HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-10-02, Page 4.r' ✓./a✓ / /
sTRAT Ora . Olay.
Is a school with a continental
reputation for high grade work and
for the success of its graduates,
school with superior courses and
Iinstructors. We give individual.
attention in Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy Departments
Why attend elsewhere when there
is room here? You may enter
any time. Write for our large
free catalogue.
no IC+
' i
to 1
us t
C1 e 04 ryrd pr., ef,
On all our Spring Shoos of
sold at lowest li ices. Call
see us.
Butter, eggs and lruill.r3'. rucks
geese T sp�eia,il3'.
D. Pfaf f Son
Free Ladies and Gents Watr'lies
fids, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every
Description, Lace Curtains, Bags,
Douse Furnishin,Rifles, Movie Pic-
Lure Machine, Skates, Printing Press-
es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly
everythnig you can think of you can
det Aboslutely Free for selling
Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin
Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents
each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener-
ally be sold in every house. Don't
send us any money, but write us
septi S, h a'""""p`,, -r 1Xanilkerehiefs
sell, that when sold you will send
the money and the premium selected
Selling 24 handkerchieff entitled you
to your choice of an elegant Watch,
8 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc.
Write us to -day, we trust you and
take back the goods if you cannot sell
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
etc. Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot.
E. C. R. 0. Rays. J. L. Killoran, P
W. Proudfoob Jr. t
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- s
taction guaranteed or no pay. Terms t
reasonable. Orders left at this offlee l
will be promptly attended to.
ee agent, representing the London, a
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand. a
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fire insnruiee: ri
- 0
PADcl v Ps t.-.
Ol!'.[ESER )
E X C UR SI Q .iii` Ate'
Tneeday seta C t
-h ,.
Winnipeg and R etu¢'n` is
and Return
Toronto. a.pa
o8of rif 11°'a .
Return Wets two ataniha.
m Ar ding RAlk gA Affa4N tickets
111. G. MURPH'ir. D.l,A.; CAP. MIN fronto.
TZin,fily- tako notice. owing. to the.
r dried apples .are a drug. 13ut
dealers will handle them t>rovid
1,tie3' Ore dried good No. 1 stock.
melnliei' drin,l npples, brought, in
sures. not %vel l dried will be paid
circling to quality.
Zurich merchants."
Mrs. Daniel Schafer still continues
in very poorhealth.
Mrs. C. F. Finkbemer,, who has
been visiting her slaughter at .Sarnia
returned home on Friday' evening.
Mr. and Mrs; John 1' idt. and Mr."
and 11rs. William Stade spent Sun-
day with friends at Forest.
Mr. Christian Fisher and Miss
Katie Stire wets married on Wed-
nesday evening.
Mr. W. H. Hoffman of Zurich was:
in the village on Thursday morning.
Mr. Justus Wagner, one of our old
and respected residents died on Fri-
day at the home of his danghter Mrs.
Joseph Wildfong, having reached the
age of 75 years. He is survived by
his two daughters, Mrs. Wildfong and
Mrs. Ezra Bender. The funeral took
place on Sunday to the Goshen Line
A Regular Storm Period is central
on the 4th, extetding from the 2nd to
he 7th. This period lies at the cen-
ter of the' Venus period, with moon on
the equator on the 2nd, and full moon
on the 3rd. The influence of Earth's
autumnal equinox is still in full force,
which fact will intensify storm and
weather conditions until after the
middle of October. We are by no
I out of danger from equinoctial
E because we have passed the
date in September when such distur-
bances are erroneously supposed by
some to have ended, This period,.
the 2nd to 8th, is one in which violent
storms -storms of the Wrest India and
equatorial type need not surprise any
eader of these forecasts. We would
especially warn those whose interests
ie on and about the great northern
apes of probable elemental violence
lttring this period. A very early dash
of snow over the northwest is entirely
robable, along the line of barometric
shifting from low to high. Several
Z' of quite cold weather and frost
Sward the north, will follow these
torms, Say about the .4th -beginning
u the west -to the 8th, in eastern ex -
.A Reactionary Storm Period is cell -
'al on the 9th and 10th and 11th..
