HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-31, Page 8s a, a ;ale 4471, 1. .11.1itco, itWA waists Patasoia, , n Boys "We 1.0..AN-o---,i-'1,-a.rge -variety straw liats goi)ag -at l'Oarkee kinits ties. collars- (iQr.t1F-3- ilaspeet oucr vita:1.011S lin.ea. No - ,-Tro It)° (Ts. l'ITONE 17 ClIASCI-10 W.AR NOW MAKING STORNI DOORS AND WIND° if you Fegaire any, send in yoar ordws, can inalr.vp thiem D -3- Get eara. combiatation. cols,.hey 13 zee :47 a live alt m ViTinter an.d cool na Sunikluer. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS ITT,,kii.N.""E. pEr.t ON the ePrawilt d We are 'le eine .Cont' A -t ---, Cakes 4 d • Pastearized lion-longenIzeci Oteaut constantly ir,ift.00 hand. One9.. tiast ed, menearer lingers: SQUARE DEALING Our Mott() TV+. AGN COAL! C ZURICH, ----- OT :N�w Ontario Farms Ln the very head of the famous 20, 00,000 ages of choice clay -belt land, Neel: the village Qf Uatheson on the T. & N. O. Reilevey. All other Surr• t 1131. Eert goveie otuiding it feady and im- povemel.cell inuellt Toads through the entire local- ity, sphool house and local P. O. corner of one of the lots; houses ereett ea and 8 and 5‘aores cleared on each Two of the late have close to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on eaoh, (Pine,'birch, epeuce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and iu add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood oa each farm, 160 acres in each farm. A ear° opportunity for quick -ret - tune ead sale investment. Price ex - niftily low, only $2.00, $4.00 ante $6.00 per acre, respectively. It pay yon to investigate this 'unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller, * Zurich, Deleware, LackWn, & Western Co. Scrantoti Coal All izes ALF. SCIIZILJTON tiensall. . . • leauleiee reeelved at the PailD,4413, offiees froinIoeVit Wisonbaeld the Prairie. ProvinCeS. £'Kedea numerous aoints neer- faidieete that rule will bb flte 4j CL th.Q. Nation't-.1 nown. Farni for Sa.le Lot 28. Oon 7, Parr Line Hay North 60 acres, or will sell the whole lot. For perticaTars apply to• Duncan Taylor, Hensall P. O. 010,10.03.011•97,12.04,-.0.16,W,M6410111M Dwelling for Sale. Good, two storey brick dwelling wita.brick stable-, all in first alas - repair. Good water and Iarge garden, Would gave possession, this Sewing. Por Particrlars apply M once to Er - ?wet Gies, Zatich. uStolit .Sawing aloehir Snider, Sauble GIT- McEiwen Bros. Bayfield .A,#pni54; Cl' end un -FUC by W.. J Taylor Liniftm.' BULL FCR. SERVICE Ont hes' ap- • pea* andeitee-aa'tra the usualstaridard The andeeeeenea will held for the of ,at.aellainfe'fletinteined tys'aillei„empe eepebe,eia,oue of e wee,: 'ewe yeer, thee taehtalie.'-f..er.=ie., lan141g-;140-91TI'lba' path ii1 hiu i1 King George." ealer. T441" -riA-114 k,6 4,1rfl tive one veal illuatrateeti higeafai t..,:tseey leuige taes,,I;oteheeygeir:i.)fat.Iseioar10111e 10.vilf)tiill. matured eires stock, rates i3a1.50, Still Fanning Mill Bush? s a t The Oid Stand We :have Non appointed Agente for the eelebrated, Massey Harris Inplaments 'We handle everything in that line, Steeding Implemente, Manure spread - ere, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc HarrowCaltivetore, Bean. Harvestets, etc, Harvesting Implements Binders, Mowers, Rakes, flay Loaders, Eta. Massey.klarris 'Crean), Separators . All kinds of. Plea, repairs, Gasoline 'enines, See our lam of Cutters be - foto vou bay all oar own make, gies; Carriages, Wagoes, Sleiglas. SqUare Dealig Our Motto ..Sgeves . • , 1 am agent for the (Manton ).ann. in. natil,sioves, and tarnaers re. quiringantr, cern procittro them. ' at my farm; Soutit o Znriolt John H, --v jr. If YOU want tima in NeyeatStietie -Where the aa'aii" of eatchingfahis big fish with rod end le,growiegeiti, female! Tho aen- tents 'Uchida ,inten'e'''cinteresting -sties itild mean' them air ee,e00. st "To Moose Factore Cunni ii. is --.•80, far as tlee terater3, go -v(3.1444 xic 0:nog, iorms a eGIVO,V, 7. m = , Mau a a:de:tot o"'iVen , • • •x,..- niont14:11ssub.of „ from Teiniscani.ing"to hake Abitil,L. nycaetle Dale,givee a grapaic dee.rip- tion of'"Wilel Fawling with. and elaeateeee includes stories of int eee le 'the general reader as well as articIts depaetments our suit ,.7.ormation.for the ed or or . TI' RIVEY WORM 11OFF do IT es edrey ii Connection W. E. HOFFV1AN 4/f,f 1 1(3 every io Feed Stoye 1-,eactilag Bratci. of Flour, i,l3L01(*(35'113ralti and FeedCorn produceo, taken in VI e 150.tttenge• tti*k.1404,:for Intorno; aliel a -Royal Purple stoc 100a. Al -16 a of' C4rocer. les on. bed PITGI,A$ A 44, ' s crops in 'scene al tie e. attacked by this tee for every „faxiner to b u .the lookout and ready to combat it if it comes his way. This -worm, is ebout one 