HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-10-02, Page 1utak Utz ?or' ove moz ute tin get lex 'Consopciated With Vol. XV. No, 12 Z`-iR.1 CH, FRIDAY i1I; RNilNG, OCT. 2, 1914. Published every two weeks Price gratis A little paper devoted to news usually heard and seen around a G-eneral and Hardware Store. Bra.sso We have lust put into stock a ship- ment of Brasso for polishing all kinds of brass, nickle etc. Also Silvo for gold and silver. We recc- ommend these lines and gua i r i> them to do the work thoroughly. Oakville We handle the celebrated Oakville aluminum ware. These goods are made of heavy material and highly polished and will last a lifetime. When you are in need of a preserving • kettle, potato pot, double boiler etc. buy the Oakville made aluminum ware and you will get the best. Millinery Openings Our fall millinery openings will be held on Wednesday andThursday, Sept, 23 and 24th. and following days. This department is again in charge of Miss Hess, Who will be pleased to show you the latest trimmed hats, etc„ for fall and winter wear. You are cordially invited. Looking Ahet: d You will soon be looking around for anew range. We want you to come in and talk it over with us be- fore you buy. We handle the Pen- insular, Happy Thought and Grand Jewel Ranges and stoves, and can re- ar you to many users, who are get - ng the best results from the use of "heir. They are built for wood and coal, and come in many styles. In order to clean up some of our Summer lines to make room for Fall • goods we offer Some Special Bargains 1 only Ice Cream Freezer 2.75 for 2,00 - 1 only 8 ball Croquet sett 1,75 for 1.25 1 " 3 burner Detroit Oil Stove 18.00 18,50 1 " 3 " " " with oven encased 26.00 for 19.00 1 " 3 " Gasoline Stove 16.00 for 12.00 1 " 2 . " " " " 12.00 for 9.00 1 " folding go-cart with top 7 00 for 4.50 rs . 1 r` , 2.25 for 1.25 1 " hammock 2,75 for 1.50 All the ballance of our stock•of Ladies waists to clear at .Half Price, these are all this years styles and a big bargain a'few lines of wash7goods at zcts, a, yard .reg. 25c goods. Produce always Taken. J. PRE TEA ZURICH nr.x s -err . 44--1) LOCAL ..NE 'Sp Read S. E. Faust's add. Weather conditions are Zie>~feet ;:For fall farm operations. Quite a number from here ttteitti- ed the Bayfield Fair, on Wednesday, Mr. Christopher Miller of the 14th. con. is seriously ill at present.. Flay Council w111 meet in the Tow. Ball on Saturday, for general busi- ness. Mrs, Wood of London is visiting with her parents, 11ir. and Mrs, John Hildebrand. Thanksgiving Day has been fixed for Monday, Oct, x2th, which is eli unusually early date. I have several goocl'4ttilding lotsfor sale near the Catholic church. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. .; Misses Alveola and Selina Weseloh of London visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ily. F. Weseloh last week., Dried apples wanted. Sam Faust will pay 4 cents a lb. for • good! dried apples, prices will be lower acc- ording to stock. Highest 'market prices paid for live Chickens; Ducks and hens, taken every Thursday forenoon. Ruby and Gascho. The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical Church will be held in the church on Monday the 5th. at 7.80 o'clock p: nt. The fowl supper in the EvangelirkI church shed, on Tuesday evening Was esplencdid success. A..large crowd en- joyed the good things provided. Invitations are out for themarr- iage of Miss Elizabeth, daughter ..of rir. and Mrs. Fred Krauskopf, to 11Ir. Alexander Voisin, the ceremony to take place at St. Boniface church at 9. 