HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-01-15, Page 2A MESSAGE OF HOP
Bay's Own Tablets come as a message
of hope to all worried mothers. There
is no other medicine can equal these
Tablets for the cure of stomaoh, bowel
end teething troubles, They make sickly,
essevisin crying children bright and well.
guaranteed to contain no opiate or poi-
sonous soothing stuff. 1N:re. J. Laroque,
Log Valley, Steak , says: "I have found
Baby's Own Tablets a blessing both to
niy children and myself. I have tried
them for most of the ills that come to
;young children and have never known
them to fail." Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 Dents a box, from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Congratu lati ons.
'Mother," he said, putting his arms
around and kissing her on the brow, "T
arc going to marry the sweetest, the
loveliest, the noblest girl in the world."
Looking up into his eyes, the good'
lady by a great effort managed to keep
back her tears as she answered in broken
"My poor—boy!"—Chicago Record -
And Then Some.
"The air in here is something awful,"
said the stranger, who had never been in
the Chicago post office building before,
"What's the reason it smells so bad?"
"A.ccording to some of our bacteriologi-
•.:al experts," answered the stamp clerk,
'there are 927,344,725,051,399,007 reasons
for the odor. I've never counted them
myself; but I believe the experts are ap-
proximately correct.
Tea years ago the Underwood was a
type by itsel3—the only visible writer.
To -day there is no other kind. Other
typewriters had to follow the Underwood
or go out of business. So they all look
something like the Underwood.
A Good Method.
Denmark's police, when they finds a
drunken man in the streets, summon a
cab, place him inside, and drive to the
police station, where he is detained until
sober. Then he ie driven home, the po-
lice never leaving him until he is safe
in his family. The cabman then, makes
:his charge, the polio.eon. his,the:
o tee t y 1,see
*here the culprit took his last and over-
Coweritig glass.
This system is tending to reduce the
• appalling drunkenness which formerly
prevailed in Copenhagen.
Lienor and 'Tobacco Habits
ItIeT.AGGAi1T. M. D., C. N.
75 Tong's St., Toronto, Canada
References made to Dr. Taggart's profes-
sional standing and personal integrity permit -
tel by:
gir W. R. 'Meredith, Chief Justice.
Pion. G. W. Ross, ex -Premier of Ontario.
Itev. N. Burwash, D. D., President Victoria
Cone' e.
Rev. Father Teefy, President of St. Mic-
hael'. College, Toronto.
Right Rev. A. Sweatman, Bishop of Tor-
Bar. Wm. McLaren, D. D., ex -Principal
Itnox College, Toronto.
Dr. Taggart's vegetable remedies for the
liquor and tobacco habits are healthful, safe,
tnexpenalve home treatments. No hypoder-
mic inleetlens, no publicity, no loss of time
from business, and a certainty of cure.
(.`onsultatloa or correspondence invited.
so 4.
Narrow Escape for Somebody.
Mrs. Upsome—You have noticed, I
suppose, that the new society editor
says your meet striking peculiarity is
your `personal pulchritude'?"
Mrs. Suddyn.Klymer—Yes, and lay
husband was going right around to the
newspaper office to have it nut with the
editor, bu"t I happened to think that per-
haps we'd better look,iu the dlielionary
first. After we found out the meaning
of the word we sent our than and order-
ed 200 extra copies of the paper."
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure wil)
ah's ays cure my coughs and colds."
♦ e
Fighting the White Plague.
(Toronto Star.)
If the truth about consumption were
not known, the apathy of the public
regarding the disease would not be so
remarkable. It is shown that in its
earlier stages consumption is curable,
and that by observing the laws of right
living infection ina.y be avoided and pre-
vented. It is also known that it de-
af Toys more lives annually than all the
virulent contagious (lisrases.
Misplaced Sympathy.
A man sat for some time in a res-
taurant looking thoughtfully at his
saucer of melting ice cream. At last
he left his chair and made his way to
tho proprietor!,
"I see you advertise that yen make
your own ice cream," he said, in a con-
fidential tone.
