HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-01-22, Page 4The 2-3rich Herald.
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL - - - S3,500000
a REST Furam - - $3,500,000
v Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in ah
the Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches.
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
- H. ARNOLD, Manager
Zurich Branch
D -431;,...t7D(OCIR20-CD(EnDirlD; ;q04.14Ctl's:,IDCIMDCD,Cf2=CDCM-Dinol-alDit3S1
E,]t,„^-,7,11S7.1 117if!..11;7,C31
t• . - •
if;:1747:71'' '4. a
• • -i'••"."," :
lit'r. Net ar-e etiblie. He t:sall, Ontario.
6.t Zueielt oflieei every Mon-
ristors,Soheitors, Notaries Pu'.ac, etc.,
Gotlerich, Careeia. i'reulfeet.
R. C., Have. t 1%
- • -^ • - • -
B. a, PilE4AUr"...t,
FRIDAY JAN. 2nd,• 10.0
W. C. T. U.
Its a eursc.4t1 lie Whaever snys' it
was the passionate retort. "And if
it were true you aro tho last man
to call me to account for it." "33e
sensible Ben, do" said the gentle-
man flua little, but determin-
ed to keep his temper," I shall lose
all patience with you if you begin
your impuslenco. Why should not
1 or any other person think . it
strange that D. Man Clain:ling any
degree of common sense should
negleet, his work, abuse his wife
and destroy all his prospects for
the. future, simply to gratify an
appetite as unnatural as it is de-
1.);:sing? ',You'd make a fine tein
peranee leeturer," said. I3en with
sarcasm, who told you I abused my
Maurice Droutly slYting
himself around on his chair "Hiltz
are you drunk now, or mad, that
you talk like such a fool? Do yon
think I would accuse you, of aim-
- thing of which I do not know you
to be gnilty? Do you think my wife
ceehl conceive stall brutality pos-
-dhle an7 man B2110 -!,1 EnC...1V
it an intliF,DultITAO feet? 17trice
-:•-etild have bitten hi a own
tengue off for that unintentional
"my wife." dropped in each. a
, senea nothing li:icl been farther
fieen hia tit than to mention
her name. "Your wife" in abonn-
ded as ten Mullen thaes Your wife
know my Bess?" and. if she does,
!aelio told her stall nensense? Not
111 swear ; she'd die before
she'd make stall i statement.
1 -Maurice bit his proud lip, I ought
not to have inentionca Mrs. .Droute
lvs name in such a, cooneetion." he!
AUCI CtiMPER, Exeter.
Sales or t€1 iu 1Iparts. is -
faction guaranteed or no pay. Terror
reasonable. Onion.: kit at this ()Mee
will be prconptly attendki to.
IL 0 DOA. V. AS 1 itAVE PIU-
hisod }rick fi,on
Staskopf,T. am in a 0,1t.i:di VA at it: aa
to an hnsea,-, as forinetly. Calls at
Rau's Hot
DR. F. A. 1)1•NTIST, .GRA-
late..e Rorel
hi(e Er, ;1,4111-
e. 1 ce;:ar 'aunt o To-
ronto 'r•-.::vsrsity. e:ractioh
of ttth. ate workitcin1i. .'t
rninbn one,lt.uriell, every Mon-
d 7 -da
13 "" • ' Cut"Vfn- '
01 ;try. S", 11$
W,D,N 0..:Vf. other Legzd t:or)
fully aa.1 iromptiy preparoZ.OJt
iIlor Zurich, Ont.
ryi 6 S V. MAS, Prepares
Pupils- for the Toronto Can-
servetory of Music end other
Paper Hanger
and Painter.
All work promptly and'
neatly ilone. Now is the
time to have your home
brightened and B...t.ted lip
for tho bpring and Sum-
mer inontha.
Charges Moderate
N. BOCK, Zurich
Ber:kshire Boar.
Mr. John Becker has the celebra-
ted. Berkshire "Lord Stnialey" for
service, at his farm, Town Line,
PE-torci Stanley, farrowed May
15th 1004, bred by John lamer, Vine
Ont, farrowed the tproperty of Thos, M.
