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The Herald, 1909-01-22, Page 5
mumesenli for the balance this month. Every Ri g Solid Gold. Watch and Clock Repairing My Specialty of F. W. • H i•.•(SS y . JEWELLER cs ist ma Our stock of Toys and Fancy Goods for the Holiday Trade is complete, and we will appreciate acall at Th Blake Store where your wants wi11nbe sup- plied with genuine satisfaction As to price and quality. P. N. D HENSALL, . The Zurich Her Mr. J. C. Stonemen is laid up with what the medical attendant says is appendicitis. Rev, and Mrs, Toll, are batik from a visit with relatives in Trent County. Mrs. MelTorran of Chicago re- turned home after a short visit with her father, Mr, Win. Bell, Sr. Fever sores and old chronic sores should not be healed entirely, but should be kept in healthy condition This can be done by applying Chamberlain's Salve. This salve has no superior for this purpose. It is also most excellent for chapped hands, sore nipples, burns.' and diseases of the skin. For sale by J J Merner. EXETER. Mrs. (Rev ) Collins is visiting friends in London. Melville 1. Howey of Weyburn Sasl. , is hero for a few weeks' visit. Thos. Handford shipped two DASKWdOD Mr. and . Mrs, George, • Cook, en- tertained friends from Bruce County, this week. Miss Tillie Ehlers, evho some time ago underwent an (meration, is,now improving nicely and her friends will be pleased to see her around again. Miss Weide, who is training for a nurse at St Joseph'a hospital, London, and who has been visiting at her home here for the pest few weeks. returned Wednesday to re- sume her studies, The medicine elle* that was holding forth herefor a week, left Tuesday for other parts. Mrs, J. K. (Goetz; who has been visiting friends and relatives near Pigeon and Kilmanagh, Mieh., for the past few weeks, returned home Monday. Special services Are beim con- ducted in the Evangelical ehuroh. They are being conducted in the English Ianguage this week. Mrs. Geo. Kellerman, ` who has been on the sick list for some time, cars of horses to Winnipeg last is slowly recovering: week, one of the horses being a 4 - year old weighing 2010 pounds. There is no (Quinine, nothing Mr. W. Northcott of Hay Pp., whatever harsh or siekening in has purchased t•ho dwelling- belong- Preventies. These little Candy ing to the estate of the late Wm Cold Cure Tablets act as by magic. Hoskin. Mr. Northcott gets pos. A few hours -and your tllreatenin; session on the 1st of March. cold is broken. Candylike in taste, Tho Exeter Theee, eays that the Preventies please the ohildren— Exectlt Executive (ti' file County Temper.and they break the feverishness, anee Organization. has (it tided to aim uyy. And least o; 2111 is the subillit: l.r'lel Option 11(':t year in economy. .A large bo?—ls L'reven- the ;olio\:ii/+� 1,lur" .—(,1lii.Eon, ties—acts. : Ask you. teuggist. Sin:;et('1' I;istb, \tr": -Til, Iii: titer, i'Ic kno\vs! Sohl by t Merrier. 1',21Tii,'ltt Tilhr'e(ls.ititle ' urnberry, (Grey, eleRil3:-p, Col ;,tirr.e and Han H. T. SMITH: This ext wee ever � part of tate County v,l..ie the act is not in After an illness of only a little operation, eec('pt Stephen, and the . c)r ee aweek, Hugh Themes Smith places tl>at rejected .t on .'E'rit',!.ti?)ii ' I::l sed away on Saturday afternoon day, Cloth rich and :Morrie. at the age of over 3+1 years. His disease was appendioit}s, which as - o 2DS 9 Womanly trans,• ;el .!:»s, sumed sot h a nature that only a ty A filet rnv int•: 1 tinywhere :.12e lid c, to lis . I,rertial oileretoperetta)),was possible. AlI completely t fly titt3l)ped he a Illi?lute! { that medical skill and good nursing with one of Dr Shoop's Pink Pair. ! enui(d areonlplish rendered hie irts- •i'ableteA'}t ;eater doet,ir or time i sing hours as painlers as was pee.. !net ab,:nf the acrinols.. It le print- :„ible. He was was born at Mlle. lif tR That New Winter Suitt. • When looking for your r. rw Winter Suit, do not forget, to give us a call. We have tL alae range of Tweeds. We stetls, etc., to cheese from. Our prices are as cheap as any. ;suits made at short n.Ttiee. We also have a large nttm'.,'r of Samples to ticket from. Laundrjt',in conazction. y, ,d. fi• . �• Y '''(1 on tilt• ilia:. -^-a::•1 it e'eII2't he bet- !teen, 3.'t`in.g eL son of the late Stein ^a ttrt'el. 