HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-08-14, Page 1eons Ii .ated With
Vol. XV.
AUG. 14, 914.
:No, '11 iPliblish.ed every two weeks Price grati
A little paper devoted. to news usually heard
and seen around a General and Hardware Store.
Don't neglect your barn, which is the most impor-
tant building on the place.
Of course you use paint on your house and out -buildings, and
for the same reason you should use paint on your barn. Paint
is not only meant to make buildings look better but its most
important use is on • account of the protection it affords against
the attacks of the weather.
A well painted barn will keep in good repair for a century
while an unpainted, neglected building will go to pieces in a.
quarter of that time. Come and see us today abort special barn
Paris Green
We have the exclusive agency for
Zurich for Berger's Pure Paris (green.
` u .green is imported 'from England
than orc%:iksworkmore satisfactory
in half and oneNad« -, It is put up
Gold Medal
Summer Suits,;
411:110 411! 410
Mr. E.d. Meiner of Bayfield was
in town on Wednesday,. on business.,
Mr. Robt. Douglas of. Blake was M.
tnwn on Monday on business. '
Messrs N. A. and John. Can.tin were
in London on Monday on business.
The rain this. week was very_,lnucl
'appreciated, by everybody.
Mr. Lorne.Weber was in toin a
few days this. week.
Mrs. Bedwortho€London is visiting'
,with friends in town.
Mr,. and Mrs. Edgar EdighaffeaLsif
Bad A,xe• 1VLieh. are visiting with rea.
atives around here.
The onion. harvest is now here axil;
the crop. to be above the avar,
Miss Alma. Amt has returned fain,
front here holidays in Loudon avid
other cities.
Miss Alma, Koch of Daahhwood spent
a few days with her sist ar- Mrs: lilt.
more Thiel.
Mr. Ea- Appel is sp@ ,nding a few
weeks with relatives it t Merlin and
other towns.
Miss Flossie Hartr nan of Dashwood
is visitingwith Mr.., and Mrs. Alex.
Foster, at present.
Mrs.. C. Price of Hensall spent a
few days•at her dal fighter's Mas. Frank
Mr. Feadore H owald of. Stratford
is spending his b olidays wall; relatives
in town.
Miss Dianna Rickbeil vho. spent a
few weeks witl r her sitea� 1VIrs. Nohow
at Beaton retr...lined on Thursday la,:a.
11Ir, and A� as, J ohn Riekbeil left on
NYTedn66cil to visit r'•elati,s fa? it §''iv
weeks. •
Mr. Wr n. Moise of Lucknow and
Mr. Hors ,ce Schilbe of Berlin were in
town on, Friday last.
Mr. vV. Lehman of London , visited
his me ,cher over Sunday, who is very
Mr . Ferd EIess is very ill at present,
but ?• speedy recovery is looked fore -
war Cl to by everybody.
' Miss Irene Douglas accompanied by
he r friends from Hensall, are camping
a1 , the Bend at present.
Owing to the funeral of the late
Henry Rupp, S. S. picnic has• been
postponed. The ',ionic will be held
some time before Sept. 1.
Everybody seems to be in, a great
stew about the European was; 'tivhieh
is surely a serious struggle. High
cost of living has advanced to some
A number of our boys were
Dashwood on Sunday evening.
Mr. Fred 'Thiel assistant with Mr.
14 Stade, is having his holidays.
Karl; Sheman of Detroit is
'spending, hies holidays with Mr, and
Mrs. Ed Semi&.
Mrs. Chas. • Fritz and danghter
J7orothy� left on Wedneshay for Sar -
r is and other places,
- Miss Tillie Well of Detroit is vis-
iting at her parents Mr. and Mrs. H.
Master WilburEhlers of Dashwood
isvisiting at the'home of Mr. and
Mrs. Win; Siebert:
• Ms, and MrseaiSam Brown and
tfilgna-AfaC diem e' w r in trec ay visiting ,Iowan: _own _.fan
FOR SALE, -7.-.I have for sale a
A;ist class winc?aill at a very lob;
p ee - Louis Prang.„
Mr. Geo. K lbfloisch'of ' Detroit is
visiting the sick bed of his' wife , at,
the hone of,• Mr. and Mrs Ben,,
Mrs. Henry Rickbeil of North, Dak-
ota, who has, been visiting relatives.
around this, vicinity left on Wednes
clay for her home.
Mr. aad.Mrs. Henry Howald,. and,
Mr. and„].1.ris. Henry Thiel anddaugh:
ter Mary. spent Sunday in, Stratford
making the trip•in the former's auto.
Mrs, Captain Frank Granville and
Mr. Louis Granville of Chatham are
visiting, at the home of, Mr. George
Denoiny, Drysdale.
The harvest, season; is now far
v�tuced, inose of the,gra,in is cut
,the threshers, are ia,ow'busy on
'routes threshing
Mr. and Mi,e. Rupp and daughter of
Forest, attended the funeral of the
fo.mer'a brother, on Tuesday after-
We have a line of men's two ' piece
summer suits which we are: dr ,aring
out at. a. big reduction rum price,
These• are good quality axid.noea' y ser-
vieable for summer wear.. Cc ,ill and
list us. show You them.
Every farmer is acquaints'
Plymouth Twines and rope 4 with
handle .onlyrtbe best roar A. We
wolbknown.lurm. Go'' ae by this
Green...sheaf Twines' .d Medal and
',We;guanantee they, give satisfaction.
