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The Herald, 1914-12-24, Page 1
of :s. Lir of s 9t et Le. VOL XV. • 1,4,01 ..1 ZURlC a-FRI DAy MORNING, DEC.24, 19142 cup We most cordially wish all our friends a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Good. Times beget Prosperity, Confidence. begets Good Times, and Good Appearance begets Confidence. Do your share this year toward ,maintaining Prosper- ity by keeping your, property, inside and outside, well painted. : And when you do paint, there's but one paint to use to insure best results and greatest economy. It is 811ERWIN-WILLIANS PAINT PREPARED, S W P. It is ma(.ie by a firm with a well known reputation for best quality products. It is paint that is always right, and always f rli measure. Made of :he best materials, by the best paint makers. Resolve to paint your house next spring with S.W. P. It's a resolution that will bring you satisfaction. We will be glad to stow you color cards any % 11 time. 17�i vl, 4 a b 4 4 O 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, 4, 4 4, s il. ak , "Renew your'srtl)scriptioat for LOCAL, N'E7. 1 lleralcl ixow. ea :m a ,. ';',,,F),41,00'. Mr. Theodore Keller of; Lon(1 visited his parents here this week. Mrs. C. Fritz, and son Ward, vlsi relatives in Dashwood on .Sunday, Barn ilia that c.ttalogue and buy in ,Schoolclosed on Tuesday for rue our hone town. .Ga loyal Eo Z trio}t 'Christmas and New Year holidays. Misses Elizabeth Ranuie and ,firs. Vary Greb is visiting, her Elva Hayrack ofLou(lon are spending d:' Lighter, Mrs. J.:Brenner', at p 't, . )xi•, the holidays at their home here. Miss A(r)t warm, of Yoangs ; wn. The many friends of Louis Schilbe 0., is spencliug the week with xelas;tr(t:: of the 14th con. will pa pleased to hear here. • that be is on the way to recovery. Peter Eiseubaeh of the 14thtion ,'t The directors of Tray Township is spending' the holidaYs with rel)i',KFire In•nrance Company held a 'nisi - in Detroit. Fess meeting her last Saturday. 11r Alvin Surertis, of T ,rontr, What is more welcome than a letter University is spending the holu •}, from home to the absent boy or girl. lain home on the Bronson Line. Send them The herald and they will Nomination forreeve andcor receive the home news every Week. lor., for (lay Township for the .: () , One dollar pays for a whole year. 19145 will 1)e held next ?MTonday. 1 Remember the dates of the Christi -1u Miss Rorie Either returned i.'t•;;,, l.ntertti,i;xtneuts of the E'aug:elic11 il;lu;c r on I1londay, `vixere �i.: Sunday Schools, at Zurich Dec. 25t,11!lpl "E.kl in a 1lillieilt�rg tl(l) tt and 14th Con, Dec. 27th. 7.:To ru t David c)astdl of Howell, ,- t::t; 11), ri.ip tivciy treat effort, Iia',•ry been aamake atthe best 4pzinding a few months w%lia ' 4 inthei llhtory of the schntTur irirelai , :qr. and Mrs. J. Desch, splcrnii+l cantata "The Kites of Ale the 1•:ttheon. ALL AN ,lie l ZffiNg feittaii-40T" __-` _-- .. i1 ferry Christmas. It's a white .Christmas. C�et ready to write 1915. on ted - 441 [World and The Rose of Bethlehem Mi Flcrat Flesls of 'Godericla are nuiene and of thotlghtfnlcc.l•;t) ^ci leg,iate In .titaite. and Mr. (Agin. i i ion r(nnot ) t t() lliy of London Collegiate Inscitnte,'suer+1tr, il;;cae. hvet'yhellundybucord):tll�finvitait,l spending the holidays at their 11"411t1 BOWLERS MEET here. A ineetingof the naeinber:s of the De lLirdie's next visit to Znuc will bowling club was held on 'Monday he onVednesday and Thrrsclat , evening, A large number wean pres. &hand 7th. After the holiday a ).. ( ('nt. It was decided to make a . ,aa>t poets to visit Zurich two or thea do ys assessment