HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-08-14, Page 4CENTRAL STRATCORD, ONT.. II Term from Sept. lst. e best Commercial School in the ovince. Our courses are thor- gh and practical while our in- ructors are better than you will d elsewhere. We do more for r students than other similar hools do, Our rates are reason - le. Write for our free catalogue d see what we can do for you. D.A. McLachlan, Principal OMESEEKE XC UR SI O N S MANITOBA; ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Tuesday anti] October 27th; glia. innipeg and Return - $36.00 onton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto, and Stations Wast ant rth of Toronto. T.roportionata tam Stations Sass e/ Toronto. Return Limb two moatla. colon resardina RAYL or O01A5 tickets m Canadian Pacific se writ . G. MURPHY. ID.l.A.; ' tbsooto. Free Ladies and Gents Watches ds, Bracelets and Jewelryof Every scription, Lace Curtains, Rims, use Furnishind,Rifles, Moving Pic. e Machine, Skates, Printing Press - Fountain Pens, in fact nearly erythnid you can think of you can f AbosluteIy Free for selling our autiful Fancy Drawn and Satin ripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents eh. They sell rapidly 6 can gener- ly be sold in every house. Don't nd us any money, but write us to nd you a lot of Handkerchiefs to 11, that when sold you will send us e money and the premium selected fling 2.4 handkerchieff entitled you your choice of an elegant Watch, gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Prite us to -day, we trust you and tke back the goods if you cannot sell dem. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL CARDS. ROUDFOOT HAYS & SILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. S. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran, PV. Proudfoot Jr. BUSINESS OARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales eondueted in all parts. Satis- ,etion guaranteed or no pay. Terms mable. Orders left at this office 111 be promptly vttsntled tp, NDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every. tiling in fire insurnnen: Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday n every Wednesday afternoon and evening. Saturday en every Saturday, all day, and even ing. TWOS. KLi1MPP, Proprietor. . DeV. N'S'FRENCH PILLS bieel2s ating Pill kr women, $5 a box or three for Sold at all Drug Stores. or ata;;ed to any re5sonrcceip`.of price. TAIL Seebni.r. DRUG St. Oatharlr es, Ontario. OSp11030.• r. OR MEN. '11,11.attrallsi lity; for l •,rut. and Brain; increases grey rr fl'rnn;0,-* 9.1 'el d you tip. $ n ho:t, n tar ti r, .rat 3tntro . • rV ttllitl..^u r .Art L...Y.C`.a:u.:.�iy. DASHWOQD. DASHWOOD Mr. Milton Ehlers is home for a few weeks holidays. Farmers in this vicintiy are busy hauling in grain and the fall thresh- ing has also commenced. Mr. P. IVIcIsaac and boys are hard at work building new telephone lines and other equipments. People are wondering why the Dashwood news are s� scarce, but we, are not wholly to blame for it. It is up to the readers to boost by sending in all the straight news every week, or whenever convenient, or call us up by phone; which we will appreciate very much, and the readers more so. Mr. Geo. Schroeder of Ell Paso, I11. L. Piockrandt and daughter Frieda of Windthorst, Sash., Katie Scheffel of Grand Island; and Mr. and Mrs Jacob Schroeder and daughter Frieda, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kraft and family, Mrs. Ed Kraft and son Victor and Mrs. Fred Preeter of Dashwood all spent Wednesday evening Wednes day evening with Mr. and ILIre, Geo Koch. BRUCEFIELD Rev. E. H. Sowers and wife of North Bruce, formerly of our village, were renewing old friends in our midst last week. Farmers are beginning to breathe more freely as regards the Army worm the oats are ripening well and it is thought the danger is nearly pass ed. Rev. Mr. Clark spoke in the Metho- dist church ou Tuesday evening next under the auspices of the Bible So- ciety. Mrs. Todd of Toronto is the guesb of Miss Emily Morrison, Stanley. Miss Petrie has returned from Sault Ste. Marie. Rev. B. H. Kitchen has returned to Hamilton after spending his vacation at his home in Stanley. BAYFIELD Rev. Mr. Macintosh of Toronto of preached the anniversary service in St. Andrews on Sunday night. Trinity church will hold a garden party on the rectory grounds in the near future. Miss Ferguson has adjusted a cost- ly verandah to her cement cottage. Land is still being bought up for cottages next year. The council has again raised the tax 2 per cent next year. The Bible Society held a short en- tertainment of magic Bible views in St. Andrews church on Tuesday last. Rev. Mr. McFarlade returned from his visit to the land of the heather. The entire journey being without mishap. CREATORE'S BAND Set Boston and New York Music Mad. Coming to Canadian National Exhibition Guiseppe Creatore, who with his band comes to the. Canadian National