HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-11, Page 1The Incorporated 1855 Opened Branch in Huror, Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited, Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP Manager', RADE AT STORES Vol. XV. itEiD Til.. .Ilomi PAPER wr.r.aew ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 11, 1914 $1x00 for NO '2 I ALD January,1916, to new subscribens, •♦♦♦••••♦•e••••••••••e•e•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 0 • o 0 ♦ o o o ♦ ♦• e ♦ ♦ ♦ + i Y9 4 • • ♦• ,1i } . O •• • 0 • • •10 • u •• i r Xm s ,z. 4 a ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 4 • Make ita point to buy use. • ful Xmas Gifts. ' We have hunw dreds , f articles which are suit. a i able forthis purpose. We want you to come in and look ovei. the display. ' n our immense store you can find something 404 suitable for every member ofthe • family. 4 • ens' Ties and Auffiers We have an immense stook of all the newest in Men's ties. o Just what you have been looking for. Spssia,l.ragular 50 cent • tie for 25 cents. Also a. nice line of men's and ladies' mufflers in many colors. krandbags• Just opened up a large shipment of ladies' handbags, The newest on the market From 75 cents up • • Special for Holliday Trade. Crystal . Rope Floss, 3 skeins for 10 cts. ildkerc w leis 0 • A large variety of plain, initialed, bordered, and fancy • hankerohiefs. We have them by the hundreds. Also big assort meat of child's handkerchiefs. • • Fur :eIt4 • Nothing would be nicer or more serviceable for sister or 0 sweetheart than a fur sett. We have something special just now to natural wolf, regular $40, for $27.50. • • A. large variety of Ladies' Gloves Collars, 6w -eater Coats,. Laundry bags Belts, Hose, Ribbons, 41 etc. • 4A0 Spi of Cut Iass 1 Genuine cut glass just in, Just the thing for. a Xmas pros. e ent, Fancy Chinaware, a largo display of' chinaware in many 0 varieties, always a popular article and useful in many ways, 0 u e3 0 elstInttal 11103.155111.130...6•11.01141.1111.010 Ji liCivy re •4, 0 We have a splendid variety of Silverware, in tea spoons, • table speons, berry spoons, cold meet forks, knives and forks,• pearl handled goods, etc. 0 0xt1cl.ie3, Ntlts, Oriluges and. fresh Groceries, : Telephone No.� h f•,r 1418' • 4, 4, ZURICH: ♦ • 0•••e••+044e0.0ee0+e`••s••• •••*•♦••+e®♦4••s•++•*••••*0 a 0,4•N iaitr-e•e ea4.4104.9 a$ 'Ill Good mikado for sale at a bi LOCAL NEWS.g bar- f t"�'�tttfw9t��alir�ltt�9w�ff tf+�}tt# gain L. Prang. �• `���0 Mr. and Mrs. E. Merner and family See us a bout "�� of Bayfield, visited relatives here on Mrs. McCormick was ind ondoia on Sunday. Monday, on business. Next week on Wednesday and Mr and, Mrs E. Boysenberry visited Thursday, will be the next yisit of Dr at the home of A. Desjardine, Grand 'E+ S. Hardie, dentist, to Zurich. Bend, on Monday. Wanted—$4000 on first mortgage on farm in Hay towtship, money need - last Saturday attending th.e funeral ed next March. Apply to A. F. Hess, of the late John Finkbiner, Herald office. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will pay his Bring your father's or mother's next visit to Zurich on Wednesday and spectacles to F W Hess and Co: and T have a gold frame put on them it will • I Rev G F Brown was in Crediton 1 hurseay, Dec, 16th and 17th, make a fine holiday present, Lost -LA sum of money, in Zurich H. Ewen, 'who is employed with J. on Saturday. Finder please lean a Deiohert as blacksmith, is moving his same at this office, and receivere rOd, wife and family to town this week, Mr Joseph Xipper, and sister, Miss and will occupy Mrs. Rannie's house Fanny, of Biggar, Sask., are visiting with L. Foster, their14- parents and other relatives here. The Tri -Mu Brotherhood held their F W Hess and Co., Jewellers, Are first public meeting last Monday installing two new silent salesmen evening. A large number had assem- showcases, and making other alters- bled to listen to an interesting dis- tious in their store. ,. cession of a popular subject. The Rev. W. 0. Millerand-Mr. T. Icy debate aroused immense interest, and is but a forerunner of the many good things to be presented weekly during the winter months, Mr Wm O'Brien and J Gallman were on the affirm- ative, and J Preeter and Chas Fritz on the negatiye side and everyone did nobly in presenting their side of the question, Next week the Pastor will give an address on a timely subject. PIAD YOUR TAXES? ' In conversation with Mr, J.H. Sch- nell, treasurer of Hay township, a few days ago, he informed us that about $18.000 of the 1914 taxes were still outstanding, This seems remarkable as only a few days are left is which to pay the taxes, without paying interest and the money should pour in from now until next council meeting, FATALLY BURNT A terrible ai:cident oocizred At the hone of Mr, and Mrs, E. Luther, of Grand Bend, on Saturday afternoon at about five o'clock when their 19 months old child was so badly burned that it died a few hours laterr. It seems the mother was in the barn milking and left the children alone in the house. On her return she found the snail 'child's clothing in flames, and before the fire was extinguished it was fatally burned. How the clothes' were ignited is a