HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-12-04, Page 1T RADE AT T RIES Vol, XV, $1W • ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING„ DEC. 4, 1914. r Pir he HPR t January9191 to new sub, crib :rBbov+Sos4®000a®mo••••••o4b• ate•••••••••00••0••4O9e**06 :a tro'4 4 4 4 4 e • • a • a • We have a lot of Ladies' Coats, mostly last years styles, which d we are going to clow out. These are in • good condition and will • stand a lot of wear- They sold at $10, $12 and $15, while _they to last we will sell them at 4 .a 4 • We also have a nice stock of the newest styles and cloths in • Ladies' Coats bought spay for tlri season's trade. Call'in and ' see them. m• 0 We have prepared for a 011 1 a1+1 faihionecd winter and our stock • of furs will interest y -, r. Soo o:Ir iiatai2,1,1 Wolf Setts, muffs, etc. 4. We have a fine la:lies 1•vi3k1 tt co:at :,0 inch.ss long, at a specie.1 low c4 • price. •Also a muskrat lined chat, specialty priced at 87.50. m o Furs at ess than Cost firth from ats t 15 for JIV per Goat 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 • s •A • 4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 9 0 0 4 4 4 *• We have a job lot of furs, suclfas stoles, ruffs, etc., which we are sellin•g out at less than cost. DJ not miss this opportunity. 4, -• ,y • • •♦of 1 o• fel' �.-• •�yr�'!oNt,fi = i r - O 41 __ ��� i it h k; • 141. • •I. k1 M �,i'�, 'I T i.N 3� , . •• • was _ 4 • • • e , •_ r , t 4 -_ 4 4 / Q _ 0 A. 0 I. - Rte^!" _ 4 ®= o J= u o IOvercits• o s ,.. a o •+:��r Men and. Boys * A •o o In stock in all sizes.. Good warm material, made in; many ',moi l styles, made to wear and the prices are right. • o e 4 • BlanketsiRobes•• >,e Do not forget your horses dousing the cold wea ther. Wehaye m a large stock of horse blankets, all grades, to choose from. We have ; a special all wool blanket which is a good one. Also goat robes and a Saskatchewan robes, rugs, etc. o 0 • 4, fJ• B •w ea�s • w W See our line of coal. and wood heaters, the kind that warin you. •!Peninsular ani nappy' hoe ht . anvesarethe best. • • • We have a few secondhand baseburners on hand which we offer• • 4 kt af • • • 0 4 0 9 • • Pr • 0 • • _ e1epho a , �+i o. o 0 4, duce always T. ken. • 8 •4 4, • 0 • • • • *404 04.4 0 4444 004 044404404. mT4 444,4**0044444400.4114*01,' 'r -A' e--A'fm'•.,--s.e•-•41'.4-s4"0® For a fini tailored suit or overcoat LOCAL NEWS: �'''call on EAppel. J. Preeter was in Toronto for a few days last week on business. • W F Braun and G R Tress . visited friends in Exeter on lilonday, Miss Gertrude,Hartleib is s'pendiiig. a few weeks with relatives in London. Mr, Alex Sparks, of Biggar Sask., is visiting relatives here at present. 1\Ir. W. G. Hess macre a shipment' of over 300 pigeons to Essex on Mon. day. Mr William Turner returned to Walkerville on Monday, where he has a good position.. Junge Ilolt.of Goderioh was in town Wednesday, but no sitting of the Diy- ielon Court was necessary Mr. Alf Melick and mother, Mrs. J. Melick, are visiting relatives in Michigan for a few weeks. Mr. Charles Stoick, who spent the past few years in Edmonton, isrenew- ing old acquaintances in this commun- ity. Tho young people enjoyed them- selves at A. birthday party at the home of Hughie Theil 14% con., on tuesday evening . Mr. Walter Steele, of the Babylon line, had the misfortune to have . a piece of steel enter one of his eyes,` a few days ago. The Ontario Provincial Winter Fair will be held in Guelph from Dec. 5th to 10th. • A lairge , sure is being offered in prizes, • The black squirrel season .closed yon Monday. This little animal seemed to be scarce this year as few'. ere shot by local hunters. It -will not be necessary to send out of town for ' bon -bon hoxes, . as Mrs I'tcCormick keeps these good .„1n all the•loatl'iriebrands,' at all prieZs. Monday was tuberculosis day in the Public schools throughout the prov- ince and the day was fittingly observ- ed in Zurich public school. In the afternoon Dr. A. J, MacKinnon deliv- ered an address to the children on the subject, which was of great interest, enol should prove very profitable to them. 1911 CENSUS . The following is taken from yolumn two of the fifth census of Canada taken in 1911, and may bo of interest to our readers. This volurnn pertains to religious, birthplace, etc, Tile total population of Hay township is 3014 which is divided into religious classes as follows: -Anglicans 103, Baptists 19, Discipels 2, Lutherans 801, Mennonites 134, Methodists 424, Mormons 5, Presbyterians 485, Roman Catholics 490, Various sects 550, unspecified 1, Stanley township has a population of 1830 and this is divided as follows; -Anglicans 222, Baptists 8, Brethern 8, Disciples 4 Lutherans 7, Mennonites 48, Method- ists 469, Mormons 1, Presbyterians, 878 Roman Catholics 165, Salvation Army 5, various sects 4, unspecified 1. Stephen township with a population of 3453, has 7 Adventist, 296 Anglicans, 2 Baptists, 279 Lutherans, 1839, Methodists, 7 Mormons, 369 Presby- terians, 448 Roman Catholics, 706 various sects. MEIONSISMOISOISSZEMOMEMI