HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-02-05, Page 1The Official Organ of uri.ch atid Ray Towaaship.'
seers-swrsresessr-s--.74,--lessessesseritseese,S Stock food 20 per cent off next
week, at Hartleib's.
4 LOCAL NEWS. 5 Mis Ferdinand Hess purchased a
Horse blankets, 00cts up, next
week, at Hartleib's. We have opened up a large ship-
ment of spring goods All latest
Two box stoves for sale cheap. goods. Prices lowest. J. Preeter;
C. Fritz. The bear saw his shadow on
Tin dippers 4 ets, at Hartleib's, Tuesday and has crawled back into
next week. " his holo for six weeks longer,
Quite a number of young people Come to D. S. Faust, on Saturday
from town attended the tea -meet- for a bargain in remnants. The
ing, at the Hillsgreen Presbyterian table will be filled for you once
church, on Monday evening. more.
The evening service in the Luthe- Miss Tillie Bassow, who has been
ran church, on Sunday, will be visiting her parents at the Bronson
conducted in English. All are Line, for a month, returned to De -
welcome. troit on.Saturday.
There was a light docket at the The item in last week's issue re -
division court on Wednesday. Sev• garding the marriage of Mr. Walter
eral were .up on judgment sum- Amess was not correct. Walter
mons, Judge Holt presided. informs us that he is still in a state
D. S. Faust, ' has a few men's of single blessedness.
shirts left, sizes 15, 153A regular
75 cents for 49 cents. This is what
you would call a shirt snap.
esermemmos,srs.es-,,,,ses,--es<ssAis„-",,--so fine piano from Mr. H. Well. It
delivered this week.
Mr. Peter Bedour of the Sauble
Line, has purchased the James
Pollock homestead near Drysdale,
for $2825.00. The farm consists of
56* acres.
Mrs. Henry Wurm, while walk-
ing on the side walk. on Saturday
morning, fell and fractured her
right arm. Her many friends will
be sorry to hear of her misfortune.
Mrs. Eph. Holtzman of Berlin
was in town this week, and took
with her Mr, Holtzman's two little
children, who had been making
their home with their grand -par-
• Mr. William Stogdill Jr., of the
Goshen Line Stanley, has been ap-
pointed assessor, for Stanley Town.
ship, in place of Mr. John Tough.
who has acted in that capacity for
quite a number cf years.
Excuses -which men give for not
accepting God's invitation• to the
Ctospet feinstf,' will be the .subject ofs
13ev, A. D. Giechler'ss sliscorirse in
the Evangelical church, next Sun-
day evening. Everybody most
heartily invited.
At the meeting of the Zurich
Fair last week, Messrs. W. B. Bat-
' tler and Lonis Schilbo were the
new members elected for the year.
Mr. W. T. Caldwell was re-elected
president. and D. S. Faust was ap-
pointed Secretary. Tho Fair is
nearly out ef debt, and one more
A case which attracted much in-
terest, was tried here on Tuesday
before Magistrate Greb. The char-
ge was one of assault preferred by
Mrs. N. M. Cantin against Mr John
Laporte, and though there was no
evidence that Mr. Laporte intended
to do the plaintiff any injury, he
was fined $1.00 and costs or 20 days
in Jail at hard labor. Of course Mr.
Laporte immediately enterecl an
appeal. We have not the space to
report what led up to the trouble
but the facts briefly are these : A
few clays ago Mr. Laporte was or-
dered to open the new road to the
lake and while driving on towards
the lake. he noticed that the fence,
which has had many previous
moves, was being closed in behind
him. He at once turned his horse,
and on coming up to the parties,
among whom was the plaintiff, Mr.
Laporte took hold of the gate that
had been erected across the road or
which was being held up to bar his
out, and in some mannerstnes
gatelell and Struck Mrs. Cantin's
toe. The above facts were brought
out at the trial. The whole case
will be reviewed before the Judge
some tune in May. and evidence
will likely then be ready to show
that the spot where the trouble oc-
curred is really a public highway
and that Laporte could have. had
he so desired, laid a complaint
against the parties for stopping
him on a puhlio road. The outcome
Beef hidesql., sysitts 'r lb next
Pair light bob-l.cheap. Apply' to 0, :s Zarich
, sale
Cold blast lanterns,'
week, at Hartleib's.
Six brands of best Ontario ana
Western flour to choose from. at
S. Etannie's. Try its
Mr. 0. Hsrtleib is putLina• into
stock this week, a car load of fur-
The annual meeting trt. ,t13.(,) Do-
minion Alliance, will '•;be held at
Elm St Methodist church Toronto.
on March 3rd and 4th. •,
The Rev. A. D. C4,isebier, wp,s
one of the speakers at the tea meet -
hag in the Presbyterian elinrch
Hillsgreen, on Monday wirening,.
Mr. S. Hardy of Exefex, was in
town on Tuesday attending tht7 in-
surance meeting. "Seri is one of
the hustling agents for ilia. Huron,
Weather Co., and alwaS gives a.
good account of hinagelf:,‘
The set -vice in the Prengelical
churoh, will be opened lin tt song
service, next Sunday' evening,
Bring your Revival F erHyrnn
books, which will be ",for the
The 3rd annual .rneetn
Huron Weather Insure
Company was held itt
Hall, on Tuesday. the
good attendance. The
the Company to be
very rapidly, the ins
carried being no less tit
515.00, with cash on ha
and premium notes $54,
the past year 613 new.
issued, inswing prop
value of $623,300 00, T
tors elected were, A.
