HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-10-02, Page 7Iseult c :CTI ONS P• • OINOER' DUD OF THE NG IRE PRONE IE BI WA& 1F300AANo ;RCN. ACTURE0 fe° CONg NNYtll U LTH Frost Air Again, occasionally hear some one 'against :the ` `nagging" of a i -air'. fiend.." If there is any. t oto which nagging is ex;cus- it is the imp r'tance of plenty sh lira Thousands of•people ive the most rdial assent to at is said in favor of pure air house, and yet pull the win- -, Noise down whenever they find ahem The preachers of hygiene made fresh air fashionable opular, but they have not yet R E4 L ded in overcoming the native cy to fustiness in a vast num- people. 'e are two ,fatal diseases— ulosi•s and pneumonia—that ally "house diseases." They es thousands of lives every and cost the community mil of dollars, chiefly because are not enough "fresh -air to insist on the clean air in such diseases cannot flourish. td by, when .the nagging has plished its purpose, these two es will be got under control. hat- time will nut come until ve good air ,all the ibime, in and schools and planes of went, and in nubile convey - and, above all, in every bed - very night of the year. ay, in spite of much excel- gislation on the subject,- it e risk of health, and perhaps that we take a train, or ride reet car, or go into a public especially in the winter s. The average railway ear, is vestibuled platform, its doors and windows, and its steam heat, is an excellent ator of disease. The street. a little better, beeaus•e, even the worst intention on the f its occupants, the air blows gh it at intervals. ase who would like to breathe air all the time, are forced by mstances to do without it in laytime, hut they can at least all they want at night. Ib is g the hears of sleep that na- repairs the waste of- the day's but :she cannot do good work bad conditions, and she does good work in bad air. your_ bedroom windows . wide `all- the time, and you will done your share.—Youth's lanion, D in the irked i nile a tchebn • Mary er for ,ger to are wa •ful. own c ✓ was ere shi piwas 1 s step. )r for )OX. n it V' yard E be. Co box wa little "Two aken. t :y had to the s lying?" he held mother , It''s y may to to sl ly, and sttrea iddenly ned. up and were ou floor p. )aid. r s they ;heir s ,00th was in s they vith fr they word. rey wog was o bed. .t us before and never ,n two npani liow to Sleep. necessity for sleep and the sty acquired is greater in person.s'than in others. Some is feel perfectly refreshed oar or five hours rest during ight, while others require or more hours. It may be his is greatly a question of but, in •allowing the time ne- for resting, the person con - should find out the amount p required to keep him in health. Persons of lym- teniperatnent are usually leepers. Thin, wiry people, other hand, in whom the s temperament predomin- sually require comparative - sleep, and, in deciding, the n o£ 'temperament must be red. The- best 'attitude for is to,lie on the right side, e on the back frequently reams, while to rest on the e may affect the heart. however, no hard and fast regards position when sleep - >e plain• thi.n,g is ,to ;relax the , and lie in the most com- attitude possible. People light sleepers .should never• d with the brain excited, or e body is over -tired; In 13EFU es the sleep will be broken. glass of hot milk when 'ted or over -tined, and a ing for fifteen minutes in a Ible chair, will often re - e body sufficiently 'to .allow ent to go to sleep almost at• e room should be well ven- and the head.ibe moderate- d.—A Physician. . and de sly air blotcl fortify tlioug Lice a MY eP Lk. V id tab halals 0 my Pills. m and well w ;in who Dr.;. I et seat• the de ante. • they (petite pure— ppeare >ar • an a girl; ward 'e of a is n's 3ktne. aliton's Me- Ca trio. ,7. roreing a Safeguard. f the most serious af mill - bees on ,active service—ono ly punished by death—is as ."forcing a ' •Safeguard." n ;army is moving • through y's country its, commander en place sentries over the f well-disposed inhabitants nit theirbeing looted or 1pi1- his own men.. Interference h "safeguard" is a mill me for which no "extenuat- nastan es" are ever recog- TWO YEBR8 Of TORIEJ. , f110111 81,011011101111 Cured by the -tire o 'Er. Yllijains • Pink ,Pills• for• Pile Pea91o' There are; two . wa y ,s• usually ado -�' p., bed in trying 'tea our indigestion or stomach trouble—one, the wrong .way, by using purgatives and other drugs .which 'only..a;ct locally and .