HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-11, Page 6e
Home -Made Biscuits — and
Fresh from the oven and piping hot! So light they melt in the
mouth! A rare treat indeed. But ever so much better served with.
For candy -making you can't beat CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP.
And it makes excellent pudding sauces,
Montreal, Cardinal,
Fort William.
Manufacturers of
the Famous Ed-
wardsburg Brands.
Made in Canada.
Sold by All Grocers.
Selected Recipes.
Oyster Loaf.—Take the two ends
' of a loaf of Vienna bread (cut over
an inch thick) and scoop out
ealouglz of the ,heart ,of each to forms
a shallow box. Toast it to a. light
brown and butter it while hat.
Have ready half a dozen large fried
E oysters, piping hat. Put them be-
l' tween the two pieces of hot 'butter-
ed toast, with a very thin slice of a
i large, sour pickle, and serve them
at ince.
Batter Apples.—Cut out the cores
land centres of one dozen apples of
uniform size. Place in a baking
pan and fill each apple with sugar
and a little grated nutmeg. Now
make a cake batter of one cupful of
sugar, one tablespoonful of butter,
one cupful of sweet milk, two
o d r
' two teaspoonfuls of baking p
• and three cupfuls of flour. Beat this
, well, pour over the apples, and
bake. Serve with sauce.
Creamed Celery. — Remove the
leaves and small stalks from two
heads of celery, wash and cut in
half-inch lengths. Boil in salted
water until tender. While the eel-
ere- is boiling, snake a sauce of one
cupful of cream or thick milk and
one tablespoonful of butter mixed
with flour. Boil the sauce until it
is smooth and thick. When the
celery is ready, drain and place it
in a dish, pour over the sauce and
Pumpkin Pie Filling.—Put the
pumpkin in the oven and bake it
, until it is soft. Then remove the
inside and press it throttgh a strain-
er. Thirresults in drier punpiin
than that prepared in the ordinary
boiled way. To the pulp of our
Medium sized pumpkin add quart.
of rich milk, a cupful of granulated
tt a'
sugar, three 'beaten egg:
spoonful of ground ginger and on
of cinnamon, a big pinch of salt,
and three tablespoonfuls of dark
Creamed Rice.—Suak a cupful of
rice over night in cold water, In smooth and •creamyti add the
heonion j —
Maeready Preserved
the morning buil it for about ten 7,,ice and a dash white pepper. I• I,tent..Gettcral M y
Send for the Ed-
wardsburg Free Re-
cipe Book.
Baked Codfish lPitlf.-One cup
.shredded codfish ;Jane quart (mashed
potatoes ; ine cup cream sauce ; >xae
eg;; wife-eiglith teaspoon paprika;
1 teaspot:n grated oniuu,• 1. • tea
butter. Put the sllredtled cod-
iish into bowl, cover with bulling
water and let stand until cool, then
press until dry rind add to the hot
mashed potatoes; mix well, and gild
theeream sauce, union, paprika
and well beaten egg (save 1 tea-
spoon egg to brash the top); beat
all well together. Brush bakedisb
`with melted butter and' put in. the
mixture, rough the top with fork
iud brush in with the ewe.; place
oven and bake 25 minutes or until
Household 'flints.
Old fruit stains can often be re -
nag, d by oxalic aeid.
Cranberries slioul•d . be, picked
over eaten if yc.,u wish them to keep
Natural or "unpolished" rice is
far' more wholesome than the shiny -
white kind.
A tablespoonful of vinegar.adde('
ta, a 1:otidast will. make ib more
palatable and tender.
Horseradish is better • scraped
than grated, and should be prepay-
ed just, before it is needed.
