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Your Man;
Or, the Belie of the
CHAPTER XXXIX.-(Gontiinued).
Ida's heart sank, and she seized the first
opportunity of getting to her own room.
Whet hope of forgetfulness could there
be for her, what chance of happiness, if
Stafford tea's back to the Villa to live,
if she should be in hourly dread of meet-
ing him, The thought haunted her
through all the quiet Ohristmae festivities
at the Grange; and she was glad to get
back to the Hall, and away from the eyee
which watched her though they watched
her with a friendly and affectionate re-
In her daily rides she avoided the open-
ing on the lake aide from whic'dt the Villa
was visible; and she would sometimes
melte a long detour rather than go near
the spot. On one occasion, when return-
ing from Bryndermere, instead of cross-
ing by the ferry she rode round by the
other side of the lake. keeping weal away
from the Villa, lest eche should meet any-
one belonging to it. She had reached the
top of the hill below which emend tam
road leading to the Hall, and after paus-
ing to look at the magnificent view, was
going across a field, one of the outlying
fields of her estate, when she saw a lady
riding through a gate at the lower end.
The blood rushed to her face and her
heart seemed to stand still for a moment,
for sho sane that it was Maude Falconer;
then her face grew pale and a wave of
bitterness grew over her, for she recog-
nized the horse on which Maude was rid-
ing: it was Stafford's Adonis. Her first
impulse was to turn aside and leave the
Seld; but her pride revolted, and she kept
her course, looking straight before her
and trying not to see tate graceful figure
below her.
At sight of her, the blood ilad flown to
Maude's face also. and she tried to cheek
her horse; but Adonis, at any time rather
more than she could well manage, was
fresh and too eager to join the other
horse, and he carried her up the field
against her will. The two met almost
face to face. the horses exchanging friend.
17 neighs. For a moment, while one could
count twenty, the two rivals sat and look-
ed at each other. Half unconsciously, Ida
noticed the pallor and the worn look of
the beautiful face. the wishful peevish -
nese of the delicately out lip; then sud-
denly Mraude's face flushed, her eyes
grew herd and scornful, and with some-
thing like a sneer she said, in a metallic
I bog your pardon, but are you aware
that you are trespassing?"
A saint 'would have turned en such pro-
vocation; and Ida, being no saint, felt
that her face 'was as crimson as the other
girl's. and grew as hot of heart as of face.
Sho set her lips tightly and tried to re-
main silent; surely it would be better, in
every way better, to ride on without a
woad. But it was more than she could do;
and she drew herself up and her eyes
flashed back the challenge, as she seed in
a low but distlnot voice:
"Pardon nee, but you are mistaken. The
land on which I am riding belongs to' me."
Maude grew pale again, and her lips set
closely until. the line of red almost disap-
Is this not. then, part of the Villa es-
tate?" she asked.
"No• it is past of the Herondalo estate,"
replied Ida, rather more gently: for was
it not horrible •that• she should be engag-
ed in altercation with Stafford's future
Then I presume I have the honor of
speaking to Miss Heron," said Maude, with.
au indefinable air, combining contempt
and defiance, which brought the color to
Ida's face again.
"My name is Ida Heron: yes," site said.
"Then, If you are making no mistake,
it is I who am tveepaseiug," said Maude,
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"and it is I who must apologize. Pray
coneider that I do so most fully, Mies
No apology is neeesscary," said Ida, still
more gently. You are quite welcome to
ride over this or any part of Hesonda'ie.'
Maude gave a little scornful laugh!"
Thanks, it's very good of you!" she
said, haughtily, and with. that covert of
fensivenees of whieh a woman alone is
capable. "I do not thunk I shall have any
desire to avail myself of your kind per-
mission; the public roads and the land
belonging to my father's house will, . I
think, prove quite sufficient for me. I am
the daughter of Mr. Falconer, of the Villa
at Brae Wood."
