HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-11, Page 4A1NI EX aesesesseaseiatiesellffsaallealallieellalleadtateleilltaillelseeitasattereseeaVieselleteellale 4 RY have in stock an assortment of Goods of which we are proud. We know our future Business depends on our present doings, so with this in mind, we must bay only Good Goof. s and sell at fair prices. We ask everybody in Exeter and vicinity to come in and see our Xmas Display this year, even if you do not purchase, we want to see the people. At the Camay (ouster We expect our stook of oranges and new nuts this week. Our can. dy is always fresh. Our Rosted and salt id peanuts are always good. Japanese China A job line to sell at 10-15-25o, some lovely pieces and all hand col. ored, Beautiful Glassware 10•15o, Nippon China in a variety of decor- ations from 25c up, ' Willards Choclates. -..Assorted cherries, Nut chips, Mint wafers, Maple walnut, Honey nouget, Butteries 100 each, chaffing dish Tiffany, Motor Lunch, Family box, and many others at popular prices of 25o to $125. In bulk we have Cream. Centres and hard centres about 30 flavors. Try us for Candy, 1 ;Special prices on 5 ib boxes, 011 Heads Sleeping and awake. with hair and without 10o up, strong bisque, 10c and 15c up, Celluloid (large) 25c, Metal all sizes 20 and 25c Christmas Decorations and Tree Grnannents Garlands ee -IOo uu, Bells 20c a doz up, Xmas Greetings 15c up, Leaf Decorations 250, Crepe paper in rolls, Shelf paper in folds, Fancy Drape paper in folds . lowest prises, Xmas Candles all prices, large and stasis Tinsel 2 yds for 50 candle holders. China Rich White and Gold China, Dinner ware Open "Stock While others are raising the price, we are still selling it at the same prices. All 'our goods are marked in plain Euglisb. We use no Greek. Start saving to -clay, tell your friends to buy you a piece of White and Gold china at Powell's for Christmas. 50 Cups and saueere, hand painted, too high for our trade, to clear 50c each, regular Odn Pieces of China in great .profusion, suitable for gifts from 15c -25o up. Cups and Saucers 300 Beautiful cups and saucers going at 15-25-350 each, nice presents for guls, We show the finest assortment of hand -painted chinaware in Exeter, barring none, See our display before you buy. 2u Watersets, regular 1 50 to $1. 75 to clear at ial 25 a set choose early. - P ell s Bum, Exeter RT H T QIP you eau buy any article, pay 25 p. c. on it, we will lay it aside for you till Xmas. Special discounts to churches and schools on $5 Xmas purcb.ases 9 Xmas Stationery Post Cards Linen Paper and Envelopes in pretty boxes at 20, 25, 35, swell goods. Make nice presents. Our Card collection is great. Dont buy Carols un- til you see ours. Reg. 2 for 5, 2000 at 5 for 50, others 2 for 5c, 3 for 10c 5 for 25o. • Christmas Seals 3 packets for 100. Sleeping DOLLS and awake Bag dolls 5c and 10c, Celluloid 23 and 50c, Fancy Dressed 25 and 50c up, Character babies 5, 10, 15c to 83.75, Crying and Musical babies 25c up, Unbreakable dolls all prices, Babies in long clothes $ 1.25 up, Doll Cradles 250 up, Doll go arts 35e, Daisy carts and wheel barrows 15o, Doll Lawn Nwings.35c, Doll beds 25e, Mechanical Toys Gas engine (spring wind) 75c, Steam boat (engine by oil) 1.50, Train on track 500 1.00 and 1.25, Walking duns 40c, Clewn Orchestra 75c, Darkey draminer and bear 500, Billiard table 25c, Pop and cap guns 5-25 Autos, horses, and carts and dozens of others at 1Oc up. TOYS Baking sets 25o, Washboard and tubs in sets 25c, Drawing slates 5o loo and 25o, Horns and trumpets 5c looup'a Drums all prices, Xmas stockings 5, 10 and 25c, "3orses, 50 up Rocking horses dappled grey with bash et seat aud reins complete, reg x2,25 only 81,75. D .SHWOOD Last week the Ladies Aid of the Dashwood Evangelical church sfint a large box of comforters and clot !ling!, to Toronto to be distributed ainong the poor and needy, Mr S. J. Wilson and daue'rter, Lorna, of Ailsa Craig, spent a few days last week visiting the fori.:er's sister, Mrs T Routledge. Abraham Vincent 72, Tillie Hamacher 