HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-02-05, Page 5The Zurich Herald„ (mile Lue e for the. balance of this month. Every Ring Solid Gold. Watch and Clock Repairing My Specialty F. W. HESS, d EWfr LL -ER Our stock of Toys and Fancy Goods for the Holiday Trade is complete, and we will .appreciate a call at The Blake Store where your wants will;be sup- plied with genuine satisfaction .as to price and quality. R. N. Douglas, BLAKE emmiticz.g3wRzTMis:J'cI' That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have; a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. 11 BIAK ,ZIN ago EAT MAME' E keep in stock a full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our arm is to keep nothing but the best. We make out own. sausages. Give us a call. MALT & tU,i E 1 C R T a DRYSDALE R. 3, Howard is this week renew- ing olcl scenes, in the country sur- rounding Fair Grove, Michigan, The fishing firm of St. Joseph city, which heretofore has been oonduoted by Messrs. Mosseau and Sreenan, has been placed under new ,management and hereafter the business will be oonduoted by Messrs. Challett and Sreena,n. This celebrated fishing station being sit- uated in the suburbs of St. Joseph adjoining St Joseph city which sub• joins the lake shore as aforesaid has exceptionally good transporta- tion facilities a fact while tends to make this industry a pleasant, pro. fitable and enterprising one. Mrs. I. Lindenfield of London, is at present a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Sr., of this place. Reports received here from the far north, more particularly New Ontario, indicate that snow has fallen to the depth of many inches, and that the lumbering industry is now in full swing. A. Horner has in his possession, a fine driver, which in the opinion of competent horse dealers would be considered a valuable animal. it is a pure sorol in color and of muscular build with clean limbs and good action and may by proper treeing, develop into an exception- ally speedy horse. The frosty weather of the past few days has covered Lake Huron with an icy coat and fishing in the near future is expected. After many years of patient waiting and considerable mental anxiety, a number of our citizens have been connected with. the out- side world by means of a telephone line, and are thereby enabled to communicate in a private way with people in ,this and adjoining dis- tricts. John Howard, the veteran mail driver, who has carried the mail between Drysdale and Kippen for the past twenty-two years, has resigned and will be succeeded by Messrs, Corriveau and Laporte, who have been awarded the con- tract by the department. The following problem will amuse our mathematicians and assist in developing their mental faculties. An express train consisting of sixty cars and travelling at the rate of a mile per minute, has a brakesman standing outside on the steps of front coach, and a conductor stand. ing outside on the steps of the hind poach. Could the conductor shoot the brakesinan with a rifle that carries a bullet at the rate of a mile per minute. St. Valentines Day is again ap- proaching and it is expected as us- ual that a number of the boy's will be presente'i with an enlarged life sized portrait of themselves. The following is the report of S. S. No. 8, Hay, for the month of January. Natnes in order of merit. V class Milton Oestreicher. Sr IV Aaron Oestreicher, Corti, Truemner, Alberta Truemner. Jr IV Tusnolda Truemner, Susie Klienfeldt. Sr III Ohlen Truemner, Luella Kuntz, Lily Messner, Lydia Mess- ner, Pearl Broderick, Bell Overholt Jr III Rliienhold hillier, Edwin Hartman, Emily Schroeder, Bern- ard Hartman. II Flora Klienfeldt, Gertie Wieg. and, Ida Messner, Theodore Miller, Tillie Kuntz, Ottis Truemner, Chas Hartman. Sr pt II Enigma Messner, Norman Klienfeldt. jr pt II Clara Wiegand, Henry Becker, Ethel Klienfeldt, Pt I Nora Miller, Clara Mentz, Christina Becker, Beulah Wiegand, Lily Broderick, Tillie vIessner, Herbert Messner. A. C. Milligan, Teacher. Cali on-_ A. Edighoffer TONSORIAL ARTIST Successor to Fred, Manus For a Quick And Easy Shave, or an Up-to-date Nair -cut. Opposite 4Commeroial.. gotel, ZURICH. HALF. dust is fine and white, but it won't make good bread. Fine, White flour is all right as far as it goes, but if it lacks nutrition its other qualities amount to nothing as far as baking is con- cerned, 0 sea Ts Fkffl is not only the finest and purest of flours but also the most nutritious. It is milled by a process which gives you all of the nutri- tious properties of the wheat in the