.n in every way.
�'. ,er Stoves
\W® tun.ve a few gasoline stoves
s'whr6a we will sell at greatly reduced
a. If you want something good
coal oil 300k stoves investigate the
merits of the Detroit coal oil range.
It requires no wick, is simple and ab-
solutely safe. The price is reasonable.
Cool ' Tela wear
We have hot weathei'.underwear
for ladies, misses and men at all prices
You will need some of these and now
is the time to buy them when our
stock is well assorted.
Shirt Waists
We still have all sizes of. ladies'
muslin and viole shirt waists.
Ladies corset covers regular 50cts,
for 40cts,
Trimmed hate at half price.
If you want a nobby straw hat in any.
style we have it.
ad -
The Sunday services will be at
the usual horrs : German 10.80 a.m
Sunday S 9.00 a. m. English 7,30 p,
m. The following meetings are
held during the week :
S. S. officers and teachers "..15 p m.
on Tuesdays. The Lealie$ Aict
Society meets at 6.00 p. •n. the
first Wednesday of eaob mouth,
A cordial invitation iq herewith ex-
tended to all, not worshiping s159 -
where, to worship with us and take
an active part in the work of 1he var-
ous societies of our church.
Produce always Taken,
Incorporated 1855
Opened Branch in Hurot
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
Zurich Brarch.
R. T, DUNLOP, Manger'
That Is the- Whole. 'Thing in a Nutshell
' Our shoes are so much better tl'is'ye!. r °than' ever before, that ev
women, man and child to see them. 1 •'tter'sboes is the result or
most careful buying, getting the very bi , of goods and styles at a r
sonable price. When you come`here i your Spring shoes,you
find just what you want, because we'oio.'oarry such a big variety is
great reason why you should come here; r or men we have the Invio
shoe, manufactured by by Geo, A. Slater'
Why not save discomfort by pnrchn 'ng a pair of the best
shoes now. Come in and try on a pail ,
No trouble whatever t 'sh :v the latest Shoes.
Butter, and Eggs taken in exchange for shoes
The Home of Good S �
Yes That Is Right. You can b
dust what you want at the right pri
at the BLAKE, STORE.
It is easily -to understand. We buy, right that is h
we can sell right. We have a,large and well assor
General Stock to choose, from of all seasonable Goods.
Produoe taken in exchange for goods.
Found --A watch fob, at the shore
of lake Huron. Owner may have
same by proving property and paying
for this ad. Henry Krueger Dasbe
wood P. 0.
The Jackson Clothing Co. closed
their factories on Wednesday account
of the 'war between England and Ger•
Messrs Chris Rau, Hy. Heinsbaech-
er and Hy. Ruehl of New IIaniburg,
attended the funeral of the late
Henry Rupp,
Mr. Peter ICropf and his assistances
threshed 52 loads of grain in one day
and moved three tunes besides, which
s certainly smart work.
Messrs Norman, Elmore, Henry,
Win. and his wife, Ed. and his wife;
end Mrs. Schlueter, Mr. and Mrs..Ar-
nold Wurm of Detroit attended the
funeral of the late Henry Rupp,
The Watson family. more common-
ly called the Gypsies, passed through
town on Tuesday with fourteen
horses, two covered rigs, a number of P' I, Et
buggies and as natural the people,
Women's and hisses White 0anvas'Button Shoes; 'Women's and ,Ms
White 2 strap CsnVas Slippers; Men's and Boy's Canvas Shoes; Chiidr
Barefoot Sandles.
Come along and Share in These Low Prices.
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes.
Se Eo FAUST T Zuric
Have you seen the new
Superior ri
Made by the Raymond Mfg Co. of Guelph. The oldest
.Manufactylrers Cream Separators in Canada.
The SUPERJ0,3 is strictly self -balancing and self -cc
ring l Glad is warranted for 5 years against defects or
natural wear. Try -one in your own home
and be Onviilced tiltt it is Superior to ti 'others,
Mr, kIenry Rapp, 'who has been
ailing for soiiie time died on Sunday.
Most of his children were at home
when he died. The deceased came
frpxil New Hamburg many years ago
and had refdC�'A`,Z the age of 71 years
The remains were laid to rest or Tries
day afternoon in the Lutheran ceme-
tery. Besides his widow he leaves a
family of sons and daughters to mourn
his loss.
The local bowling club finished
their Scotch singles on Tuesday ev-
ening, the contest was between And-
rew Hess and Jack Rau, the former
winning by three points. We con-
gratulate Andy for his expert bowling.
Mr; John Rickbeil, who held the
medal for the past year,, will have
to hand it overfor another year.
The Sootch doubles have.' now comm-
While a few years ago Canada bad
a large outgoing butter trade it has
practically disappeared. Cheese is on
the decline as well. Reasons are
said be the Americans and Western
Canada arebuying up our good cattle.
We cater. more for the local market
ilii. the Northwest trade. Australia
ani New Zealand have cut Canada
'oat of the butter trade of Great'Brit-
°f' •HE 1lE'S a cloth a,l�
our Spring Suits tlq
ha:d ko escape; for, TA
ORD). T Es
every judge of good to
The handsome new gi
and brown mixtures - --
skilful, perfect tailor
wi-1l talk for themselves
There are the reg
"stand by” Models and
very smart London desi
Prices that ne
$5.00 $10.00