'Snowden, Bayfield Ont. Sire Hillcrest
Warrior 12042, bred by Geo. Green, Pair.
view Ont„ -data Huron Lassie, 13016,
bred by John Lainner, Vine -by Lord
Holyrood of Hillcrest 9926, bred by Dar -
ham and Cavan,. Nast Toronto, Ont. Miss
Hillorest 9937, by Major 6842, Golden
ianchess 6988, by Reyal .Lad 2nd, 4412,
'Lady ting 4614 by Star One -imp -3071,
Maori** imp- 1727 by Pateof 108,
Compton 1656, by Prince, Sister of Dev-
aanshiro Duchess, lay Warwick 1st. Beauty-
loy 22.4p
••../ ••••
said, t..nd Ben's eyes blez.,d. She
saw your wife but once -the night 1
eireief' to von-lrit that ;
; was eilonn to give such a woman;
tel angel's interest in her to the 1
.13e1. of life'Ah, what homage did
the vory intoimtion of this „,enth.-
man's voice pay to the woman he
had sworn to 'honor ; It struck a
;eller!) parig ts the listener'a hc.ort.
It seemed as if his wife had been
d'isnaraged thereby since his tone:. 1
1110 had felled to 'respect her. "kill°
is no purer, no liuer, no reo..e.
1 womanly or angelic than is my own
wife, "he cried." I swear it." But
Matalec moved his linnet sternly,
; we will not discuss 'ItIrs Droutly
I this morning, "he said haughtily,''
II called yon here to -"Insult nio"
I muttered. Ben. No, on the eon -
1 trays., to try to arouse you to the
peril of your position ; to 'ask you
I for your wife's sake, for the sake
!of your little one, to be a man. "1
can't be a man, the very smell of
that devil's broth crazes mo."
Keep away from it, then dont go
where it is." That sounds well
I from yon and in this room too, Do
' you suppose I ever forget .wlien I
come into this office that some of
it is kept there, pointing to a cor-
ner closet. "Twice I signed the
pledge and hept it each time for
two years. When I broke it you
were the cense, von and the accur-
sed wines you kept there, "shaking
his finger at the corner closet door.
How was 1 to know you were so
weak, Ben? Be reasonable. You
were not always to easily overcome
You are in my employ, I like yon,
what more natural than. I should
pledge you to your wedding clay,
and again on the birth of your
child? Am 1 responsible becanse
some men cannot bear a glass of
wine? How am Ito know when1
come in contact with such? You
must be a law unto yourself and
refuse drink what should 1 sup-
pose you unlike other men who
are able to take a glass or let it
alone? "As you are or instance?"
ironically. "Yes, as 1 am, all rules
for exceptions, you have seldom
$9011 inc the worse for liquor Bon
111 never ask you to touch another
drop though. swear off old fellow;
if not for the sake of our old,
'friendship, for the Sake Of the new
ties We 13.4Y0 each assumed, and
the lives'that are dearer to us than
our own',.
• (re be continued)
• , ' Ethel M. Williams,
Press., Supt.
If YOUrstemach, heart, or kid.
fly' arei Weak, try at least a few
dosis Only of Dr Shoop's Restore..
tive. In five or ten days only, the
result, will surprise you. A few
cents will cover the cost And. hero
is w_b.y help domes so quickly. Dr
Shoop d pesu1t drug tho stomach,
nor stimulate the heart or kidneys.
Dr Shoop's Restorative goes direct-
ly to the weak and failing nerves.
Bach:organ has its own controlling.
nerve, 'Wb.en •these nerves fail,
the defending organs must be ne-
cessity falter. This plain. yet vital
truth, clearly tells why Dr Shoop's
Restorative is so universally suc-
cessful. Its success is leading drug
gists everywhere to give it univer-
sal preference. A test will surely
tell. Sold'by Ilerner,
A two -Year-old child is in quaran •
tine in St: Thomas for smallpox.
Farm. liands in (1,/iitarin average
$24 %).-per zii'onth and female help
$13 130 pei oionth.
Lien4berA,`' of Hamilton connril
had a ',private conference with
bYcire electric power officials Sat.