mystery. IiABBRER--REICHERT A. pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Peter's Lutheran church on Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock when Miss Ellenore, slaughter of Mr. A meeting of theWonen'sInstitube and Mrs, Henry Reichert, of the Parr lino became the bride of Mr. Edward was held at the home Mrs Winaberer, hiss I reds Hn,bereecect froffmaun on Wednesday lasThe asbriaesrn.ttia and ktr, Simnel 11.efchort mee ting openedby singing the "Maple as groomsman. After the ceremony Leaf Forever" after which routine the weddin business was transacted. A paperbridey repaired to the home of thee "Proper spirit of Xmas Giving" was where a bounteous ably presented by Mrs C Fritz. Dem- supper had been prepared, Mr. and Mrs. Haberer will settle clown on the ousbrations on Xinas suggestions groom's farm on the 4th concession, were given by the members, A short where the best wishes of a host of programme was rendered as follows,-- friends follow them. Solo by Miss Carrie Gallnnanu, Trio by the Misses Preeter, Siebert and O'Brien. The meeting closed by singing God Sage the King. • 2 Barrels of "Art cut, Glassware" just arrived. Make good nsofnlgifts, 10 cents to 50 con is F W Ness and 00, jr., attended the annual convention of the laymen's missionary society of the Lutheran church held at Waterloo on Thursday of last week. Last Tuesday evening at the Y 3? A service, two most excellent papers were given by Miss Keys, on "Gems of my Reading," and "The Christian and the Ballot" by Hiss Veda Ci'ritz, Both made splendid impressions, Dr. McNally, district medical Health Officer, gave an address to the local. Board of Health on Thursday afternoon Iast. The address was an instructive one and during the course of hie ; re- marks he gave much informational to the care of slaughter houses,out hoes= es, wells etc. Remember the dates of the Christ- mas Entertainments of Zurien;lvr y„r gelicat S School, Deo 25th and 14th Con, Dec 27th, respectively, Splendid Cantatas at both schools will be pre- sented, that are worth while going to hear, Come and enjoy yourself with others, The Y P A of the Evangelical church held their semi-annual Elect- ion of officers last week which result-' ed as follows;—President, Vera Siebert, let Vice President, Peal Wurtz, 2nd Vice Pres. Carrie Gellman 3rd Vice Pres Flossie Hartlieb, 4th Vice Pres Muriel Preeter, Treasurer, Hy Pfile, Organist, Gertrude Hartlieb Ass't Organist, Leila Siebert, Librar- ians, Earl Weide and Em Koehler, Rubber and overshoe prices before buying elsewhere er sending to a mail order horse. Our stock is all new and we carry nothing but No. 1 grade in every line so you buy with the assurance of getting the best at prices that will defy the competition of any mail order house and in add- ition you have the advantage of seeing the goods before you buy. A call will convince you. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. 1 M e. FRITZ. e Zurich 1 The Horne of Good Shoes FARMS SOLD. Mr. Samuel Dietz has sold his fine farm on the Bronson line to Mr, Hy. Clausius, who gets possession on March 15th,1915. The farm con- tains sixty acres and the price paid for it is $4800. This Farm contains the very best of land and the build- ings on ib are of the very best and 11ir Clausius is getting one of the finest homes on the Bronson line. We understand that Mr. Dietz and family will likely move to Zurich in the spring. John Jeff cy of the Babylon Line has purchased the by acne fa,rit, en the 11th, concession, from furs. S. 1Tcidingar, who recently purchased i1 from Mr. John llartman. Mr. Jeff- rey.gets possession at once. BORN. Armstrong ---At Blake, on Dec 71h, to Mr. and itrs. George Armstrong, Ir., a son. Ali 1.RRIED 1laberer. Eeirbort—A1 the Lutheran church, on Tuesday Dec. .3th, by :Rev. W. C. Miller, Miss Ellenore,- daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Reichert, to Mr, Edward Ilaberer. f` i i i .!, i If!,!.(Iliilii�l!(!It{iillill!{II all ul.ld.�: di I.I hi 1 . •. � . � d!'Il�t LI u. �,� CIIRISTMAS %VILL SOON BE kIERE and we are ready with a nice display of Xmas Gifts and. Toys Something to piease everybody, Also a nic ine of Confectionery, such as Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Bananas, etc. Give us a call N. DOUGLAS BLAKE l ',' ,�� i10!'"' ""!!,.!1!!VIII,IIQf�II!":�,�11',iil,4i11111!1!IL,^'• ONTARIO Candies We have a large assortment of all kinds of Candies. See our boa -bon boxes for Xltuts. Xmas Novelties We have alarge stock of Xlna• 1;oveltiFk•s, such as Cards Booklets, etc., to r'1`rnn { ='milt. ai,rirdu and C We handle only Connor's glean and Cakes, made and baked in Clinton. Raw and Stewed Oysters L coding brands of Cigars e1, lonniek's Restallrealt 4- • 4 4 ti• TAILO'°ED CLOTHES When 3, oia. buy a Tailored Garment, you buy something you can believe in utterly, We believe i it thein oil - ,elves, we ltiir.)At, them thor- oughly, and we cannot but be enthusiastic about them. Wear Tailored Clothes anal you Will km* that they are tlio bwst made, best designed, best finished young uieuc.i clothes o11.the market, arid. we sell them because it is out purpose to have reliable mer- cliatidis j for ;'0li able peoli 0 ++++++++++*++4.4++++f4+++++.1 +++++Wan •i• :++ •t++++++•-4 +