Henry Rau and S'i
the other directors b
shire, R. Northcott "
well, Chas Montei
and V. 13,. t 4 '
meeting of .1, oss
Montieth of Ustsot
president and Henri,.
vice-president, whi•ls ,
the popular clerk of
was appointed Sec.Tro;
of E. Zeller, who retire
ifressurd of other busi
Mr. Smillie will make
official is certain, and no
Company is on it good f0
with e splendid Board el ,
I have now opened some of my Now Spring Stock.
I want you to come and visit my Store and examine
my Goods. 1 havo the Newest Up-to-date Goods in
• town. Come early and have First Choice,
My Remnant Table
Will be filled once more with a good assortment of
Good Bargains in Dress Goods. Prints, Flannelettes,
and Towellings. COME EARLY and get some.
All Farm Produce taken in
Exchange for Goods,
pt -
,....:0' . THE UP:TO:DATE VP
ca• r C4 -- •
...?", - e4„,
..' Headquarters for the best that is made in Boots and Shoes. ,'k)
Complete lines in Fall and Winter .'Goods a
t prices which will save you money.
We are sole agents, for the famous Wil- Q
:Ams 'staple shoes, made specially for 'farm we.00'.
• t.
t I,
PI e
apit: le
hat. he
ng i ticl
good show will clear away the of this vexed road question will be we will expect that the Volume of
remaining liabilities. awaited with much internst. business done will -greatly increase.
tthhplefe..s.-4,j'e W.Wini.S:iwitent leggin',
the best on earth. King's Stu.b-proof And Kant
, W
El E:rack Rubbers. •
orA Repairs -while you wait.
(.1.6 We take butter anl egg., ili eXe1la1110- • 9
8" ' ,
Or Fr' b? 1 7
, r
!orcl vg, er".•1'
Stocktaking is over.
of cost. This sale means money in your pocket. Remember, all regular prices huvc, boon
Do not miss this Great Bargain Sale. Below are a few of ihe prices:
1 ouly 07 piece Dinner Sctt regular
810.00 for 7.50.
iS: 11
.t1 Ls:
tr t '
We have decided to clr 'out all our Winter Goods reward -less
Ui nearly in
Regular $1.95 Tweeds for 75 cents
ic 1.50 " for 1.00
ci 2.50 " for 1.50
" 2.25 for 1.25
90 " for 50
'15c wrapperette for 10 cents
" 12-ic Outings forr cents
C C C for 5 cents
" 14c " for 10 cents
Gloves, Mitts Etc.
Men's heavy Astrican Gauntlets
horse hide faoe,
Regular $2.00 for 1.25
" 1.50 for 1.00
'• 1.00 for 75 cent0
A large stock of all kinds of
leather mitts and gloves at greatly
reduced prices.
Children's Cloaking
Regular $1.25 fot 97 cents
Regular 85 cents for 52 cents
Boys' 2 Piece Suits
Sizes 26 to 28
Rerstilar $4.00 suit for 3.00
" 3.50 for 2.50
'4 3.00 for 2..00
" 2.75 for 1.'75
" 2,00 • for 1.50
Only ladies' Ast. Jacket.
rubber lined, with fur
collar, reg. $1.8.00 for
ladies' fur coat, regular
$40.00, for
ladies' fur coat, regular
35.00, for
ladies' fur coat, regular
25.00, for
2 only 07 piece Dinner Sett regular
$9.00 for 7.00
4 only Oki piece Dinner tett regality
•$/1.00 i'or 0.00
Boys' 3 Piece Suits
Sizes 28 to 33
Regular $0.00 suit for 4.00
" 5.00 for 2.30
cc 4.60 for
" 3.50 for
lio not miss these values.
r only Men's ouble=eixeasted
heavy Suits; reg. $9., for.
6 only Men's louble=Breasted
heavy Suits, reg., $7., for
AH kinds of Farm Produce wanted
in exchange for Goods.
Snaps in Hardware
Spr:ng soak.; 00 cents
Ca r ; 7, taok 9pack ag r
Paring krii.Ve$ 5 cents eaeb
3 Willie poeket kn:fe 25 oents
Hand saws 50 cents up
Hockey skates, 40 cents- r neir
Horse blankets 75 cents up
Silver tea Spoons guaranteed for 3
,years '75 cents a dozen
Granite chambers 25 cents
Tin clippers 5 cents
Spring clothes pin ocis a 41seseii
Cola blast lanterns 50 cents
A fehv Saskatchewan robes, open
and string bells at greatly x•educed
Special values in beating
and cool?: stoves. pails, regular 40ets for 006111vanized
Prints and Table Linens.
All our 12-1 prints for 10 ceras
All our 10 et$ prints for ecnts
Table Linens, regular 35cte for 95.
Regular 65 cents for 45 ;stets
15 for 39
LC 30 for 20
• " 25 for 18 cents
A large, stock of Dress Goods,
to elem. athalf price. All good
go)ds and plain collars, 'no a lot
temnants, a snap,
lat.'itatre4FOCX -Q)18(.24;1C3.90,iilaXr.r.,28:=WW,17.:Ra4Wertat2.•=r8J