HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-09-16, Page 8fall Millinery Openings. On Thurs., and. Frid*y Sept. 23 axed 24th. and following clays Miss Theil is again in charge of our Mill- inery department, and she will bo pleased to show you, .the newest styles of Fall and Winter hats -and trimmings., Do not fail to call: Fall and Winter Gods Our stock for Fall and Winter trade is now almost complete. We have a fine range of dress. material to show you such as Macdonald tartans in the different shades, ,sieges, .corded and. bro- caded Velvets, heavy all wool suitings, °Linn- chilla coatings in navy, fawn, brown, etc. etc. Sweater Coats A shipment of the celebrated ]Monarch Knit sweater coats to hand. These coats are welimade of good material and give entire sat, isfaotion. Come and see them. Fresh groceries always kepton`hand. Produce taken in exchanged. PHONE 17 U'CHO OA Luiiiber! Shingles! Laths! We have a large stock of these on hand, Estimates given and con- tracts taken. All kinds ofexterior and interior finish for houses made to order. We ha.hd'e all kinds of Building Material. Gall at Planing mill. FC. KALBFLEIS a, ZURICH 'iPH4I�f1 In _ :Still Doing Business at The old Stand We have been appointed Agents for the celebrated Massey Harris Implements We handle everything in that line, Seeding Implements, Manure spread- ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Bean Harvesters, etc. Harvesting Implements Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc. Massey -Harris Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Cutters be- fore you buy, all our own make. Bug- gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs. Square Dearing Our Motto Ho:tgOU Fanning Mill Sieves I atn agent for the Clinton faun• ing trill sieves, and farmers re- quiring any, can procure them at my farm, South of Zurich - John Hey jr, If YOU want your suit press ed or repaired IIOFF does IT. A Laundry in Connection W. H. HOFFMA.N failor - ZURICH CHAN 1. 11 NESS Mr. Geo. R. Hess has bought half interest in my business We will bo found in the same stand, on main street. e SMASH ` o P tllic ESI e All our Prices are reduced. HERE IS THE REASON— We will conduct a STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS "PLEASE BE PREPARED" F .:' IIESS St, Co. ZURICH Jewellers ONTARIO HURRAH Follow the crowd and go to Wagner's. We are leaders in;–: - Fine Confectionary Cakes and Bread Neilsen's Pasteurized and Homongeuized Ice Crea,nl constantly' kept .on hand. Once tast- ed, the memory lingers. SQUARE DEALING Our motto W• C. WAGNER ZURICH, ' O.NT arm Ioi Sale. I am receiving numer( us enquiries 'respecting Hui m County' Farm Lands. If you want to sell I will assist you with an adverbis::7g campaign that will..bring buyers to our favored County. No Buyer - No Charge Call, write or phone for particulars. .R ZELLER3 Conveyano er, Real Estate, &c Auction Sale of Farm and Farm Chattels' In Hay Township There will be sold by public auct- ion on the premises on Saturday,, ;September 19th. 1914 at 2 o'clock. p, ,in. the following valuable .property -formerly owned by the Iate Robert'., Hiller, Esq. REAL ESTATE • Consisting of the South half of the` South half of Lot 9; Con. 1G, in the Township of Hay,containing 50 ae. of land"inore or less. This farm is- well improvedand a, desirable piece' of property. CHATTELS Consisting of 1 aged mare, 1 colt 1 cow, 1 heifer 2 year old, 1 heifer 1 year old, 1 eslf, 1 pig, 20 hens, 1 buggy, harrows, seuffier, fanning infill, gang plow,. forks and rakes„ double. harness, bed stead, cupboard, table,. washstand,. sink, stove, spinning wheel, churn, meat grinder, washing machine,. carpenter's plane, wire pin- chers, eider barrels, quantity oats and hay, and other articles not enumer- ated. TERMS OF SALE, Real Estate. -10% on day of sale' and the balance in 30 days without interest. Chattels,—All sums of . $10 and under, cash; over that amount eight months' credit will be given on far nisbing approved joint .notes. Die. of 6% per. annum off for cash. Further terms and particulars will be made known on the clay of sale or may be had on application to the ;in-. dersigned, Gladinan&Stanbury E. Bossenberry. Bay sisters, Exeter. Auctioneer. Zurich. Zurich Feed. Store Leading Brand of Flour Shorts, Bran. and Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange, We are agents for Interne, tional and Royal Purple stock food, Also a full line of Grocer. leo on hand. b:; ac Hudson 3 New Ontario farms In the very heart of the fananus 26, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt rand. Noir the village'of Matheson on the T. �� N': O. IB,ailwvay: All ether .surr- ounding. urr-ounding