HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-10-02, Page 8Pali Millinery Openings
On Thurs. a,nd Fridry Sept. 23 and 24th.
and following clays
Miss Then is again in charge of our Mill-
inery department, and she will be pleased to
show you the newest styles of Fall alis. Winter
hats and trimmings. Do not fail to call:;
Fall and Winter Goods
Oar stock for all and Winter trade is now
almost complete. We lave a fine range of dress
material to show you such as Macdonald tartans.
in the different shades, sieges, corded and bro-
caded velvets, heavy all wool etiitiilgs, chitin,.
chilla coatings in navy, fawn, brown, etc. etc.
Sweater Cants
A shipment of the celebrated Monarch
Knit sweater coats to hand. These coats are
well made of good. material and give entire sat,
s faction. Come and see thele.
Fresh groceries always kepton hand.
Produce taken in exchanged.
v etc OASC
i :.ler! Shingles!Laths!
We have a large stock of these
land, Estimates given and con.
its tip. ken. All kinds of exterior
interior finish for houses made
der. We hand `e all kinds of
ding,Material Call at Planing.
9 = = ZU'RJC19
siness at
he Old Stand
'e been appointed Agents for
the celebrated
ey Harris Implements
audio everything in that line,
Implements, Manure spread -
kinds of Plows, Seed Do':
arrows, Cultivates- Bean
rs, etc.
`Testing Implements
Mowers, Rakes, Hay
Loaders, Etc.
Massey -Harris
ream Separators
inds of Plow repairs, Gasoline
See our line of Cutters be-
n buy, all onr own make. Bag-
rrizes, .VSragons, Sleighs.
re Dealing Our Motto
Fanning Mill
I ani agent for the Clinton funn-
ing mill sieves, and farmers re-
quiring any, eau pro oure theta at
my furan, Bout. of. 'Zurich.
John, Hey jr.
06. 2,n
If YOU want
your suit press
ed or repaired
'Ala FE r !. AN
9 �y
does IT.
I wish to warn the farmers of Ont-
ario against inferior lightning rods.
our investigations we have :found
that an iron cantered rod, that is, one
composed of a strip of ooppe twisted
an iron or steel centre, Whether the
centre is a strip or wires or both, is a
short•livedrocl. In many cases the
iron is nearly all rusted away in from
five to.ten years, leaving only the
copper, which is too light either to
wear well, or to carry off a :flash of
lightning without melting, Tho
copper'shcath roc's weigh. Any far-
mer who puts these iron -centra.' rods
on his buildings is actually getting
less present value for his me/4y than
if using an all-ooper rod, td say noth-,
ing of the lack of durability. "A plain
galvanized iron cable is more durable
than tato iron -centred rod.
In bulletin 220 on Lightning 'Rods
page 26, appears. a photograph of a
piece of iron -centred rod taken from
the peak of a building after eight
years of use. The iron strip and
wires were in several pieces, and more
than half rusted away,
It is the credit of all lightning
rod companies in Ontario, except two
that they are following the teaching
of bulletin 220, and do not supply
iron -centred rods. Several months
ago I personally informed one of the
two companies that its iron, centred
rod was not fit to put on a building,
and the other, even before Bulletin 20
was published, was notified what its
teachings would be regarding the iron -
centred rod, and they were advised
not to stook up with that kind of rod.
Yet these companies are using port-
ions of the bulletin to induce fanners
to buy these inferior rods which it
Under these circumstances L think
it only fair to the farmers of the pro-
vince to pub them in possession ^f the
facts. And it is not unfair to the
companies for they were notified pub,
licly through the bulletin and privat-
ely by letter, thus giving them autple
time to provide a good rod. Indeed
it has been a matter of surprise to me•
to learn through recent correspond-
ence and personal reports that these
rods are still being sold.
These companies can just as well
supply good roc's, as speeii'ied gad de-
scribed in the bulletin. .
Perhaps it May not be nmisa.Lefore
conc4uding to say that our -i:.s stiga-
tions have shown that properly . in-
stalled rods will prevent $999 of loss
out of every $1000 that would occur
if the same buildings were not rodded,
Wm. H. Day, •
Professor in Physics,
Ontario Agr. College, Guelph, Ont.
1Ga istidr y in Connection
failor e1JP210�1
Geo, R. h ss has bought half interest in my business
be found in the same stand, on main street.
All our Prices are reduced.
ERE IS THE REASON— We will conduct
t IIESS C . jowollors
3 New Nano Farms
In the very heart of the famoue? 20,
000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land.
Near the village of Matheson on the
T. R N. 0. 1tailway. All other surr-
oundinglots already settled and im-`
provena.ents begun, 13xeellent gover-
nment roads through the entire local-
ity; schoolhouse and local. P. 0. a:
corner of one of the lots; houses ereett
ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each.
Two of the lots have close to 1,000,
000 ft of valuable timber on each,
(pine, birch, spruce and Whitewood,
in almost equal amounts) and in add-
ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood
on each farm, 160 acres in each fault.