30 a.. m, on Tuesday Oct. 6th.A AUUTION, BILES Auction Salo. -Of Farm Stock and Implements etc., on lot 82 N. B. Stephen 2k miles West of Dashwood on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. Airs. Wm. Schatz, E. Bossenberry, Prop. Auctioneer, Auction Sale -Of Farm Stock Im- plements, on Lot 5,' Con 15 Stephen, on Monday Oct. 5th. L. McDonald ), E, Allen i Ii. Bossenberry, Aucb. Proprietors. Extensive Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements on lot 18 con. 11,Stophen, on Tuesday Oct. 13th. Louis J. Kraft E. Bsssenberry proprietor auctioneer. LUTHERAN CHURCH The Sunday services will be ab the usual hours : German l0.so aim Sunday S 2.00 p. m. English 7.00 p. m.. The following meetings are held during the week : S. S. officers and teachers 7.15.p.m. on Tuesdays. The Ladies Aid Society meets at 6.00 p. in. 'the first Wednesday of each month. A cordial invitation is herewith ex- tended to all, not worshiping else- where, to worship with us and take an active part in the work of the var- ous societies of our church. llt D. tx,>ttsehalk of Dad Axe Mi:>h, is visiting her mother Mrs. A. Lehman. Mr. andl4Irs. Win.. Fiukbeiner of Milverton, were in towu Sunday in their auto, . Mr. George Hess of Detroit is upending his holidays at the home of his father, Mr. F. Hess, sr. Mrs. Chris Gascho and daughter of Michigan, are visiting with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Ker- cher. Mr. and Mrs..Lred Kibler of Per- lin visited relatives and friends `here over Sunday. From here they went to Dashwood. Messrs W. 0. Robinson, J. A. Sitreras and R. M. Geiger left on Monday for Toronto, to attend Vict- oria College. Mr. and Mrs. H. Magel and son Elmer of Detroit renewed old ac- quaintances here for a few days. They were former residents of Zurich. N-4.4 4 CARD OF TIIANKS We desire through the columns of your paper, to express our sincere thanks tp friends and neighbors for the assistance rendered during the illness and death of env father,'Abe late Andrew Smith. The family. TIIE ANNUAL FAIR The Zurich fall kir yea +he.1d an Thursday of last war ek and there was a surprisingly gaol list of 'entries. The indoor 'exhiNts were excelled quality and 'the spec ir. the 9yu;i1diing was taxed to its ittmast,. The roots and cegttabies were above the aver- age and the fruits nomparecai favoraaly with other years. there was also ft +splendid showing of horses and uat.',le. The '• animals wire splendid sycimecs and ,drew forth the admiration of a large aum- aer of spectators. The races also were witnessed with icterest lay a large, crowd. Ftn•tccially, the direct- ors shelter'to wc191 pkeased' with the year's show. Free Tor all. Bruce Bosse,nberry 111 H. Bosse+nberry 222 Wm. Schroeder 333 Farmers Race. Wm. Schroeder 111 Geo Joyn+t 222 John Deakin j:r 333 HORST! s .General Purpose -Brood mare ac- companied by foal, Chester, Rowe, M. Russell, H. .Neeb; foal, Ii. Krueger, ;11. Neeb, 3. Green; 2 yr, old geld- ing of filly. G. Gramm, L. Jeffreyy, W. Davidson; 3 yr, old gelding or filly. 1-I. Neeb, W. lLavidsoa, 3. Smith; span mares. or geldings in harness and wagen, J. Decker. sr, P. Haberer, W. Smith; Agrioultural-Brood marc accom- panied by foal P. Reichert; foal, C. Rowe; T. Beichert, M. Russell;, g yr old gelding or filly 3. alcBride, J. 3. 'Ziemer, J. Decker sr; span mar - or geldierigs in. barress and wagon L i1. Roder; Heavy Draught -Brood mare ec- companied by foal, 11. Raaeger, A• Munn; (foal, ,13. Ilxueger, A. Evans, A germ ';:1. yr, old gelding or filly B. N'oxtheo'tt, H. Kruger. A. 'Evans; 2 yr. old gelding or filly, A. Duncan, P. Beichert; 3 yr, old gelding or filly J. 3, 141r'rner; span mares or geld- ings in wagon and harnes,ss, Fred Willer t, 3. 