HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-18, Page 5OU
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Business Men and Financiers Ku
War Has Snapped 'Nation's
th th
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e Copenhagen Copenhagen corresponde
47.lf the London Times sends an inte
view with a distinguished bank
of a. neutral country, whose lo
standing business relations wi
Germany required him to ape
eeven weeks in that counti-y r
"It would he a grave fallacy'
the banker says, "to judge Germ
affairs by the German newspape
of to -day. They -must not only su
press what tate Government do
not want printed, but are require
to :publish that, and that onl
which the Government lays befo
them. Everything, for instars
tendieg to suggest that the rigo
of war are slowly but surely unde
mining the national economic fabr
is strictly oontrabrand."
The banker's contact with Ge
anon bankers and business men eon
vinced him that they realize no
that "Germany has been plunge
into a tragic and pathetic adven
"Even the great industrialists o
Rhineland - 'Westphalia, thoug
many of their works are occupied i
the production ef war materials te
a wholly unprecedented extent," h
says, "are depressed and melan
c1toly over the awful struggle inn
which Germany has been precipitat
ed. They are men who cannot b
deluded lv official optimism an
blaster. They are men accustome
to deal with facts.
Assured of Suctess.
"The General Staff told the great
captains of industry, who in Ger-
many are a hardly less important
factor in the conduct of a war than
the staff itself, that the plan of tam-
paign, reduced to essentials, was
this : We shall smash France with-
in three weeks, then wheel about
and deliver Russia a knockout ;blow
before she has had time to com-
plete her mobilization. Belgium
will offer only the resistance of sul-
lennees. England will not 'come
in' at all. The German Govern-
ment had the positive assurance of
leading Englishmen to that, effect.
'Well, this hammer and tongs
programme has not been successful.
Cogs have slipped at numerous vital
points. Belgium's resistance, •to be-
gin with, was more than sullen.
England did come in. Paris Nvas
not occupied .by August 25, and
Reissia„ far from being "kuoeked
out,' has not even reeled. Not a
single one of the General Staff's
abjectives has been attained.
Checkmated in all directions, Ger.
many has little but an enormou.
death roll to counterhaLance the
terrific effort the first hundred dap
of war have cost her.
"These are the immutable things
which thinking, business Germans
see and know. They realize that,
thanks to a very far seeing econo-
Inie and financial organization,
their trade and commerce have thus
far, barring the annihilation of the
Gernian merchant marine, been
dislocated perhaps to no greater ex-
tent than the trade and commerce
of their enemies. They look across
the Atlantic and see that even
America, as could not be otherwise
in a real world war, feels the blight
of Europe an.d Asia' e colossal blood
Ietting. But what German indite -
trial leaders also realize is that
prelongation of the war into
months and years must spell event-
ual ruin.
Effect Not Shown Yet.
"I could see. no signs that Ger-
many, as yet, has actually felt the
effect. of her great adventure. But
the cumulative effect of the oondi-
tions which war brings, especially
now that intelligent Germane know
it is to be a prolonged struggle,
measured at its full value. It is
becoming increasingly plain to them
that they cannot win.
"A military nation trained from
the 'cradle up to believe in the might
of numbers must, viewed merely
from that standpoint, now see that
the odds are overwhelmingly
agaiast them.
"Men like Bailin. and Heineken,
Whose liners have been swept from
the seas as if by some all devastat-
ing hurricane; people like the tex-
tile magnates of Westphalia .and
Saxony, whose looms are silent
hen no more American cotton an
be imported; ironniasters , like
Krupp, Theasea and Stinues; elec-
rical .tiagnates like Rathenatt and
the ,Sitieonone-Schuckerts, who know
The Kaiser and the Crown Prince
Bad News From the Front.
learn that war is not what it was cracked up to be.—"Frise," in To-
mato Star Weekly.
what uninterrupted supplies of
staple raw stuffs from abroad, such
as ,copper and petroletun, mean;
bankers like Von Gwinner and Fur-
stenberg, who know the have which
the financing of war and stoppage
of exports work to German credits
at home and abroad, these men are
under no delusion. as to what the
war is doing and will do, the more
it develops into a. protracted, vic-
toryless affair of mere give and take
on three er four vast firing lines.
"They are immensely patriotic,
all of them. They cannot truthfully
be described as downhearted or
hopeless. 7,hey are not grumbling.
But neither can they ;be said to be
even remotely cheerful over the ul-
timate prospect. The war has not
yet, sapped the prosperity at the
zenith of which business Germariy
found itself three and a half months
ago. But war has terribly jeopard-
ized prosperity.
'A man cannot tarry long in Ger-
many these days without having it
borne in upon him with what fere-
cious fury all elasses of the popula-
tion hate England. England is
blamed for the collapse of the Gen-
eral Staff's grand plan of eampaign.