Never rub soap on a gain wit•h-
oiit first wetting it and partly wash-
ing it out in cold water, aian,oyed the shadow.ers extremely
A teaspoonful of baking powder teas, a•s, that,.although knowing per -
to every four eggs will make an fe;etly well that he was being she-.
omelet a wonder of lightness: dow.ed, he paid not the slightest .ate
Don't use soiled suds for washing tendon t<1 it all.
colored olotlies unless you expect No Secrecy About Him. -,
them to be muddy looking. There was no secrecy about his
:1. stub pen can be used in au movements. He went on his way
emergency for tightening .the tiny very quietly, but very busily. He
screw:; in a pair of eyeglasses. went, everywhere and did every -
He a piece of velvet inside tht. thin M. Ike moved (troops about,
heels e:,f your shoes and it will save but gave nu hint ,as to why they
a good many holes in your stuck -
were, being moved. Interviewers
ings. innumerable tried to draw him,
A very little glycerine smeared but the mile- information which they
around the glass stoppers of bottles hot from him was that he eansiderecl
willwill keep them from sticking that both sides were showing self
long time. 1 restraint. Nevertheless the Meter -
__ ` d bt 11 to the con
oountter-marching and `clspoiliug for
a, fight." This all (seems so long,
so very long, ago, that there is no
harm in recalling it, more especial-
ly as we now better" realize 'what a
hideous, nnspealeable thing warfare
is, and it has become certain that
never again will anyone dream .of
conniving at that most criruinal
fern of warfare, naively, Civil war.
Only- •a few months, ago we seemed
t.+u the brink of 'it.. Gun -running.
went merrily on, .and the flower
and pride of Ulster's manhood were
preparing themselves with burning
zeal for battle. In the midst of it
all Macready very • quietly and un-
ostentatiously arrived in Belfast.
No one knew exactly why he had
come orawha+b position ho held ex-
cept that he was a nreident magis-
trate.' Some- said that he was the
military governor of Belfast ; some
that he had •mane to bring peace,
other.. a sword. Probably the Gov-
ernment knew least of all why he
bed been sent. Be had been so
wonderfully clever and tactful in
managing the troops during the
Welsh troubles at Tony-pandy and
also during the railway strike that
they played Macready in Ulster as
their very last ward. He was sha-
dowed wherever he went; he could
not buy an ounce of tvbac.eo with-
out the fact •being reported; ; he
could not go a mike by railway with-
out rather ostentatious dogging of
leis footsteps•. But what mutt have
minutes; then add sugar to suit
your taste a clash of salt, one cup
£ul u wa
c o
cupful o Pp
half f a coot
f condensed cream, and on
a o
nuts and boil the mixture until it
is creamy. Turn it into an earthen
dish, coyer it, and allow it to steam.
This process finishes the cooking.
Serve it with cinnamon, sugar and
cream. Adding the condensed cream
makes the rice much richer than if
it were cooked in milk.
Owentlaw Corn Bread—To two
cupfuls -of hot, boiled hominy, add
two tablespoonfuls of butter. and
ItIIEU ik IO 111 9'4 U
Q •t]18
1 U
1- Call Only Be Mired. `�]1fO11bC.
Blood.• Liniments of No Use
In no disease does the blood be-
come thin so rapidly as in rheunta-
tiem. Not only does it become thin
but it is loaded with impurities
rheumatic poisons. Without the',
proper treatment these poieens in-
erease, the inflamed joints swell and
the patient becomes a cripple.
There are a number of ntetbuds of
•tre;a:ting; rheumatism, most, of them
eo matic
men ttn d lou et y came
elusion that he was not un their White at the siege of Ladysmith,
Side but what reason had they fort and after elle relief joined with Sir
M.t'oro DVtt o IV�t OIAtG„ONS q,31Dt 01 MaLL
'� ✓ : k I:,' it �'1t
CwGll1. O NTO o T 1""l `.A
W, z,T E R
C T tD Al S.
COTE OF swomemollIqatwatatocautftimszu
The ' world's richest phosphat
mine is on the Island of Curacao.
A strong solution of alum an
soap is excellent four polishing at
Twenty-one of every 1,000 ma
riages in Great Britain are be'twee.
first cousins.
There are 925 separate operation
In the eaanufacturc of .a watch tha
sells for a dollar.
An extensive deposit of a.spha.l
of superior quality has been di
covered in the Philippines.
Rubbing with turpentine will r
store the color to ivory knife hall
les that have turned yellow-.
1 According to a French physicia
spinach. is the "broom of the stun
ach," as it cleanses and peril
that organ.