best form for your use. You can get it from your grocer. Ogilvie Hour Mills Co., Ltd. IIIONTItEi'1L. Threatening feverishness with ehiidren is quickly ancl,s. ly calm- ed by Preventies. The. ` tie Can- Duld al- ptness contain r stak- e stitch ket, or genuine 50. Sola dy Cold Cure Ta.hlet ` ways be at hand—fv'*'p is all-important. Prevents no quinine, nothing :. ening. They are inde in time." Carried purse. Preventics a safeguard against by J J Merner.. otr na CO a ;,hs,C0p1 .,gip Iooplllg: r This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant Is take. It contains no opium or etker Madel drag and ansy be given secede. body tea baby as to as adult. Mu 25 tents, lame size 50 centro Two cases of s veloped from. a. Beechwood, it is o1 the viot ns north of Stra'= Mr. Cowie, of An inquiry into ,Tames MoAnanay, es, who was found the other day, has the coroner's jury. supposed to have die lism, but a clan of brain as revealed by: caused a change of a arrived at, and the result. HAY COUNCIL The Council of Hay Township, met at the Town Hall, all members being present. The Auditors re- port for 1908 was adopted, and a number of small acconnts passed. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday March 3rcl. Fred Hess, Sr., Clerk. Who wouldn't give 25 cent to stop e. pain 20 times? .rust one little ."Pink Pain Tablet"—Dr Shoop's— will stop any pain in 20 minutes, sure 1 Read the formula on the box. Doctors say it can't be bettered. Checks womanly pains, head pains, any pain. 20 tablets 250 Sold by J Meaner. DABS H WOOD Hy. Calfas, delivered a fine horse to Mr. Hackney on Saturday, for which he received a fine figure. S. Beaver has sold his team, and has since purchased a fine team of colts. J . Weber, has also sold his farm team and purchased a pair of colts from W. Pfaff, for which he paid a good price. The Trustees are lucky in secur- ing teachers, to fill the vacancies caused by the resignation of the Misses Carling, which goes into effect 1st of March. The revival meetings ended Sun- day night. Miss Kruspe of Blyth, is visiting friends in this community at pre- sent. John Hall of London, was in the village Monday, looking after his seed. business. On Wednesday afternoon of last eveek, Mr. Jac. Walper was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Bierling, of the Township of Hay. Rev. Mr, Tllun pronounced the mystic words, which made them nem and wife. in the presence of the vast assemblage of invited guests and others, who went to witness the ceremony, After the! congratulations ivei'o over they all repaired to the home of Mr, and } Mrs. Bierling, where the evening was spent in social chat and tnerri-{ ment till near the dawn of day, when the company dispersed wish- ing Mr. and Mrs. Wainer many years of wedded bliss. We hero - with extend our congratulations, and hope that for the young couple they may have a pleasant voyage together over life's troubled sea. ethof atharin - a stable dered by an was en alcoho- od on his e autopsy on to be quiry will Partridge are dying le mores in the vicinity of Galt from an un- known affection, and it is thought they will be wiped out entirely. Two "spotters" from. the license department have been, operating in Stratford, and, as a result eight hotelkeepers in Stratford paid fines yesterday for selling' liquor after hours. ST STI1S IIs MERCINE 010 REMEDIES RETAIN THEIR POPULARITY Investigations of French Physicians Show that Large Production of Synthetic Medicines is Not Crowding Out the Old Favorites. A late despatch from Paris says: Prof. Grinibert presented a notable paper before the Academy of Medi- cine on"therapeutic tendencies in the last ten years. Basing hisfigures on medicines furnished to Zig large asylums and hospitals by the State Pharmacy, he finds that . the old- fashioned medicines retain their popularity. An expert authority on being utter. viewed states that the tendencies of, the medical profession in Canada are along exactly the same lines. He gives the following old-fashioned vegetable mixture as the safest and best treatment for all stomach and liver troubles, constipation, disorder of the . kidneys and bladder, and states that many of the leading ingredients physicians use these in some -form, often by some fancy and expensive name :-- Fluid —Fluid Extract Cascara,....... 5.5 oz. Syrup Rhubarb .... . ... a oz. Caruana Compound ........ t oz. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 oz. Take one teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. This acts in a pleasant way, and is free from the bad effects of strong purgatives and synthetics. We advise all our readers to cut this valuable formula out and use it. Any t can supply these ingredi• eat. at uc,ai!'expren�.c. You coal. raiz tient alto= rf 111u pzefci. .. Steady ni i 1 g ent for a Reliable Local Salesman representing Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries in Zurich and adjoining country. You will lind there is a good demand for Nursery Stock on account of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this season. Our salesmen are turning in big business to ns this year. Be one of them and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay Weekly. Free sainplo outfit, etc. Write for particulars. Stone & Welili ngtona Fonthill Nurseries. 850 acres. TORONTO, - - ONT. Ma, SMITH'S SALVE IS A SURE CURE FOR Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in • lured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias Warm of Zurich Ont, says . "I was bothered for some time with a run- ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how painful it was. I doctored for some time till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasiug that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. I am cured. I am thankful indeed for any cure and gladly give you permission to publish my case." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:— "For six months I suffered anutely from sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I had tried and it cured ine. I gin grateful for the cure, as I have never been tronbled with it since." Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.50 Obtained from W. H. BENDER Zurich, Onb The followino. is the report for S. 5, No 6, Hay, for the Month of January. Jr V Milton Haugh 385. Sr IV Moses Laeohler 429, Joseph Snaith 414. Jr .CV Adeline Baechlor 445, Lau- rette, Maher 433, Flossie Howald 370, John Regier 324, Cornelius Foster 238. Sr III Lizzie Eisenbaoh 479, Fred Regier 473, Beatrice Rennie 373. Adlebert Smith 365, Koletta Foster 862, Cora Haugh 331., Albert Hey 162, Herbert Hey 158. Jr III Jacob (.4ingerioh 438, Eddie Hey 381. Robert Eisenbaoh 364, Christopher Baeohler 245. Sr 12 Herbert Witmer 393, Herly Howald 336, Garfield Staubue 250, .Ir II Philip Eisenbaoh 341, Louisa Regier 263, Isidore Stnith 260. Pt II Theeia Smith 205, Clayton Wilde ong 195, Herbert babas 159. M, Sparks, Teacher. Paper Hanger and Painter. All work promptly and neatly done. Now is the time to have your home brightened and fixed up for the npriyig and Sum- mer months. Charges Moderate N. BOCK Zurich Because meats are so tasty they are consumed in great excess. This leads to stomach. troubles, bilious- ness and constipation. Revise your diet, lot reason and not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doses of - Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. Try it. For sale at J. J. Merner's store. Samples free. EXPERIENCE 415 TRADE WIAFaaaS C.JGSIG COPYRIGHTSNS d:C. Anyone sending a sketch and description mag gniekly ascertain our opinion free whether en Invention is probably patentable. Communize- ttone Orlon y rontidentinl. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency fo securing patents. Patents taken through mann & Co. receive spectra ilotitte, without charge, in the,. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms for all Canada, new93..115 8 Y0111% postage prepaid. Sold. by MU & C 36l3roadway, HOW York Drench OiMee. 525 H' St.. Washington, D. C. Pain In the head --pain anywhere, has its cansa( Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressui'e—nothings else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and prove it ho has created a little pink tablet. Th a tablet—called Dr. Shoop's headache Tablet , coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers, Its cfteetischarming, pleasingly delightful. Gently: though safely, it surely equalizes the blood circus ti latinn. If you have a headache, it's blood pressure. If it's painful periods with women, same caw If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it's bloc congestion—blood pressure. That surely is certainty for Dr. Snoop's Headache Tablets sto' it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribut.l the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise Your finger, and doesn't it get red. and swell, and pain yeti? Of course it does. It's con- gestion, blood pressure. You'll find it where phi* Is—always. Its simply Common Seaga. We sell at 25 cents. and cheerfully recoreMelld Dras Shoop's Headache ,tablets d® Jr ME$NE . tt