On and touching these days it will
urn much warmer, and autumnal
torms of rain and wind, with poss-
ble dashes of snow to the north and
v' est, will run their regular course
cross the country from west to east.
A Regular Storm Period covers the
lth to the 12th. having its centre on
he 15th, The moon is on the equat-
e on the 16th, and owing to this fact
ailing barometer and change to much
variner will likely breed autumnal
hunder storms on and about that day
The Moon being at her new and in
erigee on the 19th, it is probable
hat storms and threatening weather
IN continue up to that date, and
ossibly over into the reactionery
eriod which follows immediately.
A Reactionery Storm Period is cep=
al on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd. As
fated above, these last two periods
set, to unite and give us a pro-
ngedospell of threatening weather,
NV many local outbursts of severe,
ututnnel storms. We again" admon-
sh all who may be exposed to wind
red water on the great lakes, at this
red other October periods, of possible
sk and clanger from high gales sleet,
ow and sudden revulsion to iucle-
xent, unseasonable cold. High bar
neter and much cooler weather will
ass, about the 22nd to 25th.
A Regular storm period coyers the
est week in October, being central on
he 27th. almost coincident with the
CC of the Mercury period. At the
ntrance of this period a low bar -
leiter will develop in westerly parts
in wanner, easterly and South
ly winds, autumnal rains will start
astward, and duridg about the 27th.
30th, these storms, preceded by
Ming barometer, will pass eastwardly
cross the country, turning possibly
sleet and snow in their rear. The
Ioon being on the equator on the
Otb. promises a rize of temperature
d electrical stomps on and about
at day. Change to much cooler
will be in sight,rn western and cen-
tral regions as we pass into November.
<ulatin Pill for Women. $6 a box or threefor
silo. Sold at all Drug stores, or mailed to any
addressori»tCeeip of price. Trim sconce, nave
! o , St. Catharines, Ontario.
lift' iSE 1op'or TDR MEN. itestorea
Vim and
Vitality;ior t .,rvt and Drain; increases "grey
mutter" Ton Tonle ,*ilx'ili+,'d you up. 8 abox, or
wo Soy g6 at Jsu5 stores. or by mai on receipt
f pr:co. Wars 1COBst.a i' . ... I. Oeitharin a
inh fie
J. Green, P. Pfaff. I.P. 13aaexer; year-
ling steer. J. Pfaff,.. P BSarf, Wm.
MeAlister; steer calf.'. Ba'bercr, 'Wan
McAlister; .tat steer, J. Pfaff;
Judge -Jas, Sandford.
Fierd of- •Cattle '.Grade -T. Pfciff
herd' or Durham, 13ea tty Oxus, 'Wm,.
Judge -U, Sngith.
Leicester -'Wm. McAlister took ail
the 'prizes in this class;
Lincoln -Snowden. Bros, took all the
Prices : in this class.
Pine 'Wool -A. Duncan. •took a.11I the
prizes in this class • wjttb. the excep-
tion o'f fat sheep, Wm. McAlister
Berkshire Snowden 113ros, took all
the prizes with the except:toinof sees
and for spring boar; a•ndespring ,sow
taken by Geo, Gramm.
Tamworth -Snowden; Bros, !took all
the prizes in this class.
Yorleshireeagecf ,wow, Snowden Bros
W. Battler; spring boar. W. (Battler;
spring sow,. W. D. 3at'tler aged boar
W. B. Battler:
Judge J. C. Petty. '
Hamburgs, W. B Battler, (Chas.
Fritz; Black Spanish, W. B. -13attl'iie
0. rl'ruemner; dorkihs, ' W. B; Ba,t-
•tier. 1 & 2: black minorcas, W. .i'
Battler, S. Truemner, Red caps W, ti
Battler 1 & 2; white-Legbornsj A. G
Ehnes J. Thiel, S. O. 'brown: legbores,
W Dearing, C. Trnemc'er; R. 1. Reds
W. B. Battler, J. Preeter, col, pigeons.
W. G. Hess. John Preeter; silver lade
wya'ndottes, W. B. Battler; R. Id.
brown leghorns W. H. Dearieg 1 $, 2;'
riff orphi;ngtons, W. H. Dearing 1 &
2; single 'Doff leghorns. W. B. !Battler`
buff cochim bantams.. 'Chas, Fritz; W
G. Bess; 13ou'n•dans, W. B. lBattler
Chas, Weber; A'n•dalusians W. E.