«•hitch In'the-long run cause mare distress by weakening the whole system, The other way and the right w,ay is the Dr. Williams' man- ner of treatment—that is, to nourish and build' up the .sbosnech by sup- plying plenty of new, rich, red blood. Give the stomach this. much- needed supply of new blood and distress will disappear and stay banished forever. The new blood strengthens the nerves of the sto- mach and gives •it the necessary power to digest food. Tlhousands bear witness to the value of the Dr. Williams' treatment through the blood. Among them is the Rev. P. D. Nowlan, of Summerville, N.S., who say s : "I certainly have great reason to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they were the means of saving my life. Till I reached the age of thirty I, never knew what pain or sickness meant, but after that my stomach failed me and food of any kind caused untold distress. I ' became constipated and was forced to use injections. daily. This went on for about two years; I grew weaker and weaker; my weight fell off from 185 to 125 pounds •.I had :a hacking cough and appeared to be going into a decline. All this time I was being treated by the beast doctors but without the least benefit. Night after night I could get no sleep the pain and agony was so severe. On eonsulta- tion the doctors decided I was suf- fering from oance.r of the stomach, and advised an operation .as a means of saving my life. This I re- fused to undergo, .and began to look forward to an early death. Just; then a. friend advised me to try,Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I7aad no faith in any medicine and at first refused, but nay friend was so persistent that finally I gave in and .purchased half a dozen boxes. By the time these were gone I felt much stronger and the distress was not so severe. I continued their use and eaoh suc- ceeding box wrought a masked im- provement in my=oandition, till by the time, I had taken a dozen boxes, every pain and ache had left me; my strength increased; my weight was back where it was before I was ill; I had a good appetite and was Completely cured. In the years that have elapsed since I used the Pills not a twinge of the trouble has re- turned. To lie Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest medicine on earth, and I never lose an oppor- tunity in recommending them to other sufferers, for I feel that were ib not for their use I would have been in my grave long ago." What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for Rev. Mr. Nowlan they have done for thousands of others and will do for you if ailing. They not only cure cases of stomach trouble, . but rheumatism, partial paralysis, heaae palpitation, St. Vitus dance, and all other troubles that have their origin in a bad condition of the blood and nerves, The Pills are sold by medicine dealers or by mail .at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. King Peter of Servia. Before his accession to the throne, King Peter of Servia lived in exile in Paris in aflat for which he paid the very modest rent of $150 per annum. He was in those days agreat .athlete and boxer. NEW O.P.R. LINE: The new Lake Shore line of the C.P.R. has been used for pas- senger traffic 'since June 29. A freight business is, also being carried an. This new line gives, practically a new route between Montreal and. Toronto, and greatly facilitates in handling the enormous traffic, pas- senger and freight, which passes through this territory. The work was commenced about two years ago, and entailed a cost of nearly twelve millions of dollars. That it will ere.ate new business is ° confi- dently believed; but •aconsider,atlion which is not directly -associated'with profits, yet is not alien thereto, is that by the duplication of the tracks there is set up a closer communice- tion between the two great centres of population in. the Dominion. Enthusiasm is to . a man . what power is to a ballet.,:; Minard's Linhnent Cures Dandruff, GIi1UTA.N DIPLOMACY. Sur'pr'itt'd She ;Has, No Friends In the Wo ld. The world aloes not know wheat was behind the i'nihoitant dedlaras tion of the Russian Czar when, to- ward the,end of July, over;the-tiers man parleyings, hedeclared, !