HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-18, Page 8iigiMibe5PWIgnaw:MM1M PY!Ri91ttW?M` 5,_'SacW. u "•F Ir$"� . '�IA..,-''. . j.'... .4 IOA A P "vNrA. TO AT To • C:'itt'is`was will . ooh he here, aid '',w• e are ready with a lire', die ]rutty .tai: Christmas GI oods •for your. • 1.! G 1;1- tit t it ii. hi wet 1.10 get hE t choice do your. j i shopping early: Come anyway.7anyway.` if not. ;Just I 1ea:aty to buy, as we wottid'.like to Isliow syou our tine assortment Of-s,,asom bre goods .for Xmas. Buitable Gifts for every oo. For I etdicrs we have Sweater touts, Toques, Scarfs. a•a;oves, klataerohiefs, t has Cushion tops, Fancy Towels, Doylies, Perfumes, and a vary large selection of Fancy Chinaware such us Dinner Setts, Table Setts Sugars :and. Creluns, Souvenir Plates, Salitda,. Cheese Di - lice, etc , ete, Por Men and Boys Sweater Coatis, Ties, H tnaerchi'?fa, Gloves, Scarfs, Sleeve Holders. . -Braces, eto. Toys! Toys! a Two tables of different Toys suitable for good little girls and boys, Iew Fruits, Oanth9s, ; New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Peels, Walnuts, Peanuts, Filberts, anti to fine variety of fancy Ch000• lates, Caramels, eto. Also a nine line of tinsel decorations for Xmas trees RUBY and GAtiCHO :� •.:... 11 .a .���.tg � , ! Shingles! .L h' e We have a large stock of these )11 hand, Estimates given .: nd con-. racts taken. Ail kinds of exterior Ind interior finish for houses made o order. We handle all kinds of tuUUding Material. Call at P ankt!tg Z U t1 C a i ••••• 01,,PO.OMM For Sale o;; Toent. j Fanning Mill Sieves !Enediat dye trot 22 L, 11 E Hay 117 acres also outh half Lot 21 L Ti E Hay 75 r Cres the ithove lots will he cold or ented together or sr'perate to snit iarties. Thomas Tlimb all . Loc a... News Mr; Earl 'Wm t , of 1 igIon, i, visiting Lobo iyes here at prei,nt. Mrs of i)etreit, 1licll., in vit.itiogi,cr mother, -.1.11r:1, E. .ext at l 't0(3t, • 11i.n (ie'truito IItti'1eib returned to 11:!1! home on \\'eros dray, • !beteg a ll:Lasaut e i,it with friends in 'London 1 I run agent for the Clinton Wiz. ing mill sieves, and farmers re- gearing egearing any, can procure them mit mY farm, South of Zurich 7 ours Hey rr N t M y N A g I O.'tw is ht;reliy given 1 htit { k " a 1tit»'ting of the•l' le..lors of t':hk? _',Iiintw jicipttlitti' of the own hie of Hay, swill '.be held in the Township halt hi the I E'l l�ri:\1_il; OF Z J.IIICH ON Monday, Dec. 28th, 1914 at tin! Borst front 0110 ' to . two tl'e?lt t I p; 111., for the purpose of tion - foaling candidates for Reeve and coitt,viilcrs for the Township cif ta;y for the y ear 1915, and in case a poll, is c enni.uded, gorse will be opened on Monday, Jan. 4th, 1915 in the several polling sobcliti;ioli4 .:of the Township, as follows: Pol No. Poll';; Place D R 0 Clerk 1 Sol 'h'se No 2 J Northcott i1I Russel 2 14 D Burns \W Thomson 3 Town Iran A 1? Iless -Wm O'Brien 4 \V G Hess' shop A illelick W G Hess 5 Se'l h'se No 12 B Surerus H Krueger 6 llartleib'nHall, I% Gaeta D Tiernan 7 Sc'I h'seNo 8 EJ'Troyer W Caldwell 8 1,'n'te b'l'k S Spencer M Corriveau Said polls will be kept open from 9 o'cloek A.111 until 5 o'clock P 1\I and no longer. FIRED HESS Si.. Znricb, Dee. 121914 Returning, officer New ads—F W Ie,q , aT J 11Ternei'r Nomination, Proudfoot: ICilloran and Rrondfoot, 1''. Iles & San have placed •four liur. e p neer (tray gasoline engines the jut, t wool. Tide speaks well fnr the iiray. lir• Dan Dannett of Sarnia returned ti town a few de's ago and i, assisting assisting the Znricn Flax ego. to work nil their flax. Win tersetin earnest 3n Tuesday and en that night the thermometer ranged. arouud the zero mark. Since that the weather has been decidedly cold and stormy. Dr Ilardie's next visit to Zurich will be on Wednesday and Thursday, Jab, Gth and 7th. After the holidays be ex- pects to visit Zurich two or three drays every week. The nzembersof the Teachers Training Class who made their first test exam- ination the other weelc , al( ce;nwent of the fray with flying colors. 