HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-04, Page 8TER UDS We are right in line with the largest shook of Winter Goods that we have ever shown and it is to your advantage to come and inspect our. various lines. loe 4,(:1 �# We have a fine assortment of 2new Dress Materials on hand. Also heavy Chinchilla Coatings in various weights and colors. Underwear We carry the famous Penman's Natural Wool Under- wear for men,. women and children. These goods are unshrink- able and extra long Wearing. We also have Penman's fleeced lined in different weights. All ready-to-wear hats and trimmings at greatly reduced prices. Fresh groceries always kept on hand. Produce taken in exchange. RTJY arc? GASCIIO PHONE 17 Locaal News The nary friends of Louis Sohilbe will regret to'learn that he is serious- ly ill with pneumonia at present, I have two 4-year.olcl. cattle, rain. going to kill. Anyone wishing, quarter leave your order at once,. Also six. 4 -month old and ten young pigs for sale, J. )Eley, Jr. The House of Refuge at Clinton put out three acres of sett onions last Spring and have just disposed0pf the crop. The seed cost $373 atld the onions were sold for 82514;60, mak- ing a net return of $2141,60, The Huron Old Boys' Association held its annual meeting, in Toronto on Nov;. 27th. It has a membership of 550. The question of publishing a historical sketch of the county from its earliest settlement was taken up, The Herald would like to secure correspondents in any parr .of, this district not already represented in its columns. We want one espeeiaily at Drysdale, Hillsgreen, Grand Bend and Hensall. 0: Stationery with stamp- ed envelopes and The Herald will be sent to persons who will undertake to send us the news, CLUBBING RATES. • We are making arrangenients with all the leading daily and weekly papers for special clubbing rates _ie. when snbscribecl for with The Herald. """` T '° `-e---0 - enee eEa f So kindly boar this in mind when re- iieZS'i.'e;X your subscription. '-`11a We 73 Deli We have a large stock f these on hand, Estimates giveFn .and con- tracts taken. All kinds of exterior and interior finish for houses made to order. We hand re all kinds of Building Material. Call at Planing fli11. Fr, Pi-iONE 19 KALBFLEISC _ -= ZURICH Mi4SSEY . Is. IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made, all steel. Manure Spar: acl.ers and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 112-H. P. $75; 2?, H. P..$85; 4 H. P. $125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P. $325; 12 11. P. $375; all warranted first class. At the oid Stand: - Square Dealing Our Motto" 11 Hess ec Son, Fanning Merl Sieves I am agent for the Clinton fann- ing mill sieves, and farmers re- quiring any, oan procure them at my farm, South, of Zurich John Hoy jr. Zurieh Feed Store Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. We are agents for Interna- tional and Royal Purple stook £ood. Also a full line of Grocer. ies on hand. Isaac Hudson T i Al a, �?vr From ,r; IE 7athho s dollar to two seven ity- five each. 01.91 .11.1111••101 EVAN, CHURCH SERVICES• Srnday, German 10.00 a, in. Junior Y, P. A. 1,00 p. n2. Sunday School 2,00 " "e (Service) English 7.00 " ' "~ Teachers meeting 8.00 Mon.,.Tri-Mu Brotherhood 8.00"' " Tuesday,. Y. P..A. 8.15 " " Wednesday Prayer Meeting 8.00 Friday Teachers. Training Clhss 7.80 " " " choir practice ' 8.30 Ladies•Aid.meets 1st Monday of each month at 7.80 LUTHERAN CF.it:TRCH SERVICES 3cweUor3r Ili � CASE r 7 a. "YSTEi. itrettra Sundays t :erman Sereno 10.30 a. m. E' glish " 7.00 p. m. Sunday School (German and English) 2.00 p. m. Tuesday'?;- Men's Missionary Society 7.80 p. in. Friday's Luther. League 7.30 p. m. The Ladles' Aid! Society meets the 1st. Wednesday evening of the month 7.30 p. ni. You are most cordially invited to• take an active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it." Lnke 11, 22. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter $0.22 Eggs 2t? Dried Apples 04t Potatoes 80' Wheat $1.12 $1,1:3 Oats 46 48 Barley 62 65 Buckwheat 65 Flour 3.00.. 8.50 Bran $25.00 Shorts 27.00 Low Grade. 82,00 JEWELLERS SCHOOL REPORTS The following report shows the re- lative standing' of the pupils of the Senior room based on an exaininaton of the work covered, Sr Grad G A Manson 68, L Sie- bert 64, G Weber 63, 0, Hoffman 59, L Ealfleiseh 58, V Fritz 54, Jr Grad G Zettel 71, M Heyrock 62, V Fuss 60, G Kaeroher 60, E La- poote 50, D Ducharree 46, W A Sie- bert 45, 0 Pfile 43. Jr Entrance 0 Miller 67,1VI Mer - nor 66, A • Hess 61, H Fritz 59, R Foster 61, E °allfas 50, W nitz 37, W Bender absent. G S Howard, Principal The Herald to Jan 1916 to new subscribers for $1. • THE HERALD CIMINO UST FOR 1915 Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 "" Weekly Globo:...,., 1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire !l 75 Wesly Mail and Empire • 175 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition..., Evening Edition.... Weekly Edition 1 ondon Advertiser Morning Edition..,. 