The Herald, 1909-02-05, Page 6sok Lungs, Catar .�, MOUNTAIN HOMI FOS CAME, _ British Columbia's Preserve for Moon- IS rwichitis HHa fain Goats and Sheep, 1=1k and Deas. By a p oetemaiiOA of the Licrutenaht o Catarrh? Governorand I�a,t,c.utiye t ouneil of Bri- f M ira isthil en Though Head and Throat Are rseased From Neglected Cold's, Core is Certain. undtnids die of chronic catarrh that could cured by persevering with a remedy of merit. Look for these synt$oms in your n ease—•they all neap CAT:1Rk.li in some '1s your voice rough?" 'Do you cough up phlegm?" 'Is your nese stuffed up?" 'Do you merge at night?" '.Does your nose Itch and burn?" 'Nave you frontal headachese" `Ski your eyes pain?" 'Have you droppings is your throat?" o you sneeze, hawk, cough?" 'Hays you droppinugs in your throat?" re you lostug sense of taste?" Have you stomach nausea?" atarrh has been pronounced a. disease sed and mniutaioad by germ life, and nice er diseases where germs are present, is oesiblo to be cured by the ordinary cou- utional medicines. undreds of different remedies have been d. Inbalere which produced steam, yap - and sprays were introduced, but turned useless. as the vapor condensed and the Icements were left deposited in the Ierge nchial tubes long before the air reached smaller cello at the lungs. Catarrhozone the only germicide ever found volatile ugh to impretinato every particle of air tired. yot leaving It FREE from moisture, s enabling' this powerful germ destroyer reach every pare of the air passages in head, throat and lungs, where It at once the bacilli that cause catarrh, asthma, Lobitis, eoldb, etc. cures by inhalation, and because it can - fait to reach the seat of the disease. It guaranteed, and incurs not the slightest gee of inconvenience to the ,parient. Begin 'Treatment Now atarrhozone is absolutely certain to reach source of the disease. It possesses mar- oon hemline properties, and quickly re - res the raw, congested membranes to a rmat, healthy condition. In a few breaths clears away all foul mucous discharges, d quickly allays coughing, headache, pate er the yes, and the mantfold unpleasant Atoms of catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, Rhine, sore throat and twlds. Qu;nk Cure is Guaranteed d >w bear In mind, you breathe Catarrh- ne. Do yeti not think this is a rational hod of treatment—a reasonable way ot welling the di<raead surfaces, whish tie so r in the cavity of the body or of the bead aC. they can be reat.hed in no other way? on cannot possibly fail to obtatu quirk ire R YOU Ilan Catarrhozone. 'Pwo months' eaznent, absolutely guaranteed, costs $1')O, .slier size, sec., at alt defilers in medicines. Blames Toronto, (Ottawa Few Tress). to ending to Toronto's fight against ile Street Railway Company appears in i ht. One of the newspapers has re- ' ognized that the fault lies Mainly with he City Council, and has had courage nough to , ay so. It :sill not take the ewers -that -be ot the ('ity Hall long 1 ct reach an agreement with the company Once+ they make up their minds that i ales ingg it is out of date as a vote -mak- ing process. Don't believe rheuma- tism can he cured by rub- bing liniment or oil on the sore spot. Tho dis- case oannot bo reaehea in that way. It must be driven out o1 the system. Only Celery Zing will do this quickly. 25 mote, ab 817 eoalersorhymail, 13, C,WeilsdCo.,Toronto Discriminating. "Do you believe in the literal ulcus of Osten punishment?" "Not for myself." answered err, Sirius Barker. "But I favor it for a lot of people I knew."—Washnigtoti Star. ®.s Minard's Lirlitetent Cures Diphtheria. Following a Bad Precedent. "Altat kind of irlva'tn•^ut are you golds to put along this street?" "Well, it is our intention----" "So• chat's the kind, is it? (ivat Plato! Why don't you move out of this neighboritn+r'I1 Yon don't have to live • here, do yon?" cerpas this gi>Aa' lasamie a. ,,' +. at o un; Liu. dated Nev. 1.i, 1008; there woe created a saztctua.ry fee the moun- tain goat, maintain sheep, ell., mule dear and other important wild animals of the East IKr,Utetzay district of that province. The initial at't falces Lite form of and order proelaiining aft absolute closed Beason for ten years. Tine southern line of the preserve is 03 mills north of the international boundary, and its eastern boundary, Elk River, is fifteen miles Iruxt the western I,r>:tedary of ?,.lberta, 011 the summit cf the continental divide. The total arta of the region which thus becomes an absolute genie preserve of about 450 square miles. It includes about three- q.la•11crs of the territory netween the 1:1k end bull Rivers, altotly kaolat to the pul 1 as the proposed Goat Moun- tain Pare to wb.ielt elk and deer breed- ing ground* have been added on the northwest, on the head waters of White Pier