Small amounts of borax, frequen
ly sprinkled on substan•ee•s on s is
flies breed, will kill their egg
Inipoctant deposits of potasl
have be -en discovered in Spain, an
that nation may become an exporte
of the product.
I Where the soil has permitted well
have been bored. to a depth of 6 b
feet with a new hand operated post
Egyptian rebels' liners at Tele}-ICe-
After This he did not again see
service until the South African War
broke out. He was then early in
the field, being present at the first
battle of the war, namely, Elands
Laagte, where we ,gained our initial
eueeew over the Boers. After this
he wa.:. shut up with Sir George.
four eggs •beaten until light. Mix ; aiming to keep duan the 1 1
poisons until nature can build up
one pint of milk, and then blood
But ,unfavorable condition
thoroughly. •Stir in gradually, first
P a batter them,
int of corn meal, mating
of the consistency of rieh boiled of eold or dampness may give the
custard. If it should be thicker, disease the d;advantageIlond a relapse,
add a little more milk. Bake in a,
deep pan in. an oven that is some-
what hotter at the bottom than at
the top, so that the bread may rise.
It has the appearance when cook-
ed of a baked batter pudding,
ought to have almost the delicacy
of baked custard,
Pavivians. --- Crackers prepared
in this way are particularly good
for afternoon tea, or at luncheon
with the salad course. Split com-
mon crackers and soak them in iee-
cold water for exactly three min-
utes Take them out of the water
and let them drain for one minute.
Put a good-sized lump of butter on
each half cracker, place the -crack-
ers in a pan, put the pan in the
oven, and leave it there until the
crackers puff up, turn a delicate
golden brown, and are. quite crisp.
With a moderate hot oven, six or
seven minutes should be long
enough to brown them thoroughly.
saying so, goodness only kaow;, On
one occasion he and two of his staff
a .
ar n
visited "King'' officers `ls ted
They were. duly Strapped by guards
at the ee1trance and eventually were
permitted to enter the royal pre -
or renewed attack
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ter Pale
People build up the blood and en-
able it to east out the rheumatic
poisons with the natural ,e i'etions-
of the body. Thousands have tried
this treatment with the meet bene-
ficial results. That every sufferer
who does not try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills is neglecting the must helpful`
means of receuvery is shown by the
following statement. Mrs. Emelin'e
Smith, St. Jerome, Que., says; "I
was• attacked with what the doctor
said was inflammatory rheumatism.
The joints.. of my hands, fret and
limbs were badly swollen, and I
suffered the most excruciating pain.
Notwithstanding nodical. treatment
the trouble 'became so bad that I
could not go about. My appetite
began to fail Ime and I was growing
physically weak. A neighbor who
had been benefitted by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pixik Pills advised me to try
them and I decided to do ,su, In
1the course of a few. weeks I noted
some improvement, and my appetite
began to return. Then the ewell-
ing in my joints began to ells—
ap-pear, and it was not long until I
was perfectly cured and I have had
no return of the trouble.”
Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pine are - kid
by all dealers in medicine or, will be
sept by mail at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct
to The Dr, Williams' Mcdie:ine Co.;.
Brockville, Ont.
1''ROM 111( I,.1NID TO BELGIUM(.
Retivters Bailer's forces and fought
at Laing's Nek, Belfast and Ly
denberg, as well as in many an-
other action during this regrettable
war. He was mentioned in des-
patches both by Sir George White
hole digger, ha
The germ causing gangrene
been discovered by two surgeons i
Paris, who have prepared a seruii t
to counteract it..
A nese buttonless shirt for men
fastened by pulling a string tha
runs through eyelets in the neck
band and front and tieing a single
The -weight of ore cars descending
a mine in South Africa is used tat'
produce power by pulling a cable-
able i
wound around a drum that drives s
dynamo. • e
With a new camera lens ofr(
French invention for long-distance;
work, it is possible to get a pi cture<,11
of a man 600 yards away largest
enough to fill a plate. 1rn
Chopped hair has been successFr i
fully substituted for skin iii ekin i
grafting by a French surgeon, due;
to the fact that hair cells can bear,
transformed into skin cells. 3e
An explosion engine with a=fe
axially revolving cylinder that came
stitutes its own inlet and exha,us•
valves, reversing gear and Ovate'
Pump has been invented in En
and Sir Redtiers Buller ;and for his
services he received the brevet of
lieutenant -colonel; the Queen's me-
dal with six clasps, and the King's
t inedal with + two clasps) and after the
i war his services were retained on
the gaff in South Africa. In 1910
.f he became one of the four directors
of personal services under the Adju-
tant -General of the Forces, which
appointment he held until he went
to Belfast.
