HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-09-16, Page 4CENTRAL. IRATCORD. ?NT. school with a continental tion for high grade work and e success of its graduates, a. with superior courses and dors. We give individual tion in Commercial, Short- and Telegraphy Departments attend elsewhere when there am here? You may enter at gime. Write for our large atialogne. EA.McLachlan, Pri ncipal 'ANADIAN )di'. E E K . 7CC URSION sawompammaImesomPINOnwn - [ANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Tuesday intim October MX uipeg and Return - S___ oaten and RtWrn - 45.00 mof ,,o �arroVartfrotz t to Statham East mto. Reims Limit tallO ss atJmw 'slamgin& RAIL totici:eip ls Canadian sr MURPHY; 1AP.ls I t".�' nto. e Ladies and Gents Watches Bracelets and Jewelry of Every ;iption, Lace Curtains, Pugs, Furnishind,Rifles, Moving Pic- lachine, Skates, Printing Press- uutain Pens, in. fact nearly hid you cart_think of you can 5 uf'efY=Free for selling our mI Fancy Drawn and Satin handkerchiefs at 10 cents t hey sell rapidly 6 can gener- sold in every house. Don't any money, but write us to u a lot of Handkerchiefs to t when sold you will send us ey and the premium selected 24 handkerchieff entitled you choice of an elegant Watch, aid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. s to -day, we trust you and k the goods if you cannot sell 1NOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL CARDS. FOOT RAYS k RILI.ORAN, :term, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Godoricb, Canada W. Proudfoot. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran, oudfoot Jr. SINESS DARDS. S. PHILLIPS, UCTIONEER, Exeter. onduoted in all parts. Satis- guaranteed or no pay. Terme le. Orders left at this office romptly attended to. rr F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- nb, representing the London, ical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ellington and Guardian. Every n fire insurance. LDa$hwood arber Shop Wednesday Very Wednesdalt afternoon and evening. • Saturday very Saturday, all day, and evening. THOS. KLUMPP, .Proprietor. eV.A 'S FRENCH PILLS bicep Pillfor 'Women.; .$5 at box or three for d. at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any >n reeelr ;of. price. Tire Scorner, MUG Ontario: ra PH0/401. TOR N'. mzestares ulna at>,d for t , rs; And Brant; increases "troy • DASHWOl HICK'S PORCASTS A regular storm period is central on the llth, only one day • from the center of a Mercury period centre on the 12th, This storm period9, is co- incident with the Magnetic crisis, in the Mercury period, and nearing the center of Earth's autumnal equinoc- tial disturbance. We conclude that very general, wide -reaching and in- tense storm conditions will appear up to Monday the 14th. Autumnal weather will most likely follow the storm period. After this period look for a change to cooler weather, follow ed by probable frosts over many sec- tions northward. -A storm period is central on the 17th,, 18th and 19th. This period also has a critical outlook in the fact that new Moon on the 19th is within a day or two of the center of the autumnal equinox, with the Moon on the celestial equator. The chances are that a series of storms and other disturbances will set in at this time which will continue for- ward into the neat storm period. The Mercury and the Venus periods both reach into this period. adding greatly to the probabilities of Severe and prolonged disturbances sen tering on and about the 19th. A Regular storm period falls at the crisis of Earth's September equinox being central on the 22nd., and ex- tending from the 20th to 25th. This is a period when dangerous equinoc- tial disturbances are liable to visit many parts of the globe—land and sea especially both the Atlantic and Pucific coasts regions to the South Ward. We admonish our readers of possible danger from equinoctial storms, either on the Gulf, ocean coasts, or far inland, wherever the tempeeature is very high, and the barometer readings are very low. As a sconel to these storms, look for an early dash of very cool weather to spread from the Northwest. south- easterly over almost the entire conn - try. W'r tignre that prematnre and heavy Fria -is will. reach far into the central, if not into southern regions, and as tilt, high barometer swoops down on', of the Northwest. A Regular Storm period is central on the 27th 28th and 29th. On and about these dates, threatening con- ditions will return—barometer will fall, temperature rise, cloudiness en- sue, with more or less storms and storminess moving from West to East across the country. September will go out with clearing and much cooler .k. /For Partridge, Wbd-' ttack;S uietor abbt Shop 'th# • .44' ficA li S _RUN �jIS A'WONDER V ., 24 nth barrelweifths a lbs. eatce.down.