Ida inclined her head slightly by way
of aeknom:ledgmenit and adieu, and with-
out another word rode on towards the
gate at the bottom of the field which
opened on to the road. Adonis, who had
been delighted to meet his old friend.
promptly followed and though Mande Fal-
coner tried her hardest to cheek him and
turn hien, he, inwardly laughing at her
efforts, trotted caheerfully beside Rupert,
.and continued their conversation. Maude
was half quad 'with mortification, and,
quite unable to leave Ida's hated side,
she rained her whip and struck Adonis
across the face. The horse, who had
never received such a blow before in his
life, stopped dead short, falling back al-
most on his haunches, then reared
straight up and in a moment of temper
tried to throw her off; indeed, she must
have fallen but Ida, always cool at sueh
moments, swept sideways, caught Adonis's
bridle and brought him ou ail fours.
Maude was instantly jerked forward on
to the horse's neck in a humiliating fash-
ion, but recovering her seat sat trembling
with rassion.
It was impossible not to pity her, and
Ida in her gentlest and quietest of voices,
"I will wait here, will not go through
the gate until your groom comes up.
Your horse will be quite quiet then. If I
may venture to say so, I think it would
be wise not to strike him a<aroes the head;
very few horses can stand it; and this
one is high -bred and exceptionally spirit-
She was stopped by Maude'e scornful
Really, I ousht to feel very much ob-
liged to you, Mise Heron.!" she said; "and
my sense of obligation is almost aa great
as my amazement at your frankness -and
assurance) May I ask you to be good
enough to release my horse's reins?"
Ida's hand fell from the reins, and her
face grew crimson; but before she could
have retorted, even if she had intended
doing so. Maude struck the horse again;
it turned and dashed across the field,
kicking and plunging violently, with
Maude swaying perilously in he saddle.
Ida waited until the groom -it was Pot-
tinger -'had gained hie mistress's side
and got hold of the horse; .then, with no
thought of bravado but simply with the
desire to get away from the spot, be
put Rupert, at the gate andleapt into the
Ida rode home all quivering with the
pain of the meeting. At Drat it seemed to
her that she must leave Herondale-for e,
time, at any rate; that. it would be im-
possible iqr her to run the risk of meet-
ing the beautiful woman who tad stolen
Stafford Isom her; but, as she grew calm-
er, her pride ears to her aid, and she saw
that to run away would be cowardly. Ho•
rondale was her home, had been her
home long before the Villa had sprung
up, and to desert it because of the prox-
imity of Maude Falconer would be almost
as bad ae .r a soldier should deeert hie
But for the next few days she did not
leave her own grounds, :The grew pale
and bedew, and Lads Bannerdale, when
she came to look her tip, noticed the
change in her but, was too tactful to
make any remark u,port it.
"We have missed you so much., nee
dear," she said, affectionately. "Indeed,
my ]rueband 'bas been quite fidgety ant
irritable -so unlike html--and Edwin ]las
been worse, if it were possible. lien are
e a great trouble, my dear Ida. Though
perhaps I ought not to say time of 1111110,
for I count myeelf lucky in both husband
and son. Edwin has scarcely given ane a.
day's trouble since he was a child. I
really think, if I 'were asked what are
tbo best gifts bestowed by the fairy god-
mother, I should say 'a good digestion
and a temper to match, and I ani quits
proud of Edwin's strength and amiabil-
fitly• But even he has been somenvhat 01
a trial for the last few days; <0, any dear
girl, do enme over and help me manage
them." Ida smiled rather absently, and
her ladyship glided smoothly from the
subject. "Since we last saw you we have
called at the Villa," she said, "and 'we
were fortunate enough to fled Mies Fal-
coner at home. She le alone there in that
huge palace of a, place, Inc her father has
gone back to Louden; and, though I was
never very much taken with her, I could
not help pitying her."
"Why?" stilted Ida, not absently now,
but in her quiet, re<aerved manner'.
"She looks so -wail, actually 60 um,
happy," replied Latey Bannerdale. "She
WW1 rn mourning, and her faces -she Is
really an extremely beautiful girl -wee
like marble. And her reception of me
etas almost as cold. I. am afraid that•:bo
has had more trouble than we are aware
of, there was such a. preoccupied and in-
different air about her. It cxscurrod to
me that elle vvas fretting for her absent
fiance, Mr. Stafford -oh. dear met I shall
never remember to call him Lord High•
4:Hee 1• -•and I resolved to carefully re-
frain from mentioning him; but you
know how stupid one is in euclt a ease,
how one always talks about lameness in
the presents of a man with one leg; and
in the midst. of 't, pause in the convertaa-
lion, nvhieh. by the way, 'was yearly ail
on my side, I blurted out with: 'have you
heart from Mr. Stafford Ormo lately, Missy
F,alcioner?' 'I suppose you 'mean Lord
hligheliffe, Lady Bannerdale?' she said,
turning her cold, blue eyes on my eta•rlet
face. IIs- 16 in Australia, and is well. I
do not Bear very often from hirn. Ile ie
leading a very busy life, and hoe little
time for letter -writing, I imagine.' Of.
