HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-01-22, Page 6CATARRH HEM, Et Wil+' , Vednie la---Pe-na-cls, MR. WM. A. PRESSER. IVIR. WILLIAM A. PRESSER, 1,722, Third avenue, Moline, Ill., writes: "1 have been suffering from catarrh in the head' for the past two mouths and tried innumerable so-called reme- dies without avail, No one knows how T have suffered, not only from the dis- ease itself, but from mortification when in company of friends or strangers. "I have used two bottles of your medi- cine for a short time only, and it effected a COMPLETE MEDICAL CURE, and what is better yet, the disease has not returned. "I can most emphatically reeomm^nd Peruna to all sufferers from this dis- eaee. READ THIS L XPERItNC.E Mr. A. Thompson, Box 65, It. B. I. Martel, Ohio, writes: '•When I lx•gan your treatment my eyes were inflamed, nose was stopped up half of the time, and was sore and scabby. I could not rest at night on aeeount of con- tinual hawking and spitting. "I had tried several remedies and was about to give up, but thought I would try Peruna. "After I had taken :bout one-third of a bottle I noticed a difference. I am now comnpletely eared, after suffering with catarrh for ei^'[teen years. "I think if those who are afflicted with catarrh would try Perera they would never regret it" Peruna is manufactured by the Peruna Drug Mfg. (70., Columbus. Ohio, Ask your druggist for a free Peruna Almanac for 14309. No Morals in Dreamland. But, if, as many writers have sug- gested, it is the soul itself that guides the imagery of dreams, how are we to explain the fact that in this chaos of ideas and feelings there is so little dis- tinction between right and wrong that, -whoa dreaming, we commit acts for -which we should v:eep tears of blood -were they as real as they seem to be. As Professor Hoffman has said, "The familiar check of waking hours, `I must rot do it because it would be unjust or unkind,' never once seems to arrest us , 17: the satisfaction of au;' whimwhich. may blow about our wayward fancies.' From all of which re must conclude that the dream realm is a world that is en- tirely oblivious to any moral sense, and 1 that, though it may be true that trou- bled conscience may produce, or effect our dreams, the dreams theinselve, are never burdened with a cunsoiencr.— From "The Stuff that Dreams are 'lade of," by Jolty It. Meeder, in The Bohem- ian Magazine for January. . Alinard's Linins=rnt Co.. Limited: (r'ntlenten,--I have used M1\ARI)IS LINLMENT from time to tie'+• for the past twenty years. It was recommend- ed to me by a prominent physician of Montreal, who called it the "great Nova ,scotia Linintent." It does the doctors' work: it is partieularly good in east's of Rheumatism and Sprains. Yours truly, C. G. DUS Ati, Chartered Aeeountant. Halifax, N. S., Sept. 21, 1905. Too Suggestive. Vimbleton—Hello, Simpletoni How did you enjoy your visit to the insane asylum the other day? Simpleton --Oh, so, W. It was all right enough, I guess. Wintbieton—Well, you don't talk as though you were muds impressed with it. Did you give the saperit:'ndent my note of -introduction? Simpleton—Yes, I gave it to him. Wimbleton--Well, what slid ire stay? Simpleton ---Oh, he just look -'d itt me .and said, "Make yourself at hone"— Lilipincott's. m-. s ROSY CHEERED DAMS. Nothing hi tii : world Is s'. <r't a comfort . and a ,joy as n healthy, lra.at'ty, rosyeli,eked, happy baby. Ba- bies and young chiidi'.iu can be kept in lwrfret health by giving tl.+'ni an (eea- ++ic,nal dose • cif Baby's Own 'Tablets, whieb will keep the stontaeli and hswels in perfect order. .\nd when skiess comes there is nn otoer will cure the minor ills of chibilio,1,1 .:. speed- ily and safely as 13:iby's : rwe Tablets. Guaranteed to contain no • pi:rt'.. or poi• zonnus drug,. Mrs, M. l rn.u.rd Eastern ilarbor,• N. ?., asp:, "1 have tiled l b,v's Own Tablets for the v tri.,us i+i+ from which little ones stiffer, and find them e marvellous medicine, Thanks to the ,",'ablets my b'thv now el:vaya enjoys the 4eest of health." 1 tild by all medicine paler.s or by nail at: 'Z i' . a box from ne I)r. Williams' Metier"i:ae (io., Brock- tile, Ont. TRAMPS AND VAGRANTS. The State of New York is making a move to deal with the tramp.and vag- rant problem on a comprehensive scale, and according to a definite plait, the end of which is to make them self-sup- porting and to make of them industrious and self-respecting members of society. The snbjeet has rei:eived much study, and the hopelessness of solving the pro- blem by ordinary charitable or penal methods has been borne in upon those pressing for reform. A measure is about to be laid before the Legislature which will bring the matter into the arena of practical politics. It provides for the establishment of labor colonies, for the detention, reformation and instruction of tramps and vagrants. The general plan is, as soon as the trustees have been appointed and the site for the la- bor