HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-11, Page 7GE °osph at rac.ao, um an, aiizg si1 )0 mar betwee. 3ration tali tha alpha] en di. will r - :e han hysicia .e titun purifi equen n whie ggs an p:etas an, an xpor to ed well h of 6 3d post !in ha eons i 3 IS A Pyr FACTOR' i.A.DIFST ARMY AND NOT BIGGEST WINS. • Piens Remedies Applied for Fear and Panic on the Battle - 'he unthinking are .apt, to argue t victory moist always rest with bigger and better -armed force. t is by no means the case. An rious,superiority.in numbers or in pons may, indeed, mean the sub- eion of the enemy, may etllake nerves, and so bring him to the :e; but it is rare for one side to iso vastly ahead of 'the other t it is bound to win. The mat- b•ecomes, then, one of indivi- lity. That is why much atten- should be paid to the "person - ascendancy' the ,allie,s have -se- ed over the Germans and the trians, Morale, in a word, is rything, very famous English leader told e of the bravest man he ever iv. He was an ,officer, and ho ifessed openly that he never went o a fight without fear. Bute— n his men lay flat before a hail bullets, he knelt; when they alt, he stood; •and he was ever in charge. That is the true hero; titan with imagination to know serunat he farces, and with the Cour- 3 to ,see things through to the men ai• "The assault and the hand - 1g tha4411d fight are not what frightens e neckokiier, whether he be inexperd- ae singied or not," Col. de Grandma{- : write: cending Remedies for Fear. iised tcWhat makes most impression on a. cable is the long-range fight, because hives as still the unknown—an enemy {hoes not .s•e•e, projectiles that .ens olye from heaven knows where. listanfie• cannot struggle with this in- pieturrele enemy; the danger is im- • largcise, and is not to be measured; rags, itself out into long hours, LucceSe is accompanied by the most n skiniible din, which produces a. �n, dura reaction on the nervous sys- c.an btu:, .ere are, of course, remedies ith arfear. Patriotism and a know - .at come of fighting for the right are 'xhattsq greatest, and herein are the ugth and the splendid morale lie allies, On patriotism "the r elements of victory depend. hold It is patriotism that builds up de Ol ; animates armies, trains the elle b'i`er •corli,s, causes leaders to sprue. When. patriotism is begin - ed, • , to die in a nation, that nation ed, tl-:but the semblance of a military hors ; it keeps up -a more or less grazin ,ant facade whish will crumble ,hem bite first shock." What of Ger- ng caqs facade? Other remedies are. e$defin'able. "Inlnlebility, phy- 1,' moral. and intellectual stag- )ME'N\en surrender a elan unreserved- )' his emotions, whereas move- Boils .0; work of any kind, tenets to er him from them. Action Valuable. ere is every reason to keep the at•ant 'moving, to avoid those which are not absolutely im- by the intensity of the fire, to force the pace. One must i0 Wren shoot. '1t i,s,' said Ar - du Pieq, 'the safety -valve of and it must be opened in or- o avoid an explosion. To at- to restrain fire on grounds of line ie afalse step, and gain . wate u Eng 3rn w by t in t Cens isStt .n. F d 19. men ;mplc w• 11 191 Ire b e sa he bargain, md, 'o advance we must make our wh ikir.mishers run as the Japan - won ave .set us the example. 'Phis 1,944 e a remedy against fear-. The rapidly •a,man moves and the 734 1 r he .feels he is getting to the les the snore does the keenness ns," 10 fight develop in him., the Brea doe s boldness dominate doze ." For the same reason, the edus advocates giving the mon in num ing line support a little d.is- 372,E in the rear, Of this an ofRi- dre to. went through all the wars Inpl Second Empire said : "Every. 057 Mould be able to !see a, little for chind hila a body of troops is following hint and backing movements. He gets great nee in this way, and will be far more readily. nl Wo1: Illi; tie) ",'28;, oak! 01a . wo he lido su sun Aar icer '5 t ter 001 'tw OS ht, is is ink I5 dill State Bakery. New Soutil \Vales Govern - las 'decided to .suplement its rises by the :creation of a akery at Sydney. The Gov- tt will acquire a bakery and read for its own institutions, '•petted that the Government able to deliver bread to the institutions at 1 penny a It is not intended to supply eral .public from the Govern- akery. r --You talk altogether too You should cultivate the art icing. Willie—Bub you told other day that listeners to good of themselves. fTCUINII BAH DF ECZEMA INTENSE Began on Child's Face. Spread all Over Head. Pimples Would Fes- ter and Break Like Boils, Cuti-, curs Soap and Ointment