HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-09-16, Page 1With..
Published every two '`weeks
Price gratis
A little paper devoted to news usually heard
and seen around a General and. Hardware ,Store.
We have just put into stock a ship--.
ment of Brasso for polishing all •_
kinds of brass, niokle etc. Also '
Silvio for gold and silver, We rete-
oinarend these lines and , c i Fre
them to do the work thoroughly.
We handle the celebrated Oakville
aluminum ware. These goods are
made of heavy xnaaerial and highly
polished and will last a lifetime:
When you are in need of a preserving
kettle, potato pot, double boiler inc.
buy the Oakville made aluminum
ware and you tiwill,get the best.
Our fall millinery openings will be
held on..Wednesday . and ' Thursday,
Sept; 23 and 24th. and following clays.
This department is again in charge of
Miss Hess, who will be pleased ` to
show, you the latest trimmed hats,
etc„ for fall and winter wear. You
are cordially invited
Looking Ahead
You will soon be looking around
for anew'range. We want you to
cone in and talk it over with us be-
fore you buy. We handle the Pen-
insular, Happy Thought and Grand
-Jewel. Ranges and stoves, and. can 're-
fer you to many users, who are . get-
ng the best resultsfrom the use .of •
hem. They are built for wood and
coal,. and come in many styles.
. order to clean up some of our
Im er lines to make room for Fall
goods we offer ° So ;e Special
1 only Ice Cream Freezer 2.75 for 2.00
1. only 8 ball Croquet sett 1;75 for 1.25
1 " 8 burner Detroit Oil Stove 18.00 13.50
1 sc 3 " - is ,c
with oven encased 26.00 for 19.00
1 2 Gasoline. Stove 16.00 for 12.00
1 "folding go-cart with top
12.Oo for 9,00
1 "
1 " hammock
7 00for, 4.50
2.25 for 1.25
2.75 for 1.50
All the ballatce of our stock of Ladies waists to clear at Half Pricc,.
-these are all this years styles and a big bargain a few lines of wash, goods at
sots.. a ward reg. 25c goods.
Produce always Tabery,
P Ft
FRIDAY , O N IN SEPT. 16x .19 14.'
Mr. ai,.d Mrs 'John Gascho ` span
Ruby uby'was in Dashivm'
Tuesday night.
Miss Ethel Williams and sister
spent Wednesday in London..
Mr. and Mrs: Gottlieb Mornay vt;
ed in Stratford oyer Sunday.'
Messrs J.;Deichert and WellingWr,
Johnston were in London, on Monday..
Unite a number froze. this vierixizv
are attending the Western Fair " at
London, this week.
Pound. --A. pursewith a sum of ru,;,,.
ey, Owner apply; to ;Wm. E1 Io
Grand Bend.:
Tuesday in London,
l.uev. C. W.:11i11=�+'i, Witti :�t Toici10,"
iu, over Sunday;.:
nh. Haidy of l.xoter called. cu
I old friends here on �uatt►.rday.
i The directors of the Huron Wea
er Iaienrance Co. held a meeting
�1 town on Saturday.
Mr. Wagner is giving un the col.
fectionary business and Will 'succeed d
by the former owner, Jibs. iVlcCotxrt,icf..
Miss Blanch'' Atkinson of Exeter
visited with her friend ?1iss Iva
Williams, over Sunday.
The war talk has about petered -crit
in town and the hone now is general
that it will soon end.
Remember that the . Zurich r' air
dates are 28rd and 24th. Thera vv iit
also' be a concert on the evening of
the 24th. .
A Grand Fowl Supper and enter-
tainment will be given with the open -
hag of the New Shed of.the Evangel-
ical Church on Tuesday 'September
29, 1914. Supper will be served from
5.80. to 9.00 p, m.. A ftne program
.will be rendered in the church after
the supper, .cons"f'sti°ng of addresses by
prominent speakers,;: elocutionists of
renown, and leading vocalists', chor-
uses etc. Admission to supper a ,c1;
entertainment,, • Adults 95'cts. Cbr'd•,.
ren 20cts. . Get ready and"enjoy= thio;
social and musical feast: ° `
The regular metting of the Wain
en,s Institute which, was held tl,t.the``.
,1:<ssi deur , of )J it J I. 110 4:"41-1.
week was well atteitded,'Mrs. 1\f his
presiding. After: reading' the mnnutes
and the transaction of routine busi-
nuess papers were read as follows:
"Canada" by Mrs, M. Fritz and Mars..
O'Brien; "England by .Miss E. Canap-
bell, and Scotland by Mrs, Peter..
Manson.: Instrumentia selections
were repdered by - -1VIiss - Lamon:.t.
;adios wishibg to join the Institute
aro invired to attend tli:e next meeting
Throughdut the Wii rer months the
meetingswill be held in the evening.
T.he:bereaved widower and family
t}f late lhs. 0. Brill desire to express
their•sincere thank to those who so
Irinclly assisted them.in their recent
The. Sunday: services' will be . t
,the: Usual hours : Genian 10.80
Sunday 8 9.00 a: re. English 7,00-',p
xr ,
The following meetings are
held daring the ween .'.
b. S. officers and teachers 7.15 p•M.,
on Tuesdays. The Ladies Aid.
Society Meets at 8,00 p,. . m. i+lk e
first Wednesday of, each month,
A cordial invitation is herewith o
tencled;to all, not worshiping else"`
where, to warship with tai ata take,
an active part in the work: of the var
ous societies of our church.
Incorporated 1855
Opened Branch in Huro ;
Co. 1874
Saving Eank Accounts
Zurich Branch
DUNLOP, Manager,
Mr, Stover is selling another' load
of mixed cattle here this (Friday) at
2 o'clock, at the Dominion Hotel.