70, Lucinda Willert 60, Edwin Rinker 60. Tr II -Idella Baker 60, Rosell Koch 60, Howard Schroeder 55, Willie Bender 50, Freda Stire 50, Fred Stire 0. Average attendance 33. Ola M. Woods teacher, The following is the report of the first room of the Dashwood Public School, for the month of November, A surprise party was held at the based on attandence, diligence and home of Mr and Mrs Hy L Kraft last general demeanour. Sr. Pt.II-Mervyn Tiernan 85, Albert Eyeland 75, Violet Bieber 70, Czar Steinhagen 68, Anna Vincent 65 Charlie Snell 60. Jr. Pt. II --Harry Rader 90, Jack Guenther 85, Peter Gerrnatt.79 Adolph Genttner 60, Solomon Bet- tehen 55, Sr. Pt. I -Luella Stire 81, Lured( Wilbert '76, Harry Zimmer 75, Urban Zimmer 67, Leo Eveland 64, Lillie Willert 63, Courtney Eidt 59, Victor Tyler 51. Pt. I (e) -Oscar Miller 92, Minnie Rinker 90, Verda Baker 78, Clara Bender 52, Alice Grigg 51. Pt. I (b) --Alice Hoffman 98, Edith Guenther 91, Elmer Zimmer, 87, Percy ICleinstiver 86. Pt. I (a) -Lorean Baker 85, Hareld Kellerman 80, Pearl Gabel 70, Arm - hours of the morning the crowd depart- etta Stienhagen 67, Ethel Gabel 65. ed for their homes, after expressing Almeria 11 Tiller 60, Eddie Hamacher themselves at the pleasure they had 52. Average attendance 82. had at the evenings entertainment. A. Finkbeiner, Teacher Among those present were Mr and DRYSDALE Wednesday evening when about £arty of their frields and relatives gathered at their home. The occasion being the 30th anniversary of their wedd- ing, The evening was spent in play- ing games and music, after which a lunch was served. Those present spent a very enjoyable evening. Mr and Mrs Fred Rinker spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Geo Foch. Mr and Mrs Charlie Baumgarten and Mr and Mrs Geo Koch spent Fri- day eve with Mr and Mrs Nick Stire. Monday night being the anniversary of Mrs. Rev Graupner's birthday, the Ladies Aid of the church, to•getber with their husbands, assembled at the parsonage and presented Mrs. Graup- ner with a purse ofmonev and an add- ress About midnight supper was serv- ed and was enjoy ed by all. In the small Mre Jacob Schroeder, Mr and Mrs Felix Wild, Mr and Mrs C Stade Mr and Mrs Fred Willert, Mr and Mrs II Krneger, Mr and Mrs Simon Miller, Mr and Mrs N Stire, Mr and Mrs H Nanshwanger, Mr and Mrs Fred STANLEY TP. On Friday eveninglast the members of -Goshen Epworth League met at the home of Mr W L Keys, where a social evening was spent in music recitations etc: after whiehsupper was served, Before leaving for their homes a hearty vote of thanks was given to Mr and Mrs Keys for their kind hos- pitality.Tbe league intendhaving more such social evenings during the winter Mr Wes. Cocherline of Pilot Mound Man, son-in-law of Ralph Stephenson has returned to Ontario to. spend the winter with friends here. Mrs Coeher- line had come home about a month ago Mr Nelson Keys, Babylon line, lost Mr. Trines Denomie andfamily are visiting in Goderich for a few weeks. Peter Beclonr has improved the app- earance of his farm by putting up a nice new fence- Peter is amongst the Dearing, Mr and Mrs Otto Miller, Mrs first fanners on the Sauble line and G Schroeder, Mr and Mrs Fred Rinker likes to have things neat and tidy. - Mrs D Pfaff, Mrs i3 Stacey, Mrs Fred A number of our boys are engaged Preeter, Mr and Mrs Ed Restemeyer at 5t Joseph, working on the big block Mrs G Nadiger, The fine weather has kept Joseph Mr Eli Henbeffer of Zurich was in Corriveau and his gang busy digging he village on Tuesclny• ' drains. Mr Corriveau says, that in the Mr Henry Wilier, shipped a load 26 years that he has been doing this of bogs from the Exeter Station on work, this is the longest season he has i-1 EN S ALL Rev. R. Hicks preached anniversary sermons in Windsor last Sunday. Miss Maude Petty of Winnipeg is visiting her parents here. The ladies of Hensall shipped four large cases of clothing to Montreal last week for the Belguiln Relief work. Miss Margaret Thompson, daughter of late, Bernard Thompson, was mar- ried to, H, Batters, at was on Nov. 25. Wesley