HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-01-22, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich 'afa,d Hay Township.; \ooh 1? . WINTER TERM T JANUARY 4TH MORE YOUNG PEOPLE trained by • oar management' than any other in Ontario. Great demand for our graduates as Business College Teachers, Private Secretaries, Office Assistants. etc.- The embodiment of the most Expert, Modern Systems 6,knownin Businass Science. We invite comparison. Three Depart. ,t‘ merits. llan'aed by skilled instruct - OM - { COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHY, TELE'GRAPIIY. Mail Courses in all Business Col- lege enol High School subjects.. CLINTON Business College Gao. SI'oxros. Principal. OPENS LOCAL ..� NEWS C�til � �r��ti r� Yt ."'moi .�J��'^..e�•y aV Miss Morloek of Exeter, is vi:ti ing the Misses Riekbeil this week D. S. Faust has aa, good line fur lined caps, 204„ discount. Miss Voitcah of Corinth, is visiting with Mrs. (Dr.) Wilson. Mr. E. Cowin of Tiny, Sask., M visiting his uncle, air. T. Johnson this week D. S. Faust hots some dress shirts FRIDAY MORNING„ JAN. 22, 1909, Miss Lottie Cxalstor t,kitiira D. S. Faust is giving a big rettuo. tion on furs. Come and see them. Mr. Cal. Williams_ of Buffalo, is home atpresent. Miss Della Brown of Crediton is visiting with hex, aunt, Mrs. Jahn Procter. Watch Preeters' ad in nest week's paper. Startling bargains in all lines, Wait for it. Mr. Freta. Congdon 'Liberal was elected to the Honse of Commons this week for Yukon, by about 200 majority. Now is your time to take advant- of the 20% on ready made suits for men and boys, at D, S, Faust. Mr. William Demuth left on Tuesday for Tavistock, and from there he will return to his home at Port Arthur. Mr. William, Sparks has pnr- chased from his uncle, Mr, Alex Sparks, farm lot 15 Con. 13 Stanley and will take possession 1st of April. 1O,0C() hides wanted, before the 1st of 1dareh, at the &tris;h Tan- nery or at Ran`rxie's feed store, where we will pay highest price+ in v: crash. Ronnie St Witwer. t. D S. Faust has four hundred yds of towelling to sell at 13 cents a of yard. This i, your last chance for a snap like this. The first session of the eleventh parliament of Canada opened on Wednesday, with the usual tire. monies There was a large gather- , ing at Ottawa to witness the cere- monies. The (tIobe Casket Company's in sixes. 15 and 15:; regnlar 75 cent for 40 cents. Corte while they last The Hamilton bride works ha been incorporated with a capital t a million, Miss Urstadt of Elmwood is visitor at the Imam of Mr and Mrs Moses Geiger, Bronson Line. If you are not in the habit o dealing, at D: S. Faust. Get in tb habit, for 'great bargains are given :late abe1T,a „5l;:tet1 l 3...,r tin t. t,. tti � eat � n .tern u t 1, f � u t 1 �) . 12 tv-t>.tilc, one at Brucefir lt1 and n ono at Hensall. Mr. and. Mrs. Gabel of 13ervie, Bruce Co., are spending the week w ith relatives here, atnd at Dada. wood. Trnnhle is still nn with the open ing of the rt.ud to the lake .;horn) n St,. .loseph. Some interesting de- velopments may be expected. Mr. William Zt'ttel of Saslcaltehe 'vvan, arrivt1 i bore on Th nrsday 1'' visit his relatives and frieru1. in - this section. it is 23 years-si)aee he loft here vile are throng': taking* sti-ek end arc now offering a lot of remnant.4 at your own priee• All winter goods at greatly redneed prices to (deur. Come early. J. Prt'cttt>r. Mr. I gleson Bigler of Blake re ecntly purchased a fine Louis XIV