Dearing, W. B. Battler; Pekin; china
ducks, C. T,ruemner, F. Kalbfleisch;
Rouen ducks C. Truemner, F. Bali-
bfleisch; geese, W. G. Battler; tur-
keys, W. 33. Battler; Toulouse gee'ets
C. Truemner; white leghores 'W.. H,
Dearing 1 & 2; white wyandottes, W.
B, ;Battler; partridge rocks Wm. Meld
inn ger ;
Judges, W. F. Edward's, A. P. Wialetlel
white fall wheat Con. Truemeer,
crt,'W. tFt. Dearing; spring wheat, L
Wrurre; 6 rowed barley, 'W. H: Dear-
ing, A. Reticle; white oats W. H.
Dearing, David .'Dignan; small peas
C. !Truenaner; rye, W. B. Battler;
black barley, D. Dignan; timothy seed
A. Reichert, H. Pfile; Alsike clover,
L. Sehilbe, C. Schilbe.
Judge -R A. Williams,
0. Shine, red 'Tall Wlaa,t A. 1'1eicliz
Col, of any kind of apples; T. Pfair;•
P. !laborer, C. Fuss; 4 var, tall apple's
C. Fuss. 3. Pfaff, C. Truemner; 4 var
winter apples J. Pfaff, C. Fuss, L.
Po:eler; king o'f tcmpkirs, S. Roeder.
L. Warm; .snow apples L. Warm, C.
Schilbe, (northern spies, C. Scbilbe A.
Reichert, baldwins, W. B. (Battler, F.
Brock, 13. T. Gree;nirgs, T. J. 'Merry,
C. Fuss; spitze'nburg, Hy, {Roeder; Campbell T. Johnston; .homemade
Canada Beds, 'W. Smith, C. Fuss; rib - hearth rugs, cotton. R. Campbell IL
sou pippirs J. Pfaff, C. Fuss gaffeel Johnston; 5 yds .flannel all wool Mrs.
C, Heyrock; five yds flannel cotton
warp, 'Wm. Rader, Hy, Neeb; best
wool yarn; homespun 'Wm. Rader, Hy,
Neeb; Tidy crocket cotton, T. John-
story P. Haberer Tidy kcittedecottoa,
T. Toh:nstou'H, 'Well; Afghan or slum
ber rug in Bilk Mrs, G. I3. 'Well; cot-
ton nstockicg T, Johnston H. Well;
hand sewing Mrs, G. Hess H. Well;
woollen stockings knitted fine, IL•I
Neeb, Mrs. G. Hess; 'woollen stockings
knitted coarse, H. Well W. Battler;
woollen mits kci't'ted fire; H. Well
11. Nee'b; woollen mits knitted{ coarse
Mrs, ' G. Bess, 'W. Battler; farmers
blankets 'home; -made wool, 13. Neeb.
quilts sewed on ground work H. Well
13, Rader; wool socks W. 73. Battler',
1•ey. Neeb.
Special -Bulgarian Embroidery, W.
Siebert; beaded ce'n'tre, R. Johnston;
patched Quilt W. B. Battler,
Juges-Mrs, D. Link; Mrs, L.
Oil painting .eor'trait J. G. For-'
rest; oil painting landscape J. G.
Forest, T. Johnston; water color
landscape, J. G. Forest T. Johnston;
crayon woxk portrait J. ,G, ,For-
rest; .oil or water color flower,J. G
Forest Pencil drawing W. Siebert,
Mrs. G. Hess; pen and ink sketch. J.
G. Forest, T. Johnston; penmanship J
G. Forest, T. Johnston; painting' on
felt J. Cr, Forest; painting on (silk J,
G. Forest; T. Johnston.
Col. of Flowers K. Campbell. iR.