06n- gratulatiot1 , The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical Church sent two "boxes of clothing It vasa fine assortment from. children's clothes to adults and even the juniors sent their dolls to" the Children's hospital. The Ladies of the S`ocie'ty ,wish to express their thanks to those who contributed for this benevolent purpose. Az the October meeting of the Woolen's Institute nine ladies vol- lxirt'es'ered to canvas the;townlfor the tr gent of our Canadian Soldiers. fieeen ,was ti 182 85 collected in oa,.h 'was spent in flannel yarn and flannelette, which was worked up by the ladles of Zurich and vicinity, alsa g27 was spent in cholera Melte, • but of the goods pu chased there :was ]made 86 flan - eel shirts, '27 hcispital shirts, 45 rair socks, .7 doz n obolersa belts. 3 tlanclniads belts, 32 pair wristlets. There was also donated 3 pair of .socks, 1 parr" of wrie rets and 1 'scarf. A slara37r balance' 022 hand 'will be used for the• benefit of the Belgians. Anyone! • wishing . to donate towares'thal' fund may ,do so by leaving money,. nssw goods r second hare clothing at the Herald Office. T"13e' rare&• Zr:.ieli lays, Emerson Brown, Arni Brenner. and Peter Randall' -were rorevar.led eepartute lrnrcri-Tr to S-ailshmv P1ain?n eaclit eos,sisAine^ 2 flannel shirrs 2' na•ir• arf sernks 1 cholera. belt oral li psrir• of wrist lets. The large- nirceii was ba.led and forwarded on Thursday. ET.a';;;•(,•!.,";-,'",,,4,'',- a • e • • as •;� t k • • -�;0 • ♦ •fie _., v! : a, ° .T I The Gift Favorite fi, l f IC'li' F ORE C :>, ST, .1 regular stotm period is coincident with the center of theDecember solstice' period, being central on'the 23rd, ail reaching froth the 21st to the .26th This period will bring very low barometer, and touching the 28rd and 24th the temperature wil!I rise, and 'storms of rain, attended lhy winter ightining stirrer thunder, will ivprobab'tl 'These storms will turn to sleet anc1. snow about tbe24th and 25th, brit glingl, clruuge to ninth colder, with snow sin crinis areas of the country for Cal istnias In fact a of nert,1 snow storm will sweep ori':• to the Nortliwest and spread far to the East and South by the close of the Period, closely followed by high bao c Teter and cold referring weatl eel . Zurich Ont. Dee. 16th 1911 1-'corSir. —I thongbt.1 'w'ould rand yrrrei word about ira>y gasoline engpre. I anz wetI satisfied wiar it. I never Iradt any /other w ii tib ianca I got it. It itteitaiorse power arta ilielieve tbQtit Alas tyore power thd n t1!re'aneI had Be - foreland it bad five Noise p wer.If a�?y boc , inquires abn°:r . the • Waterloo erg:rno, tell thein tO asst me. Yours Truly Peter- Corrivean,, 1 , Piianzg sells the Waterloo Gasolilae ;Ergines. .,..ronaraw-moars THE STOVE; QUESTION A.11 weask you is to gat nue prices before you-. buy. We can sell you stones as cheap as any :lepai'tlltenlal store le Canada. lite our cook Move for coati and wood with reservoir Dont t Foy . 2o,00,, we&g ;s.t 450 lbs® forgetthat that we still lend the trade in FURNITURE. A _ '- 'SSS ALL KINDS OR'FARll$ PRODUCE -TAKEN. zPHTTOpNyE t 33+ HURON'S LA€ICEST COMBINATION STORE i ,T A GREAT" PICTURE 1Allrerr<tilty Scxxr t':Ms>~s.lP..,..ED TN Tin HIM= Or C'.aNanA. ' The picture entitled "Canada's 'Rally to the Empire,' trete tolife, of !the real flotilla; of 3h ships and 20 'battleships embarking for'Europe 82,000 Canadian. soldiers for imiYer ial defence was scene never to be foi:gotc•- em. The spectacle, said by those resent to have been one of thrilling grandeur was phatographed and a. Chem atogzau h picture produced which is unsurpassed in the history of photo raphy. '1'lle Landon Illustrated News see, s "An Event l'nparalled;;ince W3iiai t the Conqueror." The. Family Herald and '1\Teelcl,y Star was the only irapor to bavo art- ists and photographers on the and is ,:I In approprit.te Christmas Boxes. $2.50, 4.00, 5.0.0 and up. Self -Filling, Safety and Regular Types. Avoid substitutes. ,'INOT ALL GOLD THAT .LITTERS" but we have tried to • alect goods