"I do, sir," said the propriet:tf,T.
"Well;" said the man, "wouttl you
permit me to give you a little pointer?
I won't charge you a cent; and it'll be
money in your pocket."
"Glad to hear it, I'm sure," said the
"Get somebody else to make it," said
the man, in a hoarse whisper. Youth's
Will develop your bust from toe ez, three
inches In a very short time.
Price S1.00, express prepaid.
The Edward's Medicine Company.
ell Bathurst Street,
Toronto, Ont.
Arctic Fare,
Sir Leopold McClintock, the Arctic ex-
plorer, who died. recently, was onee giv-
ing an account of his experiences) amid
the ice fields of the North.
"We certainly would have travelled
much farther," he explained, "had not
our dogs given out at a critical moment."
"But," exclaimed a lady, who had been
listening 'very intently, ".l thought that
the Eskimo dogs were perfectly tireless
Sir Leopold's face wore a whimsically
gloomy expression as he replied. "-I.T-
er—speak in a culinary sense, miss. —
A Woman's Sympathy
Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's
bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain
aheavy physical burden? 1 itnow what
these mean to delicate women—I have
been discouraged. too; but learned how to.
cure myself. I want to relieve our,Itut-�
dens. Why not end the pain anSi stolt.•t1
doctor's bill? I, can' de this i• you ATM
will if you Will assist me.,
u need) dna .is , o w i r u•:' ti.
b she reined
a,utut 0,
'int A benwil... �e_o. ';:o
for onions. • If so, ` shall be happy and
you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a
dentially. 'Write to-day
free treat-.
anent. MRS. F. 12 CI3RP•.AII, Windsor, Ont.
Fair Means or —
Solicitor --And I asp euro you will find,
madam, that this is the best course 'to
adopt—in the event of your friendly let-
ter railing to produce the effect we de-
Client—Yes, I see, lir. Jones. If I can-
not get what I want by fair means, I
must put the matter unreservedly- into
your hands.—London Punch.
;04 24 NOVRG
You (lali aiainik::isly remove sun corn, either
hard, sett or bleeding, by applying Putnain's
Coln F.httractor. it Hover Du17ts, leaves no soar
conte slto'aeltls' is haruUess because composed
only a�ealing gains and balms. Fifty yearn In
use, re guaranteed. Bold by all druggists
860. bottles, tefise substitutes.
Five and Twenty Sailormen.
Oh. it's ut,•along and down -along, and all
nieng the quay,
These are five And twenty sailounen just
come #mime on the spree,
All afire to Spend their mousy
la a land of milk and honey,
TheY are' tired of .stormy -watches and the
tossing of the sea. (
There are snug low cefldng'd parlors is the
taverns in the street,
With their cellars lull of liquor and their
larders full of meat,
There are tables white and shining,
Full of sailor folk a -dining,
There is dancing in the gardtens with the
wenches trim and neat.
There are beds of dawn for sleeping—Oh, the
quiet drenritilea3 sleeps,
With nq b'ggns whieetles calling, with no
watch Tor one to keep,
Mid to wake to sound -of singing,
An the convent bell a ringing,
Not the tumult et the tempest and the
thunder of the deep.
Ot, It's uo:along, and down -along, and all
along the quay.
There are five and twenty sailoruren as glum
ars glum ran be,
Thou' have meandered all their money,
They he.Ye hired of md.lk and honey,
They have done with tun and feasting and
they weary for the sea.
They can hear the sea a-calleng, and the tine
lands far away,
And it's hetet the rusty anchor up and
said atbre.ak o' day:
There%, a ,sn:ifi wind blowing,
There's .% strong tide flowing,
So it's Put her end for Port o' Spain, and
out serest :end baYl_Pall Mall Gazette.
Minard's. Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,—Last winter I received
great benefit from the use of MIN-
.ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack
of LaGrippe, and I have frequently
proved it to be very effective in cases of
• Yours,
The' Well of St. Piegmund.