Healed. Irlrose, Sask,--" My little boy had eczema when he was about a week old. It began on his face and spread all over his head, It Vas In pimples and they would fester and break like little boils all over his head, but were like rash on his face, The eczema was very lti;hing and the burning was intense; it made him so restless he could scarcely sleep. "I tried several ointments and salves and they seemed to do very little good so I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment after he bad been sick about a month. When I used Cuticura Soap and a few applications of the Cuticura OIntment I •noticed such a difference. Ile was able to "sleep and his face began to get a new skin on O. I kept on using them "or three months, and two cakes of Cublcura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment cured him." (Signed) Mrs. A. P. Thayer, July 13, 1014. Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Soap and. Ointment do so much • for pimples, blackheads, red, rough and oily skins, itching, scaly scalps, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless nails, that it is almost criminal not to use them. They do oven more for skin -tor. tured Infants and children. Although sold by dealers throughout the world, a liberal sample of each will bo mailed free, with 82-p. Skin Book. Address post -card "Cutl- cura, Dept. D. Boston, U. S. A." ' A. Sense of Fitness. "Wonder what makes Pounder, the famous pianist, wear his hair so long " "Well, he's been Iionized so much, I suppose he feels that a plane is the proper thing." Mtnatd's Liniment Cures °inti heria. Bacon --I gave my wife a rainbow kiss when I left home this morning. 'Egbert--What in the world is a rainbow kiss'? Baeon--One that follows a storm. • Will You Help The Hospital for Sick Children, the Great Provincial Charity ? -4- Dear Mr. Editor:— Thanks for the privilege of appeal- ing through your columns on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children. The Hospital takes care of sick and de- formed children, not only in Toronto, but in.the Province, outside of the city. This coming year, of all the years in the Hospital's history, has a more serious outlook, as regards funds for maintenance, than any year 'that has passed its calendar. So many calls are being made on the purses of the generous people of To- ronto and Ontario, to help the soldiers of the Empire, that as I make my daily rounds through the wards of the Hospital, and see the suffering chil- dren in our cots and beds, the thought strikes me as to whether the people will as of old, with all the demands made upon them, answer our appeal and help to Inaintain the institution that is fighting in the never-ending battle with disease and death, in its endeavor to save the stricken little ones in the child -life of Ontario. Last year there were 394 in -patients from 210 places outside of Toronto, and in the past twenty years there have been 7,000- from places in the Province other than Toronto. It costs us $2.34 per patient per day for maintenance. The municipalities pay for patients $1 per pa*cent per day; the Government allows 20 cents per patiel)t per day; so, deducting $1,20 from $2.34, it leaves the Hospital with $1,14 to pay out of subscriptions it receives from the people of Toronto 1 and the Province. The shortage last year ran to $18,000. Since 1830 about 1,000 cases of club feet, bow legs and knock knees have `been treated, and of these 900 had perfect correction. Nearly all these were from different parts of the Pro- vince outside of the city of Toronto, Remember that every year is a war year with the Hospital; every day is a day of battle; every minute the , Hospital needs money, not for its own , sake NAPOLEON'S MAXIM'S. A Few Striking Sentences by the Great Corsican. The 'eight of a battlefield after the fight is enough to inspire princes. with a love of peace and . a Horror of war. • Intelligence encs re has rights before force. Ioree ,without Intelligence is nothrng. '.Co a father who loses his child ren victory has no charms. When the heart •speaks .glory is itself an illusion. • Tents are unhealthy it is much better for the soldier to 'bivouo in the open air•, for then 11e can build a fire and.sleep with 'Warm feet. Tents ,are only necessary for general officers, who are obliged to read and consult their maps. The fate of war is to be exalted the morning, and low enough at night. There -is but one step from triumph to ruin. It is in +ime of difficulty that great men and great nations dis- play all the energy of their char- acter, and become an object of ad- miration to