�• .For 44 X.L„ 44 W.C.F.. Shoff end 44 ^Cams'. Getter'Cartridges �dC -Y List Prtco Only. $$,00 .,,M INQotherboreorgaiigoofshot ;y��* n as efficient undereo grey - n varlets of conditioneJ-" ' /Beni for detalied des- '?_icriotionand "GUNS AND CvxNING..,C' /0) all Ilea dealers NenQle STEVE S jf (STEVEN$TARM & YOti OMP DIY ,r0OBoxxcre "CIiICOPEB FA1.L3 MASS SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Notice is Hereby given that the list of lands for sale for taxes has been and 11.;1 .,.,hips ;hCceof can bo bba1 14 Llmlp office ai;d ,fiat t;lie list' is being published in the Ontario Gazette of .August. 15th.., 221id 29th and `milt. $i•h, 1914, and that in default in the payment of ,,said tares and costs the lands will be sold on Tuesday, November 17th. 1014, at two o'clock in the afternoon at the court house in the town of Gode iicb. Wm,Holmes County Treasurer. County Treasurer's Office, Goderich. August 18th', 101.4. Farm for Sale. I am oftering niy valuable farm: for sale, consisting of 75,acres choice' Land, properly fenced,well drained,; three good wells, and' all buildings. aro in good conditions. Por full par .. ticulars apply to Wm. Stelck, R. R. No. 1 Dashwood; Ont, FALL FAIRS Atwood Blyth SIC+ C1oaring Sale On all our Spring Shoos` 'af all binds sold at lowest prices. 'Call and see us. Rutter, eggs and poultry.. Ducks and geese especially. ' O. Pfaff ..& Son Dashwood /VI EKE E Points on the T UVx.1SRAMIi4G & i'TORTRERN ONTARIO RY., Haileybury and Northern Ontario From all points in Ontario and Quebec on the a -r uidi Trunk and C. P. Rys., except west of Chalk River and north to Parry Sound on the C. P. R. Tickets at especially reduced rates:, good going June 10th axed valid for return until June 20th. See your, nearesl railway Agent for. full particulars, or apply to A. J. Parr, G.F.A.T. & N.O. Rlys. :Tor Pay, -Ont, Sept 22 and 23,E Sept 29 and, 30 Drumbo Sept 29 and 80 Elmira Sept 22 and 23 Embro Oct 1 Galt Oct 1 and 2 Guelph Sept 15 and 17 Listowel •Sept7 London (Western Fair) .Sept 11-19 Milverton Sept 24- and 25 New Hamburg Sept 17 and 18, Rockton Oct 13 and 14 Seaforth Sept 24 and 25 St. Marys Sept 22 and 23 Tavistock Sept 21 and 22 Toronto (Can Nat) Aug 28 Sept 12 Wellesley Sept 15 and 16 Woodstock Oct 6-8 ZURICH Sept .23 and 24 HENSALL A. Hemphill spent Friday in Lon- don. J. E. McDonald spent Sunday in London. E. Ronnie took a business trip .to Toronto this week. D. B. McLean' and wife are spend- ing the week at Toronto. Miss Boville, of Detroit, has been visiting at.ohn Coulters. Some of the farmers have their beans harvested and in the barn. • The Misses Irma and Ruth Rennie have returned from Toronto. Norm Cook and Percy Wiggins spent the holiday in Toronto. Mrs. John Mccarter, ofLondon, is visiting her brother H. Arnold. Miss M. Campbell of London has been visiting at Willow Hall. Ernest Ayre, of Detroit has been visiting his aunt Mrs. Coulter. Mrs. Robertson, of Falkirk, spent the holiday at A. McPherson's. Miss Marie Carlin and Miss Morkin visited in London last week. Mrs. Bell of Detroit, is the guest of her aunt Mrs.Hngh McDonald. Voters' List -1914 Municipality of the Town- ship of Hay. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of the Ontario Voters Lists Act, the copies required by said Sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the lisb, ipursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to yote in the said Municipality at el- ections for members of the Legislat- ive Assembly and at Municipal el• ections, and that the said list was first posted up at my office at Zurich, on the 14th. day of August 1914, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon • all voters to take immediate proceedings to hays any errors or omissions corrected acc- ording to law. Dated at Zurich, Aug. 14th. 1914. _•:; Fred Hess Sr. Clerk of Hay Tp. COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON. Contractors We are ready to figure on your Mason Contracts and Cement Work For next season. No contracts to large and too small to receive our careful attention. LOUIS WEBER, Zurich CHAS. MEYERS, Blake. Rodiguil Jr. Percheron Stallion No. (4354,) 74773. This stallion will be at Dominion House stable every Thursday after- noon till Friday at noon, at any other time will stand at his own stable, St.Joseph, Napoleon A. Cantin. This horse for service at both places. For particulars, apply to manager or prop. BEN CHARETTE N. A. CANTIN ' -'t manager proprietor DR A. J. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital'N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Henry Bossenberry Licensed Auctioneer, Huron, Middlesex and Lampton. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dashwood, Ontario. Dates arranged at the office For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. Lot 22 L R E Hay 117 acres also South half Lot 21 L R E Hay _ 75 acres the above lots will be sold or rented together or seperate to suit parties. Thomas Turnbull Fig E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of theMilitayy Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr,McLaughlin, Dashwood. BLAKE CliOPPEn I will be operating the Blake Chopping .Mill every Tuesday and Friday, until further notice Have <a Hirst. class 'grind- er, and will guarantee good rtsults. N ►.03 ICIPPE rilmilMIMMIMMIIIIMMIMIMIMEMEMIESMENNEEMPINVEMMIEN WESTERN FAIR • LONDON, CANADA Ontario's .popular Exhibition • September 1.1 to 19, '1914 INCREASED'PRIZE LI -ST. Magnificent Programe ofAttractions. Two Speed`' Events Daily. New Fireworks Every Night. COME AND EE The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragoons. - Reducea Railway Rates Commencing Sept. llth. Special Excursion Days, Sept. 15, 16, 17th, All Tickets good till Sept. 21st ALL INFORMATION FROM THE SECRETARY W. J. Reid, pres. A. M. HI nt. secy. P. Many u and Farm Laborers if afied f A JESTING IN WESTERN AfJA`D`� "GOING P WEST." ' I3ETUR '1'Ii1P �g�'." $" GI TO WINNIPEG $18.00 1110M W Nil1PEG t lNG P ►. 156 lertbot W°i, rtcnfrew and weet to •Asada' and pp of L a end Renfrew. in tttSro,Loods os tibp tj o,, Renfrew anG /!,t id au pomatamn tuba and to certain sn 4 ntat1OO Uta etc. .etrpn.an+ Albd :� " oonn all alalic titano and e an and 1 e Vilm pto to 1n�bMtaD I oanP Lo cellula tp' irgir of re¢atafng transportation west of Winn1n g, oto., see neatt,t a.P Sot, o ltitte— pl��E, Asst. D.P.A. lN. G. MURPHY. D.P.A,. C.1�.R., T 4msn...rw 1 How's i • Business Advertising backed up by the right `spirit, the right goods and the right service, can rescue a sinking business and will make a prosperous business more masterful,in its own .community, When John Wanamaker, the prince of merchants, began business,he resolv- ed to force matters. He was not eon tent to wait to bo found out—he deter- mined to be found out. In short he advertized, He threw on his business, small as it was the light of publicity, and the public of Philadelphia entered the shop which the light shone. In this community the public is entering those shops on which the light of advertising is falling. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC . Be surge of this: thass who are using our columns week after Week don't give .you poorer goods or service or higher prices. w. Shops which ars illmined by advertising court with "fuU confidenco your :favor. Shop Where : YOU, are invited to Shop. 'Cold IAN EA TEA DE Dr. Ada' ihorit' Ca Canadj quicke of the p 'make and oountry That �ihortt, ai Otfaav thorities minion. eel from' the -ontb ernm.ent service tions, w tion in t Before ie w eel years eel and uth• financial cliecusse� Britis elation he iml on, sai h.art°'the •-honld m -opean 4 Var. Aecor• mere, -LI uratio: ,bat the sally t n any roblem m�lies fol tag the -4 British d foci broad with the ia,Fra tsideroabl, enemy,, both Gc ;unable or to ti] Shortt ,Q sial str of food -German rem.e to in a vea impress: the bet G rea,t I TO rit• to by tl ?ut that