Caldwell youngest son of William Caldwell, and a member of the second contingent, . was given a loyal send off on Monday of last week a valuable young mare last week. The when the: band and citizens escorted stable floor in some way got shifted;°bins to the station. He was present- ed with a -wrist watch by his boy friends. W J Clark has returned from a trip through western Canada much fin-, proved in health. Sol Williams has moved into the residence recently occupied by Robert Jarrott. R. W. Allin of Toronto gave an interesting address in St, Paula chnrch on Sunday afternoon on " The war in -relation to the life of the Church." out of place and she fell through,' receiving injuries whiz h resulted fatally The proceeds of the Brueefield Presbyterian Anniversary services held on Sunday and Monday last amounted to $460.00 One of the special features of the services -was the burning of the mortgage, the debt on the church haying been wiped out, Tuesday. Mr T W Ortwein was in the village on Wednesday. The following in the report of Room 2 of Dashwood Public School for the month of November based on attend- ance, diligence and general demeanour. Sr III -Oscar Granpner 85, Cecelia Germatte 80, Mary Miller 79, Ira iernann 75, Leeland Guenther 70 Wilbur Ehlers 68, John Gossmann 65, Mildred. Schroeder 68, Luella Schatz 62 Maintie Genttner 91, Roy Neib 58, (absent), Idella Rader 55. , Jr III -Rosie Guenther '70, Clifford faff 68, Gladys Guenther 65, Sidney alter 60, John Rader 60, Albert yler 60, Oscar Hartlieb 60, Myrtle ,00h 58 Elsie Schroeder 55, Percy inert 50, Edna Cameron 50 Garnet iHerb 50, Sr IT-Zrouise Graupner 75, Verda assold 74 Barnet Gossmann 78, ever put in. Peter Corriveau has starter to roll and- chop at Drysdale corner every Monday Webnesday and Friday., Isadore Denomne is recovering from hi. ill„aa EXETER. Jos. Lassock, an,Engiishman, aged 48, recently fell off a verandah and fractured his skull. He was removed to Victoria Hospital, London where he STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of died on Nov. 25. The deceased was Stephen convened in the Town Hall, employed by Jos Lawson of Crediton Crediton, on Monday, 7th of Decem- who had the remains brought here ber 1914 at 1 pan., all members wore and interred in the Exeter cemetery. present. The minutes of the previous Mrs. MaryFanson,a former resid meeting were read and adopted. Exeter, died at the home of her Finkbeiner-Neeb; That F'W Farnco- son-in-law, H. Balback, London, on mb C, E. be requested to examine the Nov. 27. The funeral was held here Flynn and Brown bridges constructed on 1. 27 y of last week. by R, Hutchinson in the year 1912 onWes. Lamport has purchased the and which have been repaired this ye- ar and that he be requested bo give his barn at the rear of the Commercial Hotel and will move it to his property near the foundry. At high noon on Nov. 80th, at the bride's home in London, the wedding took plaza of Miss Cora Jaokson to Percy Gillies, of Exeter, They will reside here. ORE -131;1'0N The teacher's training class of the Evangelical church Crediton, will hold their graduating exercises on Sunday evening, Dec 181h, at 7 p m in the auditorium of the church, This class consists of 20 members, who have secured the services of Rev. F. 0. Berger of Cleveland. Rev Berger will preach both in the morning and even- ing and will also present the diplomas to the class. A class banquet will be held on the following Monday. The suggestion has been made in some papers that each of the municip- alities in the county of Huron agree to return their respective MunicipalCoun- cils by acclamation this year, and that each contribute to the Patriotic Fund for the allevation of the destitution and suffering consequent upon the war, the amount the election would cost. -Goderieh Star. opinion in writing concerning the.nla- tter in dispute and wherein they are built contrary to the plans and speci- fications, carried Finkbeiner--Yearley; that by-law no 2151 being a bylaw be straighten the side -road allowance between lots 20 ca 21 in