posterity. Valor and a love of glory are an instinct with the French, a sort of sixth sense. How many times in the heat of battles I have stopped to look at my young conscripts throwing themselves into the thick of the fight for the first time, honor and courage coming from their very pores. Military bravery has nothing in common with •eivil courage. Indecision and anarchy in lead- ers lead to weakness and anarchy in results. Qa Pleurisy Pains Tanis!) ! Chest Colds Cured ! NERVILINE HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. Don't suffer! Nerviline is your relief. Nerviline just rubbed on, lots of it, will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy the pain, will have you smiling and happy in no time. "I caught cold last week while mo- toring," writes P. T. Mallery, from Linden. "My chest was full of conges- tion, my throat was mighty sore, and I had the fiercest stitch in my side you could imagine. As a boy I was. accustomed to leave my mother use. Nerviline for all our minor ailments, and remembering what confidence she had in Nerviline, I sent .out for et bot- tle at once. Between noon and eight o'clock I had a whole bottle rubbed on, and then got into a perspiration under the blankets. This drove the Nerviline in good and deep, and I woke up next morning fresh as a dol• lar and absolutely cured. Nerviline is now always part of my travelling kit, and I will never be without it." The large 50c. family size bottle is the most economical, or you can 'easily get the 25c. trial size from any dealer. A Thoughtful Man. "Poor Jim was always such .a con- siderate husband, mum." "Considerate! Why, the brute used to beat you." "True, mum; but he never hit me where the marks could be seen by the neighbors, mum." !INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, patent solicitors, Montre.a•1, report that 142 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending Nov, 17th, 1914, 97 of which were ranted to Americans, 25 to Canadians, 10 to residents of Great Britain and Colonies, and 10 to residents of foreign countries. Of the Canadians who; received patents, 13 were residents of On- ! tario, 5 of Quebec, 2 of Alberta, 2 of New Brunswick, 1 of Nova Scotia, 1 of Saskatchewan, and 1 of British Columbia. but for the cuiiurerl's salce. Ti The mule that gets in the first kick usually wins the scrap, "Oh, Bobbie, Bobbie," said the aunt, reproachfully, "why is it you never remember to say `Thank you?' " "1 expect to. 'cause I don't get things given to me often enough to practice,' answered the Hospital is the battle- g round Ilei• a rho vt)ung diplomat. ro m v Armies of Life have grappled with tite Hosts of Death, and the life or death of thousands of little children Is the issue that is settled in that war. Will yon ler the Hospital be driven from the field of its battle to save the lives of little e1111dren for the leak of money you can give and never miss? Every ,dollar may prove itself a dreadnought in the -battle against death, a flagship in the fleet that fights for the lives of little children, Remember that the door of the " ios- petal's mercy is the door of hope, and your dollar, kind reader, may be the key that epees the door for some- body's child. Will you send a dolliar, or more if . you can, to Douglas Davidson, Seere- tary-Treasurer, or . J. ROSS ROBERTSON, Chalrmanlof the Board of Trustees, l'ot'onto, ED. 7. \NEP P g;,) ISSUE 50 '14. How a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. "For Years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow Pallor, pimples and blotches bn my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weals. Variolas remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my. hands a box of Dr, Ilamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon .them and now that they have made me a'vell woman I would not be without •thein whatever they might cost. I found Dr.. Ilamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never' once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen -my blood red and pure—heavy rings under my eyes disappeared, and to -day my skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs, J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but D-. Hamilton's, 25c. per box A11 dealers or The Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. A LUCKY FIND FOlt THE C.P.R. A discovery which may me -an much to the Province of Ontario has been made at Caledonia Springs, namely that the waters of one of the four springs is strongly radio -active. A recent visitor, who had hitherto gone fur his cure to the Austrian resort at Badgastein, was