course I gat myself away as Soon ae I
could atter that, and I'm afraid I left a
very bad impression upon Rise Faioonet."
I<la eaaid n„thing, but leant forward and
stirred the fire, which may have caused
the color whi<rh glowed for a moment or
two do her fake.
"I am sure 1 don't know why the young
man should have' rushed off to the oilier
seed of the
world;, er whyle doesn't rush
1 t
hack again and marry t(he lady of his
heart, who. has enough money for both of
them, and cvculd make an extremely hand
some anti stately emintees. By the way,
have you ever sten the present Lord Iliglt•
cliff°, My dear?”
"Yes I have Been hien," Ida replied in
:the tote which closes a subject of waver;
cation. es.eall I give You some more teal
No? Would .von like to see how the work-
men are getting on? I think they are
working very quickly. They will want
this Dart of thc. Louse presently, and I
have an idea of going away fora time;
perhaps abroad," she added, thou+bls she
had put the idea away from her until
this moment, end it was only Lady Bete
uerdaltae talk of: ,Maude Falconer wheal
started It again in her mind.
Lady :Oau aerdale.._looked alarmed.
"Oh, don't do that, mY dear!" •ebe said.
"If you are obliged to turn elle of the
house, why not come to us? It *mid bo
so kind end 'meet of you."
Ida sighed a little wearily..
0a, 1 don't supposo they will insist
upon ejecting me," she said.. "I think I.
cion persuade them to leave me two or
three rooms.'
Lady Bannerdale went home .and drop-
ued her bomb-shall"in the presence of
Lord Bannerdale and Edwin..
ewe, rather thinks of goings abroad,'
she said in a casual way at the dinner-
Lord Edwin was raising his 'wine glass.
to hie lips. butarrested it half way and
set it down again; and his handsome face
greiw long anti grave. .
"Oh! We shad) miss .hor," reoutrked
Lord Bannerdale, lamely, and avoiding
looking in his son's direction.
Not another word was said; but the
next day Lord Edwin carne into Lady
Bannerdale's room with that affeetatieu
of case and indifference ;which never yet
deceived a mother.
"I'm goingto a11 on Mise Heron, mo-
ther," be •said "Any message?"
Lady Bannerdale looked at hint, Iver
brow wrinkled with motherly anxiety.
There was nothing in the wont& she de-
sired more than his happiness; and she
knew that the marriage with Ids would
be in every way desirable: the girl was
one in'a thousand, the Bannerdale estates
almost joined Herondele.; both she and
her husband were fond of Ida, 'who, they
knew, would prove a worthy successor to
the present mistress of the Grange; but
just because it seemed so desirable and
Lord Edwin's heart was so pas6ionately
set upon it, the mother was anxious. She
saw that he wars dressed with extreme
care, and that his face was unusually
"You will give Ida me love, Edwin,
please, and tell her—" Sheturned away
that lie might not see her ,anxiety. 'Phar
is all; but it means a.•great deal, as you
know, Edwin. I -I wish you every happii
ness, my dear boy 1"
"Thank you mother" ho said, by no
means in an unmanly way. "My happi-
ness or unhappiness rests 'with her."