Ik.Iendelssohn piano from Mr, H. Wel}, which will be an honor to his; home and iu.tmily. factory in London was destroyed by tiro early `.i'ue,=tluv runrnm , alt- s failing a Loss of about $200,000 and d throwing over ]t'a) hands out of employment. The 1nauraiieo ra- a mounted to t84,Coo. Rev. .r. rl. Loisclle, pastor of St. Peter's; Catholic! church. at f Drysdale, returned ion Saltrirdti c e from ]xis extended trip thror,gb l nrO te. He was away nearly Six rt -.11101301., and hill many tr1Pr r,s '14 a144 k 2A'v t}P: ti r' 117L'tttiuG'd' in.>. CiC±�3 ' �a31t1 ,tCk home at;aain. CARD OF r x.A:vT.ca We tender our most Sincere thanks P- the many friends, who have so kindly assisted and oonx t forted ns in the past days of trial °°•vada aiiliction, through 1he:it'l.ne,.s civil death of a beloved husband and father-11rs. Margaret :le ttx-5l, and family. Mrs. Christina 7, ill:er, died on the 13th Inst, at the home of her! daughter, Mrs. Alex Brandt, Hen- sall. The remains were interred in the Nairn Cemetery. The subject, of nett Sunday lncrning service in the Evangelical chinch will be. ''The Second Com. ing of Christ " Everybody is car - Molly invited. Negotiations between tilt) city and the street railway at nnipeg la atvO been broken off, rand, tilt, (Council will „o ahead 'with• the municipal power plant. (d) From a point en its matin line at or neer the village of I;xt: ter to a point on Lake Huron at or near the harbor of Grand l3t+nd arid for other and further powers. A large number of our regular subscriber's have renewed their ,';ttbroriptton for the year, hnt many have not yyet done co. We vonlcl like all those in arrears t;) c'ttll elnd_.paa; - up. The tender leaves el' a harmless lung•henlin c montitainonri shrub, give to Do t honp's t!e1 ii 1,=.'lnedI itt] n)tarvelonii curative ] ".11)erties 'right, tickling, or distressing' coughs,• quickly yield to the heal- ing;soothing notion Of tills f pleradial proscription ---Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it is se safe and good for children, as well,. Ceti. Mining no opium, ahloroforn+, 1)1, other harmful drugs, )nothc rs :vboalld in safety alwty':' demand Dr Shoop's. If other remedies clif`erecl, tell them No ! Be ;t'naar own judge ! Bold by J J Magnet•. y 0 n r —---5'7riF„ rt,„ K•:aca 1 v a",a€/ �yy^s vr�,t row 0 et. S')' .war.. N with Mrs. Wm. Frits, Grand, i enol. ��i � � ��s��� '1oyAmy D. S. Faust is malting V tt . as re- duction on ladles coats.. Mr. H. Fleischauer's On is dangerously i11 at present aa' ,• ( nip slight hopes are entortaxuic: for his recovery. D. F. Faust has some good heavy woollen Shirts on sale .-ast what yon want for the winter.. The many friends of Mrs, R. N. Douglas of BIake, u*ill-:he nleiced to hear that she ,is rapidly. Thirty candy store proprietors of Montreal were summoned' .to appear before the macgis(rf.te for selling brandy ch0001 tees. If the business men , di', ;&tgrich really want railway connection, they should stir tip us iii•ere will be a number of lines built In .this County (hiring the next few years. 11ir, William Stelc}, n1! e 3.4th f lora., has purchased tltn famous 11 tie paacing mare, i t V Maas'' from Mr. t?. Sttralrrt , for which }a� paid a handsome fi, tragi. Hockey skates from 4''t eenil�ii� Hockey sticks from, 1() ctlntte. up. All going at greatly reduced prices,' to clear. 