Johnstoc; 'maple leaf T. Johnston;
bouquet of flowers K, 'Campbell, T.
Johnstoc; Geraniums, S. Campbell;
cacti K, Campbell, T. Johlnastonip cala
Lilies, K. Campbell T. Johnston; pan-
sies, 7R. Johnston, K. 'Campbell; fu
cbias X. Campbell, R. Joklnston.
Judge -Jas. 'Weekes, Exeter.
dee vegetables, F. Brook, J Deeetkr er
sweet lcoerister, oinRe,, JJo,,Igekoecr, sAr.,.Foster;
Set buggy harness R Stade 1'e 2;
Butter in tub W. Smith; 5. lbs,
biittre, W. d3attler; J.' Donkey, sr;.
titter in ib prints W', Battler A,
P' eTt'
F1 icbhomemade cheese,T Deck-
er sr, homemade bread C. Sehilbe,
R, Geiger; ,extraeted honey J. 23a'bIt'r-
ee W. Smith; 'hest collection honey 3,
FTaberer. 13o:nOy it; comb, J. Haberer„
maple syi i'P, B. Pfiie,'W. ,Sinirth;
•Tudges' F. ]less sr, J. 13 e31erm un
Embroidered 5, -o'clock tea cloth
firm, Hey, Mrs; C. Heyrock; Embroi-
dered oval tea oloth C Milkier P :Pale
Embroidered • center plane 0: Eilber.
Wm. .Hey; .Embroidered sidebdaridl
scarf T. Johnston, .7.. P. Forest; Em
broidered shadow. Work, Mrs, G. Hess
Embroidered towels 2 mionograms.
Mrs. G. Bess, 'Wm.'fl3•.ey;• Embroidered
ladies' hdkf ales, G. Hess(R G;eider :
Embroidered cushion, Wni. Hey
Dearing; bardarger J. G. For-
IOon!ticued from Hage 4
est. W. H. Dearing; wallachiri Wm.
(fey 3.Decker sr; morinty 111elicic T.
Johnston Roman or out work R.
Johnntoi ; imoderc or cross stitch W'
H. Dearing, T. Johnstoneornation
ire Piece R. Geiger, W. Siebert;
Eimbroi•dery on colored linen O. Elle
ber, W;. H. Dearing; pin cushion in
px.=1 •i:. Wm. Hey, 0. Eilber; ladiies
Piney work bag. R. Geiger, Mrs, G.
floss ; be t'henburg lace Brr,s G. 'Eless
"Forest; tereriffe lace; T. John-
slo Mrs. G. Bess; irishi crochet lace
W. Siebert.; drawin thread work;. H.
Red 'r, 33. Geiger; mounted sofa cash -
fee. W H. Dearing, J. 0. Forest:
col. Ladies underwear, R; Johnstoc,
W. 13. Pearling; fancy (apron, IR.
Geiger, Tr. Campbell; 'fancy Ichiuds
dress; R. Geiger, H. Neeb. Lrnie(n lauc
dry bag, Mrs, G. Hess,- W. Johnstonl:
infant's crochet set, :H..Neeb, R. Gei-
Geiger; embroidered pillow cases 'Mrs;
G. Hess, I0. Eilber wiskholder J. 0.
Forrest 13'. Well; headrest T'. john -
sten; 'toilet mats Mrs. 0. 'Heyrock,
1. Decker sr; button: holes - Thos.
Johnston; pierced brass `Wim. Hey.