the 10th concession of the town- ship of Stephen having been read thr- ee tinges, be 'passed and signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the cor- portion attached thereto, carried. Neeb - Mawhinney: That by-law no. 216 to appoint deputy -returning officer and poll clerks and select polling boo- ths for municipal elections to be held on the 4th of January next, haying been read three times, be passed and signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the corporation attached there- to, carried Finkbeiner-Yearley That the bond of Alonzo Hodgins tax collector, having been presented to the council, be accepted and filed with the clerk, carried A large number of accounts were paid which will appear in the financial statement to be issued shortly. The council adjourned to meet again in the town hall., Crediton on Tuesday 15th inst at 10 a. It. Henry Silber Clerk, ight is the time to begin thinking of Christmas. From now to Xmas we will give special low Bar- gains on Pianos, Organs, Edison Phonographs, Singer Sewing Machines, Bell Art Pianos with the illimitable quick repeating action and sustaining frame. In buying a Bell Piano you get a strictly high-grade piano, and you pay nothing extia for the name. The Bell stands at the top in Musical circles. We also sell cheaper grades and other makes of pianos. You will save money buying from H.. WELL, ZURICH. I buy spot cash and give the cus- tomers the benefit of it. Your call is «'elcoome. The London Advertlrer MORNING -NOON -EVENING Edition x$2.00 per Year by Mail Outside City of London All the War News All Market Quotations All Sporting News The Best Newspaper Value hi Western Ont. Delivered through your Post Office or over your Rural Route same Day as Published for $2.00 per year. LIVE FOWL WANTED i; Classified Ads LEGAL CARDS. I will take live fowl every Tuesday forenoon, until further notice. High- est rnarketprice will be paid. R. N. Douglas, Blake For Sale or To Rept. Immediately. PROUDFOOT, KILI,ORAN, & PROUD. FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich, Private funds to loan at lowest rates, W. PRounToor, l•;. 0. J. L. IFIL LOR,1x. W. Pnoirinoor, JR. BUSINESS CARDS. - Lot 22 L R E Hay 117 acres also South half Lot 21 L R E Hay . 75 acres,the:above lots will be sold or rented together or separate to suit parties. Thomas Turnbull. MEDICAL CARDS DR. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate • Western University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr,McLanghlin, Dashwood. For Service Thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar for service. Also Thoroughbred Short- horn Durham Bull for service. On Lot 28, Con. 12, Hay Township. David Schwartzentruber. 4pd raR A. J. MacIIINNON late Rouse Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinie Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Farm for Sale Lob 28. Con 7, Parr Line Hay North 50 acres, or will sell the whole lot. For particulars apply toDuncan Taylor, Hensall P. 0. FOR SALE,' House For Sale. -A White Brick Rouse erected by Sim Ireland, and at present occupied by Otto Restemayer, for particulars apply to H. Weigand Dashwood. Farm for Sale I am offering my valuable farm for sale, consisting of 75 abres choice land, properly fenced, well drained, three good wells, and all buildings are in good conditions. For full par, ticulars apply to Wm, Stelck, R. R. No. 1 Dashwood, Ont. Farm For Sale 210 acres of good farming and fruit land. 2000 peach trees of which 1000 are in bearing, good, plenty of water, good Building, well fenced and and partly drained. For particulars apply to Daniel Snaith, B. R. No, 2 Zurich, go Po +sn Y< va, fo wi Sn th'. ho of usoi Se Ve act an. ass in Eu flux sat thi m�u it lies ;f li jj tre mu mu bee 1 firs ti giber etre not 'loci n no the lish aa.t grin 'mai bee be eda Tl ell He 31en ark `I ie fhei. ow. ve c �c t sp e.rin nf ff ice -ho ens as ma he 5 sI e el go( rha it R "Su num t rst inki unk tai -011 th en ss, )ot, th. wns It 1 11 res ere at 1 t. t My .d t b sin g.a se gr, r SS' .y nd. to a 0, >ps