colony selected, to have a building erected, with accommodations for at least 600 inmates, besides the officers, employees and attendants. As soon as the trustees are able to care for the tramps and incorrigibles the Governor will instruct all the courts and Magis- trates in the State having jurisdiction over misdemeanors, that they may there- after commit to the nearest labor col- ony any man or boy more than sixteen years old who in the judgment of the court is a professional tramp or vagrant. The labor colonies are not to be houses of rest. Work and discipline are to be watchwords. Those sent thither will not cat unearned bread, and every care will be taken to exert educative and reformatory influences upon them, so that when discharged they will not wish to continue to lead a lazy and useless life. The adoption of this work cure by New York State may lead more of the sons of rest. to seek refuge in Ontario, We already get too many of then'. This Province badly needs some institution to whirl' they might be committed. and in which they could be compelled to earn their keep and a little more. It is disgraceful to have to reflect upon the fact that in this intelligent age and country our eriminals and tramps should be allowed to lead comfortable, idle, lazy lives at the expense of the honest work- ers. When the people determine that a jail sentence shall carry with it regu lations that shall assure to the public the earning by the offender of enough to pay all the cost he has caused it, and something with which to compen- sate those he has wronged, erime will look less inviting to the criminally dis- posed. When the vagrant roust work hard enough to produce a balance of profit to society, vagrancy will quickly decrease. Explained. Hobo --No, madam, I am neither a so- cialist nor an anarchist. I am a passim altruist. Housekeeper.—And what in the :inane of common sense is that? Hobo --I believed in being helped all 1 can.—Boston 'Transcript. 101101.11144111 THE "CHAMPION" GAS and GASOLINE it must mitre satis- faction or you don't pay for H. SOLD O&'1 TRIAL ss the only Gasoline i:ngine that you can tre before you buy. I know what the "Cham- pion" will dc, and I want you to be Cully satisfied with it before you pay for Lt. The price is low. Full particulars free. Wm. Gil:espie,1113 Front St. E.,TORONTO New Express Classification. A new classification approved by the Railway Commission and governing bus- iness within Canada has been issued by the express companies to take effect the first of January, 1000. The old classifi- cation has been in el:feet since August, 1905. It was the same as used by the express companies in the United States and contained many items not applicable to the conditions existing iu Canada. The new classification is a modification of the one 'which was submitted to the board in March, o 1907,but toi wh ch, ow- ing to prose of other business, the board was not able to give its attention until recently. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. -•• 4 _ pT TOBACCO HABIT Dr. 11icTa„[:art's tobacco remedy removes all desire for the weed in a few days. A veg- etable medicine, and only requires touching the tongue with it occasionally. Price $7..00. LIQUOR HATB ' Marvellous results from taking his remedy for the liquor habit. Sato and inexpensive home treatment: no hypodermic injections,. no publicity, no loss of time from bustuess, and a cure certain. Address or consult Dr. Mcl'aggart, 75 Yonge street. Toronto. Canada. Kaiser Obeyed the Scene Shifter. A. story is told in Berlin newspapers which places the .Kaiser in a somewhat curious light. Recently he visited a the atre, and, strolling behind the curtain, became liberal of advice to the manager, .actors and evou scene shiner,. who Lis• toned in uwed '::i1 +nee. Presently the Em- peror lighted a cigar, puffing as he talk. ed. ()n leo/b ,tides of bim were .flimsy d>iapoi +s and oe tht' floor heaps of pa- per. One of the a"ene shifters stappea for- ward troll pointed. politely to e,1 minted notice.: 'No smoking allowed." icor a moineait: the T`;ia.iser flushed, then; smil- ing, he put out his cigar, reinsri;ing as he did se: "Thank you, friend. It would lel bad business if your Emperor taught yon to disobey the lav< ”---1 rcrm M. A. P. If there is any one thing that a woman dreads more than another it is a surgical operation. We can state without fear of a contradictionthat there are hum- dreds, yes thousands, of .operations performer upon women in our hos. pitals which are entirely unxleees- sa+ry and many have been avoided by Lir IA 1 POI 7S GETABLE COMMUN. For proof of this statement read the following letter. Mrs. Letitia Blair, •, Ont., writes to Mrs.:Finkham "I was Irick for five years. One• doc- tor told ine it was uleera.tion, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear- ing down pains were terrible. "I wrote to my sister about it, and she advised sae to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to .pass safely through Change of Lite." FACTS lir It SICK W r MERL For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's 37 egetable Compound, made from rots and herbs, has been the standsrd remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled -with displacements, inflammation, ulcers, tion, fibroid tumors, irre ries, periodic pains N: i bttekacItO, Mrs. Pin women' In She health. ltne1tes aU sell 'her for advice. thousands to ymn. ltEass. Doubtful Bargain. "Don't ye;v. renien ber roe?" said the thin chap 'Atha the sharp goatee and yellow sa';;e•lltr'.. ."VirItY, I am the corn doctor tht: t removed your corns last sunuuer.'' "Yeas, '1 remember yeou, stranger," mumbled old Bill Sp nceby, as lee pulled his chair u; closer to the 'red-hot stove in the back of Jason's store. "Then, hors is it you don't seem glad to see me? Didn't I remove then' all for a quarter?' ' "Yeas, but after the corns were gone I had to pay 30 cents for a barometer to see when we were going to have fall- ing weather. Don't see much bargain in that, stranger."—Chicago News. Josh Billings, the quaint philosopher whose max- ims are full of homely wisdom, once said: "'Tito longer I live the more I believe a gond eet of bow- els are worth, more than a good set of brains.." Celery King makers .good bowels 25 conte, at deal- 3:0 ers or by snail. 5. C. -,Yells St Co., Toronto. Noarei' Horne. "Brother Hardesty, have you contrib- uted anything for the benefit oi the hea- then this year?" "1 eertainly have, 1)r. Fourthly. My gas bills have averaged $10 a month." PILES CUR o IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT 1s guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, iniad, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in t to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Appreciation. (John 71''. Carman.) Appreciate the schoot work of your children. When ''.Coat's report conies, and father, can't discuss the markings half as intelligently as he .could a collie pup, ft shows the boy that tie school work is not appreeiatted at home. Common Error Regarding Patents. There is a very general notion that when the United States Government gives a man a patent for an iuvention by this very act the patentee is in pos- session of .exclusive and inalienable rights to his invention for a terns of years. Now this is the very thing that does not necessarily exist, and the very thing that patentees, investors and the public would like to have established. Most patents are exploited by others than inrventors, and the looney for the purpose largely supplied by those with little knowledge of the laws. It has happened time and time again that the governmental patent has proved worth- less. It used to be that it was little more than prima facie evidence to be used in litigation. Of recent years there has been some improvement in the laws and practice, but art present thele is no governmental guarantee behind the paper issued to any inreutor.—Phtladel- phia Inquirer. A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women I have been discouraged, too• but learned how to Dura myyself. I want to reuovo your bur - dons. 'Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and will if you will assist me, All you need do is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed in my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you—it has done so you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a for others. If so, I shall be happy and postage stamp). Your letters held confi- dentially. Write to -day for my free treat- ment. MRS. P. E CURRAH, Windsor, Ont. A New Year's Game. This game is intended for the New Year season. It is a method of making the resolutions that are called for by that period. The object: is 'to write some- thing that is ridiculously impossible. Supply paper and pencil to each of the party, and request them all to write five or six resolutions for the New- Year. They may write those that some one else ought to make. Each player then signs his slip ,and they are all folded and collected. Each player, says the People's Home Journal, then draws a slip and reads it aloud, and he must, if it be possible, illustrate what he reads by action. For example, A holds a paper signed by B, which reads as follows: "Those are the resolutions that I make for the coming year: "1. If I can't do as I like, I'll do as I must; so now I read this paper aloud. "2. I'll hop in a circle before I sit down . (He does so.) "3. I must walk with my right foot on my left aide. (He must try to do so.) "4. I must strike a snatch on the water in a glass. "5. I must carry water in a sieve. (A wideawake player will do this by using a ieiece of ice.) "6. I must wind the clock on the wall every morning before I awake." The things that A cannot do will cause a` laugh. The game may be made very atimo ng if everyone writes funny resolu- tionsl, A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women: I will send free with full instructions, my home troatmeat which postively cures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Pain- ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, Nervbusness. Melancholy, Pains in the Head, Back or BoweLe, Kidney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continue treatment at home at a cost of only 12 cents a week. My book, "Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent free on request. Write to -day. Address, Mrs. M. Summers, Box II. 8, Windsor, Ont. Production of Bromine. Bromine, useful in medicine, photo- graphy, the manufacture of dyes, and in certain metallurgical operations, is pro- duced commerciaity In but four States of the United States, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Last year's output was 1,379,496 pounds. v-� Minard's Liniment Cures ID istemper. Planningt Future. the uture. "I compel my daughter to practice four hours a day," said Mr. Cuinrox, "But you will make her hate music so that she will never want to go near a piano l" "That's what I am hoping."—Wash- ington Star. ISSUE NO. 3, 1909 HELP WANTED. et GLl',"S WANTED—NO I+.IICP1+11U5INR>i necessary; I teach you how to basis up a route of regular customers quiolcl'y; bet ter than a bank account; write quick. Alfred Tyler, London, Ont. W1'YANTED---AGENTS;STOBBS; nveaY. W where; handsome .profits; self ons per - feat brass, kerosene, mantle, table -lamp; hanging or bracket -lamp; 100 candle poster++ U. kerosene used; a wonder; sells on sigh'tl retails $3.50. Webster Specialty Co., Water. burr, Conn, FARMS FOR SALE. 37(ACRES 000D OPEN ROLLING Prairie wheat land; situated in Last Mountain District, Sask.. country around. 11 well settled; convenient to school; about 11 miles from railway station; price $10.00 pet acre; $1,000 oast down, balance spread oyes four years in payments to suit purchaser. This land will soon be worbh $15.00 per acre, Amply to J. N. Dodds, Burk'a Falls, Ont. School That Turns Out Heroes. Wednesday was a high day at Eton; perhaps it might be called a saints? day too. Has ever before one school stem 1,400 of its sons to fight for their coon. try in one war? Has ever school lied 129 of them killed in the same wart Eton is unique. There are other great schools, but Eton stands on ire own plane. Criticise Eton as you may; show all its faults; it is Eeon still. Eton may reflect many of the proverbial shortcomings of Englishmen); cerbainly it represents peculiarly their traditional virtues.—Saturday Review. et' fir It hneco. iitis_tJ ;Mea 4 reds,. se WE WA T A REPRESENTATIVE In soma districts to handl, our line of Metallic Building Material, which In- cludes: "Eastlake" Steel Shingles, Rock and Brick -faced Steel Sidings, Fire -proof Glass Windows, Shutters and Doors, Corrugated Iron, Metallic Ceilings and Walls, Hayes' Patent Steel Lath, Etc. Our goods have been made and sold in Canada for 24 years, and have es- tablished a reputation for quality that makes them easy to sell, Exclusive territory to the right man. For eat•ticu)ars write TH E Metallic Roofing Co. LIMITED MANUFACTURERS TORONTO AND WINNIPEG Why China Has Few Trees. Frank N. Meyer, the scientific explorei for the Government, in his recent pen°. tration of Ohina, saw farms that had been under irrigation since before Col. umbus discovered America. To the credit of the pagan priests, be it said, all forms of plant and tree growth were cherished and encouraged around the temples. 'Che priests gave Meyer what information they could. The extent to which forest devastation has gone in China can ba inferred from the fact that the Chines[ Itave rooted and grubbed out every ves. tige of tree growth the size of your fin. ger . above the graves of their revered ancestors.—From "People Who Stand fes Plus," in the Outing Magazine for Oct*. ber. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, The Last Word. "So your wife always lets you have the Last word in an argument?" "Certainly," answered Mr. Moektou, "It is necessary for enc to have the last word in order to show that I agree with her perfectly."—Washington Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, earn Marathon Rewards (Guelph Mercury.) In oldezt days :Marathon winners re- ceived laurel wreaths. Nowadays they get $:5,000. The wreaths were doubtless very becoming, but still that pecuniary reward does seem to have an alluring look to it: :wKCti,41: : h't die "r :la f k l1i '' 0i€,tai r 74zis •• gel 1. egtt'.','rccSi' "f rehire :' RAW Writs foe Weekly Priem. Lists. JOHN H A L LAM - Shipments Solicited, TORONTO, ONT. 7 , lie A recent census et Ontario shows that 75 per cent of the Typewriters used by banks find other financial institutions are t nder'usods, • UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. LRCM TORONTO " SH nit r4t3 gaol Sphinx!" TUE MOST PERFECT PIATC ':;'ES YOU EVER STRUCK Always, everywhere hi Cu,ttede, ask for Edds'3 Matched ,ty S1RJ701 nc a 74' 0