'and one- half inches long when full petal, and is striped with blaele yellow and green, of a dingy appearance , and much resembling the outworm. When deteeted, all efforts should be tentered -on keeping the worms out of crops nob yet attacked. A deep furrow, (severalfurre we r";';' better) ploughed around the ii(f'dewith the veetital or steep eteep sid u the furrow next to the crop to be 9vo'0cted,.sp,r-c;613 as a barrier to pre ‘#; the maech of worms as they -will not be able to crawl up the straight 8ide of the furrow. Ilolcs or pits should le) dug in the bottom of t1� furrow every ten or twelve feet to catch theWorme as they erawl along looking for a place to get otit. They cell then be destroyed With a blunt stick or by brining straw over them, -Mic. Wilkes Steaulard bred trotting stallion En- rollment No. 2114.. This stallion is 4 yrs. olde8eai brown, stands 16 hands, weighs 1200 lbs, is gentle and kind, beet of feet and legs and action. Hie sire Ora Wilke the greatest trott- er producer in Canada. Will btand at his own stable, $10".00 to insuro. Payable March lst. " Goo. Joynt 'Phone 16. Ifensall, FOR SALE W House Por 1e.—A-White Brick House erected by Sim Ireland, and at present occupied by Otto Restemayer, for Payticalaes apply to H. Weigand Daelewood. GOOD BRICK DWELLING AND 2 AND HALF ACRES. OF LAND FOR SALE Good brick -dwelling 24X84 -with 'fritclieri 1.8X22, together wi-h large frame barn and about 2i acres of land. The property,is aicely situat- ed:and will be sold on reasonable teem., There is a good well astern and furnace house. For further particulars apply to E. Zeller Zurich. Possession may be given about 1st. July. OaGreb' owner, Berlin Ont. .13 y .aaoretighly spraying or dusting ' KIPFER'S- a smallstriP01 the erop it) dvane of,f, the worms, with Paris green, and lib- TO o'B,E1\,1 PAI1LORS erally distributing poisoned, bran, 'ire • .. are now Open (mixed at the rate of .fifty pounds r bran'and me pound. Paris green wib4 I f'ONFECTIONARY enough inolasses and water to sweetea it) large millibars may be destroyed a• Ithe,puresb quality alwals on hand. • " • , A field 8n POisonea must not be Past- 1 L ncheons, Soft Drinks and- Cigars rived until ram n bas thoroughly- wasii-.; "to be,had on ,the Premises, also is it,, )vittovor is don p lutist he't. a Frait of all kids. (Iola, eaiieltly end at once, foe a single I ' (lay s delay may often mean the ruin . S ici P FER i z-uvi.CH .,—. ONT. of a valuable crop, ._iiiIIIIii 1 1 'fir20117.? i".!791""', • Ail / we alsi) ptock New Perfection coal Oil stove': $5.00 gold, pieoe is just as pure as as the gold ie the $20,00goldbiece,c'emly there is less of it. - -ea; So no matter what style stove you may seleck you cannot make a mistake as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor Gasoline Stove." Many use the ',Detroit Vapor" stoves summer and winter, as they heat their houses with furnace or steam, and with a "Detroit Vapor" stove for cooking they have practically the convenieoe of a gas stove. Do you know that it takes about 2 minutes to generate a common gasoline burner, three burners 6 niintues, three -wiles a day i mainutes 865 clays in a year woulci be about 11 days at ten hotars per day, 'wasting your time your time and gasoline, to smoke np your rooms, while get- ting your gasoline stove for cooking, Why not apply this wasteful ex- pense toward buying a "Detroit Vapor" stove that lights like gas? THINK IT OVER JI!IB9 ri.:ONE iii FerePLION'S LARGEST COGIABIE'dATIOM THE miv ttj 171 tI,L • C:137.L2., r.t.:;.•4111L kr.ilen`• .rt• fl "'eta (1-1) 7417 The plIa.ce to buy' your Housefur... oisilling is at Meer's, We have Stock Tapestry Squares,. Oilcloth, Linoleujes; Curtain Scrims; Lace Curtain3 and anything you need ht the House fUrnighing lines. We have afs& have -a something new in Dress Materials, and a nice II ,.e iff white Lawn \Vests. Call ad see what we: have. . ammunnIrrasti,,t11,.....nro Highest Prices; paid for Farm Fi.oduce 12O Lotus11 know your wants. , We handle everything in Farm Implements. • Engine Supplies Pallies, all sizes encs kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Pump an.d ionnip piping. • Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters.. if you are in need of Machipe Bsz pairs we can get them for ',you. Wo give special attention to out - repair department. LOUIE • gingraTMEMIErarrrs%61t !,34,9tFpl.<41"'. UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate Charges IL HOFFMAN Zurieh. Ontario manor '11 t, Mieetric Restorer for. Ithosphonol rettores eyery nerveln the to its prpel' tension ; ree tnn and vtlity, Pres.tfltnre deny snd Ellsla wealenes2 .,Vietted st our. Vhoopho10 InaltA yol: a now man. .P401 Mu oe, ea% 4I.V.1 tide; V11141`440Vv.'D ts