5.00 5.15 Potatoes •• . • ... • 40 40 :Natter .. , . -20 20 Eggs,. ....•.. 23 23 Hags liveweiget .. • . 6.50 BE 1SALL MARKETS Cook's .Desi flour... .. 2.75 wheat,- .. - . , r 08 94 041S0,1•94 6•••• •••••• tog:, i ©weight ,....:. 36 36 50 to. 6. io _.. Every Farmer Should Have a Good l elephone A telephone, in a farmer's home, not only enables him to keep constantly posted as to market prices, but: saves hien, need- less trips to town. If a telegram or other important message comes, it can be delivered without loss of time. It will, at a moment's notice, summon a doctor and may be the means of saving your wife or your child's life. A telephone' is useful in a hundred different ways and should have a place in every home -town and country. The Cost is only $121. a year We .are making preparations for Spring work and. those desiring conueutrons should complete their contracts before the 1st of March. Parties in town or near present lines can be con- nected on short notice. E. ZJ LL] R, Zurich When you want a Piano or Organ call at The Dashwood Furniture Store and you will see the best .Piano made in Canada— We also handle The New Williams and the New Raymond Sewing flachines o0 If you want a good machine just drop a card. We have no agents to pay a big commission, so we give our customers that commission. That's a saving to you, isn't it Any order by snail will have our best attention. Our prices are the Lowest. .,.a...am..KONrr<m•••u.n,®.mnv„sac,.1•11r1•11m®. PETER Furniture and Undertaking DASHWOOD o deer Msthke can be madt, • Y than imagining it is economy to buy cheap factouy Harness and. Saddlery Goods, because the price seems low. The Shoddy Character of Cheap Gods --. takes away all apparent saving and always conduces to more or legs dissatisfaction. Svc; snake a special point on the character of our Goods—We positively deal in goods of reliable workmanship and A. 1. material. THE LOWEST PRICES consistant with a high standard of excellence always obtains at our place. We earnestly invite inspection of Goods and Prices. We positiv- ely mean to do the best we can 'by our patrons. 9 OURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE PHONE 13 ZU is 1Cll urich 's 1 ,„„) Now is the time to buy your Winter Shoes We have the best Winter Footwear that can be bought. You can always rely on get- ting the best When. you buy here. Men's and Boys' Socks Felt Goods Women's Leggings .Etc. Pr res will,.0)e Satisfactory p. N Zurich