A • servicewas held at the quaint
chinch. of P :iii'*arl1, near Chester. yee-
terday,, fol' *1' ti'dication of the, Well of
St. Plegneundl, ri%•nd and tutor of Alfred.
the Greats. 'I'lis epring is remarkable for
the flu t .'en wtter has been 'used art
rtrsitt, retail Church for fully
c;r r1? The Archdeacon of
ducted the aervice,'?e-
.r! l"n ti t while lip
nd ttcgd7r-,
ed such k ril5ltion for learning that
Xing Alfappointed hint Arch-
bisltoa n bury.—London Stand-
Force of Habit.
"I wish, John," said the editor•c wife,
"that you'd try not to be so absaut-
minded when we are dining out."
`"Eh? What have 1 done now?"
"1Vhv, when the hostess asked you if
you'd have some more pudding you re-
plied that, owing to a tremendous pres-
sure on your space, you were compelled
to decline."—Tit-Bits.
Repeat it:—" Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
The Result.
"How will you have your eggs?" ask-
ed the girl hehind.the lunch counter.
"With as brief an interval of time,"
answered the absent minded professor,
"as possible intervening between the de.
position of the oval spheroid. in the nidi -
fleeted receptacle by the female repre-
sentative of the common barnyard vari-
ety of domestic fowl and the subsequent
appearance of the same in the marts of
commerce where congregate the "
"All right." interrupted the girl.. "1
think I understand. Scramble three!"
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Ever Notice It?
Bow easy it is to borrow money when
von haven't any use for its -,St, Louis
There's hardly anything the average
man can lie about with so much enthusi-
asm as what perfect time his watch
keeps—New York Press,
.'24441 '.li,.•' 0.4i9A t r,
ss tankard tale Ole Sphisuz S "
Always, everywhere In Canada, ask for Eddy's Matches
PAM) OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any
ease of Itchier,. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles in 6 to 13 days or money refunded. 60c.
_ 1'
Naming the Picture.
The artist was of the impressionist
school. IIe had tust given the last towhee
to a purple and blue CauvaY when his
wife carne into the studio.
"My dear," he said, "this is the land-
scape I.'dvantedt" ou to suggest a title
"Why not call it `Home," she said,
after a Iong look.
" 'Home'? 'Why ?"
"Because there's no place like it," she
replied meekly.—"Glasgow Times.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in
Astonishing Feat,
The solemnity of the meeting was
somewhat disturbed when the eloquent
young theologian piotured in glowing
words the selfishness of men who spend
it evenings at the club, leaving
their wives in loneliness at home.
"Think, my hearers," said he, "of
a poor, neglected wife, all alone in the
great dreary house, rocking the cradle
of her sloopin,g babe with one foot and
wiping away her tears with the otter!"
—Tit -Bite. `
...Free Advice,
A. traveller, paesing through a moue-
tain districk in northern Pennsylvania
last summer, came across a lad of six-
teen sultivating a patch of miserable
potatoes. Ile r•erearked upon their un-
promising appearenee, and enpreesed
pity for any one uho had to dig a living
out of such soil.
"I don't need no pity," said the boy,
The traveller hastened to soothe his
wounded pride. But in an offended
tone of ends who had been misjudged, the
boy added: "I ain't as poor as you
think. I'ni only workin' here. 1 don't
own this place." ---Everybody's Maga-
If you suffer front bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address, ander will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send some of
Wiz home treatment free for trial, witlrt
references from your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief and per-
manent cure assured.. Send no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 1', 8,
Windsor, Out.
Would Not Grasp It Readily.
"Mr. Plume; said the German friend,
into whose section the undertaker bad
lately moved his business, "do you think
you will grasp the German language
readil3' 2"
"Hardly," responded the jovial under-
taker, slapping grin friend on the hack.
"You see, your Iaug'uage is not a dead
one!" --Froth The Bohemian Magazine
for December.
A Reproof.
One day a Iittle boy carte to school
with dirty hands and the teacher said
to him:
"jamie, I wish you would not come to
school with your. hands soiled that way.
1Vhat yould you say if I came to school
with soiled hands:"
"I wouldn't let on that I noticed it; I
wouldn't say anything."