prevent- ed this year by the war, and tried the Canadian spring. He was struck by the similarity of the waters, which, on test, was found to be due to the presence of radium. The Iast official analysis was made in 1903, before the ramifications of radium were .fully recognized, but Professor Iiuttan, of McGill., has been eonlmiss±oned to make a new complete analysis, The value of a genuirie radium :spring in Europe is calculated to average from two to three million dollars, owing to the number of invalids who ,are attract- ed to such aspring. Birds the Worst Gluttons. Birds are among the largest eat- ers, of all the animal kingdom. Some birds consume two and one- half times their weight of food in twenty-four hours. The heron, which has a light weight of four pounds in spite of its size, is a striking example. One was lately caught which had just swallowed two trout of one and one-half and two pounds. Wild pigeons are among the foremost eaters, and they make a most copious repast when- ever an abundance of food is found. Thus a single pigeon picked up 1,000 grains of wheat in one day. Here's One for You, llitehener. Mike—Yez talk a lot, Casey; but would yez die for your c-ounthry f Pat—Faith 01 would, even though it cost me me loife. I was cured of terrible lumbago by MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. I was eared of a bad eases of'earracche by MINAItD'S LINIMENT. • I was cured ofNsensitive (lungs Irby MINARD'S LINIMENT, AIRS. S. MASTERS, Whet He Wanted. Captain—Can't you do something for that seasick p.assenger, doctor Ducture -No, he wants too much. Captain --Why, what does be want '1 Doctor—He wants the earth. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o, French's %Vit, A new story of Field -Marshal Sir John French was recently told by an officer who served with him in "the South African War. A young officer who Was attached to General French's staff, being fresh to actual warfare, Wab very fidgety, and was always s imagining a sudden .attack DT by the Boers, whome he -always re- ferred to as, "Bores ' ' General n French ora more than one occasion gently corrected his pronunciation, but without permanent effect. At last an occasion came when the young officer approached the gen- eral to report that ho could make out through 'his' gl,aeses at .t 1eal.st twenty "Bores" hidden behind the rocks above the camp. " `Bores,' you say?" inquired the general. "Yes, sir, `Bores.' Can I do any- thing,. �sir'1" "Yes, don't add to them," was the -reply, •lw 1 lir.. k .R.LS OF TRUTH. . There is no book like the Bible in its indestructibility, — Rev. Dr. Chapman, Ido' think the time has:come, see- ing we have a Minister of War, when wo .should •Nave a Minister of Peace. —Lady Lad y Ba•11ow. • Nobody can be rich who gets mo- ney out .c.f the ;slum's at the cost of the tears and sufferings of other people,—Mrs, A, Macker'Iy. Sootland line• given much to the world but her best gifts have been the men and women she has sent to colonize new lands. Hon, Digby Denham. The finest thing in the world is undoubtedly a beautiful 'character, and one of the most wonderful things about oharacter and the elements of the mind is that the more they are expended upon others the marc 'the giver becomes enriched.—Sir Henry Jones. .1 Found Belgian husband. A Glasgow lady. who had pia her house at the disposal of Belgian refugees received anion her guests a woman whose husba a Belgian soldier had been sight of since the beginning of war. The lady euggested that a visit should be paid to the wounded sol- diers at Stobhill Hospital, Glas- gow. This was carried out a day or two ago. Great was the surprise and joy of the Belgian woman to find her husband amongst those un- der treatment, - Delicately flavoured— Highly Concen- trated. 1114 WHY WORRY 1 Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clark's". FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. eed Tr YOU WANT TO BUY Olt SELL A the Ik Frt,it, Stock, Grain or Dairy {'arm, get wbcuriteno 11.st.; W.TDoroanwto. son, Brampton, or 90 Col. nd, I H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St„ Toronto. 1 the • BLED TO DEATH Tried to trim a wart with a razor and severed .an artery. The only wart cure is "Putnam's," which removes warts, corns, callouses in one day. Insist on getting Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor, it's the best, 26e. at all dealers. Correct, Teacher (the subject being trees) —"Now, who can name the pine that has the longest and sharpest needles V' Bright Boy—"I can, miss; th!