3. Procter. , Miss Clatra Warn], ceca a 111*:ah• ter of Mr. and Mrs. ,^aloin \Vurn, of the Bronson. Line; ve .t;,b.marricd 00 Wednesday to 2ilr. rki=r sif 'the same line. Qr. Oven's Surgeon1 f}enlist, Specialist will be at Rri.'4„1.Hot'.el, Homan, on Friday 7 'a 20th. Hours , to 10 p. to ca es nro- pol.ly fatted, Oataarrh •ole 4, fail. irtg eyesight and tlirc ..,” 'oubles treated. er.rA Itr2 3c' 1;1{ 1: 'r 11 give Ilii AtIIozie.• the Town Hell, February rith '1')i'' given to floc Sin; ;'alp eTi at;'1,a 1t,w•rgnI1'' iellr a !]nt al }at ! 30 cents a eonple. At 8 to lo 30. r Cly z Ja m ry February Sae 09 I5COU T Off our regular prices during- hese months te'. Thi i 01°111104 to everyt)ling in trttr entire Stott: of General Dr)- Goods:and f eut5 Furnishings,. -tt. it 111' DRESS GOODS PPI rs FLA';NI?LETTES ISlrnrI'IN(,s (t3'1'fONADES (.iii' ;It ?.his TOti'V'a.:.1_I G ;'7I'R (,. t TEENS a.' J 1 Nb� `� C iE'i ON NES FACT Uit a IiLEACFHED COTTC)tis \' RAP.PERI T'[ ES LINOI.EUNIS 2and 4 yard: wide LACES •E,IBROIDERIES TOQUES WOOL SCARFS SILK SCARFS HOSIERY GLOVES LADIES' COATS LADIES' 7' FURS LADIES' UNDERWEAR e.rr, t AEE E OIL (t U'i'EIS T,—ABLE PLOW (tr!,:.I.UTII ; 5o Sr':::.PED MATS •f W`-OOI. 13L ',Nii1 'I'I FLANNELETTE BLAMZETS, fiark an,l , 12-4, Rill size. ;` . -,, 4. meta a + it e. al r irn c^ Rte..+• IlIsADVMA!)l S1'fil' rt!r i a an.i OVERe0.1. s for :,lt'at .:10 Ji- -. ata h;ttl r.,‘.1.1 flu• 'I• t' ' .t. ,'. au:at, for .:It °tall t1D.l: , . 'PS Ti ('c' a.h.al S t;;;•' � �Nl}]':1a,1t I.II). for .ii en and tin-., i;t a goo t t+.-. rttn,'I,t. ,..-E:,” t ex •••tv, alxi l;ght, ore S:,tOrK`3 rte. • s a, L.celn. +. •`Zr.1 1:11!i 1'_Nt.- IilL.v._t ,S rt wIIIS haile to order DRESS t.'-;IIIRT—..a A•Al'at �Z WOOLLEN SHIM'S...' , it REMNT c; a ' a i L'' ,Al,it lt`t'n.•'itt"tii Ill`:.a71,Pltt t :31 a't1 `.:t+:, FL c •Ia aE 10x\.`11°?)' �.• dtlttl](ttt r (tG and Dress (locals. Itlih'S (10011;+ .:v >._ti ? ci. frutn' -malas. hitt at A lil(x ' tI t�i]tr;'uot,; f;rat. itl:r)t. t•I'It)��. l)u1a't tai �n i4. About 3.0 ;() nlohiber,s Caf the Sneiety of the llaily'Name, an nr galnizatttnn the \dentia,•!\'s of which' , are leagued to defend (oil's !is,t))M, • and is in the I'itel'e"tai of docent ; i speneh, were t lore-soel at Toronto: illy Archbishop ..3.41r t , formrrlr Bisllt)p of London. The men are . very enthusiastic. and the more is i �rtatlt1a.11 - riground gr Ixnd in the" ('altaf::)c elaillClat.;, eNN Fw. tl int Fri ti as d is NkeJ ai flan ,�Lta rte' .r ''J Lisyl) Y ! Y Wig. i '•a dy . i ✓ 1! Y �y�:; ktw, ,c ' I I r af.t"!iii PI' to '•' e'r: c x sxr Exchange for Goods, .. �U. 3Tp,,.a lo. tD L 1,. LI KJ " �dp 1 1� We have decided to clear out the balance of our L dk� . r` Coats and Mantles at greatly reduced price and have marked them down to the very lowest notch. These areu high this an lt���'tt3c ������ goods and 'Y.3aiaJ season's styes, as d if 3-0u want a bargain in a Coat or Mantle, take advantage of than .gale, a 7 prices • 9 X 15, ladies' coats, BOW for $11'. 3i'.1.tt1 .ltlttic'�'' \'taus 14`a v 1'01' 4'.:'1() $12. la(l1(SS' ('.olat' , now for 8.50 :).(1(1 fi)til(' 'lass iicw for e.:)°1 $8. ladies' ('oats, now- for 5O 4.)(! '.' 17,,:5 (o; •ts i. a,tc 'i: ,.. , now le _. •_t. Y.n.X l.e 0 ladies' coats, 110'1'4 for 3.50 ;Bos des otherL ,. F ft1'gains You are invited to Cook through our stock whether you buy or not. We extent to one andall Or Best Wishes for f. Pi • F, r r t. (pt, r x -r �. t a7 )NV ",.,SAY & j'7.. V:. . ..."w�Y �l Y'Tw.�,4�':.rRµn..!;.i, ...., ,:f :l,.tw.�+•, e.....,,�:...w.y.•¢.:�Y�.a 4+w�..��.,aw17�A a'': f.'�. Produce ce Or. kinds wanted ZUF.1OF/ t+nf'"iti.r=4: :r.