right" from will "Prove ups all from a collar button to a diamond. See our Bracelets, Lockets, Fobs, Rings, and hundred other pieces of Jewellery which will make good gifts. ART CUT GLASS from 10 cents to 50 cents. Fine Silverware just arrived 'We invite you to inspect whether you u bxy or not AIN THE QUA LJTYa{r ORE � a ' ive Le ea �' dt g. efe are showing tit,. largest and finest assortment of i ;,l iiday Goods, pi ' tics r,:l ly desiratide- fo,r gifts for Ladies. Yui ,aro most cordially invited to call and look over our imatgUificentline of CChrist Inas roods, whether you buy or not IP 4.4 ¢'a Eugtav lxg on all our goods free of charge slreris=lvz �A (D� NOTI L. Native is hereby. given that a De/e- lver was passed by tdhe• coasncil of tP Tewosbipof Hay, 'n: tbs .5th day of• ro h for s•. �nuixlz,�,the is s, December 1914, la o ii,e•o•t debentures to the amount of $141410.14 for telephone purposes, tend. that such by-law was registered in the. ttegistry office of the County of Ha - you on the 8th day. of December /MA Any motion to quash or set as cit •cl the 'sante or any part, thereof, must bs•i'aa- de within three -months after this;not- iee and.cannot be made thereafter',. Dated the 10t hay of December -1914 Fred. Hess Sr... Clerk. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS the only paper to possess such a pic- ture. It has now been released by the Censor; t citable the public to see it, Standing on the south shore, the river is seen crowded with the transr. p and looking down the ,Sit. Law- rence towards the gulf as far as the eye can roach is seen the procession of ships under full stearal flanked by the naval guard of British battleships. The picture is true to life and will be- come historic. The"clemand for it is enormous. It will be•Canada's great mememto of the War and will serve to illustrate the tales of grandfathers (fathers of. tiday) to children yob unborn, Tho Family Heitaid and Weekly Star could d()Mand almost any price for the original of this g'r'eat picture lint that is not The Family Ilesald and Weekly Star's way of doing basins", Readers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star are going to have the! benefit, The picture is 13i by 46 inches on heavy plate paper ready for franrinn. Thiti pir!La1ra 'lwilous from the (ley of pnl,li l'%i00 !e•ill he on heirloom of which (+,t,uln. wvill bo proud, Tris l'' Eirii;v Terald • and Weekly 1,1 elle %' 1i011 Herald for one n N.) ' RACTICAL I FT& FUR LADIES Furs, Gloves, Hankerchiefs, China, etc.,. See our new Ladies' Ties, just 3n a.li.. 2,5 cents -each. , They are inus.t highly spprerinte'rl, The things you get `11ere will not onu.ly he most alc.t eptable on Christina; Day, Jtl/t. a source C)]'''i lise.ni.ltl p1eaLsilk'E3 i}1' ntafaay Illonths te.,00lne. I'haveariihorizecl illy mines= Mr. A. F. Hess to collect all back sub- scriptions:to The Herald. Please look up your /AO and remit, ar,niint at your eaely convenience. E.Zeller.. Zurich, Nov, 2/914. COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. Zurich Feed Store Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange, "`e ere agents for Interne, 'tonal and Ro-yal Purple stock food klso o. full line of Grooer• ios on hand. The a^1°` c i1 fr-1 in no Iv- -g hat to get for her is eaaly;. solved at this. store, Tit's for the Kiddies in abnn _once A new stock of Groceries, Candles, Nut ,.•,etc. cs Mgr Highest Prices paid for F arra Ji r sIpve 5i, rF yr to Zuriclt ) TWIMPITIMMOEITMITASEMENI 1;1'241112 WW1 piflLt Lot tats know your wants. We handle everything in Farm, Implements. Engine Supple Pullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting,leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and pump piping. Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. If you are in need of Machine • 'Ac- pairs we can get thelia for yen, Wo give special attention .tn, t nr repair ,101Jartnient, LOUD PRANK ERTAKIN Prompt Q'31,vire Modera'k : fla'rges,, Tailor* 7nop and Laundry W HOFFMAN Zrrrzch. - O11tarii0 j. Mit .. . ^x moo. ,e:ru