When he arrived at the Hall, Ida wee
just going out for a ride. She turned
back with him to the dnanving-room, think-
ing that he had brought a message• from
hie mother, probably a definite invention
to stay at the 'Grange, and in her mind
she had already decided to decline it. As
he happened to stand with his back to
the window the gravity of his face d'd
not enlighten her; and with something
like a start she received his first words,
"Miss Heron, my mother says that you
have some thought of leaving Herondade,
of going abroad If that is so, I cannot
let you go without --'without speaking to
You; so I have coarse over ,this afternoon
to tell 700, as well as I can, what I have
on my mind and my heart. I'an not very
good at expressing myself, and I'm handi-
capped in the present instance by --by
the depth of my feeling. Of course I am
trying to tell you that I love you. I
thought you might have seen it," he said.
with a touch of wonder at her start and
flueh of surprise, "But I see you have
not noticed it. I love you very much in-
deed; and I feel that my only chance of
happiness lies in my winniug you for my
wife. I don't know there's any more to
be said than that, if I were, to talk for a
month. I love you, and have loved you
for a long time past."A fens weeks, a
few months are "e long time" to youth
when it is ir1 love! "Tho very first day I
saw you -+but I needn't tell you that; only
I like you to know that it isn't a, sudden
fancy, and one that I shall get over in a
harry. I don't feel ae though I shall ever
get over it at all; I don't know that I
want_ to. Pleaee don't speak for a mo-
ment. There was something else I want-
ed to say. I'd got it all arrengetl as I
came along, but the eight of ,you has
scattered it." .
Ida had been going to speak, to..stop
him; but at this ,aipSread she remained. 81 -
lent, standing with her hands closing and
unclosing on her" whip, her eyes fixed on
the ground, her brows. ,drawn straight
The coldeet woman cannot listen unmoved
to a declaration of love, and Ida eia•s
auyt]ling but cold
"I only wanted to toll you," he went one
"time my people are very anxious that
You sawed say 'yes.' Both my father and
mother are very fetid of you -I think you
know that -and -a' he stammered a little
here for the first time'"and-•wclll, there
are the estatee. YOU won't mind my say
ing that both you and I have 1,0 think of
them; they 'belong to us and we bolong
to them, and -if we were married— But
1 don't lay must strese upon the estates
being so cacao. I'd crone said ask you to
tnarry me if I were as poor as a church
mosso or you hadn't a• penny. It just
cures to thee: that I love you with all my
I :heart and soul, and if you'll marry rue
shall be the happiest man, and my peo-
ple the proudest people, in England.'
There was a tram ❑ush on his lia..nd-
some face, .nn eager look in his bright
eyes, and he had pleaded hie cause very
well, in an outspoken, wanly way, whiten
never fails to appeal to a woman. Ida
was moved; the crop nearly snapped in
her hands, and her eyes grew moist. He
sites it, and tried to take her hand, but
she did not move, shoolt her head vary
gently but very resolutely,
"No,' she .said. 111 a low voice, "I -I
want to tell you, Lord Edwin, how proud
I am at the honor you have paid me.
Like yourself, I am not geed at express-
ing my feelinge-'thoughr., indeed, I think
you have done yourself an injustice,: you
have spoken, told mo very well -end I aln
very grateful. I wish I could say '708.' '
"Ah, say it!" he implored her, eagerly.
She shook her bead again, and lifting
bei eyes and looking at liim straightly
but sadly, she said in a still lower voice:
Lord Edwin. I do not love you."
"I never said, • thought, you. did," he
responded, promptly. "Why, you've only
only known me such at. short time, and.I'm
not svca n conceited bounder to think
that you've fallen in love with me al•
ready. I only want you to let ran try and
Winyour love; and --I think I shall' do
so,'' ]1e said in a modest but minify way,
which would at once have won Ma's heart
--cif it h•ad not been ~von already, If Sot;
will only give me some boils, just tellme
thatTye a chance, that you'll let me
idu smiled a 684 little sallile,
"1f I saki as much as t•? at---- But I
cannot, Lora Edwin, you -yen Jtave told
me that you lose nee, and it would not be
faire -ab, please don't try 'to persuade mel
Don't you see haw terrible it would be if
I were to let you think that I might come
to care for you, end I did not do so.
"Do not say 'no. " broke from him, and
his face paled under the tan.
the tented. away from him, her eyes full
of tears which elle dared 'not let lam see.
"I I must have time,' Clic said, almost
desperately. 'Will you give me a t1ay, two
days?" she asked, quite hemblc- 'I want
to do whet you want, butel want to
taint; there is something I ._hould have
to 71.1
II<tell fli c0he<1" to the roots of hie hair,
"If it's anything that's h.npental in
the past, anyone else -of tours+, loving
you as I alts, I have seen that tne1'0 has
been something en your mind, some
trouble besides your fathers death -but
if it is past, 1 don't mind. I know I <ta•n
teach you to forget it, whalterer it is, Ida,
trait yourself to me."