and its tributary ereexa. The region is richly stocked with game. It ie undoubtedly the centre of abundance of the white mountain goat, the number of whieh is estimated by competent sportsmen and gio,les at about 1,000 heat!. Of mount i sheep there is also an abundant seer.,, a con- servative estimate placing the total at not less than 200 head. Grizzly bears are abundant in the higher ranges, and it is safe to estimate the total number at from 40 to 50 in- diviiLuals. Elk are yet scarce, and so are wane deer, both these species having been shot out almost to the point of extermination before the existing elk pro- tetion law w.ae enacted. It is now quite certain that from this time henceforth all the large game species of the protected area will stead- ily and rapidly increase. Besides pro- viding for the perpetual preservation of the picturesque goat and the lordly sheep, both of thorn species that are easily exterminated union; protected, the overflow of wild life from the new reservoir will perpetually stock the sur- rounding territory. The creation of the preserve was sug- gested to the Government of P+•ritieh Columbia in 1906 by two Amerieau sportsmen. For two years William T. Ilosniaday and John N. Phillips carried on by correspondence and in the press an active caInpttign. of education and appeal on behalf of the proposed pre- serve, On being convinced that the people of British Columbia really desired the pro- pteed preserve Premier McBride referred the matte to the provincial game war- den, A. Bryant Williams, for examination and a report. In 1308 Mr. Williams made` two long and laborious tours of inspee- ticn through the East Kootenay region, from ?'erule to the White River ooulttay,. and after a searching examination ren- dered a report. The executive order published on Nov. 113 defines the boun- daries n4 the now closed area as recom- mended by Mr. Williams. Cearanteeti•for'4lC years F EE foraeiling A dozen 0o - t Gold Inkless Pens at 10. each. These pens write a beautiful color by simply alp - ping in water. No iink. re- quired. Write to -day.. We trust you with the pone, sell them and rebut -litho money mullein this little beauty Gold Finished Watolt and oaten a, iovely Tea Set Free DOB, LTOOLOPESI1CO. P 120+ New Specimen for the Zoo. 'Dressed in the latest and most ap- proved mator'cyclin,g costume, with gog- gles alt complete, the motorcyclist gaily Loot -tooted his way toward the Zoo. Suddenly he slackened, dismounted and said tosmall grubby r 1 i a small, Steen, "1 say, boy, ant I right for the Zoo" The bop gasped at so strange a sight and thought it must be some new ani- mal for the gardens. "You may be all right if they have a spare cage," he said, when he could find his tongue, "but you'd ha' stood a far better chance if you'd a tail"—Tit- With rnnat typewriters this, Is a period 01 trausltton trent the old to the new. The 'Underwood Is the pioneer vtslbls writer. It is long past the experimental etage. It le safe to buy an Underwood, UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. UNITED 7 Adelaide St. East, TORONTO The American Winter. slit American and Scotsman were dis- cussing the void experienced in tinter in the north of. enotland. • "'Why, ins nothing at all compai +d to the cold. weather we have in the Sta-ee," said the Alttcrican. "I can recolla'et Ott winter when a sheep jumping from a hillock into a field, became suddenly frozen on the way and stuck in 'he air like a mass of ice." "But, roan," exclaimed the Scots ,tan, "the law of gravity wouldn't allow that." "I' know that," replied the tale p:teh- er. "But the law of gravity was frozen, too l"---Tit-Bits. `.34.le musical conductor should know as much about beats as the policeman.. Should a list of '' the ingredients of Poruna be submitted to any meclieel expert, of whateveti school Or nation- ality, he woute e ,obliged to admit without reserve 114t! flash or+e; pf them was of undoubted ':;value in chronic catarrhal dlseasea and had' stood the test of many yeers' • experience in the treatment of such diseases. THERE OAN BE NO O1$PUTE ABOUT THIS WHATEVER.' Peru=: Is composed of the mostefficacious ' and universally used herbal remedies for catarrh. Every ingredient of Psruna has a rep- utation of its own in the cure of some phase of catarrh. Poruna brings to the home the COMBINED KNOWLEDGE OF SEV- ERAL SCHOOLS OF MEDICINE in the treatt'ient of catarrhal diseases; brings to the home the scientific skill and knowledge of the modern pharmacist; and fast but not least, brings to the home the vast and varied experience of Dr Hartman, in the use of catarrh remedies, and in the treatment of catarrhal diseases. The fact is, chronic catarrh is a dis- ease which is very prevalent. Many thousand people know they have chronic catarrh. They have