Winston Churchill is a very great
admirer • of Sir Nevil, and this is
very odd, as their characters and
temperaments are so essentially
ferent; but whether one likes Wins-
t:n er dislikes him, there is very
little doubt but that he has an ex-
cellent eye for selectingla good anon,
and it was Mr. Churcill, when he
i was at, the Homo Office, who first
recognized what an extremely vale-
, able man 11laeready was and what
,tact he had displayed during the
Tony-pandy and railway strike
_ ' troubles. All his life Sir Nevil has
been an extremely keen soldier,
Lieut. -General Sir t'. l". N• Mae- ' has a very strong personality, and
ready., K.C.B. is very alert. He speaks with 'well-
____ weighed w•o•rds, anti very few of
sense. What happened at the audi- } theme -London T3 tler.
once, who knows? Macready eer: Ol`'Sy I}0("TOIi
Sometimes Overlooks a Point.
The physician is ,such a, busy man
that he sometimes overlooks a valu-
able point to which hie attention
may be called by an intelligent pa-
tient who is a thinker.
"About a year an my attention
was called to Grape -Nuts by one of
my patients,' • • a physician writes.
"At the time fns• own health iv.as
bad and 1 was atpretty
that the
town, but I saw
i tl Pare of Meat.
Creamed Codfish on '.(`oast. --
package codfish, 1 cola milk, 1 table.-
spoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, ?%
teaspunn onion juice. Put the cod-
fish into colander, pour boiling wa- 1
t. r over and press out all water;
acid t;+ the cream sauce. Serve on
rounds of toatii, garnished with
s,ri s of parsley. Sauce --Put the
butter into satu•epalt , when melted,
and the dour ; mix well and Add the
cold milk elc,tv'.t , stirring until
A novel wrench that will hold 3i
nut of alsnos+t' any size is made of
tingle piece of steal, the handle b
ing split so that the jaws are slaru-,+
together as a strain is applied.
In Persia, there grows a weed, tl
seed ,pads of which bare long hurl
that anter the nostrils of• grazi
animals and frequently kill them
preventing 'them from eating
;fainly never told anybody. Very
possibly snipe -shooting was the
only kind of ;shooting that was dis-
Now, this quiet, unostentatious
manner one would have thought
would have made tiff's well• set-up,
soldierly -looking in an, with elea•r
but rather cold eyes, liked, bub it
did ,not, because during the whole
time that he was in Ulele-r no one
had the slightest idea as to what he
was thinking or what he proposed
d • ' • He absolutely refused to be
WEsoi er Metal i'roatnlont) theE Perenn,
To loosen seale already formed
in the boilers by its meohanical
To prevent naw scale
» To protect the boiler metal
against pitting, corrosion;- and
galvanic action, regardless of
kind of water used
To correct tron'blos canoed by oil'and grease getting into the
boiler water.
That Perolin ie 1 0T a boiler compound for water treatment,
but operates independent, of water conditions.
The 1'erotin 3?reservetave Liquid Vim is e, good heat corduotor,
adding to the efficiency of the boilers.
The establishment of the Porolin Protective Pil hollers
NEW boilers o wia tadr�e mot ail
scale formation and corrosion, thus keeping tla
PEROLIN COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 76 Adelaide Street West, Toronto,
Peace in Ulster.
Six months ago he was the extost-
tal.ked-of man in the British rainy.
• The annoying thingabout. him and
what made him so tremendously un-
popular with the press at any rate'
was' that he refused to talk back.