She drew away from' item,
'Give The two days,sale eafcl, witb 'a
Catch in ber breath.
He caught at the 1. 1))30, snial] though it
I wlil give you two days, twenty if, you
like he'^, said, "Only, while you . are
thinking it over, remember I love you.
with all my l'Dart and soul, that my 1WO"
ple will love yeti as a daughter, that ---
Oh, 1 won't say any more: 1 can't trust
myself! I'll go noes."
When he had gone Ida got ou Rupert
and rols to the top of the hill. '.'here elle
pulled Sutowith
sni he cod not t love;
elm could not hut feel that if ,s110 surrere
tiered himself to hint he would, indeed, in
time teach :ttsc, to forget. She knee, that
'ea reaaVies-Weeese
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it was her duty to marry; his word abouther. For an instant she thought that ..he
was dreaming, that her imagination was
playing her false, f,•r it was Stafford's
form and face. They stood and gazed at
each other: her brain felt dizzy, her pale
face grew paler; ehe. knew that she was
trembling, that she could scarcely stand;
she began to sway to and fro slightly,
and he daught her in hie arms.
(To be continued.)
the estates had not been spoken in vain.
Yee; if she became Lord Edwin's wife,
she would in time forget. But, alas! she
did not want to forget.
Her love for Stafford was still as strong
as ever and with its bitterness was ming-
led a sweetness which was sweeter than
life itself. And yet hew great a sin it
was, how shameful a one, that she should
love a man who 'was pledged to another
women, who was going to marry: her.
She mime in late for dinner, and could
scarcely eat. Her reason said "yes," her
heart said "no;" and 'she knew tthat. she
ought to listen to her reason and turn a
<lea•f ear to the still voice in her heart.
She paced op and down the dranvimg-room
pale and wan with the fight that was go-
ing on within her. '.'hen suddenly shie re-
solved that she would accept him. Sho
would not keep him in suspense: it would
not be fair -it would be a cruel requital
of his love and generosity.
She went to the evritingtable, and hur-
riedly, as if sbe were afraid of hesitating,
she drew a sheet of paper towards hor
and wrote:
"Dear Lord Edwin--" She had got
thus far when Donald and Bees,who had
been lying beside the fire, sprang up and
ran to the door barking loudly. She laid
down the pen and opened the door me-
cluunic.Mly; the moonlight was streaming
through the window in the hall; the dogs
bounded to the front door still harking
vociferously. Stili mechianically, she let
them out, and they rushed across the ter.
No Place for Doctors.
"Healthy?" said the proud resi-
dent. "I should sa.y this towel is
healthy. Why, there's only been
one death here in ten years."
"Indeed!" replied the visitor.
"And may I ask who it was that
died f"
"(tau e actor ; he died of s'ta 'a-
"Bald heads remind. me of kind
words." "Why so f" "They can
never dye, you know."
Many a girl w'ho thinks she has a
race and over the lawn to the f;mup of swanlike neck makes a goose of her -
trees beeide thio footpath. Thinking that self.
they heard Jessie, whom she had sent to
Bryndermere, Ida, half unlonscious:l7
glad of the interruptiou, followed them
eloviy across the lawn.
7their barking ceased suddenly, and con-
vina d that it ewes Jessie, she went on to
add something to her message. 'Then,
suddenly, she saw a tall figure standing
in the shadow of the trees. It was a man,
and Donald. and Bess were jumping up
at him with little whines of pleasure.
Smitten by a sudden fear s'he stopped;
but the man raised his head and saw her,
and, with an exclamation, strode towards
good pay, pleasant position to high
class man who can introduce am
article ti"'t reduces the cost o8 liv-
ing Sells on sight even this Year.
Only ,steady, pereiertonit workers
The Simplex Co., Owen Sound, Ont.
flog Raising 1Lacle Profitable.
In the successful raising of swine
there are problems, other than that
of feeding), which often determine
suocess or failure. The most im-
portant of these is the preservation.
of the health of the swine.