Exhibition for two concerts daily dur- ing the entire exhibition, is unques- tionably the most interesting person- ality before the music world today. lTe hoe Set Boston and New York music mad. He is not only the most picturesque of conduntors, but is, be- sides, a masterly leader of men, who has his musicians under perfect con- trol. To the spectators the irresistible impression is that they are perform- ing involuntarily entirly at the will of their fiery, volatile conductor. HICK'S FORCASTS A Regular Storm Period extends from the 17th to the 23rd, having its center on the 19th. By this time the Earth's autumnal equinox will be a growing factor in all terrestrial dis- turbances. The Moon will be new at a solar eclipse node, on the 21st, and in perigee on the equator on the 23rd. We will name the 21st, 22nd and 23rd, and dates next to them, as a time of probable danger. The bar ometes will indicate the nature of ap- proching disturbances, hours if :lot days before the storms appear. We wain gulf and south Atlantic coast regions of probable danger of `Vast Inflin, c s' 01onas and hurriennes at this and other ngusl; period fol- lowing, VARNA Mr. S. Freeland of Toronto has re- turned to his home after spending a few weeks visiting friends around here A number of the eongregation of the Varna church attended the quart, erly services at Kippen on Sunday. Mrs. Morrison and her daughter, Miss Tillie, spent -the Old -Boys' week in Seafortb. , Mr. and Mrs. Rider and Mrs. Blake of Detroit and the Misses Stewart, motored to Seaforth on Monday. HENSALL Mrs. McLeod of Detroit is the guest of her sister Mrs. Robert Bonthron. Frank Graham, London Road sold a very fine team of horses this week,. Rev: McLSnlith is spending his holidays'at Lucan and other. points. Mrs. John Zuefle and daughter Gertie have been visiting in Crediton. The members of the Logan family of Hillsgreen. are home from Man- itoba. Dr. J. McTaggart, of Blyth, recent- ly visited his cousin Mrs. Hugh Mc-' Donald. J. Lorne Scott, wife and children of Toronto, have been visiting Hen- sall relatives. William Murdock of Auburn, Mich. is here visiting his brothers Alex and Thompson. FALL FAIRS Atwood Sept 22 and 28 Blyth Sept 29 and 30 Drumbo Sept 29 and 30 Elmira Sept 22 and 23 Embro Oct 1 Galt Oct 1 and 2 Guelph Sept 15 and 17 Listowel Sept 7 London (Western Fair) Sept 11-19 Milverton Sept 24 and 25 New Hamburg Sept 17 and 18 Rockton Oct 13 and 14 Seaforth Sept 24 and 25 St. Marys Sept 22 and 23 Tavistock Sept 21 and 22 Toronto (Can Nat) Aug 28 Sept 12 Wellesley Sept 15 and 16 Woodstock Oct 6-8 ZURICH Sept 23 and 24 Auction Sale Of Fifty Acres of Land in the Township of Stephen in the. County of Huron. There will be offered for sale by public auction at the commercial hotel, in the village of Dashwood, on Saturday, August 29th, .1914 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow- ing property: the north half of lot twenty three in the twelfth concession of the said Township of Stephen, con- taining fifty acres more or less and being the property of the late Andrew Birk. This is a valuable piece of property and is situated one-half mile south of Dashwood. There is a good frame house and a small frame barn on the premises. Immediate possession can be given for the pur- pose of plowing the stubble land and full possession on the 15th November next. Terms— Ten per cent of the purch- ase money on the day of the sale and the balance on the 15th, November next, Further terms and particulars will be made known day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. Gladinan&Stanbury E. Bossenberry Barrister, Exeter Auct., Zurich Matrimonial Amen?tlea . She (during a squabble) Didn't you promise before we were married to try hard to be worthy of me? He --Yee, and what's the result? I overdid the job and made myself a hang sight better than you deserve. Absentminded. The Professor—I went to the lost property office today and got that umbrella I left on the train last .veek. "That's good.. Where is it now?" "Eh. by Jove! I—really, my dear, ,i'm afraid I—er—left it on the train." 1t Bust Him, 'The hobble skirt bankrupted a uo aop..L'ettic2 maker . MOTHERS !. What if this were your sou? An nnzle'us, grirf-ebrieken mother ep• periled to ua rsoai4ly. She wroj "I have a soli fifteen years of hal],tubereulb ip ore" 1 the paeans to gip"e'hifa? hews, : The doctors':, care and attention he eight fully recd$ "ts:X�R{,� tbap1Ffut if he could }l& �(1II71 'Muskoka Pree Hospitalif ble." i1pnw.,e that your son or your daughter were a consumptive, Suppose 'that he 'or she were pale and wasted and shaken by a. hacici°ng, strength -sipping cough. Sap• pose that you badn'.t the money to pro'fide the badly -needed medicine, no irishml nb, and `skilled medical treatment. Think. what's. blessed relief it -would be to you to ,know that the Muskoka 8'ree Hospital for Coasumptiya stande'ready to help ! Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives will be .gratef 11y acknowledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman ]executive Committee, 84 Spadirta Avenue, or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, goy Kin 'Street West, Toronto. Co tractors We are ready to figure on your Mason Contracts and Cement Work For next season. No contracts. to large and too small to receive. our careful attention. LOUIS WEBER, Zurich CHAS. MEYERS, Blake. Rodiguil Jr. Percheron Stallion No. (4354,) 74773. This stallion will be at Dominion House stable every Thuisday after noon till Friday at noon, at any other time will stand at his own stable, St.Joseph, Napoleon A. Cantin. This horse -for service at both places. For particulars, apply to manager _or prop. BEN CHARETTE N. A. CANTIN manager proprietor DR A. J. MacRINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. Late assistant resi dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late • of the House Staff, .New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Henry Bossenberry Licensed Auctioneer, Huron, Middlesex and Lampton. Satisfaotion guaranteed. Dashwood, Ontario. Dates arranged at the office For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. Lot 22 L R E Hay 117 acres also South half Lot 21 L R E Hay 75 acres the above lots will be sold or rented together or seperate to suit parties. Thomas Turnbull R. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the late Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood. BLAKE CHOPPER I will be operating the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday and Friday, until further notice.: Have a first class grind- er, and will guarantee good r sults. BLAKE µ - OT. HOMISI I K RS EXCURSIQNS Points on the TEM.ISKAMING & 'NORTHERW ONTARIO RY., Haileybury and Northem Ontario: From all points in Ontario and Quebec on the Grand. Trunk and C. P. Rys., except west of Chalk River and. north to Parry Sound on the C. P. R. Tickets at especially reduced rates, good going June 10th and valid for return until June 20th. See your nearest railway Agent for full particulars, or, apply to A. J. Parr,. G.F.A., T. & N.O. Rlys. North Bay, Oat. WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA (Ontario's Popular •Exhibition September 11 to 19, 1914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magnificent Programe of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily. New Fireworks Every Night. COME AND SEE The Dominion Experimental Farin_ Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragoons. Reduced Railway Rates Commencing Sept. 1 lth. Special Excursioia Days, Sept. 15, 16, 17th.. All Tickets good till Sept, 21st ALL INFORMATION FROM THE SECRETARY W. 3. Reid, press A. M. H' nt. secy. mmemonsurgiem 1 1 1111111.. Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG gm -Ants, GOING DATES August lith—faint sin. dnt�. toanlinpoBl,ants In IvlaLake, and west to Aztlda and August 14th-5rom alletatiooa east o1 IOngeton, Sherbet Lake and Renfrew, in the Provinces of Ontarto an Quebec, to all po111ta In Manitoba. August lath—From all etattbns, Kingston, Bharbot Lake Renfrew and west to Ailldir and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., to all points In Manitoba and to certain points in Bagkat- chewan and Alberta. Miami 21st—From all stations last of Kingston, Bharbot Lake and Renfrew, in the Provinces of - , Ontario and Quebec, to all points to Manitoba and to certain polnt6 in Saskat- chewan and Alberiid. For full particulars regarding transportation westtol Winnipeg, etc., see nearest O.P.R. Agent, or write E. F. L. STURDEE, Asst. D.P.A. M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto. .ate. .,... .. , "RETURN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Business Advertising backed up by the right spirit, the right goods and the right service, can rescue a sinking business and will make a prosperous business more masterful in its own community, When John Wanam.aker, the prince of merchants, began business, he resolv- ed to force matters. He was not con- tent to wait to be found out—he deter- mined to be found out. In short he advertized, He threw on his business, small as it was the light of publicity, and the public of Philadelphia entered the shop which the light. shone. In this community the public is entering those shops on which the light of advertising is falling. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC Be sure of this: these who are using our columns week after week don't give you poorer goods or service or higher prices. Shops which are illmined by advertising court with full confidenco your favor. Shop Where YOU are Invited to Shop. istemunewisseermminunisuassussmistrues ert bud, he S1 ill ami herd ou leve 00, he. eeli Tc hien cern pen{ J tihei lava try, &I y decl atio coni lief exp les Una wit] in t .ha 11 n Znl her I-1;, to aw fon rho ikft ;alk hul l,o wE me 71i iBE n oc e drn JU 0l io 1a lr 0 1