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The Herald, 1914-12-18, Page 1
0 3 C e, r `off. XV 4, 4, co 4i 0 • n .. 0 cn • p • • • m 0 e • • • • O • 0 • 4, • • • .4. • ••• H 0r •1 *A OA 4/000.0**0400 0000 ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, DE 18, i9I4 c 9 6.0„,....,0004„4,44,444.44,,.100.4446 `�;�?> ea .a z� : e 410=11e . 410 1 j Waterman Pens and Ink, F W IIs. Nov For Xmas 0 A • • m • •. e► a 0 0 0 0 • • e •- 4 0 0 0 0 • 0 Make it a point to buy use., fail Xmas Gifts. We have bun-. dred6 of arh.icat:1 ,which are suit. o . able .l�br thbb 1)urpase, ie want you to wane in and took ovel the display. It our immense stor c you (MU 'hlsel wwrethi g suitable for eveify member ofthe family. Mens Z'Ve have ,an immense stock of ,:1: ':: newest in Men's ties Just; what yen. barn been l ,akin'; for.. tip •.yi•ll ra:;ulrtr 50 cent tie fur 25 cents. Also n riii'o liner of hen's and laches' mufflers in many colors. fly. affs Just opened no a ler4z.• s'ii,,:r. :.+ et ladies' handbags, newest on the market Fr .m 75 cent:. 01.1 The Special for Holiday Trade. Crystal Hop t s , skeins for 10 cis. .4074.41444.141.4-4. '441311ili alidkevehie A large variety )f plain, initialed, bordered, and fancy hankerohiefs.- Wo have there by the hundreds. Also big assort nrent of child's handkerchiefs. Fur Sets nothing would be nicer or more servieea.ble fcr sister or sweetheart than a fur sett. We have something special just now liatrral wolf, regular X40, for $27.50, • A. large variety of. Ladies' Gloves Collars, Sweater Coats, Laundry bags Belts, Hose, Ribbons, et°' A enc varieties, always a popular article and useful in many ways. r pleat of Cut iass Genuine out ghee just in, Just the thing for a X.lnas.pres• • 0 • • • 4 • Z • • • • • • e 4 0 0 a • 0 • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • 0 0 4� 4, 0 .¢ 4 4, m e O • • • a • 0 4, 4 • e 4, 0 •• 4, 4, • • •, m 0 Fancy Chinaware, a, large display of (Mina ware in many 0 • 0 We have a splendid variety of Silverware, -in tea spoons, • table speons. berry spoons, oold meet forks, knives and forks, pearl handled goods, etc. C o'zd e3. Nn.>_ts, Oranges auid fresh Groceries, Silverware • LOCAL, 1\rEVVS. / F,ndCoJewellor8 Ontario has 0,979, bay scents, lead ing all the other provinces , Mrs. S. Geiger, of Serimane, Sa k.s visited relatives here for a few clay this 'creek. Found—In Zurich, a gold:watch fob iniatled W 13 1D O waer call at Ruby& Gasho's store. ' A full line of rubbers, • overshoos, socks, etc. Get our prices before you buy. 0 Fritz, F W Hess and Co. ,Jewellers, have been appointed :a,;ente for Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens and Inks. Mr. John Moritz of Cavalier, N. D., - arrived here a few clays ago and will spend the winter with his mother, Mrs P. Haugh. Miss Laurie who hashad 'charge of the millinery department in Merner's store for the past season, left for her home in Petrolea on Tuesday. - Tuesday was the last day to pay taxes without paying the 4 per cent which will now be added on all taxes unpaid. About $1400 is still out standing. As next Friday is Christmas Day the Herald will be issued a day- earlier than usual, and we would ask our cor- r�sponrlents to send in their copy a day earlier than usual. Mr. Edward Daters has purchased the 100 -acro farm on the 4th concess- ion, Hay township, from Mr.- Fred Raters, Sr., who has bought a --lot in Zurich and who will build a dwelt ing on it next summer. • Preparations are muter way ;for an interesting Christmas programme to be rendered in the Lnthern church or}thee-veiling of Dec. 24-411.. Th; programme will consist of songs, too. - etc., and will be given in the English and Gorman languages. The stores in Zurich will be open every evening next -week. This will give everybody ample chance tosecnre Xmas goods, if not already purchased. The stores are full to overflowing of suitable gift goods, and a visit will convieece you that Zurich is the best and cheapest place to buy your Xmas presents. The beautiful Cantata, "The King of the World" will be rendered by the Evangelical Church, Sunday School in connection with their Christmas Entertainment oa Friday evening December 25th, This will be one of the best Entertainments given by the School. Remember the crowds lastyoar,cdme in good time anclsecnce a comfortable seat. Admission Achult:s 25c Chsldren 10c. Doors opeh at 7p.m. Series of conferences and lectures throughout Canada for the purpose of stiprulatingthe inovementforinereas d agricultural production are being; arr- anged for by the government at Ottawa The fanners of the various districts will be called together to receive infot- uiation as to conditions in Europe and the -demands for food by the Allies dlcr- irig the coming year and to devise ways and gleans whereby Canada can do her full share in meeting these demands. At the meetings the farmers will be able to discuss their own opportunities and responsibilities and to shape their work to the best lines -of production. P EETER Ier,houe- N O.c9 , 0 • Y • a 0 a ZURIClig 0 0 n a 0, '4-4,400.00,00,0400444,000•00,0044“, •44.4,04,00,044,43.4.00,4,40 The Incorporated 1855 Opened Branch in Huron Co. 1 874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. L. DUNLOP, Manager .Ir. and Mrs Googe Brock visited relatives .here on Sunday. See our lines of slippers of all kinds. Make a serviceable gift. 0 Fritz. • Messrs, P. Lamont -and Wni. Lament 'were in Toronto over Sunday. Mrs.