England is depicted as 'the one and
only foe.' The 'great settlement' is
to come eith her."
Servian Monuments.
Servia is becoming a country of
monuments. Among the peasants a
custom prevails of honoring rela-
tives slain in battle by the erection
of a block of wood, in which is rude-
ly -carved a bas-relief of the depart-
ed. These monuments are .erected
near the soldier's home, when it is
impossible to place them on the field
where he fell. As the Servian
heroes are now falling in the en-
emy's territory, the monaments are
necessarily raised in their homes,
and very few farms are to be found
to -day in which at least not one of
these crude carvings is not. to be
seen They are usually painted in
vivid reds and lolues. Above the
head of the wooden figure is an in-
scription giving the soldier's name.
Going Into Bathe.
A favorite story of a famous gen-
eral, who is now dead, was of two
soldiers in a well-known Scottish
regiment, one- of whom was going
into battle for the first time. The
crack of rifle fire was heard in
front, and the bullets began to fly.
The recruit, feeling that his hour
had come, Shouted to his mate in
the first "Dirma hole Geor-
die, I'M ahind ye!"
Men boast ot their bravery when
they resist a small temptation.
Mr. Bingham—Why did that we
man keep you standing et the door
for half an hour? His Talkative
Wife --She said she hadn't time to
come in
If UNUSED GERMAN NAll'f,„itieththetbienenmeo navy lawembodied
..eeee the Navy bill of 1900. This illumi-
nating document was .apparently
.. prepared by Grand Admiral Von
' Tirpitz, the Naval Secretary. The
firet paragraphs are of particular
importance in the light of recent
'A naval. war for economic in-
terests, particularly for commercial
interests, Will probably be of long
duration, for the aim of a superior
opponent will he an, the more eom-
pletely reached
The Longer the War Lasts.
Have Been Building Fleet for Fif-
teen Years, But It Fears to
Make a Sore.
An article, which will reassure
those who are perturbed by the
occasional losses of the British
navy, appears -in the Fortnightly
Review, by Mr. Archibald Hurd,
entitled, "No Naval Battle—Why
"Our margin of safety at sea has
indeed increased since hostilities
opened,'' says Mr. Hurd. "Instead
of the enemy wearing down our
superiority we have increased his
"When the war opened we were
almost in the propartion of two nr)
one against Germany; we have not
lost even in the proportion of one
to one, and we have passed a
larger number of new ships into
"After nearly three months o
war we are aetually stronger ut
material than we were, and •the
chances of German or Austro-Hun-
garian fleets endeavoring to resume
the use of the seas has ,decretteed.
"We have every day about four
thousand ships moving on the
oceans, engaged in trade; we have
hundreds of transports bringing to
our ,aid the military strength of the
Empire: we have maintained our
postal and telegraphic eommunicae
none with the
'Utternioet Parts of the Earth.
"All these benefits. the enemies
have abandoned; they have evacu-
ated the seas.
"The German navy at the out-
break of war represented the cunni
lative results of fifteen years of
rising expenditure. The extent of
the sacrifice made by the German
people in response to the .demands
Of the Government oan only be ade-
quately appreciated if the move-
ment be studied in its financial as -
"If we take full aCC01113tof all
the avenues of expenditure, reveal-
ed and unretealed, it may be as-
sumed that upon the effective Ger-
mall fleet an aggregate •SUM of not
less than iea00,000,000 has herr
•"Germany attained the second
place among the great naval pow-
ers, but in the rneaatime, owing to
our unrivalled shipbuilding facili-
ties, we had been enabled to rein-
force our supremacy. Consequent-
ly in relation to Great Britain, Ger-
many •at, the outbreak of war was.
actually Weaker on the seas than
ehe was three or four yeare befere.
• "What were the German people
led to anticipate that their fleet
would achieve? We have an officio.;
statement of Germany's ambitious,
To this must be added that a, naval
war which, after the destruction or
shutting up eaf the German sea
fighting force, was confined to the
blockade of the coast and the cap -
tare of merchant ships, would cost
the opponent little; indeed, he
would on the contrary, amply co
ver the expenses of the war by the
simultaneous improvement of his
own trade.
" 'An unsueceseful naval war of
the duration of even only a year
would destroy Germany s sea, trade,
and'would thereby bring about the
most disastrous oondthens, first. in p
f her .eooneenic, and then, as an im-
mediate consequence of that in her site
social life.'
"Grand Admiral von Tirpitz was
sufficiently innocent to kaRsu me that
what was would always be, and b
hence the assumption that 'a great c
naval power will not, as a rule, be
in position to bring all its stiik-
forces against us.' Not only
did the greatest naval power carry
r gress ot the Great West Tole
to a Few PointedPiaragrj,bs. Paragraphs.,"
Bert Calembell, of Vancouver, *as
sentenced to two years in prison
for forgery.
