HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-08-14, Page 8Summer Goods Warm weather is now coming on, and you will want the coolest and most comfortable wearing apparel for the next few months. We are ready to supply you such as dress materials, i* crepe cloths, cotton voiles, silk mulls, muslhas, etc. Ladies's Underwear Etc. In porous and plain knitt vests, combina- tions, corset covers, white voile an d lawn waists lisle stockings in white and colors, parasols, fans, belts, etc. vormismammrsose For Men and Boys We have a large v ariety straw hats going at reduced prices, suits, shirts, ties collars. Come and inspeet our various lines. No trouble to show goods. PHONE 17 RUBY OAS. C Lumber! Shingles! Laths! We have a large stock of these on hand, Estimates given and con- tracts taken. All kinds of exterior and interior finish for houses made to order, We hand Pe all kinds of Building Material. Call at Planing 1`1111. F, C. 'CAL PHONE 19 .,C FLEISCH = ZURICH Still Doing Business at The Old Stand We have been appointed Agents for the celebrated Massey Harris Implements We handle everything in that line, ;Heeding Implements, Manure spread - tars, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Bean Harvesters, etc. Harvesting Implements Binders, 40gei:5, Rakes, ff49adgetoo Massey -Harris Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Cutters be- fore you buy, all our own make. Bug- gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs. Square Dealing Our Motto �xay F. doss Son Fanning Mill Sieves , I am agent for the Clinton fann- ing mill sieves, and farmers re- quiring any, can procure them at my farm, South of Zurich John Hey jr. If YOU want your suit press ed or repaired W. IIOFFMAN does IT. • Laundry in Connection W. 11. HOFFMAN Tailor - ZURICH Our . Alarms run and rings A new lot just in every One Guaranteed. REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY F Hess G. E. *Mess JEWELLERS. ZtlTITCI1 ONTARIO Zurich Feed Store Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts;Bran and. Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange, We are agents for Interna, tional and Royal Purple stook food. Also a full line of Grocer- ies on hand. HURRAN R URRAiii Follow the ' crowd nd go to Wagner's. We are leaders in;— Fine Confectionary Cakes and Bread Neilson's Pasteurized and Homongenized Ice Cream constantly kept on hand, ` Once tast- ed, the memory lingers. SQUARE DEALING Our motto W. C. WAGNER ZURICH, ONT COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal. Co's Scranton Coal All izes: ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. LOCALS Mrs. Stoddard of Rochester, visited her mother Mrs. D. Bennett, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stelck of Dauphin, Alan., who were visiting with parents and friends for a number of weeks, returned to their home last Saturday. Rev, T. C. Mech.). of Erie, Penn. Gen. secretary of the Evangelical As- sociation, will preach in the Evangel- ical church' next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Owing to the mixed nationality of our citizens, the war discussions be- come quite heated at times. The great majority however are in fav&. of having the German Kaiser's'; auto cratie power somewhat curtailed. This war will mean the end of ": one- man rule. Its "ausgespielt" and. the sooner the better. "STEEPLE JACK 111r.j. T. Murphy known as "Steeple Jack" has taken rooms for himself and family at the Dominion House. Mr. Murphy makes a • spec- ialty pedialty of painting church steeples, tall smokestakes, masts, domes and columns of great height. He travels be auto and has contracts ahead for many months. He does not build scaffolds or use ladders to do his work,. he has been in the business for many years and has originated and patented several devices to accomplish the perilous work of painting and decor- sting high columns while he is sus- pended in the air. His contracts here include St. Boniface church in Zurich, St Peter's church Drysdale and a church at Mt Carmel, SPARS & Do `GLA" BLAKE INSTITUTE A successful Lawn Social was held by, the Blake Women's Institute at the residence of Mrs. John Keys July 31st. The proceeds amounted to sixty one dollars and twenty seven cents including the receipts from the Klondyke and refreshment booth. The Hensall Band was in attendance. The Ice cream which was eitcellent was supplied by J. Geiger, Zurich. An Interesting meeting was held at the home of Mrs. G. S. Howard on Aug. 11:: It was decided to bonate five dollars tothe Canada Bible; Society and five dollars to the Goderich branch of the Obildren,s Aid Society. There was a good Literary and Musical Pro- gram. The next meeting ; Will be hem at the home of Mrs. A. T..Dongl- as on Tuesday Sept. 8, at 2.30 o'clock. All women of the conimunity1 are wel- come. Farm for .Sale I am oflaring my valuable fat, . for sale, consisting of 75 acres choice land,properly fenced, well drained, three good wells; and all buildings are in good conditions. For full `par ticulart apply to Wm ,Stelck, R. R. No. 1 Dashwood, Ont. FOR BALE 3 New Ontario Farms In the very heart of the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Near the village of Matheson on the T. & N. 0. Railway. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and im- provements begun. Excellent gover. nment roads through the entire local- ity; school house and local P. 0.. s- corner of one of the lots; houses ereett ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each. Two of the lots have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farm. A rare opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It will pay you to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, Farm for Sale Lot 23. Con 7, Parr Line Hay North 50 acres, or will sell the whole lot. For particulars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensall P. 0. Dwelling for Sale. Good, two storey brick dwelling with brick stable; all in first class repair. Good water and large garden, Would give possession this Spring For Particulars apply at,once to Er- nest Gies, Zurich. Custom Sawing Wanted at Joshua Snider, Sauble Line. McEwen Bros. Bayfield BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned will hold for the improvement of stock this year, that pure bred choice bull "King George." The animal is rising 5 yrs and will easily weigh 2300 when fat. Well matured. sires are the great for thrifty stock, rates $1,50. Oscar Klapp. Mack. Wilkes Staadarat bred trotting stallion En- rollment na, 2114. This stallion is 4 yrs.,old,, Seal brown, stands 16 hands,; weighs 1200 lbs., is gentle and kind, best of feet an& legs and action. His sire Ora, Wilks the greatest trott- er producer in Canada. Will! stand at his own stable,. $10..00 to insure. Payable.Mavelti list. do til, Phone 1361. Iren'saar FOR SALE House• 146z Sale.—A White Brick. House erected by Sim Ireland, and at 'esen.t occupied by Otto Restemayer., or particulars apply to H. Weigand `Dashwood. GOOD BRICK DWELLING AND 2 ANDA I-IALF ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE Good brick -dwelling 24Yitt4 with kitchen 18X22, together w,irh large frame barn and about 2 ; acres of land. The property is nicely situat- ed and, will be sold on, reasonable terms. There is a good, well cistern and furnace in house. For further particulars apply to E•. Zeller, Zurich, Possession may be given about 1st,, July. C. Greb owner, Berlin On,t.. .IPFER' ICE CREAM PARLORS are now Open CONFECTIONARY of the purest finality alwals on hand. Luncheons, Soft Drinks and "Cigars to be had on the premises, also Fruit" of all kinds, S. KIPFER ZURICONT, we also stock New Perfection caul oil stove; $5.00 gold piece is just as pure as as the gold in the $20.00 goldopieee there is less of it. So no matter what style stove you may select, you cannot make a n as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor Gasoline Stove," Many use the "Detroit Vapor" stoves summer and winter, as heat their houses with furnace or steam, and with a "Detroit V stove for cooking they have practically the oonveniece of a gas Do you know that it takes about 2 minutes to generate a co gasoline burner, three burners 6 mintues, three times a day 38 365 days in a year would be about 11 days at ten hours per day, w your time your time and gasoline, to smobe up your rooms, whil ting your gasoline stove for cooking, Why not apply this waste. pense toward buying a "Detroit Vapor" stove that lights like gt THINK IT OVER C. 1-1PHorre -iRTLEIIB91 zt7 HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE THE QUALI"'Y STI R House Furnishin The place to buy your House nisling, is at Merner's. We h in Stock Tapestry Squares, Oilcl Linoleum's; Curtain Scrims; L Curtains, and anything you need the -House furnishing lines. We have also have a somet new in Dress Materials, and a line of white Lawn Waists. an.dsee what we have. I hest Prices paid for Farm Produce. ,T Ta rp,y`1111E11, M � M Farm ImplornOLt$ Let us know your wants,, Ws handle everything in Tl'•'aiall Implements. Engine Supplies, Pullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and. shafting. Pump and . pump piping Buggies,: Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. • If you are in need of Machine Re pairs we can get than -for you. We give special attention. to our reps:; department; LOUIS PR,i1V$ UNDERTAKIN Prompt Serwwca Moderate Chi 412 W. 11. HOFF Zurich 05 tqg jectH snorer !:31A01201 restoresvey ne ,pTope,�• to. ,in and iitalit9 Pre ature deca, weakieor Averted ai; oboe,.7t' h atak,. a r t3W',naU, 'rice " i 5 tYiaelldd :o aav address, ,, a. tttt h9�a§taeaS 7l;ut.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ila