-We .have had too much: of this already)" What he refgrved to, says the I3p;s- Eon News Bureau, has never been printed. From financial interests which are so necessary to govern- zrient interests when• war prepara- tions are, at hand, we can now give the inside scene which was '.at` the bottom of •Russia's resentment. against Germany. In 1908, when Russia .was suffer ing from demoralization following the -war with Japan in 1904-05, Aus- tria, in violation of the treaty with all the powers of Europe, proposed to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Russian Prime Minister was seated at his desk one forenoon when the German Ambassador was announced. The request of the Ambassador was for .an immediate response as to the position of Bus - ria should Austria annex Bosnia and Herzegovina. The. Russian Prime Minister pro- tested that he must confer with his associates and the other signatories to the treaty of Berlin. • The German. Ambassador replied in effect : "There is no time. It su happens that during the ,autumn manoeuvres our troops are on the Russian frontier. I am directed by nay Government to remain at this office until I receive your answer, and to say to you that unless I have your assurance that Russia will remain n 'utral while Austria 'takes over Bosnia and Herzegovina, the German troops will immediately cross the Russian frontier. "All the time I am permitted to give you in which to make answer is 15 minutes." This has been the diplomacy of Germane; the diplomacy of force, and it now finds its expression in the 14 -inch siege guns, which were never built for defences within Ger- many. And yet Germany expresses sur- prise that it ,appears to have no friends throughout the world. FATHER OF GERMAN NAVY. • Admiral Tirpitz Will Share Blaine for, Germany's Suieide. Though Grand Admiral von Ti't= pitz, the long grey -bearded Teuton with the shining bald head, 'who is head d`f the Gernaan Admiralty, has for years planned the invasion of Great Britain, he did not mind 'tak- ing advantage of English educa- tional ,facilities, and all his. Child- ren have been educated in the Motherland, He has been behind the refusal of every invitation from Great Britain to come to an .agree- ment on. armaments, and into the mind of the very susceptible Kaiser he has implanted the idea that Gere many would be as invincible on sea as a month ago she thought herself on land. After the Emperor he is the strongest man in the Father- land, and he will share with his im- perial master the infamy of having accomplished Germany's suicide. To talk to, Tirpitz would seem the most harmless man in the world—ready to answer any ques- tions andto give his views' on Eng- Iand with disarming frankness. He has always admitbted• that the Brit- ish navy was the finest in the world not only in numbers, which is, of course, obvious, but in efficiency, and he gave orders that it was to be sedulously copied in all respects. Also to be quite sure that nothing was wanting in the compliment he organized a far-reaching system of espionage in British home ports, which happily was frustrated ..by the vigilance of the police. se, A. Pertinent Question. "Try one of these cigars, old man, they're the best thing out." "How are they when lighted." ED. 7. ISSUE 40—'14. •tr DANDtIUFF AND FALLINGHAIR Itching, 'Burning, .Irritated Scalp. Kept Awake at Night Used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment. Now Head Is Well; 58 De, • Salaberry St„ Quebec, Que.-- " About :six years ago dandruff began to fdrm. en my scalp. At nrst I didn't notice It, but my hair began falling out gradually audit kept getting worse.• .The itchingand burning were so bad ,that I scratched. and irritated my scalp. I was kept awake at night by the irritation. "I well and ail, also a few other oils and they did no good. I then tried a sample of Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment, washed my head with the Soap and warm water, and applied the Ointment. After the first time my hair stopped falling. I got one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Ointment. I continued using thorn for a few months and my head is now woU. ' (Signed) 11•fiss Myrtle Davis, June 8, 1914. Samplles Free by Mail For pimples and blackheads the following is a most effective and economical treat- ment: Gently smear the affected parts with Cuticura Ointment, on the end of the finger, but do not rub. Wash off the Cuticura Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. This treatment is best on rising and retiring. At other tines use Cuticura Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to assist in preventing' inflammation, irri- tation and clogging of /the pores, the com- mon cause of these distressing facial erup- tions, Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book on the treatment