2 90 Evening Edition? 00 Weekly E'litmn, 1 75 Verniers Advocate2 40 ktentreal Family Herald and Weekly .. ,.185 CC Ci 11 Ci i, „ 8.50 2 90 1 85 Examinations in Arithmetic, Reed- ing and spelling. Total 800. Sr. II -Edna Zettel 273, Emma Wurm 259 Lillian Wesloch 258, Iva Kalbfleisch 241 Dorthy Cauibell 235, Mary MVlittelholtz 194, Alphonsus Deitrich 176 Theodore Waguea 17e, Whitney Truemenner 154, Laura Dietrich 118. Laura Dietrich absent for one examintion. Jr. II -Pearl Gellman 283, Luella Becher 264, Milton Hey 262, Lloyd Hey 230, Gordon Rau 226, Herbert Neib 182, Mable Bender 138, Mable Bender absent for one examination. Pb. II -Eva Fee 272, Veola Prang 268, Russel Foster 247, Flora ;Uttley 218, Ruth Brenner 204, Ethel Mess 107, Austin Schwalm 1211., Austin Schwalm absent for one Exrmination. J. W. Veitc'h Teacher. Tho following is the pereen'e taken by pupils of room 8 Zurich' Public Scheel at the November Exams. S.', II -Hazel Foster 78, GFordon Wolper 77, Bert Siebert 74, Gordon Zettel+ 74, Inez Yungblut 74, Dorthy Fritz 7.3, Paul Miller 73, Hildas Nou- schwanger 72, Lennis Obrien• 6J,. Margaret Thiel 68, Ervin Fisher 68, Euloine Geiger 67, Eleanor Ducharme 65, Clair Merner 63, Leonard Re ,63,. Anthony Mittelholtz 48. Jr. 11- Mabel Praetor 86, Muriel Howald,85, Julia Davidson 83, Ethel Dietrich. 81, Evelyn Howard 74 Minnie-IiIttley 77, Joseph Zettel Theodore Reichert and Pearl . Liebold, were absent for -Exams. Primell-Lulee Albrecht 81, Gil- bert Dueharnao 80, Kathleen Sieanen 79, Vernon Davidson 79, Edgar Ben- der 76,. ' Sr. 1 -Marguerite Prang 800, Freda.Deiehert 80. Jr. I,-Itainend Fisher 76, Gordon. SSchwahn 76, Alvin Gascho 74, 13'nsd Davidson. 73, Elmer Liebold was ab- sent far Exams. Mayme A. Lamont,. Teacher. Monthly Report for November.. Jr.•.TV-Margaret Hess 89, Joan Campbell 84, Susie Deichert. 84„ Graham Merzser 81, Mildred Hedlnaan 79;Plead Duoharme 77, Ruth Hartleib 71,, Gladys Fisher 69, Janet Thiel 68, Sr, III -Frank Siebert 80, Clar- ence Foster 30, Russell Preeter 75, Olive Zettel 75, Earl Zettel 73, Elmore Clausius 69, Frederick ;weseloh 69. Lindsay Wurm.6,7„ Leo- nard Hudson 64. Jr. III -Jacob Haberer 7A Mar- j;ory Fritz 71, Earnest Bonder 69, Rose Hess 67, Arming Branner 62, Pearl Wainer 62, Cecilia Hildebrandt 60. M. E. Walker, Teacher. HICKS' FORECAST; A Reactionary Stovna Period will develop and run its; Bourse on and touching the 5th, 6th and 7th. The reasonable outlook for this period is that rain, turning to heavy sleet and snow, will pass hem west to oast, and that Cloudy mereurial, cold weather will continue for several days after the passage of the storms Stucl.y your barometer closely, in connection with every storm period. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS I have authorized my successor kr. A.. V. Dees to collect all back sub- scriptions to The Herald. Please look up your label and remit amount at your early convenience.. E. Zeller.. Zurich, Nov. 2/914. COAL!. COAL! Dele vare, La.ckawanna, & `Western Coal Co's c reinton Coal Ail sizes �s SCRU T N .I-lensall. THE STOVE QUESTION All we ask you is to get our prices before you buy. We can sell you stoyes as cheap as any departmental store iix Canada, See our cook stove for coal and wood with reservoir For $2o.00, weighs .450 lbs. Don't forget that TV Et still leaf the trade in FURNITURE AND HARNESS' ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN,. z ZUHIZNE1C3 LAt ©ES 0.4)agiBi 'i1 TO Ai STORE THE QD,,'TORE Save 10 ercent now We have some last year's Ladiea-Qoats which we are offering at I-Ialf Price BIG REDUCTION on all our° Mens Suits and Overcoats. NEW FALL GOODS, being, opened and placed, on display every day now,. If you. want to, see what Fashion has create. for Fall 1914, pay this, Store a visit, Don't wait till you are ready to buy.. Come to -day We can show you everything in Correct and Stylish. Re.,, dy=to-Weir Apparel for. Women. And, what is more.... we can show you Styles and Values you will not see elsewhere. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce F. ME Zurich Parm Implem • ' et us know your wants., We handle everything in Farm Implements. Engine Supplies Pullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting,leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and pump piping. Buggies, Waggons; Sleighs and Cutters. If you aro in abed of Machine Re- naus we can get them for you. ,We rive special attention to our repair c',otaci:tinont. - UIS P ANG Z 211111141033111111111111111111 UNDE IPIP': 1,1 Prompt Service Moderate Charges Tailor Shop,- and hop•and Laundry 06 �a, ilta 1' ;Ta F i Ontario