Lines from Woedstock. to Brant.
ford. froth. St. Marys to Stratford.
are planned by the St. Marys and
Western. Railway.
Geo. D. Hopkinson pleaded goil•
ty to sbop-breaking at Niagara
Falls and, was sentenced to four
A 'bridge steNss tho Niagara
from. Fort Erie to Buffalo is to be
spilt by the Fort Ere and Buffalo
Bridge Company, when the concorn
is incorporated.
Mr. H. Elliott's two.year•nla
daughter wits killed by lier
brother, who was trying to sheoli
her doll at their home near Artela.
The contract for Mortreal's ho
palace has hen let to Charlae I
Thackery 6r. :Co. The building -will 1
cost about $7.000.
A strange deg attar the live
et ,'k on the farm of Mr. Jatmel!
Blaek r, audit is feared the
velY stopped in 201
Snoop's Croup 1
s lone will. ely
No -Vomiting, no 1
distress.: ,pN, :.,tuid pleasing syrup
•Sold15y J 3 Mcrner.
A dePatation from the Dominion1
Treiles and Labor Council waited
on Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier and;other
ot the Government.
The.Railway Commission, meet -1
inrailway companh...4 three inon+IlfzIr'st
r, at Ottawa, derided tgive o the
to prepare planefixe the •viadnei• at 1.4.
Toronto. -
An Itelian named Ranieri wss
murdered at Montreal, and tin.,,p
policemen nearby allowed the per-
petrators to get aweye :net undi-r-1
tending the nature of the man's
The Saskatchewan Legislature
passed n resolution calling for Ibo
appointment of n. R.c.)al Commiss-
ion of".Iudges to iOestigato Mr.
Hattltain s chargeS'•,, against +1r.
Calder, Commissioner of ,Bdueation.
in connection with the schoolbook
Maurice Ryan was cemm it ted
for trial at North Bay on the
eharge of murdering his brother
Rev. Mr. Morgan, pastor of the
Methodist church. 81 Pot terabnrg,
near London, Ont.., is laid up with
C... •:::::r.,-"J-C=.Z=a,--.=>••==.:=:.c=".. V -==,--Arce-e.---,"::".,-.
gf?..,•,,,c, 417,e -7.,,,,e7. ‘,...',, „....,G....:,,..s,.c,, V7....•'. „G; , 4 "7•4;=%'•,,==7* .4. *4, e'',.. ,e,..
(=.<:::.• y r.
,e,-* ,•••••••••G.',,,,,,•••,,,,,,,,...,,,,......,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,„.. t,,,..,• 1
c 17
, 0,07?
Headquarters for the best that is inacle• in Boots and. Shoes;
Complete lines in. Fall and Winter Goods
at prices which will save you money.
We are sole agents for the famous Wil-
liams staple shoes, made specially for farm wear
Complete range Williams patent leggings,
the best on earth. King's Stub -proof ani Kant
Krack Rubbers.
Repairs while you wait.
We take butter and eggs in exchange.
-.179Tti %
Has' the cv2 a rall.sel
I1azt 'oil a Cuiall-Nroza rennos
reninr.n:ir..7" is ;he ideal range for
a t hit:hen.
1E, the conveniences of the
bc..-t steel r i ith the added
• . - .nn,•1 therefore
,• • • • -•
• Incr-..A. (hirable.
Tee -beers either wood or coal
anti t7.11.-. biu-. iz.iy be chanfpd. in ball
1 1 11,1 ;',110w yell the Drop
t1 A 0-ra 1 1; V, e0sso3 .Adjustubitt
f. n1 i;ht Oven en 1 improve-
oxp'..iin the superiority
r:i.0. 70
- 2,7,„-carich
am reaf.dy- to contract
aU, kinds of good logs
for winter deliverfy, and
will pay top prices.
jiti2 t
Rf you intend building next
year, call and talk the matter
over: with us.
F. C. KALBFLE1SC1, Zurich
0 rilISP.
100 .11
This remedy an always be depended up on and
Is pleasant to take, it Contains no °plum or
other banntui drug and may be given ascot"-
dentk to a baby as to an adult.
Ptice 25centeclarge size 50 cents.
PILES titteltingtZt
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the Zurich Herald