visited doctors over and over again, and been told that their case is one of chronic catarrh. it may be of the nose, throat, lungs, stomach or some other internal organ. There is no doubt as to the nature of the disease. The only trouble is the remedy. This doctor has tried to cure them. That doctor has tried to prescribe for them. BUT THEY • ALL FAILED TO BRING ANY RELIEF. Dr. Hartman's idea is that a catarrh remedy can be made on a large scale, as he is making lt; that it can be made honestly, ?yfethe purest drugs and of the sari" ert uniformity. His idea is that tk rmedy can be sup- plied directiyttis 'e people, and no more be charged foe it than is neces- sary for the :handling of it. No other leo id remedy so un'r- carries upon the ctive constltuents, invites the full rifles. ad book entitled ::P'trut a." address dibus, Ohio. Mailed versally ethane label the pain showing that-` inspection of For a free "The Teat The Pent postpai How a. rss^I a Revolver. snag .the barrel of rte -gallery wee- r an who wants The hand er with ate; but a1'ween. `the eye - t rticular- The fetciag that is ;,ti -shooter means. your foil by in - alp pointing your might at any ob- hard you try. Yet ght down your fin- vork with the six - With the barrel just our finger; or really, wrist and forearm, and all v there is 'a general air best form what the it You point yirtii stinet, Yoe et finger directly! ject. no nuti-net surely you rlrx ger! In the ix shooter, you poi as you poiltt with' you point with yo and the six-sltooteens the finger of your wrist, the lengthening of your arta. That is the theory: and creed of the six- sh'ooter.--Emerson Hough in The Outing Magazine for.Januar'y. i'airvillc, Sept. 30, 1902, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—We ;dish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LIIS- IMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a relief for sore throat and chest. When I tell you .I would not be without ib if the price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, OftAI1. F. TI •LTO lr-, Unfortunate. what are you crying about?" "'Cause I don't get no Saturday holi- day from school like the other children does. Boo.hoo!" "Boli why don't you get out of school on Saturday?" "ttjause T ain't old' inouglt to go to school yet. 33oo-!t6o-!tool°' Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Beyond the Styx. Pluto bad introdueed Waekford Squeers, late of I.)otheboys hall, to Sim- on Legree, late tif Uncle T'om's Cabin. "Glad to meet yoe, Mr. Si ueers," said Legree. "You ani 1, I believe, are two of the most celebrated of the old masters." But Squeers, who had just been com- pelled by I?luto,to take his tegular dose of brimstone- wmit'h•out the tr'eaole--was too surly to an:wer, THE PEtUNA ALMANAC. The druggists ha ro already been sup- plied with the Poteria, almanac for 1000. In addition to ;the, regular astronomical matter usually furnished in almanacs, the articles ot astrology. aro very attrac- tive to most people; The mental ehar- acteristies of each sign are given with faithful aceura0y,. A. •list of lucky and unhieky days will be •fiirnisbed to those who have our ellnanaos, free of sha>:'ge, Address The Peewee .,Co, Columbus, O. • PRUSSIA SIG ENOUGH. Kuropatkin Argues Against Further Expansion of the Empire, "The chief work of otir array in the net 200 •rears," writes General lKuroitnt- kie iu-.MeClua'e's "has: ct>nsisted in the enlergt'ntent of our boundaries on the northwest tied en the South . In the last two centuries but seventy -taro years. have been peaceful. In the remaining 122 years thirty -these foreign and tou internal wars. have been waged, Russia's outlets oft the Baltic and Black Seas required the labor of our a.t•nied forces for 200 years and cost us great sacrifices in killed and woitn led, We reached the 'L'actifie in 1897 without bloodshed. But so easy a victory bore within itself the germ of defeat, "The enlargement of Russia's bound- aries in .all directions has brought. into her possession divers peoples Allen and even hostile to Russia. The irorclars of the empire haul', begun to be surrounded by a population not sufficiently atuitt;;a• mated with the Russian people. "Russia, in her frontiers 01 1.1,000 miles contiguous to nine different king- doms needs in my opinion no alteration.', in her boundary lines." i • P DRIVEN TO DRiNK. Artist—My next picture will be en- titled "Driven to Drink." His Friend—Ah, ,some powerful por- trayal of baffled passion, I suppose? Artist—Oh, no; it's a cab approaelt- ing a watering -trough. THE CAST OF A DIE. lWlopper—Marriage is a game of dice, after all. Laura Lusher's husband has left her and is boozing hard:r than ever. Sopper—I see your point. 