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The Herald, 1909-01-15, Page 8
We will slaughter off our en= tire Stock of Winter Goods before the ist day of February. Sale commences ', 114 es $ 5,a G.n .. �.,j a.. ,j a) �.nX '� s; Gra day of Feb. we We do not intend to ca'::ty ovF,ir enc.; piece of wk r e goo ^e �v; e bellieve it .�t s o+a l4urnin6 x oLockiu.i o money; storing away stocks n an old time way of doing business. This stock w ll be sold regardless of costa Big redo tifons on whiter Foods. eome and et 5hre of We take ,, ,t.L•. ..,.ie=..,,.._._ 611 Po. ALL KINDS ,. n 1.4 e :r:c1nak tvias JOHN MoBRIDE Muti'h surprise and regret was expressed on Sunday,, when it be• came known that Mrs. Mo;l3ride had died rather suddenly the even ing,befere. Her husband left the house about 2 30, when deceased 'was' in tier usual health and busy with ,her week–end duties. Mr. McBride returned about 5,30 and found his wife in a semi-conscious condition, lying on the sofa, vvbither she had been able to drag hersetf,'with the aid of her two little children. She lingered until about 11 o'clock, when the thread of life was broken. The cause of death was heart failure, Mrs. Mc Bride, was the youngest slaughter of the. late Henry Willert, and had reached the,age of 30 years 'and 9 mouths. A largo circle of relatives and friends mourn the death of a kind'andloving friend and for the bereaved husband and the little boy and girl, the most heartfelt sympathy is expressed. The re rains were interred in Bayfield Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. That the deceased had a premoni- tion of her death seems quite,,oer- tain, . as only the Friday evening before sb.e read over to her hus- band the subjoined verses, written in 1896, in memory of Mrs, James Ross -of Wingliam. Now resting calm, is one we love, -within the silent tomb; The shades of death around her dwell, the sepulchre and gloom. Infinite wisdom called her hence from our fond circle hero; No more we see her kindly smile; no more her voice we hear. No more her gentle hand will soothe the trob of oohing brow; No more her eyes da hail the light, for she is sleepirg now; No more at morn or eventide we hear her cheerful song, But we shal,lhear her by and by although the way seem long. The chilling waves of Jordon's flood could not her soul appal, For lo, the glorious light of life shone on the city wall. Beyond the flood, beyond the vale, beyond nil earthly strife, Her faith in Christ did victory claim, and hope is lost in life. The tear -drops glisten on each cheek; the heart with pain is rent. But God, the Father, mereifully has grace and comfort sent, His promise ie to those that trust, an anchor light and prop; They shall not grieve like those that mourn without a single hope. And she is dead:How dull the word to tell of .one at rest; Icer body 'sic INer spirit is forever with the ble Free' from: lot'. ,,,cng woes of. earth, the 'hepaiit, • • •i}'e could :arth's hoardel wealth a Beall l again. e seem tp',",e °' her gentle voice say. 'Husband and children cone, Fey there is; joy and, peace and rest in Jesus? 1tdppyhorne. `:hat is them on the earth to bind your fondafleetion there? They're mils rich who sin the crown „nd heavenly mansion fair." "Dear wife, dear mother, when we bow before our Father's throne, We will our trust to meet thee there in ,iesus' name make known, At..3 when we bid the earth farewell,) awl cross the ,Welling flood, VI will t;;;;ether sound -the praise of Ycsus' elean5ing b1a e:1. iubbino r."�� :Ve have inade arrang&ine:ita to oiler the iollowing low clubbing rates vritl. True 1:1snAL1) : .Daily i ;lube $ 4.25 ,. - Mart & Empire 1.25 Weekly .(*lobe • . 1.75 „ Nail 86 Empire 1.00 Berliner Journal ((xerman) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 1 eekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly 8u4 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 12 you 'have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Mr, J. P. Klote of Edina, Mo., says: ' <I• have used a great many different medicines for stem. ach trouble, but find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy 1' ever used. -For sale by J J Mer- ner. MARKET REPORT.—Tho fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday. Barley.,.. 50 to 50 Peas , .. 80 Bran 20,00 Shorts .... 23.00 Oats .,:... 36 36 Wheat.... .... 02 02 Hay .:.... 7.00 Dried apples....... 5 5 Clover seed; . ........ 5.00 5.15 Potatoes.....'. •40 40 Butter ..... .. 23 23 Eggs....... ... . . 23 3 Hogs liveweiget...... • • 5.65 5,95 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best F'lor'in.:..... 2.75 Wheat.... ....b.... 93 94 (Nits.,....,........ ti. 26 56 Barley.,,.,.....wit ..•....• 50 ro hes . . , • t14 I) 73n,*s iivewveiglit 5.t,, 5.60 H. COOK SONS -0 t CO UPONY This Coupon is good for 25 cents in purchas'- ing one sack of our "Snow Drift" best family flour, made by our new process of milling, providing it is presented on or before Jan. 22rd. The selling price of our Flour is 82.75 per bag, bag in- cluded. This is to say— on the above mentioned time we will give you a sack of our Best Family Flour for 82,50 and this Coupon. Since we equipped our entire mill last fall with the latest machinery, we have been running night and day and we are pleased to say that our Flour has been meeting with ex- cellent results and we are now satisfied it does not, stand second to any Bread Flour on the market. Flour and Feed will always be delivered in our own town. H. COOK SONS & CO., Hensall, Ont. 10.00 ti..s>.., ;; ,t n+.y:..;,.':ai. :s.,w�.�w.w ...!s.r.. ;.•da•1iv, i ... ,. �.. When you want a Piano or Organ call -at The Dashwood Furniture Store and you will see the best ' Piano made in Canada— We also handle The New Williams and the New Raymond Sewing flachines If you want a good machine just drop a card. We have no agents to pay a big commission, so we give our customers that commission. That's a saving to you, isn't .it? Any order by mail will have our best attention. Our prices are the Lowest. PETER { '0.16 t►AO Furniture and Undertaking DASI-IWOOD LLI TITLE the world keeps festival we (:'heli( to all our friends the Compliments of the Sea- son and our 1,t'4t wishes for a Happ-y New Yelu'. TE believe in the brotherhood of 1' trade, and consider your int • - crests at all times o11 a 1)2t with our own. © H24RTLBIB PHONE 13 ZURIGIti HURON'S LARGEST CO6i BIEVAT6©8til STORE Now is the time to buy your Winter Shoes We have the hest Winter :Footwear that can be bought. You can always rely on get- ting the best when you buy here. Men's and oys' Socks Felt Goods Women's Leggings Etc„ Prices will be Satisfactory P. - I . U , ! Punch