Messrs J. J. Merrier M. P., Win,
II. Bender .and Mrs. klowald have
their dwellings nearly ready to move
into,. These new houses acid decided-
ly to the appearance of our town.
It; is reported that Ur. Loris Kraft,
who recently disposed of his farm m
Stephen, wil shortly move into Mr.
John laecher's dwelling, at present
oecupied by Mr. Peter Koehler.
The Floyd McPhail' concert in the
Town. Hall, Zurich on Fair eight
Sept. 24th, promises to be the bsst
ever held, in Zurich, see advertising
and posters; plan of Hall can be seep
and reserved seats secured at F... W.
lie,,s and Son, a great time is expect -
t+ 1 bring all you can.
In loving memory of our Dear
Father George Schroeder, who tie
parted this life Sept. 21 1912,
?12ore and more each hay we miss you,
Friends may think the wound is
But they little know the sorrow.
That lies within onr hearts• • con-
The Family. • -
• Mr. Peter Keohler has purchased
froni 11Ir."George Witmer the prop-
e'rty formerly owned by Mr. 0. Bech-
ler, for $2000,00. Possession will be
given Oct. 15th. Mr. Witmer has
purchased from Mr. F. W. Hess the
dwell ng at present occupied by Mr.
PI. Bender.
Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, one of .Zur-
ich's leading physicians, was married
this morning to Miss Matilda Johnston
eldest daughter of Mr. and • . Mrs.
Bob64t.'B,ai 3 izu;;toru, of the 'Dom-
inion House; The ceremony was
private, Rev. Daniel Johnston offie-
iating. After the ceremony,. Dr. and
Mrs. MacKinnon left in an auto for
Detroit from which place they will
visit New York and the East.
Mrs..Charles Brill, who has been
suffering from Cancer for the ` past
four years' died at her home ' here on
Sunday at the age 477 years 8 mon-
ths and 7 daYs. She bore her illness
with the greatest .christian . fortitude
and Seldom complained.'• • . The .de-
ceased has been a resident', of Zurich
for many years on'd her demise is gen-
erally mourned •.She leaves her aged
husband, and four • daiighgers,. • Mis..
0. Silber, and Miss Ida attol4n, Mrs.
H. Weber of Preston and Mrs. Jacob
Zimmerman in the West. 'The fun=
eral WAS held on Tuesday afOrpoon to
the Eyangeliot 1 n i 5emetery,
Mrs. Alvina Wagner' 3vricldwof die
late Conrad Wagner died. at the home
of her.daughter Mrs. David IVIcLinch-
ey; Goshen Line,: Stanley; onFriday
last at tbe'age of 76 years anal 11
months. The deceased was well
known in town having lived for many
years at what is known as Wagner's
Corner. She was of .a very pleasent
disposition and made many . wade
friends. She was a life-long member
of the Lutheran church. Her hus-
band, two sons Peter and Christian
and daughter Mrs. David Schnell.pre-
deceasedher, the surviving familybe-
ingWilliaiu C. of this place, d'ohn,
Mrs. Simpson•and Mrs. Haugh of
Guelph? Mrs. McLinchey of - Stanley
Township and Mrs. Ii., Bossenberry of
l3esiin. • The funeral -took place on
Sunday afternoon and was largely
Sept. 21; 22; and 23
New and OId.Attractions.
Good e ieitinu speed tests::
,Large .fuibries in Live Stock; and
pons fry.
Athletic, contests, ept•ilit race for
championship of Huron and Bruce,
P idhan, Goodwin and McDougall.
Flowers,,fruit and field products in
pion ty.
L.. , 'Sti
That isa, ti:
• Our shoes :ere so nxuch l-�r flee #k is J,,„r than ever before, that ever
women, man and child to 4 y,ztfheni`. F tter shoes is tine result of 011
most careful buying, getting e you- l,: ; oi,= goods and styles at a reg
oonablo price. When yon'come here . :• your Spring shoes, you ail
find just what you. want, because we ca.! =carry such a big variety is
great reason' why you should oome here. or men we have the Inrictuia
shoe, manufactured by by Geo, &. slate ,
shoes p hy not save discomfort by purolzt: ug a pair of the bosh good
Coarse in and try on a pal, ,
No trouble whatever to sb::v the latest Shoes:
Butter; and Eggs taken in .- •obange for shoes
.r ;L,
FITZ, +E:+J Zurich
The Homo of Good. Shoes
nccl ,1 Thing in a Nuts ell
...es ` at Is Right. o- a. buy
just what you want at the right price
.. It is easily tc understand. We any, right that is haw
we can sell right. We have a large and well assorted
general Stock to choose from of all seasonable Goods.
- Produoe taken in exchange for goods,.
itt rinions
'Women's and Misses White Canvas Button Shoes; 'W nion''s and Misses
White 2 strap Canvas Slippers, Mens and Boy's Canvas. Shoes; Sh
k Childieaz'
e. . z. • "Batei~orJ 5anclles .: _,: , . -
Coale along and Share.in These Law Prices.
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for. shoes,
Rave you seen the new
Superior Se arator?
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest
Manufacturers Cream Separators in Canada.
.The SUPERIOR is strictly self -balancing and self -cent-
ring, and is warranted for 5 years against defects or
natural wear. Try one in your own home
• and he convinced that it is Superior to al iothers.
Ij spI1r '
HERE'S acloth, about
our Spring Suits that's
hard to escape for TAIL-
every judge of good taste
The handsome new grays,
and brown mixtures- - -the
skilful, perfect tailoring
will talk for themselves.
There are the regular
"stand` by" Models and the
very smart London designs.
Prices that never
$5000 $ 10,00 $20.00