HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-24, Page 7seseeetteasseeseseas Fads fail Fancies. Fur ' Waisteoa'ts,--,•I`ur waiStco.ats re to be seen in eorne of the wiri- er coat suits, and they are decid- dly. attractive. Sometimes they re found in long coats, with flax.; ng sections set art at' the hips, ometimes they are pint into short ackets, of whish, by .the way, there re a rather surprisingly large num 'er, in view of earlier predicteins reit aIle coats would be short Brown and Navy.—Seldom before - as there been such a long reign of ne color as there has been of navy Iue. For ,several seasons it has Bell increasingly worn. And it till stands supreme among colors street wear. Brown, as every- ne knows, is .another favored color his year. Irt an effort to tally up hese two fiats, the dressmakers ave combined tlhe two colors. ' An dd combination it seems at first. ut a frock of thine satin, with a rown velvet bodice, is deaided'ly atere,sbing. Pun Tucked Net—Among the full i:rts, those of tucked net are per- aps the most attractive. Theyare esitively "pretty," a quality •ack- gg in nanny of the season's frocks. ome'times tucks of chiffon are ap- fied to a, full net skirts mounted ver a satin foundation. Soiaze- imes tucks of .chiffon are applied to -full net skirt, mounted over a atin foundation. Sometimes the et or tulle itself is tucked, in even ticks or in graduated ones, the vider ones at the bottom, the eemall- r ones a,t the top. Buttons. Bnbeans are in great :emend. Dressmakers use them for 'inning in a thousand different vays. There are fur buttons on clobh coats. There are self -colored buttons on suits and coats. There re jet and steel and enamel but - ons. There are fancy silly and vel- vet buttons. Belts—In epite of the feet that he waistline has dropped many inches belts are still used to empha- size the waistline. The belt at the hips is usually wider than she belt at the waist used to be, but it is still a regulation belt. On many Ixocke and coats the tittles are of the 'mater'ial, stitched, trimmed with self -covered buttons, n.nel buttoned shut. Sometimes these wide belts tee held in place 'by straps of the :laterial., sometimes they are stitch - d into position. Braid Bindings._ -Some ver a- ctive tsuibs are worn from time -to gime with bindings of wide silk raid. When these braid -bound nits hirst .appeared they gave elle he impression that they would quickly become popular. They are not widely warn, however, and are still very distinctive. Perhap• chi; is because they have not been much eveloped in inexpensive •suits. One that is especially good in style is tade of brown aring tunic, ossed infront,oth,tlth bouna d with darker 'brown braid, a, narrow foundation skirt bound with the braid and a. long coat with flaring cutaway. skirts also tbound on ail edges with the braid. Velvet and Kid Belts. --Same smarm new 'belts are made of velvet and kid. The belts are about four inches wide, with a strip of velvet edged with a half-inch band off white kid. The velvet is deep gold - xi yellow, king's blue or crimson. The buckle is covered with white 'ski and is a Ibig, oblong one. With a Grain of Salt. The war has given rise to all sorts of sensational statements and predictions. One writer, whose. book has had a large sale in Eng- land and America, has tsaid, for ex - maple, that the German general ex - [ plans to laun,h Zeppelin air - hips filled with a gas fifteen times !lighter theta hydrogen, ,aind made of r metal that, although as rigid as _'eel, is three times lighter than tJttmanum. In a letter to the Tianee, lir Williaan Ramsay points out the hem -di -by of th,s statement. Filling as airship with a gas of no weight t all, if such a gasexisted would of help !much— A balloon owes'irts uoyancv to hydrogen, aga,s t4% nes ars light as air. If the gas had o weaghat atsall, the buoyant power 'meld be increased very little, As a a metal only one-third as heavy 1 aluminum, eheilnisits would ,agree tat the existing of any such metal in the highest degree improbable. i•ere are excellent reasone for be- ;vimg that no light metal reinadme bo discovered. Again, when Tur- y doplared war on Russia and gland, the writer referred to pre. seed in the New York press that s first move of Turkey would be blow up the lo,eks in the Suez nal, As a, matter of fact the ns alma has n loge. : ' PL .BSICKLY Ne•ed All the Strength Mat • Good Red Blood Can Give . Youth is the time to lay the