A rare opportunity for quick -ret-
urns and safe investment. Price ex-
ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00
and $6,00 per acre, respectively. It
will pay you to investigate .this unus-
ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller,
Farm for Sale
Lot 28. Con 7, Parr Line Hely
North 50 acres, or will sell the whote
lot. For particulars' apply' Duncan
Taylor; Hensall P. 0.
Dwelling' for Sale.
Good, two,rtorey brick dwslling
with brick stslile;• all in first class
repair. Good w'a`ater and large garden,
Would give pcnsession this Bering.
For Particulars,apply at once ;to Er
nest Gies, Zurich;.
Wanted at Toshssti Snider, Bauble
McEwtn= Brns..
gBayfieI d
Mack Gill
Standard bred trctting. shall iican,T ;n-
ralantent No. 2114. `phis stallion: is
41 yrs. old, Seal browns stands 16
hands, weighs 1200 J .,-iagentle tt, nd
Irina, best of feet analogs. and action.
Ilia sire Ora Wilks the•greatesttrot t-
eu•producer in Canada, '`es`i11 :star td
at.htis own stable, $$11X10; to, iitzsur e.
Payable March '1st.
'?hone 16. Mensal I.
House For Sale.—AA White Brick
Huse erected by Sim,T,reland, and at
present occupied by Otto, Restemayer,
;for particulars apply to, H. Weigand
' Good brick -dwelling 24X84 with.
'kitchen 18X22, together wvi-h large
frame barn and about 21• acres of,
land.. The property is nicely situate
ed and will be sold on reasonable
terms. There is a good well cistern
and furnace in, house. For further
particulars apply tot. Zeller, Zw ich,
Possession many be given about, ist.
July.. 0. Grob owner, Berlin Ont.
Deleware, Lackawanna,, :&
Western Coal Co's.
Scranton Coal
All sizes
'11,11.0 1,1 Feed.
Leading Brand of
Flour, Shorts,Bran
and Feed Corn
1?roduce of all kinds taken in
We as. a.,eoits for Interna
tiryna,' au>l. Royal Purple
{tick food,
Also H.1 :ll line of Girocer-
ioF on hand,
iStAtt,e, 17- 0lcdsOU
we also stock Now Perfectio •coal oil stove,
$5.00 gold piece is jaai& as pure as sly the gold in the $20.00=go1d"pieee,
there is less of it, •
So no natter athat style stove yowl -toy' select, you cannot make
as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor Gasollno& $t,0ve."
Many use the "Detroit' Vapor" stoves summer and winter, as
heat their houses with furnace or steam,. and with a "J7etroit Va
stove for cooking they haste practically' the oonveriecs of a gas . s
Do yon know that tiakes about 2 miry. ttee to generate a: co
gasoline burner, three -burners s 6 m.intues, three times day 38 nail
365 days in a year wou .t' be ab'ou't 11 days MI ten hours per day,' we
your time your time anc3. gasaltne. to sna.ol-m. up your rooms, while
ting your gasoline stovefor waking, Wh7'not apply this wastef
toward buying a 'a:Detvait° 'Vapor" stv a that lig1>t ,. ..,;as
• IP] ER'S
are now Opera
of the purest quality allwals on hand.
Luncheons, Soft Drinks and Cigars
to be had on the premises, also,
Fruit of all kinds.
Fare for Sale
T1111 11Z IT OVER,
P<l piE "
9 74 UR
LARCIEf T ..0 ,a-. BIlfIA'?i•'1 9N �'O `IW
I am offering my valuable farm
for sable, consisting of 75 notes choice
land, properly . fenced, well drained,
three good wells, and .: all buildings
arc, in good conditions. For full par
mol arss apply to 'Vrn Steloli, Is
No. b CliLAwoOd, Ont.
ha hvited
to attend our Fall
Millinery Opening
Friday and aturd
September 25 node
under the management of Miss Latlxie, who
has wide experience.
being opened and placed on display ever
now. If you want. to see what Fashion.
created for Fall 1914}. pay this' Store avisi
Don't wait till you;
ready to buy. Corrie tor.
We can show you.- everything in
orrect and Stylish' Ready=to
Apparel for Women.
And, what is more....we can show you Styles
and -Values you will not see elsewhere,.
Highest Pricespaid for Farm Produce-
Let us know your wants. We
handle everything in a m
Pallies, all sizes and kinds,
Delting,leather orcanvas, all
sues. Shaft boxing and
shafting. Pump and • pump
Buggies, Waggons, . Sleighs
and Cutters.
If you are in need of lV1aohine Re-
pairs we can get them for you. We
give special attention to our repair
Prompt Servic
Mode at
octet Res rer
Lth„i6�r541�'>ixD� +c tore otyuervl
«w..n'el 7lid;4 ,,..., tt• it9 .toper tit187
f+ith ner'A ,F�iity XactrtAturrdrria. a
wtrikz -loco 1.'111/4;1
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