Gold Laid Watch
it: —"Shiloh's Cure will always
cure my coughs and colds."
w s
Getting Oranges Ready for Market.
Early sorts or oranges must be picked
in November, and from that time on-
ward the varieties are ripening until
April; but there arc two or three sorts
that will hang on all summer, sweeten-
ing every clay. Tho grower, however,
expects his chipments to be finished by
May let, Oranges and grape fruit, as
found in the northern markets, are al-
most always plucked before thoroughly
sweetened on. the trees, and as a conse-
quence northern buyers rarely find out
the delicious flavor of the perfected or-
anges. The grower goes up and down
his grove with shears and bag, and cuts
enough of the choicest samples to fill
his orders for the day. They are care-
fully poured into boxes in the packing
room, and then placed, ono by one, in a
sorter, down which the orange rolls un-
til it finds just the slide that fits its
size, when it moves to one side and
drops into its own box. This sorter
grades at least tear different sizes. 11
is a simple machine, but it works per-
fectly. The grower who knows his own
best interests, never picks up oranges
to ship, not does he allow a single de-
fective fruit to be bought;, This leaves
a lot of oranges which can be Bold in
the town market, or given away. It has
little cash value, acid yet it consists of
the most delicious fruit in the orchard.
E. P. Powell in the Outing Magazine
fot 3lanttary.
t'ivaranteedfor 20 years
)K@$ EE foreelling 4 dozen Co-
bait (gold Inkless.Bons at 6e.
oagh. These pons write a
beautiful colorbysimpiy dip-
ping in water: Ne ink re-
gaired. Write to -day. We
trust you with the pens.. sell
them and return the money
and win this little beauty
GoinFinitdt�Wetoh and
ase iotrol atSot Ft+eo.
d:O11♦1i.1l.T4101.D PEN CO.
Dept ]rn Toronto, Ont.
The Amateur Gunner.
"Ma," asked the little rabbit, "is
it true that pa was shot by an ama-
teur gunner?"
"Not at all!" snorted the niother
rabbit scornfully; "the gunner was
shooting at something else while your
poor father sat behind him and laugh-
ed. Unfortunately the gum kicked and
the man sat down on your father and
killed him." =-•-Froin the Catholic Stan-
dard and Times.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc..
ISSUE NO. 2, 190
ere; freight charges prepaid; sanies
free or returnable; exclusive territory; s. a y
or commission. Alfred Tyler, London, ttit.
where; handsome profits; sot) odr per -
feet brass, kerosene, mantle, table -game;
hanging or bracket -lain; 100 candle-power;
kerosene used; a wonder; sells on sight;
retails 53,60. Webster Specialty Co., Water -
burn, Conn.
A Really Humorous Situation.
(Toronto Saturday Night.)
A story is told of Mr. John •Lewis,
chief, editorial writer of the Toronto
Star, which goes back to the time eyhen
be wan a reporter en the staff of the
Globe. The Salvation Army had jtaat
made its appearance in Toronto, and the
newspapers were devoting columns of
space to their doings. lir. Lewis was
sent to report a big mase meeting et
which the Army enthusiasts were to
bring into play all the methods peculiar
to themselves. He was seated in wends
seat, with half shut eyes, staiving after
an "impression," while the audience bow-
ed in prayer. A lassie spied hila, and,
coming down on tip -toe, placed. her ard'it
around his shoulders, end said:
"Young roan, are you saved?"
Mr. Lewis was startled.
"I—I—" he stammered, "Why, -I'm a
reporter on the Globe!"
"Oh!" was the lassie's confused reply,
"I beg your pardon!"
Whereupon, Mr. Lewis looked lame
startled than ever.
tt must give satis-
faction or you don't
pay for it.
Is the only Gasoline Engine that you can try
before you buy. 'I know what the "Oham-
pion" will do. and 1 want you to be fully
satisfied with It before you pay for it. The
Price is Iow. Full particulars free.
Wm. Gillespie, 98 Front St. E.,TOitONTO
Speed and Success.
