The Herald, 1909-01-01, Page 5rommatemputezzonnums% That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call... We haven. fine Y'tfiik64^O•f' Tweeds;^ Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prioes are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnmber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. H. 1OFF AN etsMSI ■ ■ ■ Exc. So e e for the balance of this month. Every Ring Solid Gold. Watch and Clock Repairing My Specialty F. W. HESS, • JEWELLER rist 00 Our stock of Toys and Fancy Goods for the Holiday Trade is complete, and we will appreciate a call at The Blake Store where your wants will:be sup- plied with genuine satisfaction ,:as to price and quality. R. N. Douglas, BLAKE ZURICH e ■ ■ MEAT MARKET E keep in stock a full line o fresh meats, hams, ete. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and Wholesomeness: Our ails is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUN iBLU T BEIC EE T■ Cali on -- , A. Ed ghoffer TONSORIAL ARTIST Saecessor to Fred. Mantis For:a Quick and 3Dasy Shave, or an Up-to-date Hair -cut. ^Opposite Commercial Butt I. ZURICH. Thy Zur1P^.ih FLAK, A happy New Year to all readers of Tms HIttULD, At Mr. John Gingerich's sale on Tuesday, fair prices were realized. James Allan purchased a fine driver and is now prepared to "go sorate." Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Ilillsgreen visited at the home of Charles Meyer, on Tuesday last. Robert P Douglas and Alex Sparks Jr., arrived from the West last week, ancl intend to .remain with us over winter. Mrs. Finlay and children spent Christmas vacation with friends near Kincardine. Miss Elsie Thomson, is at present a guest at the home of • Mr. John Leslie. Mr. Allan Esler of the Goshen.. Lina Stanley. was elected truster, of U. S. S. No 9 Hay and Stanley.: Womanly pains, head pains,in fact any pain anywhere ',Dan be completely stopped in 20 minutes with one of Dr Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or drug- gist about the formula. It is print- ed on the box—and it can't bo bet- tered. Try one dose and be con- vinced. Box 25. Sold by J J Merner DASfaW0©0 G. Wambold of Blyth, is spend- ing a few days at his home iu this place. Mrs. S. Ireland and family, of Stratford, is at gpresent visiting in this community. Several from this village attended the Xmas entertaimenis at Crediton and Ztn-ieb, on Thursday and Fri- day evenings of last week. The Xmas entertainment here on Wed- nesday evening,- was fully np to date, if not a little better than any- thing of the kind heretofore held in this place. The friends at Crediton were well represented but our Zurich friends! Well say they were con- spicuous for their absence. The nomination for Police Trus tees took placie Monday night, and resulted in five names being put on the slate namely: G. Edighotter, L. Preeter. I. Welton, G. Nadiger, D. Pfaff. Only three are required to till the 13oard, aucl as yet no one has resigned. It may be we will have an election. The annual school meeting- took place on Wednesday, the particulars of which will be published next week. Crockerton.—Ruby-A very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Christmas tiny at high noon, at the home of Ilr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruby, of New Hamburg, formerly of Dashwood, when their daughter, Etta Mry was united in marriage to Mr. James Coekerton. of Plattsville, by the Rev. W. Yaeger, past;,or of the Evangelical association. The bride was given in marc:age by her father Mrs. W. A. Hera of Buffalo, sister ;f the bride was Matron pf honor, and. Mr. W. A. Horn was robtusman. The bride was gown- ed in cream crepe -de -cline trimmed with baby Irish lace and applique and the matron of honor were mus- lin deseau trimmed with valeneienne lace. Immediately after the cere- mony a reception was held at the bride's hctnethe -Wale being decora- ted with pink and white. The house was beautiful decorated throughout with holly and wedding bells. The bride received many beautiNil gifts from friends and acquaintances. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cookerton a very long and happy life and may God's richest blessing follow the newly married couple to their new home. plgZIDITE IU q NIONAL74Y• MIAF:1WSiC1C96dfiMAS8t1Ra4IUM4 tsrrr8 aghs3c This remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmfal drug and may be given as confi• dandy to a baby as to an adult. Frice 25 cents, large size S9 cents, For New Year Day. WRI'r'r&N BY REV. C. C. J. MAASS. The shadows fly, the bells :are ringing, In solemn warning you hear The heralds of the morning singing: "Hail to the grand, the bright New Year 1" It comes with flags around us streaming, It comes with stars above us gleaming, A message from God on high. To heal our wounds, our ills redressing, To crown ns with the choicest blessing It sends three God -like genii. When thunder roars, when tempest rages, They aro the comfort of the ages. Tho first one comes hor eyes uplifting To splendors of a brighter land, Beholding than through errors drifting She lends to him a helping hand.. In hermit's cells of still reclusion She sets hint free from vague illusion' And gives hien glorious liberty. She opens widely to all mortals, Her holy gates, her shining portals That they may scan her dignity. You see her all that's vulgar scorning. She ia3 the -Truth" is mankind's morning. The second manes in humble fashion With tender love, her glorious Drown, She carries sweetest consolation To gloomy cells and dungeon down, She brings a1•rout the brighter morrows, Assuages griefs, alleviates sorrows, Applies to every wound a balm. She heals the