to meet the deficit et the next week. past year. Messrs T. Treetop, 1. ('lie news was received here (4 the Lamont and Dr. McKinnon aver death of John Northcott, which took appointed as a committee to look afic place at Exam: r last `Friday. alae a suitable lot for next season. funeral ryas hold on Sunc1a:y last, BITTEN PY DOG The late Mr. Northcott was a brother_ William Finley of the Toth Lin(', iy in law of Mr, F. Kibler, of I3er;ia, a near Blake, had -misfortune to be former resident,of Zurich. , * severely bitten by a dog last Sunday, Ala interesting,prograitiilie ct.+>; igen The was sick and . while Mr, Tinier u Zurich PublicSchool On l' �,�,i.le•� was treating him it bit Bina in- the orenocu as rt ck)eitsgceareino')? 1)0forc+ baba, chewing it considerable bo£are tae' 1T„�;(x ay+:;, rho :,.UUlb(�a.rr akcu t a(i it, wirfY r 1),. to let go. lIr. Fiillny of songs, recitations, etc., and that alt ?or inif. Campbell totiies+;his haul and thed t fir ht it adYI able To 'ere enjoyed by alI A suitable gift Torp. The dog was then killed and its head sent to London for diagnosis, as tee Evangelical S School took place to whether there was any sign of rabies:. at the close of last Sunday evening's Up to the present no report has been service, and resulted as follows, received. • Superintendent, Alf Melick, assistant FINANCIAL STATEMENT Sup , John Caliwan, Secretary Fera ' The financial statement of the Siebert, Treasurer John Preeter, Lib- Township of Hay Icor 1914 has been earians Loyd OBrein Milton Heyrock. issued and following are a, feel' partie- C'LACSIC'S TII1:I 1 aiars taken from it. Total receipt, A pretty wedding was crlebratecl'in. ti89S01 (39: Expenditure roads an,l St. Peter's Luth. Church Wednesday bridges, 19(31 24, L'oard of health a f te'rtl) ,)n at -a 1).111., whoa Pew. ��7) (t, $101 0l0, e^ntet` rod ` 1181 '113, satin'• 'Miller performed the ccr(`lunny that 1C. L [ � 15, stationary ati I pl 111 11 � X202 0(i, miscellaneous SID -1:t). lumber &V 74, charity `+14 450, corn - t3• rate t'49tl-1 85, north boundary • I Cl e groom, 0109 02; south boundary $272 f • gravel 0105 70, loans and intercet • 1• ' 1 I the room. Miss $23i18 63, school purposes .1$078 48. Myrtle Tl played ocl the The cash on hand and in bank is $700, and the uncollected taxes "h . ' ate a l ' o1n ;� tto $1102 �4 i o 141 ,1' l'Ve have to ir,a1)iemp, stick of r,t, ' -),.west in Men's ties ' .T,, •t what you'Lill., h...en 1 x tt.i'1 ' tr. ',) Iii r linter 51) () tot & 1 t rt t T ('„'•tic r' .. , o. ..... +)i' . t: 't 1,1.1.1 '.a' muffler, in '' f mai);,' (i)lor8. 't 1.0 oC of Uilm a AC. 1-, . a ' . ',end for Dr. Stoskopf to exaniiue th ? �. +a tr'a ;riven to'all the children pcesr,nt @ Just opened t11,1 •: larr, .' i t lutiies+ handbags, 'rhe • no\ves+t on the tuitrltet Fr 111 7:. ;;i.- up, • 4 1, pecia fbr 0l id iyr '(rad • e. s i.ems for 10 cis. • iIn re M. A large variot• of plain, initialed, ii:;rcloretl, and fan; ,a : • 110ni:erohiofs We bavo then) by the htindr"la, Also big nss )rt . in.'nt of ohild's ha(n'.i1.erc*lief 4 4 1 .,, . 11� PIIS • 4. . 4 The annual' election of officers of united in marriage 1iiss llilka Theil, daughter of Mr. and Mr's. Andrew Their to Mr. henry Clansius, Miss Lorisa -' ausius sister of th acted as bridesmaid, and Jr, Andrew Price supported groom. ~yr e roil of Stratford )la wedding march, After the commonly a wedding supper was served at the PAL home of the bricle. The many valu- able present?t received, testified the es• teem in which the young conple are held. They will -love on the groom's farm on the Bronson Line, in the Spring, 'ot1iing lvonl(1 bo "doer or more servieeabio fcr sister or 0 c;• sweetheart than a fur sett. we have sotalethin; special jn:ttnow uatural wolf, regnlau' $410, for it?7. 