HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-18, Page 4.1.0110.11111, We have in stock an assortment of•Goods of which we are proud. We know' our future Eusines€ depends on our present doings, so with this ininid, we must buy only Good' Goot s and sell at fair prices. We ask everybody in Exeter and vicinity to come in and see our zetas Display this year, even if you do not purchase, we avant to see the people. At the Clrid.y Counter We expect our stook of oranges and new nuts this week. Our can• dy is always fresh. Our Rosted and salted peanuts are always good. Japanese China A job line to sell at 10-15-250. some lovely pieces and all hand col. ored, Beautiful Glassware 1015c, Nippon China in a variety of decor- ations from 25c up. Willards Choclates Assorted cherries, Nut chips, Mint wafers, Maple 'walnut, Honey nouget, Butteries loo each, chuffing dish Tiffany, Motor Lunah, Family box, and many others .at popular prices of 25o to $125. In bulk we have Cream Centres and hard centres about 30 flavors. Try us fbr Candy, Special prices on 5 ib boxes, Doll Heads Sleeping and awake, with hair and without 100 up, strong bisque, l00 and 15e up, Celluloid (large) 25c, Metal all sizes 20 and 25e Christmas Decorations and Tree Ornaments Garlands 5o -I0c up, Bells 20c a doz up, Xmas Greetings 15e up, Leaf Decorations 250, Crepe paper in rolls, Shelf paper in folds, Fancy Drape paper in folds . lowest prices, Xmas Candles all prices, large and small Tinsel 2 yds for 5c candle holders, China Rich White and Gold China, Dinner ware Open Stock While others are raising the price, we are still selling it at the same prices. • All our goods are marked in plain Euglish We use no Greek. Stat saving to -day, tell your friends to buy you a piece of White and Gold china at Powell's for Christmas. 50 Cups and saucers, band painted, too high for Our trade, to clear 500 each, regular $1.00. Odn Pieces of China in great profusion, suitable for gifts from 15e-250 up. Cups and Saucers 80o Beautiful cups.aiid saucers going at, I5 -25-35e each; nice presents for gale, We show the finest assortment of hand -painted- chinaware in Exeter, barring none,See our display before you buy. 95 Watersets, regular 1 50 to t1 75 to clear at $1 25 a set choose early. Powell's l; aiaza r Exeter. PLIGHT NOW you can buy any article, pay 25 p. c. on it, we will lay it aside for you till Xmas. DA.SHWOOD Reserve the eveningof the 2:1e.1 Dee Evangelical church, a treat pro -Meal 'you. Tte greater part of the progre •tune will consist of E S Lawrenz's 1 Ltest cantata "The King of the irld" rendered by the Sunday School and Choir. Admission — Adults 25c Children -10c. The recent cold weather metes one shrug his shoulders and look suspicious at the coal bin. The home of air Otto Restemayer was gladdened by the birth of a baby girl on Sunday, The different churches are Busy practising for the Xmas entertain Fuente, which no doubt. will ne fully up to what they have been in former years. Mr. Ed Wild is being ooner•lt- ulreted on. the arrival of a healthy pair of twin boys on Monday. Mr John Graybiel is assisting Messrs Kellermann & Son in their store during the Xmas holidays. Mr C Steinhagen accornpained Mr Herbert Miller to London on Tuesday. Mr Joe Diller of Saskatoon was married on Wednesday to Miss May Vincent. daughter of Mr and Mrs Saron Vincent. The young couple will make their home in Saskatoon. Mr Bruce Bossenbery of t4rhnd Band was in the village on Friday last. At the sante tune ho sold a fine driving horse to a man near Varna, for which he received a good figure EXETER. Russel Flyn, who has been engaged on the Times staff, has left for Waterloo where he has taken a ~•itnation in a job office Twenty boys of Exeter collected nearly $30,00 and decided to buy stockings for thel3elgian el ildren with the money. On Wednesday Dec, Dth, ' at the b.nine of Mr and Mrs Frad Inixton their slaughter Clara, was ma'r`ed to Alfred Coates. Exeter is making an effort to secure connection with the hydro electric system. Lu.can being the nearest poin of contact. it is thought that thi would be the cheapest route, and Clandeboye Centralia and C'rolicton could be served. Philip Herta rend wife of rsborn have moved to town and Milo Snell who recently sold his farm le new living on 'Andrew street, I Armstrong made a shipment c three do able deck carloads of hoe, from Exeter station last week BLAKE 11Ir and i1lrs Fassold of Dashwood spent Sunday at the hone of Mr Sam Hey. Mrs Peter Douglas is 'spending a few days at her home here, Her many friends are pleased to see her back again. Mrs A Clark and family visited at the hone of Mr Ross Johnson last week. Mrs Dick of Hensall is visiting her daughter, Mrs RN Douglas this week. Quite a number of the young people from this vicinity attended the fowl supper in Brucefield on Monday evening of last week and report a good time. Mr