foun- datron for health.' Every boy and girl should have plenty of pure, red brood and strong nerves, With thin, impure blood, they start life with a handicap too great to win success and happiness. Pure, red blood means healthful growth, strong - nerves, at clear brain and a good e digestion. In a word, pure blood is o the foundation of health, The signs of thin, impure blood m are man and unmistakable. The d pale, irritable boy or girl, who has no ,appetite or ambition, is always tired out, melneholy, short of breath, and who does not. grow mo strong, is the victim of anaemia, or, se bloodlessness—the greatest enemy of youth, pi There -is just one, thing to do for th all these boys and gerl.s_-_.build up the he forlPale od h PDr. Williams' Pink Pills we to experiment with other remedt ies th for there must be no guesswork in be the treatment of anaemia•. Through neglect or wrong treatment ana.e- ran mia gradually develops into the per_- we nieious form which is practically in- curable. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will work directly on the brood, giving it just the elements which it lacks. Fay In this way these Pills build up Fr• every organ and nerve in the body, are thus developing strong, rugged boys and - girls. Miss Anna Loseke, ever Grand Forks, B.C., says : "I think rest that before taking Dr, Williams' that Pink Pills 1 was one of the most tle 1 miserable girls alive. I was hardly fol a ever free from awful headaches, was old as pale as a ghost, and could not go upstairs without stopping to rest. and Now since taking the Pills the head_ heave aches have gone, my appetite is mane good and I am equal to almost any bene exertion, and you may be sure I all will always recommend Dr. Wil - flame' best, Pink Pills." Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents Hu a box or six boxes for 82.50 by shrapn writing direct to the Dr. Williams' of the Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Wife _____a____—__. cori'e.s IIAIi Luil1of 1ER O . GREilf OISTRESS FROM D GIRLS FglalcIAcicvel was Never Been .officer in the Army Service Corps writes ;-- You know, reading pees--1 ,eoul l almost horde of these gentry on old England's sIl think anything but. . arouse them to the the thing that the thin in bones plares;) the. trencheaa out her hard to keep from. th very thin line 'is do 'om�ething that . has quailed even by the. f bygone days. I a yself on the back, fi es behi5ld the trencahe if my hat to every Chat is there. I should Ehat the recruits to the uld, have exceeded 1•lion by now, and ye em to have got t eted yet. If they co• e yoarth of England o Yeco�nducteel tour ala re so that they could are up against, I n in a body; but, e best way to buck them a hundred thousand ding in •England, I se they'd get very far uld bring home to the ir brigade as nothing something at least of in which Belgium Fra'' has suffered. out here ,are doing es . In the meantime, o�w- eonfident one may be of the o It, we are still a longout salvation, and he present bat -f' card 's still paging backwards and 4w rds as fiercely as ever: As said in your other letter, the Scottish have done splendidly, ? hm afraid, have lost rather ly, but there isn't one regi - in the firing line that is doing r than one another; they are doing their best, and a splendid too. • A Technical Error. band --•It seems to in el has been the cause casualties. —But, George, isn't pendent, not a genera LtTIDN FOR INVENTORS the tlhehome pa - wish that a could descend SufferedOverTwo Y s Grew Tian ores. I don't and Lost Appetite. It that will ever citing Burn- tele y and Ointment Completely khaki line in p tell healed. e is fighting .`'°-- errt • . g 233 George St., Sarnia, Ont.—"I suffered acid that for over two' years with eczema which first ing each day appeared in email pimples and broke into never been rod inSamed sores, They were very itching thin. red line and when my clothing rubbed against them am net patting I was n great distress. I lost m or my work night and was much dies y rest at tion. The eczema was so bad tat T eg ew s, and.I take thin and lost mthe m�otiher'te son a appetite. of hands, arms. face and:various parts my body have thought were covered with an itching, burning erup.. new Army tion of sores and though I took many coax - the second mon and much recommended remedies they t the don't failed to do any good. awfulness ,of mn Sore Eruption.., n (very, very . g'Guticura Soap he first con- "'I