The Incorporated 1855 Opened Branch in Huron Co. 1 874 Saving Bank Accd; iu-.to Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, rvVh.r ager 1 100091100,130.11301141110111111.110110041111110111,1111111101 Miss Carrie Gellman spent th week with friends near Varna. Dr. Wilson of Toronto, formely of Zurich, was a visitor in town this week Wanted -$4000 to lend on a firs t mortgarge on a farm in Ray Township Applto, Herald Zurich - Miss 0. Woods of Dashwood, visited with her friend, Miss if, McBride, over Sunday. Dr, B. A. Campbell and Mr. Jacob Deichert were in Toronto on Tuesday on business. A fine line of all the latest in pat- riotic postcards, badges, etc., can be boughtat Mrs McCormick's restaurant. Mr. Fred Irauskopf has sold his farm on the Goshen line south, to his r -in -lent, Mr Alex.V oisin; who has n possession .'n,ioyab!o snrpr•ise party was held home of .vIrand Mrs J:Hey Jr, on Tuesday night. The night was plcosantly spent in games and music. Mr Jacob Ilaberer hes sold A strip c' Iand off the north side of his prop- erty to Mr, Louis Kraft. who will have A handsome new dwelling erected on it next year. Mr. F. -Hess, Sr., has sold a build- ing lot to Mr. Henry Daters. The lot is situated west of the bowling green and Mr. Daters intends erecting a fine residence on it next year. At the auction sale of the real estate of the late Mary Ann Rau on Saturday last, the purchaser of dwelling and lot in Zursch was Mr Henry Ran, of near Drysdale. The price paid for it was $1025,00, The monthly meeting of the wom- en's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm, Hoffman on the evening of Dec. 9th., at 8 0'e -lock shacp. Demonstrations on Christmas sugges- tions will be given. all ladies are requested to attend this meeting. At the city of Detroit Mich., a quiet wedding took place on Nov. 10th when Miss Yost became the bride of Mr, Lang Foster, of the Blind line. The happy couple returned a few days ago to settle down on the grooms fine farm. Their many friends wish thetas a happy married life. We have a letter box at our office, in one of the front doors, for the con. verience of anyonee wishing to inform usof any local news. ;Yrs .7.!1.! be glad to publish any such items but we mast have the writer's name signed thereon, not for publication but mere- ly to show us that the item is sent in on good faith. The Senior Bible Class of the Lutheran church was regularly organ- ized last Sunday and the following officers elected: ---President, Oscar Klapp; Vice -President, TIy. Daters; Secretary, Louis Prang; Treasurer, Miss Annie Wurm. The class has a membership of over thirty now and prospects are bright for a much larger attendance in the near future. .The Luther League of the Luther- an Church met at the home of Miss Gertrude Weseloh last Friday evening for its regular weekly meeting, After disposing of the business on hand a programme, consisting of songs, read- ings, recitations, addresses and mus- ical numbers, was rendered. After the programme a lunch. was served. Those present spent a profitable as well as an enjoyable evening. BORN.; SCHRADER-In Exeter, on Sunday, November 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. W, Schrader a daughter. WOODALL-In Credition on Nov. 13 to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Woodall a daughter. T3ISSETT-At Godericb, on Nov 27, to ?ltr, and Mrs. G, A, Bissett, a son. tlingevielr----•In Tray township, on Nov 26th, to Mr. and Ctrs. Solouinrr Gingcrich, a daughter Keys ----.In Stanley township, on Nov. 26th., to Mr. and Mrs. Ben lteys, a. son. g9111rG fi ff 9f iF4d E ti +9 i 4. 1 1 .y. t 4. See us about Rubber and overshoe price before buying elsewhere or sendh to a mail order house. Our stock is all new and na carry nothing but No.1 grade in every line so y( a buy with the assurance of getting the best at pi ices that will defy the competition of any mail order `louse and in add- ition you have the advantage of > icing the goods _ before you buy. A call will convince you. Butter and eggs taken in ex+•:range for shoes.: ITZ �:" 0 �.� The Home of Good Shoes ( E and we are ready wall a nice disp]ay of Xmas Gifts and Toys Something to please everybody. Also a nice lin of Confectionery, such as Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Bananas, etc. Give us a call R. N. DOUGLAS -- ONTAFR BLAKE d 11 W stauY Wat oyOiters, RaW and Stewed Fruits in Season Finest Candies We also sell the Famous Connor t r:. nd jf rea and cakes. *e.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* TAILORED CLOTHES 'When you buy a Tailored Garment, you buy something you can believe 111 utterly. We believe in thein our- selves, we know thele thor- oughly, and we cannot but be enthusiastic about them. Wear Tailored Clothes and you will know that they are the best made, best designed, best finished young men's clothes on the market, and we sell them because it iseour purpose to have reliable mer- chandise for reli..a)ie peop Te ++++++++444:4014++++ 3t/'i:,i! fig •d+l"' 9'.'1'+l+d++Pi •f,.1++1.'1„1,+1+'y,.F;'g.'1'?l:'t'