The United Fruit Growers of
Vernon, may ship se. :carload of
Okanagan apples to the Belgian
refugees in England.
The ore from the gold -producing
property of Louis Haws at Porto
Rico flats assays $140 to $160 per
The large clock for the new $41,
000 post office building at Green
wood arrived and will be placed in
a few days.
The Lost Creek Mining Company
will shortly construct a flume on
its property at Roany placer camp.
The work will cost $100,000.
Vancouver firemen have protested
against the redaction in their sal-
aries, claiming that they are the
most poorly paid civic employees.
Jean Goulet, Of Elko, was attack
ed by an epileptic fit on Friday on
the bank of the Elko River at Spar -
wood, and falling in, was drowned.
The et:instruction of the new wharf
at Halls Landing has been cam-
menced by the Dominion Govern-
ment. The structure will cost $5,-
A gang' of men are at work at
the Golden Fawn Mine at, Sheep
Creek and fine ore is being struck.
The whole camp is looking better
than it, ever has.
In reply to an appeal from Kam-
loops for the institution of Govern-
ment work in the riding, A is an-
nouneed that $2,000 will be spent
in the district.
The Provincial Executive has
granted the sum of $1,500 for the
construction of the Roseland. bridge,
to replace the old one, which was
recently washed away.
The Pacific, Peace River & Atha-
basca, Railway Cempeny will apply
to Parliament at the next session
for an act authorizing it to con-
struct and operate lines in the
Report,s from Graham Island
state that the pioneer oil drilling
rig working on the -western coast
has attained a depth of 1,500 feet
where the stole is heavily sator-
ated with oil.
W. W. Dowel, of Port Alberni,
broke all former records in the pro-
vince in from the
jaws of a sea lion that gave chase
to his dory in which was Captain
G. W. Faulkner and hines.elf.
As. a result of the recent disas-
trous fire in Fort George the light-
ing system was destroyed. The
situation is expected to be relieved
inhe few days by installing a temp-
orary system by the Northern In-
terior Power Company,
The body of Alexander Burnett,
one of the fur mw
en ho lost their
lives in the auto ace:Went. near Port
Coquitlam, was recovered from the
itt River by Indians. The remains
f Struthers, Gunn and Matthew
iven have yet to be found.
An Indian boy. charged with the
tealing of cattle. was. committed
or trial at the Kamloops Assizes
y Justice Morgan. Considerable
settle stealing has been going en in
he district for home time. Ash..
loft is afflicted with the same coni -
Norman Smith, aged 35. and
well-known rancher of Louis
reek, near Kamloops, was found
ead with two bullet wounds in his
ody. The wounds were from a
irty-thirty rifle, He is believed to
axe been recently under severe
ental strain.
out the concentration which Grand a
Admiral von Tirpitz had assumed c
that, it would not, carry out, but by ei
arrangement with France it was b
able, soon -after the opening of the eb
war, to entrust to Vice -Admiral h
Bone de Lapeyrere the defence of m
B itiah t
n erests in the Mediter-
ranean. Thus we were in a position
to hold the North Sea with praeth
cally all our strength,. as we do to-
day, while France held the Mediter-
ranean with all her strength, as alae
does to -day, and consequently theuf
basis upon which the•expansion
the German fleet had beer planned
was swept away before the peeve
WaS broken,"
Conimon juvenile Complaint.
I hear that, your boy is laid up.
Anything serious ?"
-We were afraid so at firet, but
the doctor diagnosed the trouble as
merely. a bad attack of don'twante
''Oh, doctor, I have sent for you,
certainly I must .confess that
1 have not the slightest faith in
rnucteen medical science.'' ''Well,"
said the doctor. 'that eloesn 't mat-
ter in the least. 'Yon see, a mule
has no faith in the veterinary sur-
geol.) end yet he cures him all the
Pitiful Cases of Soldiers Shootit
Their Own Troops by
It was at Beacon Hill, during the
Boer. War, that there happened on,
of the saddest incideate in. the. his'
tory of the British Army. T1s, East
Surrey were in a hollow between
two .hills, creeping •itp.. the ' 'valley.
The West Surrey reg,Itment half -it
mile away, ;caught ,eanlet of the
crouching figures., and took them
for Boers, says Rea.r.ROIe3 Weekly.
In a moment a heavy volley rang
out, and it wasenot until an officer
realizing the taieta,ke, ru.elheel'out in
front of the West Surreye, that the
firing ceased.