'fry tinedose and be ion meth, and 'VMS well known andvtalced. I�.1*: tn. } +t.il by 5 J 'I;.l:ie'x tench esteemed. in thio section. dig: 'Y ]Tray a cutlet, herd \;,,',orkinr hien. T. J. it_\.iNte A0t tTiT.I D.leaves a, wife ,t1 two s'ir, pt �J- nierc Lads to mourn loss. The tet n„ i i 1! funeral took plan IA day after pp Thornton J. Heins, who was on , t•, Oriel, together with In brother, ' noon to (.+Lit' ilei .;r it , � ,hero t 1 i for the shooting; of W. E. Annis, it1)prol)rilttt ,er ip ,. 2i#ter v;wvlilen:. the » . ed „t() manager of tile, Eur"r-'�Ic1:,ltosIl ,` Monthly, was on Friday last tee- ' 11131 green'---Hensctll quitted of the charge laid againsttJ )st'=ver; Hirai. While this brother did the aeluel :shouting. Tborntrtn .J.I Heins held bark the ere wd from iIlt('r•1t'r'enee at the, 1) ,1 i of a1 held- i The fancy- poultry business is t Ce pistol. The two ttr en (:II') 1() nut an experiment, but has come to ,:e'the'r to "k for ..r•'ii (. ami ufter 1.1y. I'i t13tr tr ,ho :t are the very i 11x' hill ,)tin's left together. t}.t, Tr1ie lhk'c' of the not -titre- business. They f jury. hof,)1.0 'wht)P1 (te ttl ,1 `•'t 3i(yt'1l 1111re2•liit',d r:?''llltxy before the y \Wirt tried, rendered a v ert11(t ;e'er tt public, and Interest the many t\ve'Rt\ two h,)tii y of net i people who are dealing in pare -bred The crowed in the c'tt.rt r tveu ' poultry. ,There are thousands p�i:ezeF" tci�v the verdict With lilt. (fult. farmers who have never (,en a HAS COME TO STAY seism. After the trial Heirs vele .- . poultry show, and a great many t nem are nee posted on .pure -Dred annonnee to hie parents the fact. ! ottsands of far- Ti'Iiis i. twice that T. :T. Heine hat'rllt'i do not know that there are 1 awaytreeteeeemee to tall his lr•,ith r in jail of that i'aet'rlf his release, and then tot 3 i chic ;.ens at1r11, Th o r a fur+11N raI C H n u n EAT MARKET E keep in stock a full line o fresh - meats, ham, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. Wo make our oW11 sausages. Give us a call. YUNCLUT Bea ICET. Cali on-•& A. Erring h®ffer TONSORIAL ARTIST Successor to Fred. Manns Fora Quick and Easy Shave, or an Up-to-date Flair -cut. Opposite ''Commercial Hotcl ZURICH nnI r e h• devoted been actluitted of a charge of mule! ne )us ptipers t at are c e t't.eitt dveiy to purse -bred poultry. der, the first time being for the , . shooting of acompanion, le. A. , L\ er gong iyho .-is interested in F3ilnnt,ran, with whom. he was rowing siltllild attentlsome poultry show this Winter, and, if possible, in a boat, in Hamptonshow some of their pure-bred fowls Roads, seventeen years lig °. In r , speaking of the verdict, Prosecutor P`rc poultry.show is the very best Darrin stated that nuclei such a school to lotto all about the stand - decision, it was quite possible for and requironients of the different any one to commit murder, if they tc\vis, To read all about' poultry were only clever enough. i isi no thing, but to see • it is an. other. You can learn. more in a poultry shown Irl one day than you Born can by readtllg snlonth. A groat Ii,:\t.—At the Saublo Lino Stanley, many former- have gotten their on the 16th inst , to Mr. and Mrs, flet impetus in the raising of pure - Joseph Rau, a daughter. I bred, poultry from. 'visiting the MMrAIIE-AT- OME RHEUMATIC TREATMENT Some Simple Precautions Which Will Prevent a Recurrence of Attacks. 'Tenn 1 A prominent citizen, who had for years suffered from rheumatism and rheumatic gout, has been giving his friends the benefit of his experience, and incidentally a copy of the pre- scription which was of material as- sistance in effecting a cure. In the first place, he found that every time lie partook freely of acid fruits his old trouble returned; and, secondly, he learned that it was abso- lutely essential to keep the Kidneys active. To do this it was necessary to drink plenty of water. Occa- sionally he would dissolve a Lithia tablet in the water to assist its action on the kidneys. The treatment sis as follows: Pro. cure from your druggist:---, Fluid Extract Cascara « 34 oz. Syrup Rhubarb . , . , . ... I oz. Carriana Compound ........ i oz. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 oz. Take one teaspoonful after eath meal and at bedtitne. This is valuable information. This can be mixed at home. Save the prescription. poultry shows. A lH;ias I;i;a's CRIMES United States and Canadian an thorities are looking for Rey. Evan T. Evans, recently minister of the St. John's Epi,ser pal Church at Sarnia. Some eighteen months ago that gentleman oare to fill the pastorate cif that chtmell; posing as a bachelor from some place in the East. 'While there he i ersuaded a popular young lady member of the congreg ation to run away with and marry him, and they went to- gether to.,Oleveland, where he per- suaded her to mike over to hire a largo sum. of. money;,whioh she owned. He then got her to go back to Sarnia, promising that she would not divulge their marriage until he obtained another pastor. ate. As he did not write to her, she was finally compelled to tell her story, and shortl:¢ afterward, through ill -health, she died. A short time after this sad event an- other young lady of the congrega- tion also charged her downfall to the missing clergyman. Ottthe authorities being urged to act, in, vestigation revealed the fact that the' absconding clergyman has a wife and children residing in Land - peter, Wales, Many housewives think it cheaper to buy than to bake. That is because their baking isn't successful every time. Their failur( s run the cost up. Get RoYall House ©hi hour and follow directions. The result will be light, whole- some bread or pact; --y every time. You pay a few cents more for Royal F lou. (:hold, but those few cents buy certainty and purity. Your grocer can supply you. Q�tiillRi; l:'ui' Mii>u Co.., ltd. 155 Montreal. SLEIGE•IIN(G PARTY STRUCK BY TRAIN . On Friday night of l:tet week a merry sleighing party left the town of Grimsby for an evening's entertainment at the town of Winona, and when returning to Grimsby at an early hour• on Sat urday morning last they were crossing the Grand Trunk tracks near the station when the :Heigh was struck by the Carotid Trnnk flyer frrou Toronto and Hamilton for Buffalo, traveling along at the rate of one utile a minute. The re- sult• of the awful erash was that W, Wilson and wife, and G. Teeter and wife, were instantly killed, and George Nelson so terribly in - ;lured that he died shor•tIS. after- ward. Little Lottie Teeter was also Seriously injured. The infant child of Mrs. Teeter, which was in l; Icor arms at the time of the terrible accident, w as, by a miracle, only slightly injured by the crash. PITTtFw, 9. i.3 v . a O nee eeteteee v'`✓ ".t.+d'� •moi �'''i. Chil; T:. Every r_ t- . � r ( iu Oree.io etinte:ee Parents i".>. -::o:) :S^foe Ten •,' i Rat .:cW.::..1 'v0 .'C'.'.1i for ' c.a,..,.i,:..0 is Treated tree. 1 f The not a k .. • tnticn lin• t in:•ial. I'nr child frui,,• place in t t, is i•tvha, it r) the sant.i 1,' "1- 1 le.,., as the.•i;i; -a'• Iiviu- In i, 1(110. '.Sias .11..1,ita1 • a had last ', in ttIU'ti t,; -r 1101' 11:0r.i:t'•rl aria` t`ht.a i, 1.'' l:,;ti+.n's- 3i'8 (,f t11(0 weir fr n1 !ll 1 i; .•5 •,.R_ . ^ .+1.J: t°. :Se(ent.„‘ -ii'.a lits et It W1'' (rt p rnr itt't. le who •0 .1 1 not t..•:rid to t• 11.7,4. II Charity . p- pl_rl to f.tthor4 and moth'" of Ontario 1 for fonds to i:utin. t y talo the hnntircti; of •wt• Molt. ( lull :ail that our,#'s av-'ry \, 1'. I `i:.(e Ito fr.undn-1 '1 t1 ,n the In -tit t titan 1 ! 11rt>$t:el .i olst:•. ii:dree. )C+ 1 tiOt)1o1f lt.lrl+v wirx i.l:r2 noi.11, t n -1. 