used Outieura Soap and Ointment and uld only take after about three weeks I was completely healed x take n a person- pleasrue in recommending them. to any other needy sufferers from ng our lines eczema or other era realize what (Signed) Mi Bertha Ali of the skin. irhi�nk they'd. May 23, eau. failing that, Samples Free by,. Mall up would A generation ofmothers has found no soap Germans so well.suited for cleansing and purifying don't sup_ Cho skin and hair of infants and children as still the Outicura Soap, Its absolute purity and re - 3' freshing fragrance alone aro enough to rec- smug arm- ommend it above ordinary. else ever there are added to thestics del but the awful yet effective ,emollient o delicate part of t, which derived it n from Guticura Ointment, which render it i'Iloee wino most 'valuable in overcoming a tendency to miracl g eruptions and promoting skin m h and hair health. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ent sold by druggists and dealers through - the world. Liberal sample of each ed free, with 32-p. book. Address:poat- CJuticura. Dept. D. Boston, a7, S. eel DOMINION ATLANTIC R. R. IR'%'4°R, Mess Great Inlpiovewents Have Been Made on It by the C.P.R. • patent e that of most RUSSIA'S AIRSHIPS. Sikorsky Biplanes Are Able to Car- ry Twenly Passengers. A good deal has been heard con- cerning the British and German aeroplanes, but the. great Sikorsky biCzarr have been anes used by the of These machines, invented by a fannous Russtaaxl need Sikorsky, are by fax the biggest aeroplanes being flown in the war—in fact, they are he a war the largest in the world. They stand 1. 16 feet high and are about 100 feet wide. The Sikorsky can carry almost as many passengers es a Zeppelin air- ship. Twenty men can be accom- modated in the large passenger ea - bin, which is co•1latru�cted of mental and `cantairis'eutteerou:s windows. In this machine theft engines are fitted, which give a total of nearly 1,000 horsepower, for, owing to the Sikorsky biplane weighing in itself one and a haaIf tons, and having so large .a crew to -carry, it demands high power to pull it off the ground and keep it in the air. The weight the ine has necessitated anf laboerlanding chassis composed . of numerous springs and pneumatic tubes, so that the huge biplane can alight safely on rough ground at a, speed of sixty smiles an fakir. N[ansianghter.in Second Degree Cutting corns with a razor is danger. ane and useless. The only .remedy is Pint. naan'e Corn Extractor, which remover eorns and.warts in one day. Becalm) painless and ,safe, use only "Putnam's," 25e. per bottle at all dealers. I3appittess canixot ibe counterfeit; the real thing is too easily recog- nized.. The record of improvements ef-to fected on the Dominion Atiauntic that Io Railway, which the Canadian Paci- 191sued lo fie I airway leased in 1911 for 99 Am 7 years shows that new tivharves have reskleiy been built; 45 ]piles of new track les n have been ballasted; 30 miles of rales an new 85 -pound raile have been laid c Of t down ; 120 cattle -guards have beent filled and rept feed by surface patents3 guards, while dozens of bridges oaiio, a have been either improved or. re- of Nova built. In round figures, 6,000 feet British of wooden bridges hale been re- wick and Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, solicitors, Montieaal, report 5 Canadian patents were 1e - •r he week ending Dec. ret, 0 of which were greeted to ns, 21 to Canadians, 8 to es of Great Britain and colo - d 6 to residents oaf foreign es. he Canadians who received 13 were residenes el On - of Quebec, 1 of Alberta, 1 Scotia1 of Columbia, 1 of New B 1 of runs. 1 of Saskatchewan. Easy to Please. irl--"What •does your fa - for 'breakfast V' Mabel—`'He always likes thing we hasn't got." ati a ee placed, or will be replaced very slue arc'hels, and ralltop culverts.Nev concrete New G brick stations have been built; a they like general renovation has taken place, > ittie costing many thousands of dollars most any The new stations include those at Wolfville and. Annapolis Royal, Mo. shervilIe, Patterson and IberviIle. During the past two years 35 star Hens have been repaired and paint. ed, and platforms have been erect- ed. A new line from Centreville to Weston, 14 ]piles in extent, has been built in the most l man- ner. Both permanent and the lighter things which needed atten- tion have been carried out; and to- day the old Dominion Atlantic looks spiek ,and .span—looks as if it had taken on a new lease of life. Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Family When Hope Had Gone, St, john, N.B., Dec. 15th, --At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. Por six years that dull, gnawing pain has been present. When I exert- ed myself it was terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unendur- able. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. klamiltbn's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy. splendid ap- petite,ties Idtbyrlaveeen instilled blood— cheeks —cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day,that I heat'd of so grand a medicine as Dr, Hamilton's Pills." Every woman should true these pills regularly, because good health pays, and it's ' good, vigorous health that conies to all who use br. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. You may evhitewash a anan'e char anter without washing it white, 3 was cmred of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bali ax. ANDREW RING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. Susses. IT. -COL. 0. CREWE READ. I was cured of Acqut© Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Ont. 0, S. BILLING. Lakefield, Quo„ Oct. 9: 1907. Sea Dogs of Many Years. Lord Fisher, who is oaaly eeventy- three, 'breaks no age records in re- turning to active service. In the earlier half of last century, when there was no regular system of re- tirenzent in the ,British navy, many captains well over that age were still .anxiously waiting for promo- tion In 1840 every captain dei the list had held post rank sense Trafal- gar. Admiral Bowles took up his Devonport -command in his eightieth year. Lord century ago was strippjust ed of hishon ors and put in thepillory on ,a false eherge--was seventy-nine when .he became "Admiralof the United I ingclom." ' In 'those days naval commanders were often acistieed of being too feeble to wa1'k to their quaartex-de,eks. Dundonala was a in his eightieth year, thins' "last oaf the old sea kings" offered to 'blow up the walls of Sebastopol. -- London Chronicle; . .And rood at War Prices. He—Be mine, I cannot live with- out you. She—Oh, go 'long; you've said that to many girlsbefore. le ---Yes, buena when eggs were 'fifty WAS a, dozen. e nard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. The Scene Was Funny, Paddy has a great power of en- joyment after -all. One day a,s he was walking be_,saw -a bull attack a man, and he had to hold his sides with both hands, the -scene was so funny. After a time the animal turned his attention to him, and poor Pat, after exploring the up- per regions, came - doe n with a 'bump on the other aside of he fens. He rubbed his wounds as he said to himself : "Faith, I'nn glad I had my laugh when I did or I wouldn't have had it at 4.M'� oey by Lord Minto. used to delight in telling was of an experienee he had w.hile he was Viceroy of India,. One morning in Simla. he wanted to speak to the Commander -in -Chief of the Iaclian Array before the latter seaated work for the day, so he set off unattend- ed to pay sue ea,rly call. Whee he arrived at the Commander -in - Chief's official residence he found his way barred by a sentry, who apparently did not recognize the visitor. Lord Minto explained that he -wanted to eee tbe Commander - in -Chief, hut the sentry declined to allow laim to peas. 'Tut am the 'Viceroy," protested his Lenelship. The sentry looked at him with a, pitying smile. "Ali," he said, thoughtfully, "we gets all worts 'ere. Last week we 'ad a cove what kidded 'isself 'e was Queen Vic- toria'e grandfather, We 'ad to you'd better push on." 25 German Shells to Kill a Man. One of the things frequently noted by soldiers ait the • front in writing to relatives and friends is the extraordinary expenditure of bullets required lee kill a man. A German report state -s that many Germain soldiers fired 4,000 cart- ridges apiece during the first month of the war, An Englith observer eels -elated that 25 Germtan shells are wasted for every man killed by them. In 19)70 it was ca2culated that tihe Germans fired 150 bullets and six shrapnel shells for every wound- ed Frenehman. In the Russo-Ia,pa- nese War it is said 3,000 bullets were fired for every life lost. Magic ".Nerviline" Cures Toothache, Earache IT RELIEVES EVERY EXTERNAL Cures Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Tight Chest and Hoarseness. It's when sickness comes at night, when you are far ft