+ porcupine." A WARM WINTER. June weather prevails in California, the ideal watering place, reached eomfortu.bly and conveniently by the Chicago anal North Western Ry. Four splendid trains daily from the new Passenger Terminal, Chicago, The Overland Limited—fasts train to San Francisco; the Los Angel Limited. three days to Land of Sun,hi the famous San Francisco Limited at the California Mail, Rates, illustrated matter on Galiforn and the 1915 Expositions and full parts lays on application to B. H. Bennett, Oe eral .4.gent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, O MISCELLANEOUS, �)ANCER, TUAMOE,S, LUMPS, b'ra, lJ internal and external, cured with- out pain by our hems treatment. Write u before too late. Dr. Belizean Medical Co.. Limited.. Coa1 ngwond. On' OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS Ito St. James St., • Montreal Writ® for information 1LERS New and Second-hand, for heating and power purpoees. Water Flumes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. P1 L ()f41nL �,YED`(s TORBt1TO Engineers and Shipbuilders. FROM FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU, NOSE PAINTS $9,25 GAL No Middleman's profit. Hercules Mixed Paints has earned a repu- tation for reliability. Composed of the beet materials. Works easily, holds ata lustre and color longer than the regular $2.00 Paints. Will not crack, blister or sonde, et BARN PAINTS Guaranteed 750. gal. Sold es In 5 gal. cans. no', Write to -day for color cards, Guaran- ad ' teed satisfaction or money refunded. is H. & 0. WILLIAMS COMPANY, cu. 121 N. Simcoe St., Toronto. n- u t. A Bite on the Way. Ragged Rogers—I haven't had a bite for nearly a week, mum, Sympathetic Lady — Yon poor man! Have patience a few.weeks longer and you_llgeet frost-bitten. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Faint Tract=s. "Is the water you get at your boarding house pure?" "No, we frequently find traces ..,1 coffee and other substances in it." Orauulaaed Eyelids, 1/4 Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dusi and Wind esquickly relieved by Murillo lye Remedy, No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50e per Bottle. Murine Eye 6atveinTubes25c. ForEiooltoflheEyeSaesask Druggists or ltluriue Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Absolute Devotion. "I think that women ought to have the 'ballot." "]Do they really want it 4" "They must want it. Some of thein are working so ardently for suffrage that they are paying ab- solutely no attention to dress," Minard's Liniment Cures Distompor, Unpleasant Amputation. De Carve—"I performed a very distasteful operation this morn ing." De Bolus — Indeed! What wa; itV' De Carve—"A •wealthy patient made me cut something off his bill.'' Warlike Mistress •-- Don't you think, James, you would like to join Lord Kitchener's army? Peaceful Footman—Thank you, mum, but I don't see as 'ow I'd be bettering myself. War's for them as likes it, which :1 i1 1.er did. Viforseva diem Rotor Pills fi*''SIiiiiisaigiiiiiLLTY ! 2,Lt There's ftney l Your I'! a le G3' oaf e it'c worth its -weight in gold nu,o .that aduiteratore of pule Maple Syrup are being pat to ilight by the government's new taroteetive leg:elation. Formers wilt be sura of getting full value for the g'nu- ine article. To get the beat re. milts from your grove you will need our "Champion" >:;vapolnttor. Let us know how many trice you tap and ate nosh read you l' ;rt 4 ui.:rr; as to cost, R•<•. Wr a for fact'. 1 ,ol:- let. THE GRIMM MFC. CO, LIMITED 58 Worington St., Montreal, Que. 0 -1J i to :..� ,,A•,. Brace Up! Take T URN R'S FAMOUS NYA LI D RT Sold Everywhere by People who know what's what! :3 "Btly it for Parity's sake' The Turner Co. Limited 3 Toronto are made according to a' formula in use nearly a century ago among the Indians, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have been made, by physi- cians and chemists, it has been found impossible to improve the formula or the pills, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are a iiausehold remedy through- out the world for Constipation and all Kidney and Liver troubles, They act promptly and effectively, and ea oase the Sw.3tenk Engine, shafting, beltiitg, pi''.')•} s, a'tc. front large factory for, ea l.e. Wheelock engine, 18 by ;`J, c.o ,,,lyre with eyl:inder fra,m.e, fly wheel, bear- ings, etc,, all in good c in- let ioe, Shafting from ono inch to three inches, pulleys thirty invitee to. Fifty inches, belting six ine!i'-`- to twelve inches. Will ,i'Il entire er in part. NO REASONABLE OFFER ltl;F `+l?1), S. Frank Wilson & Sena 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto,. aelametweeelliellell