50, d e y A larg.etar vri,ri(!ty of Ladies' Gloves Wollttrs, • tv,Yi'tt?r Cloak, ltitlit(lr bags I3elt�r S:I,>:;tt ° y ) Ribbons,, 4 • et"o. bipm '31ai'1+�ey lu _ m, + Q9 (4cnn nn mit t tel , a jnst. in. ,Tiaq the thine' f )r a Xmas pre.( l)'tn(-v t` tli) a ,; ,,, a, large (1iapirav of chinaware in Milne .! • S:ix'it?`ies, 41.1Wtty9 11, 1)! 1'allai' article stud useful in )naTly ways, 0 • :3Overwe • • • • • Wo havo a splondld variety of Silverware, in tea aplons, • tablo spoons, berry spoons, cold naent forks, knives and forks, Pearl handled goods. eta. •• �, C tilclit� N+tl;s, Oetl,iu eg alt(1 fro311 Groceries, 1 • A Z URIC M J. PR EE E r• elephotae No.g • • 9 eve 0' 4 4 0' ..4esa'a **440t+eaa**©.e*♦**** ®eoe4*'oso4 40#0( *, eeeaQ l�• The Incorporated 1855 Opened Branch in Huron Co: 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager RUBBERiimismiummomiwzmownwilimintwerhomme DISPLAY Mr 0 Fritz, our enterprising 'shoo merchant, has a very interesting and educating display in tba south window of his shoe store at presant, which is well worth every person's while to see It consists of a display of rubber. from the raw state as bought in the inn,rhc t'. of Ceylon and other rubber producing cnnntri('s, to the filli.11e footwear, 511011 118' rubbers, overshoe:, h ait-, etc. The different stags of the rublwr.whilein process of manufactuu'e is clearly shown and is a very interest. ing study. Many people in buying any- thing in rubber goods have no ul(--'a of the various processes which they un. detgo 1tuc1 this display showsAthis( very fully. Kaufmann Pros, of Berlin, rubb- er man+lfacturors, are putting 00 the display, DIED Itarst—At Napierville, Ills., on Dec, 1.7th. Rev. M. Faust, aged 91 years, BORN. Smith ---At St .Joseph, on Dee. 21st, to T tr,and live. Clayton Smith, a son. McBride—In Stanley township on Dee. 22nd to Aft, and Mrs. Robert Halide, a soh. See us about Rubber and Overshoe pri before buying elsewhere or sending to a mail ori • house. Our stock is all new and we carry nothi but No, 1 grade in every line so you buy with j assurance of getting the best at prices that will d the competition of any mail' order house and in ad. ition you have the advantage of seeing the goc before you buy, A call will convince you. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for sl ht`a Alf The ITZ. H 0 r v1 i3 of Good Shoes s. CIIST 4 41 and. ice are ready wrth a nice display Xmas Gifts and ,, ., y Something to piea:o everybody. .Also a i'itt of Confectionery, such as Candies, a Nuts, Orange. f•'a an as, etc. l� Give us a call R. N. DOUGLA BLAKE — o1' Candies VVe have a large assortment of all kit ' Candies. See our boat -bon boy+'s f"t.' Xrnas Novelties We have a large stock of Xlna l: o' such as Cards, Booklets, etc., to eliooke Bread and Cakes we handle only Connor's bl oa'1 and glade and baked in Clinton. Raw - and Stewed Oy L ead•jn A br rads of Ci g i t riffle! / tl yl a r ▪ T,, r ti L tRE D :Z1_701'111E5 Wlic-'n gnu Tailored :.tl'in0ilt, you l•1it ;i)inet.11IYlr; ('slit believe in uiterly. \\'e ',diets ; it ,hem our - lot(' 1('lii thor- onghly, and wo cannot but be enthusiastic al101it them. Wear Tailored Clothes and you will know that they are the best made, best designed, belt finished young men's clothes on the ilaarket, and we sell them because it is our purpose to have reliable mer- chandise for reliable peo pie APPEL `ibilkJn•.r,,.. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,"iQ•'1.'�"�'.l"l"$."i'.l..R..A..�..lta