om the druggist or the doctor, that's when you need Nerviline most. Experienced mothers are never without it. One of the chil- dren may have toothache. Without Ne'rviline—a sleepless night for the entire household. With Nerviline the pain is relieved quickly. It may be earache, perheps a stiff neck, or one of the kiddies coughing with a bad Chest cold. Nothing can give -quicker results than vigorous rubbing with this old-thne family remedy. Nerviline is too useful, too.valuable to be without. For lumbago, lame back, seiatica or neuralgia there is no liniment -with half of Nerviane's pow- er to penetrate and ease the pain. As a family safeguard, as some- thing to ward off sickness and to cure the minor ills that will occur in every family, to cure pain anyWhere, you. can Znd nothing to compare with old- time Nerviline, which for forty years has been the most widely used family remedy in the Domi: ion. The most economical size is the large 50c. fam- ily size bottle, small trial size 25c. All dealers sell Nerviline. Ready For Him Both Ways. . Tailor—"This hill has been run- ning for a long time. I'll have to began -charging you -interest." Owefes--"It's against my prin- ciple to pay interest on my bills." Tailor—"Well, pay the 'principal • Owens—"No; it's against my in- teresb to pay the principal." rillnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &a. Reckless Waste. "They say that that young sonnder Spentlitt has committed "Yes. The doctor says he swal- lowed enough poison to kill fifty the last." Granulated Eyellds„ Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind seuicklyralieved by Marine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per:Bottle. Marine Eyo Druggists or Morino Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Two Irishmen shovelling eand on a hot day stopped -to rest and to exchange views on the labor ques- tion. "Pat, this is mighty hard work we are ab." "It is indeed; Jimmy, but whet kind of work as it yon'el loike if you could get it1" "Well," said theeother, leaning ie- IVIInfard's Linftlient cures Diphtheria, Exploratione within recent yetara • fiekle eontainin-g•more fuel then ail the rest of the woeld excephieede erk Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, _retaining their full strength. Piavored with deilcions sauces, Tiler have no faunal. Weella Don't expect a medal for being a . FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, "FP YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm. write If. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90 Col- borne St.. Tcronto. N. W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Toronto. in ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. Ili internal and external, cured wit11. out pain by our home treatment. tie before too late Dr, Bellrnan Medical ro Limited. rwlinewood, Ont TE TS OF INTENTIONS PICIECE4, PIGEON Es DAVIS. 71a St. James St., - Montreal Write tor information OILERS New and Second-hand, for beating and power _ purposes. Water Plumes. TANKS AND. SMOKE Engineers and Shipbuilders, Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys, etc. from large factory for sale. Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete with cylinder frame, fly wheel, bear- ings, etc., all ie good condition. Shafting from one inch to three inches, pulleys thirty. inches to fifty inches, belting six inches to twelve inches. Will sell entire or in part. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. S. Frank Wilson & Sons, Adelaide Street West, Toronto. As hard s Steel and. as That's the way to keep your Muscles—Supple and Strong. British Army Le a liniment Stands in a class by itself as a remedy for Stiffness, Rheumatism, Swellings, Wounds, Sprains, awe You should always kcep littinet a battle of British Array Linlinent in the house. II your Storekeeper hasn't got, it. write to The Turner Co. Limited I, Toren to Marshmallow Filling and Pliable Icing Taking the place of wlittes of eggs, It works easliy and very eto- nomical,*The Ming wili not crumble and break and the Iddrabreatlavv finer and more easily prepared. A. g5c. package makes ten to Bloom two -layer cakee. is as tame as snow— ot tohoriessene as Ei sugar.— and fa an addition' to your inistry work that you will' welcome, =s Yout Mende will be loud in thelv prattle. It you take pride In your -ea Pastry ,tiond 25c. Jo stamps or coin a arid we will mall a refeltsffe, oest. paid, with complete working direc.