human soul from blindness, Tends to the sufferer's woe with kindness, Points out to him the victor's palm. She has to save a mighty power, She is the -Good," is znankind's flower. The third appears, the Muses guiding, To win a plaice in human hearts, Her tender step, her sweet abiding Creates the holy world of arts. She teaches symmetry and measure, She fills the soul with purest pleasure Ennobling human phantasy. She shows the higher life's ideal To us the servants of the real In colour, word and harmony She is the pearl in classic story, Her name is "Beauty." mankind's glory. Thus run Thy course through life's dark valley, Tbou bright New Year, in royal dress, Let shine Thy light, that men may rally Round hugs of love and righteousness. Oh, let in friendship's warm embraces The human strength with human graces And love with justice be combined, Lead under higher law's direction To blessed realms of bright perfection The Holy Spirit of mankind, That eye*y human being raises His Bart and voice to sing Thy praises. The hard work of bread -making should be done in the four mill— not in the kitchen. When it is necessary for you to make bread by mail) strength you can rest assured that the miller hasn't done his part. His flour is not :fine enough. 1,(11c X11 D y fi Fio is made from hard Spring wheat— a wheat that is capable of Finer grinding than any ether variety, and )pilled by a process that insures not only the finest, but also the whitest, purest and most nutritious of flours. Get enough to try from. your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. 6 MONTREAL. There is n(, Quinine, nothing whatever harsh or sickening in Preventios. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as by magic. A few hours-andyour threatening cold is broken. Candylike in taste, Preventios please the children— and. they break the feverishness, always. And least of all is the economy, A large box -48 1'reven- tics-25ets. Ask your druggist. He knows ! Sold by J J Merner. The following is the report of S No 8, Hay, for Nov. and Deo - Names in order of merit. Sr IV Aaron Oestreiehcr, Milton Oestreicher, Cora Truemner, Al- berta Truemner. Jr IV Tusnelda Truemner. Susie Klien feld t. Sr III Chien Truemner, Lillie Messner, Luella Kuntz, Pearl Broderick, Bell Overholt, Lydia. Messner Jr 111 Rhienhold Miller, Edwin Hartman. Emily Schroeder, Bern- ard Hartman, II Gertie Wiegand, Tillie Kuntz, Ida Messner, Ottis Truemner, Theodore Miller, Flora Klienfeldt, Charlie Hartman. Pt II Emma Messner, Norman Klienfeldt. Sr I Clara Wiegand, Henry Beck- er, Ethel Klienfeldt, Herbert Mes- sner. Jr I Clara Kuntz, Nora Miller, Beuhla Wiegand, Christina, Becker, Lillie Broderick, Tillie Messner. A. 0. Milligan, Teacher. The tender leaves of a harmless lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvelous curative properties. Tight, tickling, or distressing coughs, quickly yield to the heal- ing soothing action of this splendid prescription—Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it is so safe and good for children, as -well. Con- taining no opium, chloroform, or other harmful drugs, mothers should in safety always demand Dr Shoop's. If other remedies are offered. tell them No ! Be your own udge! Sold by J J Merner. HENSALL. Miss Maud Petty arrived home from Winnipeg last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welsh have returned from Vancouver, and may make their home at Exeter. W. Hoggarth took first money for White Rock rooster and 2nd for hen, at the Guelph Fair. Miss Vera Murdock isvisiting friends in Norwich. The Hensall Hockey Club hes been reorganized for the season. Mr. and Mrs, George Dick are back from their honeymoon trip to Chicago, and are now settled on their farts. D. A. Oantelon shipped one thousand turkeys to the Old Coun- try, for the Christmas trade. William Cook had his hand bud- ly cut recently, by coming in con- tact with the shaper, at the Hen - sail planing mill. Evangelist Whiteside of Kempt- ville, will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church, next Sunday evening. Come and hear him. The annual election of officers in the Evangelical Sunday school on Sunday morning, resulted as fol. lows : D. S. Faust, President, Alf Melick, Vice -Pres., John Geiger Treas., Briscoe Humphreys, Sec. Mr. Harry Chesney, who left last spring for the West, arrived. hone on a Wednesday night. He looks as though the country agreed with hint. Elis many friends ex- tend to hire a hearty welcome, and we are pleased to see him back. home again. PLAYING IiAVOC WITH PATENT k1EDICITES An Old-fashioned, Home -Made Mix- ture which Cures Kidney and Liver Troubles. A prominent local druggist states that since the celebrated prescription of a distinguished specialist has be- come more or less known it is inter- fering with the sale of secret medi- cines, especially the patent or ad- vertised kidney pills, The prescrip-• -ion, which first appeared in a lead - 'ng health journal, is reproduced here, just exactly as originally written: -- Fluid Extract Cascara.... . ;z oz. Carriana Compound 1 oz. Syrup Sarsaparilla 6 o2. Directions : One teaspoonful after sack meal and at brdtizne.. Any good druggist can dispense this, or, even bettor, n person can buy the items separately and mix them at home by shaking- them well together in a bottle. It is stated that the ingredients being vegetable, are harmless and simple, 'It has a gentle and natural action, and gradually tones up the eliminative tissues, leaving the kidneys in a - perfectly healthy condition. A. merchant well known in public affairs states that this recipe curevll his riteutnatisnt. Save the pre rip. tion.