- John Clansius and 'daughter MieF. Julia of Blyth aro visiting with Viands around Zurich this week.. -People who are in the habit of throwing their ashes on the streets in the village are asked to refrain from doing so. C. Either, constable. Beg:uning•with the yea ,1915, we Will close our store every Tuesday and Friday at G o'clock, p. ni. R. N. Douglas, Blake. A proclamation has'been issued by the Dominion government setting aside January 3rd, the first Sunday in the New Year, as a clay for special intercession and prayer in behalf of the British cause,•the success of the Allies and to the Memory of those who have fallen in battle. A meeting of the members of the bowling club will be held in the Herald office next Monday evening at 7 o'clock The business for the evening will be to wind np the• financial part of the club for ills year 1914, and also to discuss the .,ratter of securing a new ground 'or next year. Allinembers will kind. - attend, Next Monday is nomination day and many are no doubt wondering if thele will be an election this year. Indications seem to be that the old solute it will be reelected by acclama- tion as it now stands, The nomin- ation of Police Trustees for Zurich will be held on Monday evening from 7 :;o to 8 30. the tin 'quo Cantata. entitled "• The Ttose of Bethlehem," will be given by the 14th Con. Evangelical S School on Sunday Evening Dec. 27th, This is a baautifni production represenLing 'The Birth of Christ," and cannot but help to enconrnge, inspire and fill the mind wi th holy thoughts. The en tertainment will begin at 7,:10 oclock, no admis- sion'. The Provincial License Department is is±nig for the first tin: e in the history of the province, seyara'e copies of the can ada T, mp'ranee Act, Until last year so little iu:crest was taken in this form of temperance legislation that its clauses were no carefully d•s dnguished on the statutes. At the present time the actin in force in )Manitoulin and it is reported. to be working out well.•Peel and Huron counties where it comes into force on May 1st next there is con- siderable clernand for copies of the statut which is nowpresenledincooci,e i,aanphiet form, BAY COUNC.LL', The members of Hay Council held their last meeting for 1914 on Tuesday ()niy, tontine business was transacted. A large number of accounts were pas- sed, which will appear in the financial statement to be issnecl in a fow days. SAD DEAT1:L The sad news Was received. here Sunday night of the sudden death of the infant daughter of J 0 Gross of Berlin, which took place on Sunday. 'l'he•'littlegirl had taken a box. of pills from the dresser and swallowed the c,mtents_eausn)g convulsions, which resulted fatally. Tice child dying with - u1 an hoar. The occurrence is a very sad one as i1r and Mrs Gros' Iost an- other child a fow months ago the death of which was caused by dipbteria. ars Gross is well known in this cortamrnity having lived here many years with 14tr and Mrs E Bossenberry hoe foster parents. Mrs ]3ossenberry left an -Monday to attend the funeral, which was held on Tuesday, DIED Finkbeines—At Crediton, on Dec dr'd, John Firlldbeiner, aged 64 years. BORN. O 21 % :rte a . 1 See us about Rubber and Oversh©e prices - before buying elsewhere or sending to a mail order house. Our stock is all new and we carry nothing but No. 1 grade in every line so you buy with the assurance of getting the best at prices that will defy the competition of any mail order house and in add- ition you have the advantage of seeing the goods before you buy. A call will convince you. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. ISO The I-# ome of .I o o d 1 Zuilch Shoes 4IM4...+N144l.144 44 44 I4Q44.01W4144111N00441101Mf4" Real cmayor—In Dashwood, on Dec Il31,h,to RTr. and \i r;s. Otto Restemay er, a soil. • Wild —In Dashwood, on Dec. 14th, to Irv. and Mrs, Ed Wild, twin }boy:. McBride--•�In Stanley township,- cur Dec. 10th, to Mr, and Mrs. James *l'31'ide, a 0011. CIIRISTMAS WILL SOON BE and we are ready with a nice display of Xmas Gifts and Toys Something to piease everybody. Also a rlid ;ne of Confectionery, such as Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Bananas, etc. Give us a call N. DOUGLAS ONTARIO BLAKE Candies We have a large assortment of all kinds of Candies. See our bo.; -bon hox,s for Xmas. Xmas Novelties We have alarge sock of Xmas Novelties, Kiel as Cards. Booklets, ete., td.) chooEe from. Bread and Cakes We handle only Connor's bread and Cakes, made and baked in Clinton. Raw and Stewed Oysters Leading; brands of C4gars : ui ckCs : sta u. nt 111.4,,®.....444.... RED CLOT HES When you. buy a Tailored. '.: uar'111ent, you buy something you can believe ili utterly. 17. We believe in thein our- : selves, we know thein tlior- 1: oughiy, and we cannot but be enthusiastic about them. Wear Tailored Clothes and you will .know that they are the best shade, best designed, best finished young iiien's 1: clothes on the market, and we sell them because it is our purpose to have rel iable cllaudise for reliable pe )pro Irk ,