of the skin and scalp. Address post -card 1'Outicura, Dept. D, Boston, TT. S. A.': Military Service. What is "actual military ser- vice" ? This question was raised several times in the Probate Court after the Boer War. It had been previously decided, on the analogy of the •Roman law, that a soldie r was not on actual service unless he was on an expedition, and that he was not on an expedition be- cause, he was under orders to leave the barracks where he had been quartered to take part in a war. Sir Francis Jeune took a less nar- row view. In one case he decided that a volunteer, having been ac- cepted for service in South Africa and sent into barracks at •Colches- ter under orders to embark, was already on an expedition; in an- other he held that a soldier in India whose will was contained in •a lets ter wri$r•tr`'to a ° friend after. his- regiment liad been ordered to mo- bilize for active service inSouth ,Africa, but before it had moved from the plaice where it was sta- tioned, was already in expedi- tione. A Humorist in Embryo. ti 1 a 0 it b a WHEAT AND FLOUR.: Canadian Flour Mills Will lox ><z a,t. Full Cepseity. Orders from. the Dominion" and Ontario. Governments for an aggre- gates'of 1,250,000 tbarrels of flour are ,enly 'tli el eginning of the increased demand on the flour mills of. Canada as a result of the war, The:mobilization of the ,armies, of Europe will result in a, large reduc- tion in the acreage sown to wheat. in that .continent. That reduction in 'acreage and ,00nsequen't reduc- tion in yield will greatly increase the demand for wheat and flour from other producing ,countries, Canada will find a.ready market for. all the wheat ,and flour she .can ex- port during hire war. The flour mills of Canada will be kept busy grind- ing Canadian wheat into .Canadian flour for export to the Mother Coun- try at this time of trial. In the home 'market also thele will be an increased demand for flour. Tlie tendency of man will ba to use more bread and other staple articles of food instead of some of the luxuries of the table. This will mean an increased consumption of flour. Thus it would appear that the 7,- 000 men who are working in the flour mills of Canada are assured of continued employment throughout the war. It is possible the number of employees in flour mills will have to be increased, but even if an increase should be unnecessary, the continued operation of this industry will mean the circulation of approx- imately four million 'dollars ayear in wages to Canadian workmen. Nerviline Eiids Neuralgia, Brings Relief Instantly No Remedy Like Old "Nerviline" to Cure Pain or Soreness. That terrible ache—how you fairly reel with it—that stabbing, burning neuralgia—what misery it causes. Never mind, you don't have to suffer —use Nerviline, it's a sure cure. Not an experiment, because nearly forty years of wonderful success has made a name for Nerviline among the peo- ple of many different nations. "There is nothing speedier to end Neuralgic headache than old-time 'Nerviline,'" writes Mr. G. C. Dalgleish, from Ev- anston. "It is so powerful and pene- trating that it seems to eat up any pain in a minute. My family couldn't get along without Nerviline. We al- ways -keep the 50c. family size bottle handy on the shelf, and use it to end chest colds, sore throat, coughs, ear- i ache, toothache and pain in the back. , My wife swears by Nerviline. Faor cramps its effect is astonishing and we believe it is better and speedier than any other household family rem- edy." Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon as Davis, Pwtelat Solicitors, Montreal, report that 82 Canadian Patents were issued for the week ending Septem- ber 8th, 1914, 58 of which were granted to Americans, 14 to, Cana- dians, 9 to residents of Great Bri- tain and .Colonies and 1 to residents of Foreign Countries. In the United States for the •same week; 654 were issued, '7 of which were granted to Canadian Inventors. The Right Answer. The three young Borden children were visiting their Grandma Bor- den, and the occasion was one of great merriment for them. After a while it proved a trifle too noisy for grandma and she said reprov- ingly , "Good gracious, children, why are you so noisy to -day 2 Can't you try and be a little more quiet You are making my head ache." "Now, grandma," said little six- year-old Dorothy, "you mustn't scold us. You see if it war for us. you wouldn't be a grandma b. a11." Jack -•-Bridget, did my wife just come in/ Bridget: No; :sir. That's the parrot you hear a -hollering, 1Nlnard's Linintent Relieves Neuralgia. 