0'...,.,.' a:tau.e to pay and were treater: ice. V' • t 4 'l' ere 1111•Wtr. Ak•r104. There were 51 cases of club feet. treated last year. 11 '(ln know of any child in your noig h- berhoc d who is sick, or has any deform- ity, send tlio parent's n a 1n e to Secretary. Tho Hospital's Cry is not for Itself, but for the Children, as your Dollars go not to the Hos- pital but to the Children. "T1.11515 Z Otlli 1}OOZ." Monne Send Coritrlbutione to J. Hoses Inoberts(on, Chairman. or to Doutglan DtlrridSon, Soo. -Tress„ The Hospital for Slant Childrt'en, Collage Stt.. Tot'cat . Steady Emp)I yme for a Reliable Local Salesman represeuti.n; Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries in Zurich and sdjoining country. Yon will find there is a good demand for Nursery Stock on account of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this season. Our salesmen are turning in big business to us this year. Be one of thein and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay Weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Write for partieulars. Stone & Wellingto.n, Fouth ill Nin :series. 850 acres. TORONTO, - - ONT. . TH'S SALVE Ira A SURE CURE FOR Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in jured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias VsTurm of Zurich Ont, says. "I was bothered for sone tune with a run- ning sore on me jaw; nobody knows how painful it was. I doctored for some time till I tried a s:elnple. of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a god supply. .Joseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. 1 inn cured. I am thankful indeed for my cure and gladly give you permission to publish my ease.” +'i r;e Thai; :au•i.•',, says:— "r r i1 .....nibs I s: r..;rcd acutely from sort: i 1'L1l. 4 and doctored all that .time. I tried a saakiiIc ot .1e!e.pn bath h i alt•e. it was tail 'ent to et .sty „t(i?1;. c.h0 1 had tr1.(i and it cured tee. I am grateful for the cnt+'. as 1 have ioiwer liter' tronblerl with it sltieef." Pr:c+e 30 vents per box. 3 brxt's for $1.50 Obtained flout \V. Ii. BI•:eneu,Zurich, Ont 60 "AMMO i tepee tEf9cLLe TRADE MARKS .°0 "Ia61bu} DESIGNS tete COPYRIGHTS t&C. An^one rending c sketch and d^scrintlon ma? quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention 1e probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents seta frte. Oldest :money forsecuring patents. Patents taken tarour:h Iunu 1 Co. receive rentor e etre , without charge, in the ilei" ltnocueln weekly.Largest any ntt ul.Trmr Canada, 5'.3.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by aU ��n(gQlen,sade�rs�le]1es-�.gqm,mpp,, qq,ryy �f NE York l t�l l�a fig' dOt.I 1Y1-on3uaJ, , Y/ ) tl of �i Branch 01510.6:5 IPSt., was iington. D. C. Private Moir, who killed Surgeattt Lloyd at the London l araa.'ktt, laet Spring, ilas been foetid not guilty, on the plea e'1' ince 11Py. Si:'ATO1 RAT:4 Mr. Valentine Ratz, who former- ly represented North Mitldleseitin the Commons, was last Friday ap- pointed, to succeed the late Senator Memel'. The new Senator will re- present in the upper house the Ger-,. man element in the population of the province. Valentine Ratz was born Nov. 13 1848, at St. Jacob's Waterloo, of German parentage.. Ile was married in 1873 to Miss Maly Yagers, of New Hamburg. The new Senator early followed lumbering, settling in the township of Stephen. In 1806 he first ran for the House of Commons, and was elected. Ile was defeated in 1000, but wits again successlal in 1004. Mr. Ratz retired from the field prior to the last general elec- tion in favor of Alex Smith, who was elected. th Heart Strength, orHoeft \\cal:ness.moansNerve Strength, or Nerve ,Peal n(ss—nothing more. Pos- itively, not ono Weak heart in a hundred is, in it- self, (utually diseased. It is almost always' a Bidden tiny little novo that many is nil at fault. This olvour,. nerve—the Cardiae, or heart Nerve opt ;; needs, and must have,niorepower, more stability, more controlling more governing stt elte, it, \\'ithnnt that the Heart must continua to 1011, and the stomach and kidneys also have th„e 61.05110 controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so inueli for weak and ailing hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this pain 80, palpitating, sultoc*t. Mg heart distress, Ur. Shone's Restorative—this popular prescription --is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. Xt builds: it.stronsthonst it offers real, genuine heart help. 11 you would have strong Hearts, strong di. restton, strengthen these ;nerves- re-establish them as needed, with Shoo " Restorative !. J. MERNE .