Marion Crawford, the novelist, - is
an astonishingly rapid worker, think-
ing nothing of dashing off three or
four chapters at a sitting of the story
that may be in hand. Oa one ae-
casion a fellow author undertook to
remonstrate with him on this point,
even to the extent of observing that
,nothing could be well done that h .
done in a hurry.
"Nothings" quietly queried Cit ew
"Nothing:' was rite decisive re-
-How about catching a train?" ask-
ed Crawford: Harper's Weekly,
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Every -day Helps.
A Labor -Saving Table—A small table
on ball-bearing cas'te'rs is a. great conven-
ience in a, rnaidless house. Hot dishes
may be placed on it and rolled to the side
of the hostess, while dishes to be remov-
ed may be piled thereon and taken out
at once. thus saving many steps.
When to Add ;salt to Vegetables ----
Probably many housewives do not add
salt until the last, when boiling vege-
tables, and probably many do. 1 did not
know until 1 was told by a domestic
science teacher. Salt dissolves and draws
out the nitrogeneous, flesh -forming sub-
stances from vegetables and. meats.
Therefore, if it is added too early in
boiling, it draws out the most valuable
parts of the vegetable. It also toughens
fibres, and for these two reasons should
be added a few minutes before serving.
A New Way to Use Dye—A velvet
Brussels carpet, little worn but faded,
was dyed a rich green with dyes applied•
with a stiff broom, Two packages gave
splendid results, and were used on some
portieres to match the carpet. A very
thin dye inade by dropping red ink into
a rinsing awter freshened a pink gingham
on 'wash day. A pale blue dye turned a
faded. blue lived hand embroidered dress
into a pretty blue gown with blue em-
broidery that is mnclt admired.
To Freshen O1.cl Matting --Cleanse the
matting well with warm, soapy water
and, when thoroughly dry, apply a thin
coating of varnish. This will convert
the dingiest matting into one like new.
To stop Nose Bleed—Take a small
piece of cotton; saturate it with vinegar
and insert in the nostril that is bleed-
ing. het it stay for a few minutes,
when the bleeding will cease entirely.
Instant Relief for Burns—Apply a
small quantity of grated Irish potato
to n burn o'f any kind and instant relief
will be secured, even in very severe eases,
—"Clic Circle.
Boxes vs. Barrels.
(Tomato News.)
.rtilvires from (great Britain show the
increasing popularity of the bushel box
as it package for apples. 11 is favored
as being more easily handled l'y re-
tailers than the three bushel barrel. The
same is true of Canada. The apple glow-
ers could greatly increase their sales in
Toronto and other cities by shipping
their fruit iu well -packed boxes.
Most of our mistakes are self-made.
A Little Previous.
A gypsy,
a friend.
"What was you in for?" asked the
"I found a horse."
"Found a horse? Nonsense! They
wouldn't jug you for finding a horse."
"Well, but you see, I found hint be-
fore the owner lost him"—Everybody'*
upon release from jail, met
More proof that Lydia E.Pi;nk•
ham'sVegetable Compound curet
female His.
Mrs. John Scott, 489 Grand Trunk
St., Montreal, writes Mrs. Pinllharn:.
" was very much run down in
health from a female trouble, was thin,
nervous, and very weak, and suffered
from bearing down pains. Indeed i
did not care whether 1 lived or died,
felt so badly sometimes.
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cone
pound completely cured me of all say
troubles. 1 gained in flesh, aixd ant
free from backache, female trouble,
sick headaches, and nervousness.
"I heartily recommend Lydia E
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for
all women's ailments, knowing what
has done for me."
For thirty years Lydia E. .'ink.
ham's Vegetable Compound, anadti
from roots and herbs, has been tllg
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured of
women who have 'leen troubled with
displacements inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid. tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that beax'
ing>downfeeling, flatulency, indices•
!;ion,dizziness or nervous prostration,
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkliiarn invites all Gioia
women to write ber for advice,
She has guided thousands health. Addt(I
reSS. L311X NUM.