Wherever a considerable number of
animals are gathered together the
risk from disease is considerably in-
creased. Extra precautions must
then be taken to guard against dis-
ease and to keep the animals in
thrifty condition, writes Mr. N.
The first essential is that their
quarters be kept dean and sani-
In buying ,swine, care should be
taken that they come from herds
free from transmissible diseases,
that they are healthy and have nob
been exposed to disease in transit.
Public stockyards are liable to be
infected 'with hog cholera ; it is dan-
gerous to bring swine from 'such
places and put them in a healthy
breeding herd.
It is an excellent plan to have a
quarantine ,pen some distance from
all other swine, and so located that
there is practically no danger of
transmitting diseases to the herd.
Ai11 recently purchased animal
should be held in quarantine i
such a pen for ten days to be ter
tain that they are free from dis
ease, before placing them in
healthy herd.
a disease of swine oocurs in th
neighborhood, keep away fro
these farms and do not allow any
one who has been on an infecte
farm to visit your herd. If you
swine have access to a stream o
running water and disease appear
on a farm located above yours, 0
the same strewn, remove your ho
ab once, as the infection is liable t
be carried by the stream. Dogs a
buzzards, ,also, are liable to carr
the infection of flog cholera a
should be kept away if po•ssibl
Such measures are simple, but th
are very important.
While a few swine can be rais
confined in limited quarters, -if su
quarters are kept clean, tl>,ey w
do b•etiter, will keep in better heal
and can be grown more cheaply
,they have plenty of range for p,
ture. It is desirable to have
pasture fenced off into sufiat
areas so that the hogs can be shift
from one pasture to another, n
only to provide fresh pastures b
also to afford an opportunity to dI
infect the pastures, either by plc
ing and seeding to a forage crop
by exposure to sun and weathe
Nearly all cases of intestinal wor
which ,are rather common in swin
are contracted from infected grou
and swine can be kept free fro
these parasites by frequent chang
of pasture,
A Profitable Flock of Sheep.
The small farmer should ahva
have a flock of sheep on hand
these animals are one of the mo
profitable investments that he c'
The following is an •aceotu•tt of t1
proceeds derived from a hock of
grade ,Shropshire ewes in one se
son :
This flock Deceived 110 special a
Ie ..in �--- tendon, so far as feed and :care we
Between Oolthood and Selling Trane is SSPOHN'S LIQUID
DISTEMPER COMPOUND. It carries cobs through the
critical years of danger from Distemper in its various format
as It 8,016 as a [sure preventive, no matter how "exposed,
A few very small doses prevent the disease in case of in-
Chemists and Bacteriologists, Goshen: Ind., U.S.A.
concerned, although, h' of -course,
lambing time they were well look
after. The ewes that did not to
• to their lambs naturally were i
duced to nurse them if possible,
not, then these neglected lain
were raised on the bottle, but
the entire frock of 36 lambs th
-were only two that had to be raiz
by hand.
. The owner of this flock tells r
that his 35 lambs netted him $G-.
each on the farm, that the wt
from the 35 -ewes and one be
sheared an average of six pours
each and'netted 30 cents the pouf
This makes 36 lambs at $6.50
head, $234; 216 pounds of wool
30 cents the pound, $6.1.80; tot
These sheep were allowed the 1
of the fields that had good graz
on them the major part of the ,yt
and during the winter season wl:
the weather was very severe the
the flock was given a rati' m of h
but they were never given
-, was un ill
e gro
When the snow
or the nights were very <'old ti
were put up in the hay barn
just fed hay, a mixture of timot
grass and clover.
I thought that ,there plight
many 1arm•erq Considering the p
chase of a small flock, so I give i
illustration of -what can be •d
with a few well-bred sheep at
.minimum expense, so far as 1
and attention are Concerned.-
is put up at fila- Refinery hb
10 Pound,
20 Pouwd9
50 Pound
100 Pound
Clot.a. Bagsi,
and in
2 Pound
and 5 Pduu d it's worth while to
Sealed i r o n the Original Packages.
When you buy ,,
Extra Granulated' Sugar in any
of these original packages yoi„i
are sure of getting the genuine
` a / 7 Canada
w finest
sugar, pure and clean as when
it left the Refinery.
Insist on
t 14
,0 e