W. Siebert; burnt work A. Ehnes, W.
Siebert; coil on Tatting E. IStoss-
kopf T. Johnston; pr kcitted lace cur-
tains in cottoc, 13. rNeebf rW. Raderr,
cushions for den J. G. Forrest 'W
Siebert, hemstitching on pillow cas-
es. T. Johnston, R. Geiger; kitchen
apron John Decker. sr, Mrs, G. Hess;
'"bedroom slippers, Mrs, C. Heyrook,
( Joi:nstou; braided mat K. camp -
bell, gnil•t woolen coarse T. Johnston
r, S. Faust: quilt wolle'n flue ;J,
h:cri.r, sr. T. Johnston;' to0
coven wool T. Johnston, C. Elsa;
log cabin cotton D. Fant; patchwork
quilt silk C. Eilber; patchwork quilt
cotton, R. Geiger, C. Fuss; craaywork
quilt silk T. Johnston, 0. Weber; ;
nraaywork cotton, C. Fuss; craeywork
-oat E. 'Neeb; T. Johnstone counter -
"led IT, Well, T. Johnstone counter-
i:t keirted,, W. 33ess, 1i. „Ruder;
co' nterpain crochet J. Decker sr:
W.,11I:Iass• counterpain etchicg work,
T. J'ohnstot , counterpane drawn work
J. Decker, sr; ladies all wool cape
crochet kirs. C. lieyrock, T. Johnston;
ladies all 'wool cape knittedi T. Jobs
Ston, E.. Stosskopf homemade carpet
wool Mrs, O. I3eyrock, 1. & 2; home-
made carpet'xags, D, 'Faust, T. John-
ston; homemade heartl-rug wool X.
Russet. C. Truemner, W; Battler;
Ben Davis. 1J. Dignan, 0. Fuss;
Swears W. Smith; Wagner, W. Roen-
der. L. Roeder; Mann H. Roeder, J.
Pfaff; maiden's blush W. Smith, F.
Haberer; blenheim piiapen 0. True-
mner, F. Brock; Pewaukee W. B.
Battler, L. Roeder; colverts, John
Pfaff. H. Haberer; Gloria Brendle,
Wm. Roeder, IT. Rader; 20 oz, pippen
P. 'Haberer; 0. Truemner; (talman
Sweet, L. Rader. P. Haberer; col.
russets 'C.; .Truem'ner, V. Fuss; fall
pears, and winter pears, F. Brock,
A. Reichert; 'bar'tlett pears, 13. Neeb,
J. Haberer; fleeaish beauty Mrs, G.
Hess, peaches, F. Brook, L. Rader;
prunes, Mrs, G. Hess, T. Johnstoc;
crab apples red, W. B. Battler, A.
Reichert; crab apples yellow„ C.
Sehilbe, col, grapes, J. Pfaff, Mrs.
G. Hess; grapes, C. Fuss, 'W. B. Bat ;-
ler; plate of eiums C. Foss; col, of
plums, T. Johnston; most valuable
col. of catnc'ed fruit 33. R. Johnston
John Docker sr.
Judges. Andrew, Mittleholtz, Jac -
a) Meyer.
White elephant potatoes, W. Rader
H, •Rrneger; Colorado red A. Foster;
rural New. York A. Foster, W. Rader;
any variety late potatoes, H. Krueger
A. Foster; any var, early po'tatocs, A.
Ronnie, A. Foster; american wonder
A. Foster; empire H. Krueger.. F.
Brock; small white 'beans R. Geiger
H. Krueger; beans L. Rader H. Necb.
yellow, corn, W. 13. Dearing, A. Fos-
ter; 'black s'wee't corn, T, Johnston, A
Poster; yellow devil corn A. Foster.
0. Schilbe; ' red onions,0, Schilbe 33.
Geiger, yellow. onions, F. Brooke ICL
Schilbe; Dutch sets R. Geiger, P.
Bale; white field carrots, 'W. Rader
i?. Haberer; red field carrots, 1T. tletllb
T. Hey jr„ red garden carrots, H. Ha-
berer, E. Skoskoff, swedish turnips,
W. iiiader, L. Rader, yellow dobe
ma'ngolds, A. Foster, W. H. Dearing;
long red naangolds I.I. Kruger, 113,
Pfilo.; oxford ca'bbsge S. Faust, J.