A nurse, writing aafterward Iran
the Eastoourt Hospital, :mkt it was
pitiful to isee the 'Ateet, :Barren's come
ing in ane after another, bringing.
cigarettes, dainties, nee pre sent
they could find, her the wounded
men, then, hearing their groans,
turn away, saying, "Gott forgive
us! This is our work R'
In suoh a gigantic eonfliet as
present war, with nettle
stretching 100 wits and 1.• •
similar Mistakes are earnest i•
to wean We know of two.
In the second week in Au
when the French ware fiat:time
Muelhausen., ones regiment: got fai
in advance :Jf the. -.0t,lea„ and was
ordered to ga bank.
As they returnee/ aline af their
!comrades fired at, anien, under the
I impression that they wire Oe.rmans.
Twenty men were kilnee :ea./ a large
number wounded
Gen. Joffre's Preeseettion.
It was this blunder whiah caused
General Joffeetn .havinearde printed
an colors showing 'title uniterms and
head-dress, ef tate vizrioria hritnehes
of the French se.rvico, These have
been distributed ail aireueli the
The other caiw, wan more recent.
It happened in Belgitrat early in
September. We have at. on fairly
good authority that 1, Saxon regi-
ment fired upon ,ern Bavarians,
taking them for Beelgia.ne. As it
was dark at the tame the mistake
is hardly to be wondered at.
Then there v7z•x-k.: th o neven erip
pled German warship, iv Kiel ha).
bor. The stere 'arab two Germa.
squadrons in th- Ratio kinetted fie
on one another Aerie, an a. mist
morning, each taking the ether he
Russian ships.
One of the 9r:4400W; kpf
troops firing upon ellade :,,evn people
occurred in Ito:rami,i in tiee. year
1885. At that tette le Inman la. wee
in a very dieterned aerial [thee and
bands of robl.)6r-s---reimill
--prowled over bili eemineree raiding
the villages and tfaxrii.a.
'the largest of ateate kande made
its headquarteere in the forest .of
Rhodepe and gr.t'hoally inereased
until it beeerne tOOeibring. It
spread tern.e. el;neigh .fin.s whole
countryside, and at teal; dhe govern-
ment sent a leeigly -a teeeme te, hunt
it down.
The robber F•vbri4:1w.ss located on
top of a mountain, end elle oulonel
in command et the. enenea split his
frees and eens half op :melt side so
as to attack from ken pt), ran eimnh
TheTwo gad ioo
A thick fee, fall and the robber •
took advantaien of !le th aea
quietly by a pifii knewa arty
themselves. The anelen, • t ria iv
of this man :esti v ro, th
aseent. and alto ,two leadiee, ea
crawling along enhir ,e.iver of rock,
and brushwed, rent .r.14 the tip.
They at in' e evened fire and
ought de,eporately tor s. u Ito e hoar
iefore rhe !II 44111,413({4 vcrits d.1,3r.34 v ered.
iglity were killed eine tion e-eund-
There is at tease, keno ca ee on re-
ord of a leader parpineely firing
pen hie evert ereepe Tithe was Os -
Ian Paella, elle areentent, general
•horn Turkey lea preehreend for a
In the Ri ijnrIaisl, War hi le77,
sman intrenohnd himeetf in the 1'
go ef Peen. and held it for
onthe, fightate' ereveral treater:delis
attles, and being beetle -en in the end
y sheer etareation,
In the second hathie of Plevna the
arks' bega'a hy a, fu rione &Lenge `
own hill upon the. Itneelane. The
rash of Moe impact hen bawl eeni-
ared to a eolliettat boeween two
ailway trains.
The Ras:slang were mote numer-
is Turk s he-
n to give way At once Osman
dered his artillery to fire en their.
n troops,: and the tateeie, realie-
g that they woad lento mote ley
under their etwri" ehell fire
an by advatating ander the . rifle
e of the• Ruentiona, changed again
d drove the Rueeiasee them
ne4. won a. great vietery.
indomitable Spirit.
The indomitable epirit of the c
British soldier is strikingly illus-
trated in a letter from a London
Daily Express reader. "My ne-
phew, Lieut. J. Rennie, of the
I Black V, retch, he writes. "was
wounded on Senteber 16 in the
battle of the Aisne. He recovered in
five weeka at a base hospital in
France, went back to the firing line.
and got it again in the leg. He was
lanky not to be killed."
The soldiers were dining and or-
derliee were hastening back and
forth with. pails of steaming soup.
Wolselen stopped one of them and
ordered him to remove the lid of
'his pail, The ettan obeyed .prompt-
ly, and the General said: "Let nee
taste it.'' "But----" began the or-
derly. "Let me taste it, I say," ex-
claimed the General, testily.
graceful !" exelaimed. 'Ws for
ail the world like diehwater!''
r'Tliat's what it is, sir," said the
orderly saleting gravely.