1 At Present Prices, Too. Young Housewife (to girl friend) Did you ask the butcher to send e a Oleg of lamb'? Girl Friend—Yes, dear ; but he yid he had no legs of lamb, so 1 tld him to send you a leg of beef stead. minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. A Horse Laugh. Motorist (blocked by load of hay) I say, there, pull out and let me y. Farmer—Oh, I dunno ez I'm in ny hurry. Motorist (angrily)—You seemed a a hurry to let that other fellow's arriage get past. Farmer -That's 'pause his horse wuz ea+tin' my hay. There ain't no clanger o' yew satin' it, I reckon. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,—A Customer of ours cured a very bad case, of 'distemper in a Valuable horse by the use of MoINAARD a yLINIMENT. YVILANDII!I FRERES.. Complimentary., Geibhard von Blucher, the famous Prussian field (marshal, had as sur- geon major of his army a man who was very homely, but extremely proud and vain. •One day, Blucher' entered the surgeon's . tent and found him standing before .a looking -glass, ar- ranging his toilet sand admiring himself generally. "Doctor," said. Blucher, laughing, "I suppose that yon are the luckiest man in the world i" "How's that, sir, may I ask 2" "Why, '.here you •are quite in love with yourself, and you haven't a single rival!" The \ child's delight. The. picnicker's. choice. P;verybody's favorite. ,POTTED - MEATS---- Full flavored an perfectly cooks make a. deliciol sandwiches. FATM15 FOB. 136T.E. I. W. D gW SON, Ninety Colborne S, Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR S. M.! Stock, Grain or Dairy A write Id. W. Dawson, Brampton, oolborne St,. Toronto. Ii. If r. DA•WS0'"7, Oelborae St., Tor NEWSPAPERS FOR. SSLFn GOOD WEEKLY'IN LIVE TOW, York County. Stationery and ' business I connection. Price 14,000. Terms liberal, Wilson Ful To Toronto. pony, 'tt West Adelaide SI SEED POTATOES. T EW BRUNSWICK SEED POTATO lel On amount of the war, tills fag be probably the best time to buy seed potatoes for next year. Write for price list of Varieties. 0. Fawcett, Upper Sackville. NB. , MISoELI.ANEOVS. CANCOR, TUMORS, LUMPS. internal and external, cured I out pain by our 'inane treatment. 1 us before too late. Pr, Iiellnan Aft Co., Limited C.11rawood. Ont. i OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON ec AA' yta St. James St., - moi Write for Information i!A C /~ t:812 FACT' CLE LYA Unusual business tions are forcing manufacturers to sa stocks in order to keep milts running. To the alert buyer this sents an unprecedented, opportunity to money. These chances come only once in time—when they do come it pays to act q Wall Board takes the place of I both lath and plaster. Itgi,•es a finished wall without further decorating. Anybody can put it on. Now selling ata special price. SAMPLE FREE. Lowest prices on record, 0 Genuine Asphalt telt Roofnit r. 100 per cent. saturation, conj 11 tains no tar or paper. In full rolls of 108 square feet with [tails ,agyl SAMPLE lrREEE. ' , @IHLDING AP A great snap at this price. Full measure rolls 400 sq. feet.;, in each. Use itlentifully at '•-• this price, SAMPLE FREE. ZadY9 /°ORN4RLY STANLcTY !'/P11t4 Lf AMJLT'0N 588e, CA A) ;mss The Smart Stamp C'ler`L: j Pompous Lady—Must 1 'put stamp on myself'1 Post Offiee Clerk—Wal rises if you like, but it's usual -to p on the letter., ° it YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL_,__}} L1 Try Marine Eye Remedy for Red weal, Ni Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; l o Smar by mail Free. �Murin Eye Remedy d Oh A. Wise Answer. Examining Admiral (to,,: i candidate) — Now mention., great admirals. Candidate—Drake, Nelson,; —I beg your pardon, sir, fel quite catch your name, Minard's Liniment for sale ever Reasons. The old gentleman's wife getting into a carriage, and he lected to assist her. "You are not so gallant, Jo' when I was a girl," she exclla in gentle rebuke. "No," was his ready resp "and you are not so buoyar when I was a bov l" Regular ft of the bowels is an absolute ne sity for good health. Unless waste inatter from the food w collects there isgot rid of at 1 once aday, It decays and poisons whole body, causing biliousness, i gestion and sick headaches, and other harsh mineral purga, irritate the delicate' lining of bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Pills—'entirely vegetable — reg the bowels effectively without eating, sickening or griping. Us Dr. Mors&s Judicial R.coot P