Hey sr.drumhead cabbage Alonzo
Foster.: L. 'Warm; black spannishi rad-
ish. A. Foster, J. Decker, sr; cauli-
flower. W. Battler, 13. p•ohnsto't•J;
pumpkins yellow,, 'L. Rader,''C. Sehl'bbe
beads celery, R. Johins'tor,, E. Stoss-
kopf; squash P. Haberer; blood beets
11'. Well, H. Campbell; rooted beets,
W. 'B. Battler, H. Kruger; watermel-
ons. W. Smith L. Rader; muskmelons
W. Smith, 17.. Wile; red tomatoes,
W. Smith W. Battler; yellow tomat-
nes, W. 13. Bottler; sugar beet man.
golds, 13. Nile A. Foster; col of gar«
Barber Shop.
pen : every Wednesday afternoon
and evening,
Open every Saturday, all day, and
mHCS. KLUMPP, Proprietor.
•P -y ,
o wand Farm a ore rs a �° 6
' IP WES " "BBTu y TI�pp �ii$_1 "
t 6 shyt;ot Lok Renfrew and went to AeUda and
Cilia a,
n��a a �as1 n, bot bake and itorrate to the Protium eS
!tat one, ton. too to t0 a,
pp a. el
ga. n h
U fl . ret.
4, ton o
elf ��tae n�an
4{s And Alberta. ' � a
lefuAar4ust•tsiipi-,; strew sad m ttq
August not- pt stations east of g�gstona, Sherbetr,'Cleo and Renfrew, qq��' Coh
", ntario and Quebec, to all points in Manitoba and to certain polo
hewan and Alberta,
For tin particulars regarding transportation -west af'Winnipeg, .eta.;see nearest O.P.R.'Aggent,eo,r 'Write--..
E. F. L. ETU EPEE, Asst. D.P.A. M, Q. MURPHY, D.F.A., C.P.Pr., Toronto.
.teiceiterIteeeereer etre
• .SW's Busirtess
Advertising backed up by the right
spirit, the right goods and the right
service, can rescue a sinking business
and will make a prosperous bilsiness
more masterful in its own community&
When John Wanamaker, the prince of
merchants, began business, he resolv-
ed to force matters. He was not con-
tent to wait to be found out -he deter-
mined to be found out. In short he
advertized, He threw on his business,
small as it was the light of publicity,
and the public of Philadelphia entered
the shop which the light shone.
In this community the public is entering those
shops on which the light of advertising is falling.
Be sure of this: these who are using our columns week
after week don't give you poorer goods or service or
higher prices.
Shops which ere illmined by advettising court with
full confidenco your favor.
Shop Where YOIJ are Invited •
i to Shop: •
Rodiguii Jr.
Percheron Stallion
No. (4354,) 74773.
This stallion will be at Dominion
House stable every Thursday after-
noon till Friday at noon, at any other
time will stand at his own stable,
St.Joseph, Napoleon A. Cantin. This
horse for service at both places.
For particulars, apply to manager
or prop.
manager proprietor
DR A. J. MacKINNON late House
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital. N. Y. city. Late . of the
House Staff, New York Polyclinic
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich,
Henry Bossenberry
Licensed Auctioneer
Huron, Middlesex : and ..Lampton.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dashwood, Ontario.
Dates arranged at the once
For Sale or To Rent.
Lot. 22 L .R E Hay 117 acres also.
South half Lot 21 L R E Hay 75
acres the above lots will be sold or
rented together or seperate to suit
parties. Thomas Turnbull
Notine is hereby given that e. Court
will be held, pursuant to The Ontario
Voters' Lists Act, By His Honour the
Judge of the County Court of the
County of Huron at the Township
Hall, Zurich, on the' 6th. day of Oct-
ober 1914 at 10 o'clock in the fore- '
noon, to hear and determine com-
plaints of ereors and omissions in' the
Voters' List of the Municipality of the
Township of Hay for 1914.
Fred Hess Sr.
Clerk of the Municipality.
of the Township of Hay;
DR. E. 13. 13ALFOUR, graduate
Western University, late of
the Military Hospital and Victoria
Hospital, London. Office in the
building formerly occupied by the late
Dr.MoLaughlin, Dashwood.
We are ready to figure on your
Mason Contracts
and Cement
For next season. No contracts' to
large and too small to .receive . our
careful attention.
, Zurich