Alex Speaks called ou friends in the village one day recently. Mr R N Douglas is makiug large shipments of dried apples and poultry All the houses in our village are occupied and still ademancl for more. Miss Emma Bechler's many friends are pleased to see her around again after her recent illness. ifr and Mrs A F Douglas spent Saturday with frienclsin Hansall, Mrs Swayze has returned to London after spending a few months at her house here, • Butchering and paring bee's are now the order of the day. Beginning with the year, 1915, We will close our store every Tuesday and Friday at 6 o'clock, p. m. R, N. Don Xmas Stationery Post. Cards Linen Paper and Envelopes in pretty boxes at 20, 25, 35, swell goods. Make nice presents. Our ,L23d collection is great. Dont buy Cards un - al you -t eo ours. Reg. 2 for 5. 2000 at 5 for 5c, others 2 for 5e, 3 for 10c O for 25c. Christmas Seals 3 packet: for 10e. Sleeping. DOLLS and awake Rag dolls 50 and 10c, Celluloid 23 and 50c, Fancy Dressed 25 and 50e up, Character babies 5, 10, 150 to '*'3.75, Crying and Musical babies 250 up, Unbreakable dolls all prices, Babies in long clothes $ 1.25 up, Doll Cradles 25e up, Doll go cries 85e, Daisy carts and wheel barrows 15e, Dett Lawn swings 35o, Doll Beds 25e, Mechanical Toys Gas engine (spring wind) 75c, Steam boat (engine by oil) 1.50, 'Train on track 500 1.00 and 1.25, Walking dolls 400, Clown Orchestra 75c, Darkey drammer and bear 5eo, Billiard table 250, Pop mid cap guns 5-25 Autos, horses, and carts and dozens of others at 10c up, TOYS Baking sets 25o, Washboard and tubs in sets 25c, Drawing slates So lOc and 25o, Horns and trumpets 5010o up` Drums all prices, Xmas stockings 5, 10 and 25c, -lorses, 50 up Rocking horses dappled grey with basket seat and reins crrinplete, reg *2.25 only $1,75. Special discounts to churches and schools on $5 Xmas purchases Cr EDITON. On Dec. 3rd. the death took place of John Pinlcbeiner at the age of 64 years. Deceased had been ill for the last five years. Mrs, Henry Beaver attended the funeral of her sister-in-law, 11Irs. Wes. Finkbeiner, at Pittsburg, last week. Word has been received here of the marriage at Edmonton, Alta,; of Ira Brown, son of Samuel Brown, to Kiss Thompson, forn]erly of Hensel'. J. H. Holtzman was in Goderich last week acting as a juryman. HEN SA -LL G. D. Arnold of London yisiled relatives.hero for a few days last week Ernie Caldwell of near Moose Jaw, Sask.,is visiting old friends here. The sacrament of the Lords Supper was observed in Carmel church last Sunday morning. The 2 storey house of Thos. Welsh on the west side of the railway track is nearly completed, This is a fine home and Mr Welsh will occupy it himself, Fred Manns and Frank Farquhar have formed a partnership and are putting their two barber shop into one They have rented thestore in the Petty Block and are having a pool. Toon fitted in the rear CLA B13ING RA.Ti?S. Wo are making arrangements testi +til the leading daily and eveld p • tiers for special dubbin;: Fete when anb,cri bed for with The _1 fig aid So kindly boar this in mind when re hewing your subs0ription. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL At the session of the Huron Comity Council it was decided to look after the wives and children of those who have gone to the war. Each reeve of every municipality will look after those in the municipality in which they reside. The matter of granting $20,000 to. the relief of the Belgians, was leftover till the January session. The Liberals will have the choice of warden next year and it is thought COUNTY NEWS Mr and Mrs J Leary of Cromarty mourn thedeath of their five months - old daughter: which took place on Dec. 4th. Robert Luker has returned from the west and has taken possession of the farm, he purchased from Milo Snell London road: At the wind-np of the December session of the county council, Warden Cantelou was presented with a gold headed cane by the members. Counts -.court was bold before judge Doyle at Goderich lash week. Four- !. teen eases were on • the docket, but about half were postponed or cleared off by settlement. - At the G.nelpli winter show the Unroll Co. Council offered a prize for the best steer or heifer 2 years or nn - der from 'Insole County sail it was won by lfr. William Snell, of Hullett townshi p. At the aunualnieetingof the Huron Medical Association held at Clinton last week, Dr, Kennedy of Wingham was elected president, Dr. Machell of Dublin vice president and 1)r. Red- mond o,Vi ugh ani secretary treasurer. Dr. Taylor of Goderich and Dr. Gann of Clinton were appointed delegates to the Ontario Medical Association. Mr. Fred HIess Sr., has sold ' the dwelling occupied by Mr. Ferdinand Hess to Wm Klopp, for $2200, post,es- sion will he given in the spring. A. large nnmber of fat cattle were exhibited at the Toronto fat stock show by farmers near Brncefield. Among thee exh ibi tors were Wellington Elliott, [1 McCrregor, A Blcoal and G F Baird, At a largely attended meeting of the new Federal North Hutton Associa- tion, held at \Vinghani on Monday, Arch. Ilyrlop of Grey township was chosen as cnncdidnto for the next that John W. Govenloek, of Brussels Dominion elections„ who is regarded as the father of the council, will meet with no opposition for the chair. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Jeremiah A Corriveau, late of the Township of Hay, In the Comi- ty of Huron, Merchant, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims against Jeremiah A Corrivenu, who died on ilia 21111 day of - 'November, 1014. at the said Township of Hay, are required on or before the Gth day of January, 1915, to send 11 post or deliv- er to Mrs Seraplune Corriveau, it. It, No. 2, Zurich, Widow and Aclniinistratrix of the testate of the said Deceased, or to the undersigned Solicitors herein for the Ad- ministratrix, felt: particulars for • their claims; and that after the said last mentioned elate the Adniinistr,.,l.ria wi1l. proceed to distributetheassets of the said Deceased among the persons entitled'therc- to, having rernrd only to the claims of which she shall then have lin.rl notice, and that the said. Admistratrix will not ` he 'table for the said assets or any part thele., of, to any person of wir se cl•,im she shall not than lra.ve reeeiverl notiat�.' 1)nled at t'loderich the 14th day of Dec- ember, 1914. Prottdfcot, Killoran and Prnwlfoot. Goderich, Ontraio, Solicitors for said Adniinistratrix. THE HERALD CLUBBING LIST FOR I,9I5 Herald • '1 Lt and Daily Globe. .... ....$3 75 " Weekly Globe 1 75 " Deily Mail and Em- pire 3 75 Weely Mail and Fin pi re 1 75 " `.Toronto Daily Star 2 85 " " Weekly Star.. 1 75 << London Free Press Morning Edition.... 8 50 liven ing Ed i tion .... 2 90 Weekly Edition..... 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 2 90 Evening I+clitioir.,,. 2 00 Weekly Edition..... 1,75 " Partners Advac:tte... 2 40 • 4,4 11Tartree' Family' 1 ornld and Weekly Star....'...., 1 85 is the time to begin thinking of Christmas. From now to XmRs we will give special low Bar- gains on Pianos, Organs, Edison Phonograpis, Singer Sewing Machines, Bell Art Pianos with the illimitable quick repeating action and sustaining frame. In buying a Bell Piano you get a strictly high grade piano, and you Xray nothing extra for the nnino. The Bell stands at the top in Musical circles. We also ;:ell cheaper grades and other snakes of pianos, Yon Will save money baying from WELL, ZURICH. I buy spot cash and give the cus- tomers the benefit of it. • Your call is welecome. The London AdvMrtirer 111 ORNING—NOON--EVENING Edition $2.00 per Year by Mail Outside City of London I. All the War News All Market Quotations All Sporting News ;The Best Newspaper rVakko in West a rn Ont ,Dtlirored through your Post Office or (`or your Rural notate snore Day as.Published for $2.0per year. I 1MPLEMEWS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made, all steel. Manure Spr. aders and al) kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 1h TT. P. $75; 2?r TT. P. $85; 4 IJ. P. $125; 6 l:I. P. $175; 8 H. 1?. $325; 12 H. P. $375; all . warranted first class. At the old Stand: Square Dealing Our Motto" F. Hess & Son. Classified Ads LEGAL. CARDS. t'ROTJUFOOT, KILLORAN, & PROU FOOT, Barristers, Solari, ors, Notari Public &c. Office, ou i he Square, 2n door fr.ian Hamiiton Sb. Goderic Private funds to loan at lowest rate W. PRor-nroor, K C. .3. L. Kii.].oRA W. Pam:Droos, JR. MEDICAL CARDS 1)R.* E. B. BALFOUR, gradna Western University, late the Military Ilospital and Victor Hospital, London. Office in t building formerly occupied by the la Dr. McLaughlin , Dashwood. IneR A. J. DIacKINNON late Hou Surgeon, Erie County Hospita Buffalo alo N. Y. Late assistant res dent Physician, Manhattan Maternit Hospital N. Y. city. Late of th IIouse Staff, New York Palyclini Medical School and Ilespital. Dru store in connection. Office, Znric Ont. Farm for Sale Lot 28. Con 7, Parr Line Ha North 50 acres, or will soil the whop lot. For particular's apply to Dunce Taylor, Itensell P. 0. FOR SALE House For Sale. --A White Brie House erected by Sim Ireland, and a present occnpieil by Otto Restemaye for particulars apply to Ii. Weigan Dashwood. • F.: rn For Sale 210 acres of good farming an fruit land. 2000 peach trees of whit 1000 are in hearing, good, plenty, water, good building, well fenced a and partly drained. For particula apply to Daniel,Smith, R. R. No. Zurich. Por Service Thoroughbred Yorkshire. WA f service. Also Thoroughbred Shor horn Durleun Bull for 'service: 0 Lot 98, Con.. 12, Hay Townshi David Schwa zentruher. 41 LIVE FOWL WANTED I will lake live fowl every Tnesd forenoon, until further notice. Mg est markefprii e will be paid. R, N. Douglas, Blak e t t ii n 'b t tl o° fz tl aj il. i1