1 -re shook her for the drinks. P!1'1S CURED AT HE BY NEW ABSORPTION METRO If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send the your address, and I will tell you how to etre yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs. M. bummers, Box 1', 8, Windsor, Ont, d'm Scotland. "Scotland" is a Hama so hallowed by heroic and successful struggles against tyranny, civil and ecclesiastical, that its sons as a rule are jealous as well as intelligent and sturdy guardians of An existence and active in its preserva- tion. The sword of Wallace and the stool of Jennie Geddes are symbols deeply en- shrined r net in thenational atlonal heart, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, Couldn't Pass. Lawrenoo lead just cried: "Don't give up the ship:" "I've got to," answered his subordin- ate; "I failed in the test. walk." Herewith the. hero expireil.•---\ ew York Sun. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, ISSUE NO., 5, 1909 HELP WANTED. AGittINTS 4L a• f'i'l)--NQ SECURITY 4/'iL capitol required; liberal inducement;*. Alfred Tyler, wholesale tea Importer and 14,tue grinder, Loudon, Ont. /f/Vli, WANT RtkELIABLE WOI4bN, over Canada to work for us during their spare hours, selling eui' high grade Perfumes, Toilet Requisites, Teas, Oetteett. etc. No references neieesary. Work pleae- nt reed remunerative. Tbo Roe specialties eRomeno,, 't'rauby Avenue, Toronto, Canada, ',1V. ANTED --MEN AND WOMEN TO SELL toas and coffees, also other lines. A. S. Taylor, tea importer, South London, Out. 'A EN WAFTED IN EVERY LQCALITY to advertise our goods, tack up show - cards in alt conspicuous places and dlstri- bute small advertising. matter. Oomniisslon or salary, $88 per month, and,expenees, $4 Der day. Steady work' the year 'round; .ell- tlrel,v new plan; no experience required. 11'rlte for parttoulare. Royal Remedy Co., London. Out., Canada. FARMS TO RENT. TOCK FARM TO RENT—A FINE ST0tIC tarot of 126 acres, five miles -north of London, on Proof Line road; grand opporturt- Itv for right party Enquire W. .S, John- son, Arve P. 0„ Ont. LAND WANTED, 50. 0 CASH PAID FOR. South African Voituiteer land Warrants If substitute gaspers properly executed. make sipaht draft with papers attached. 9irat National Realty Co. INinnipa,j, loran. F eference—Iterchants' Tank. enen Tobacco and Hockt). (Ottawa Journal). Three big reasons exist to stop smok- ing at hockey matches: 1. The rink may be set on fire. 2. Tho smoke dulls the light, and towards the end of matches obscures the game. 3. It is nasty for the ladies. For smoking, no good reason exists at all. A W®ltaal�>u �y&apathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy tinanelal load'? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women—/ haver been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and will if you will assist me. All you need do is to write for a 'free box of the remedy which has been placed in my hands to be given away. Perhaps this ono box will cure you—it has done so for others. If so I shall be happy and you will bo cured for 2o (the cost of .a postage stamp). Your letters held confi- dentially. Write to -day for env free treat- ment. MRS. F, E CIJRRAH, S'Y-indsor, Ont. NAMES OF DOGS. Spaniels were so called because the original breed of this type came from. Spain. The Blenheim spaniel got .#lis name from Blenheim palace, where this dog first gained popularity' !fat the time of the great Duke of Marl- borough. In the same way the King Charles spaniel owes its name to 'the merry monarch, Fox terriers did not gain their names from a likeness to the fox, but from the fact that nor- rnerly they were used in hupting foxes. Many years ago Ley ever sent by their diasters down the fox's burrow to draw and kill their quarry. It was in those days a saying that a good fox terrier never came out of a bur- row without the fox. He either brought out his prey deacl or never came out alive himself. THE 'aCHA PgN" OAS and CURIE intagNES ft must give satit3- faction or you don't pay lot' it. SOLD ON TRIAL Is the only Gasoline Engine that you can try before you buy. I know went the "Cham- pion" will do, and I want you to be fully satisfied with It before you pay for lt. The pried is low. Full particulars tree. Wawa. Gillespie, 93 Front St. E.,TORONI,`O Shocking. Mary—I wish you'd drop the 'Miss" and call ane plain "Mary.' 'Melina—Oh, 1 coolcln•t throw your misfortune in your face that way, fids da,nn,..4til`JAt'"M ,V`F`tbe. ata 11r5.1.,.i2ilt`Ht.il4'a x?rCW,1 and Wrlto for Weekly Frioo Lists, JOHN HALLAM - Shipments Solicited. TORONTO, (1 J'i'. sYYt 'fisAfrs.v15i :tittrdiSsnriirX '-'1;EMEMENO ,6345 5",+arr4,3tiV,Se,1,nobs.:.,1;:'tttS n,q,;aei ? enelei. ,:,,,aa;; 21 FAVORITES iia t5litutt tisci ' I MOST 17ERFECT?LATCHES YOU EVER STRUCIL Always. E;4r,.ywhterti- In Caicede, calif for Eddy's it arches trtoraMMISMICESEIMIIIMMIINIMEWAIN21==