11icl3ri'de ; Roadsters --Brood mare accompanied by by foal J. Decker, jr, M. Love, D. 010Daugall; foal, 3, Beaker, jr, D. '11c1)ougail; J. 'Decker, jr; 2 yr, old gelding or filly L. Wuxm 3 yr old. ,gelding or filly L. Restemeyer; span mares or geldings to herness and bug- J. Becker, ar, Wrn. Witzel; buggy horse. in harness and buggy. 21. El !loot. C. Truemncr, 'C. Bilber; Lady driver, J. Decker, sr, 3, H; Rader. A. Beichert. Carriage Horse. -Brood mare ac- companied -by foal, J. Decker, jr; 1 yr od gelding of filly, T1'm.l3eiber,, J Weide; 2 yr, old gelding or filly, D, McDougal; 3 yr. old gelding or ftily. C. Truemner, 'Wm. IIcobier' W. Waiper; span marcs or geldings in harness and 'buggy Henry Daters, J. Newschwanger, B. Llosesnberry. car- riage 'team. B. Geiger. Pony Class, Fred Merner, 'Clara' Merrier. The MRS BANK Incorporated 1855 Opened Branch in Hurot: Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager BATTLE Durham -Cows. Beatty Bros, J. J. Merrier, 'W. McAlister; 2 yr oldi hei- fer, 13eafty, !Oros. Wm. 'McAlister. Beatty .Bros., yearling .heifer, Beatty Bros, 1%1. Itu.sea11, 'W. McAlister; bull rale. Beatty Bros, Snowden. Bros; Hei- fer calf, Bcat'ty, 113ros, W,. McAlister. 13eat'ty .6Bros, Other Than barham,cow lc milk or 'n calf, Jars, Greet(, J. Pfaff, I'. Iiab- erei•; 2 yr old heifer S. Pfaff, J.:POI P. Honorer; yearling heifer 'W..MO- .Mister, John Pfaff, J. Smith; heifer eairW, .Mc.AIister, Peter Haberer, D Elabcrer, fat cow . or heifer W. McAlister.. J Green; 2 yr old steer, (Continued on page 5) ATIV BETTE li a } SHOES That IIs- the Who,: Than in a Nutshell FO Our shoes are so much better ti is y: women, man and child to see them. most oaretul buying, getting the very l r sonable price. When you Dome here find just what you want, because we ca; great reason why yon should come here, shoe, manufactured by by Geo, A. dater Why not save discomfort by porch:: shoes now. , Come•in and try on a pai • No trouble whatever to sh:° Butter, and Eggs taken in than ever before, that ever Iter shoes is the result of our of goods and styles at a rete r your Spring shoes, you .sir :array such a big variety is 3r men we have -the Inviotti ag a pair of the best good .•r the latest Shoes. sohange for shoes The Horne of Good Shoes Yes, That Is Right. You can buy just what you want at the right prce at the BLAKE STORE. It is easily tc understand. We buy, right that is ho' we can_sell right. We have a large and well assorted General Stock to choose from of all seasonable Goods. Produoe taken in exchange for goods. • R. N. DOUGLAS BLAKE ONTARIO all Sao na ubbor Ready for fall footwear you will find in this shoe store a full sup- , ply of Men°s, Women's, Boy's and Girl's shoes and rubbers, which have no equal. We will be pleasec to have you Ball and show you what you are in neer? of Dried applee, butter and eggs wanted s �a AUST uric Have you seen the new erior Se gator? Made by the Raymond. Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest Manufacturers Cream Separators in Canada. The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and self-cen ring, and is warranted for 5 years against defects or natural wear. Try one in your own home and be convinced that it is Superior to al iothers. ELLMOR KLOPP, Local Agen s HERE'S a cloth ab our Spring Suits th hard to escape, for TA ORED CLOTHES every judge of good to The handsome new gi and brown mixtures - - skilful, perfect tailo will talk for themselves There . are the re "stand by" Models and very smart London desi Prices that ne hurt $5.01 $10.00 $