"King" Car -
•at the
time I 1
•a5 b
1715 w
s•un w•us installed in his place prat
Craigavon end when battleships
crniawed off Arran ; when Laa•n;e was
I regarded as being much toore iater-
esting; than C.'alals, and a siege 'of
Belfast infinitely more pr•ob.able.
, than a siege. of Antwerp; Ureter
volunteers in their tens of thou.=
sands Were drilling, /earching; and
Coal:.Millers, Engineers and Boilc
nutters in Britain.
The enterprise of the modern n
man is strikingly illustrated by t
facts and figures contained in t
tenth volume of the British Cens
for 1911, which has just been issu
after three years' preparation. F
ten years, between 1901 and 19
there Was quite a rush of women
various fields of masculine emplt
went. For instance, theme w •
only 367 women law clerks in 19
but within ten years the figure h
bounded up to 2,159. In the sa
period the number of women dl
tors increased from 212 to 495, w
in eommerce the number of won
entployed had risen from 59,944
Altogether there are 4,830,734 w
men in England and Wales
gaged in "gainful occupations,
quote the official term, The g'rea
part of. these, 1,960,673, are don
tic servants, the cotton irides
providing the next highest num
of women workers, viz. ,in di e
while 333,129 are engaged
making. "Of 447,535 clerks empl
cd all over the country, 117,057
women, an increase of 109-8 for
ten year•.
It will probably surprise tri
people to learn that 3,185 wor
are employed in the coal -mining
dusltry+, 2,953 in the building tee
7,370 on the railways, and 7,28
the engilteering, machine -mak,
ironfounding and boilernza -
tradee, On the other hand, wo
laundry workers are rapidly •be
displaced by men and machixu
owing to the. decline of the ss
hand laundries and private lawn
The census reveals some inter
ing facts about the curious oe,ct
tions ,of women. It appears i
three men minister
i t
tlte•re are
religion, three grooms, one caw
man, one coal heaver• --a wee
ever sixty -five --one millwright,
slaughterer, sixty-five-eleetrici
204 gunsmiths, four swordmak
two sandwlchmen, three'
wrigh:ts, five tramway makers,
nine eea pilots, while there is'
a• conspirator of a theatrical type,;theories behind Gra.pe.:4uts• were
and taus is rather to be wondered at sound and that if the food was in
becatl-e he was the son of W illiaxn 1 that was claimed, it was a perfect
Charles Macready (by his second
wife, Miss Spencer), who was one
of the most faamous actors the Eng -
"Su 1 comnicileed to use Grape -
to with Crc.an1 t o IC'e .a day, and in
lish stage has ever known and Whose 1 a short time 1 began to improve in
representations al Macbeth, Ring every way arat 1 am now• south
Lear, (ling John, and Jago, are 4 strueaer, feel bet•ter and weigh
still remembered for their extreme 1 more than ever before in my life,
laxiLliance. Macready, the actor, '`I know that all of ibis good is
though a man devoted to his family due to Grape -Nets, and I am firmly
and children, as his w'nnder.ful convinced that the claims made for
diary shows,
nari,an se vers' likely in his early "I have recommended, and still
was a stern tlis�cipli- the food are true.
chiltilhood Gelie:al Ma•eready had recommend, Crape -Nuts to a grew
the seeds of c:,bedience and disci.- many e,f my patients with sple;nelid
pline strongly implanted in hint results, and in saline cases the im-I
Stili a Young :Tian. prevenient of patients on this fine
He was born in IVIay, 1862, :So it fo
position he is a young orl�1a�ssteen a'.i1f od uGrape :a uta
will be seen that, for his present pian. He was stands alune. ' There's a Rea -
educated at M:arlborentah and Chet- am."
teaiham, afterwards going to the Naui'l iven, byn� Canadian Postern
Royal Military College. In ,1881 he Co.,
e .a lieutenant in the Gordon Lookinpkgs, fort he fa,mloe Iittle
becarn "The Road t V
I•Iig;hl•antlers, Before be had been b' fiver ma the aueva tetter• n now ons
a, year with the regiment he -made
the famous night march :acrosss the
er E
t to tuna. nets/ ora
genuine, true, aua #uli et ltuma># interna:. one. ivt,nxasi workiulg as a P
appears tt•oin