lois already settled sand : anal proveni:epts begun. Excellent'gayer- nrent roads through the entire local ity; school house and: local P. O. a•' corner of one of thelots; houses °resit ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each, Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch,' spruce and wliitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of _ pulpwood on each farm, 100 acres in each farm. A rare opportunity. for quick -ret urns and safe investment. • Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It will pay you to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. " Zeller, Zurich, Farm for Sale Lot23. Con 7, Parr Line Hay North 50 acres;"or-will sell the whole lot. For partioaTars.apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensall P. O. Dwelling for Sale. Good, two storey brick dwelling with brick stable; all in first class repair. Good water and large garden; Would give possession this Spring. For Particulars apply at once to Er- nest Gies, Zurich, Custom Sawing Wanted at Joshua =nider, Salable Line. McEwen Bros, ,Byfield BULL FOR 'SERVICE The undersigned will hold for the improvement of stock this year, that pure bred choice bull "King George." The anianal is rising 5 yrs and will easily weigh' 2300 when tat. • Well matured sires are the great for thrifty stock; rates $1,50. • Osear R1opp. Mack Wilkes i Standard bred trotting stallion En- irollmen.t No. 2114. This stallion is yrs.. oda, Seal brown, stands. 16 hands„ -weighs 1200 ibe., is gentle and kind,best of feet and legs and, action. :Itis• sire Ora Wilks the greatest trott- .en`prodlrr in Canada. Willi stand a;t his • own stable, $10.00 to • insure. ;Pltrycable•March lst. — Geo. Joynb. Phone 1S. I. FOR SALE - House For Sale. —A White. Brick House erected by Sim Ireland‘ and at Resent occupied by Otto Reetemayer, for particulars apply' to. R.. Weigand Dashwood. GOOD BRICK DWELLING AND 2 AND:HALF ACRES, • OF .LAND FOR SALE Good brick -dwelling 24X84 with kitchen 18X22, together. wi-h large frame barn and about. 2 acres of land. The property is nicely situat- ed and will be sold on reasonable terms. There is a good. well cistern and furnace in house. For further particulars apply ton. Zeller, Zurich. Possession may be. given about 1st, July. C. Grob owner, Berlin Out. JUPITER'S ICE .CREAM PARLORS are now Open CONFECTIONARY Y of he purest quality alwals on hand, Luncheons, Soft Drinks and Cigars;. to be had on the pren5ises, also Fruit of all kinds, t, I PEER L I Ir l C ()XT. we also stock New Perfection coal oil stove' $.5.00 gold piece is ;trot as pure as as the gold in the 1 20;00°gold 1$0 e,°on'' there is less of it. So no matter what style stove you may select; you crtn ot make a 1171:da1 as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor Gasoline Stove." Manu' use_tie "Detroit Vapor" stovessuininer and winter, as the. iiea.t their houses with furnace' or steam, and ,with a "Detroit . Vapor. stove for cooking they have prectica11r the conver.,ieee•ol a gas stove Doyou know that it takes about 2 minutes to generate' a oommoz gasoline burner, three burners 6 mintues, three times a cfsy 18 minute; 365 days in a ;year would be about 11 days at ten hours per day, wastin your time your tine and gasoline. to °mobs up your rooms while' get ting your gasoline stove for cooking.. Why, not apply this wasteful ex pense toward, :'buying a "Detroit Vapor" stove that lights lite gas? THINK IT Werra: ..... _ .... _ � � PHO�k3 e*TLEIi, 9 zUI,G HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE THE QTJALI!Y STORE ou ° e Furnist:i The place to buy your ll:ousefur nishing is at Merner's. We hav in Stock Tapestr , Squares, Oilcloth Linoleum's; Curtain Scrinns; Lace. Curtains and anything you need in the Muse furnishing. lines,, We have also have a something new -nDress Materials, anda nice' line of white Lawn Waists.. Gall and see what we have. Highest Prices pall for Farm Pro. ce 3'. R3 - ZuricA I arm plo a Lot us know your wants,,. We handle everything in, Farm Implements, Engine Supplies Pathos, all 'sizes and kinds, Belting,leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump and pump piping. uggies, WaggQns, Sleighs an Cutters. If you are in need of Machine Ea - pairs we can get them for you. We give special attention to our repair. department. LOUIE,PRA MINEMISMNOMMSWOMMINOn UNDERTAKING, PromptService Mode -pate Obarges VIM •11,, HOFFMAN Zurich, - - Ontario. wammagargittrowtesromegaga. Electric. Restorer for Men tI, osphenap Testores:everynenvt9e the bod to Its mopes• tc4zgaen; restore Vita and vita.ty, Premature ay z;nd all ills tvcakue averted at 9nc" ilpnol 01W1 1a V g�a��ro �aglai i d0., t�gk o¢ two (o