HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-31, Page 4CENTRAL TRAT'S-YQRD. o VT'.. Fa.li Term from Sept. 1st The best Commercial School in the Province. Our- courses . are thor- ough and practical while • our in-, stsnctors are better than you will find elsewhere. We do more for, our students than other similar, schools do. Our rates are reason_• able. Writb for our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. D.A. McLachlan, P r incipal 1 Particulars regarding or OCEANtickets from Canadian Parsec A� or omits ]i. G. MURPBY. D.P • =i.7 itcmnta. CANADIAN HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA,' ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Bach Tuesday xatil October Lith; Winnipeg and Return - SMOG Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto; mad Stations W&4 North of Toronto. p�r,a.port ovate Gees from Stations Salt d Toronto. Betas Una two impala. Free Ladies and Gents Watches Rugs, Bracelets and Jewelryof Every Description, Lace Curtains, Reis, House Furnishind,Ififles, Moving Pic- ture Machine, Skates, PrintindFress- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everythnid you can think of you can det Alioslutely Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy D avna -1 Stripped handkerchiefs at 10. cents eaeh. Theisen rapidly 0 can gener- ally be sold in every, house.Don't send us any money, but write us to sena you a lot of Handkerehiefs to sell, that when sold you will send us the money and the premium selected' Selling 24 handkerehieff entitled you to your choice of an elegant Watch,. 8 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains,. etc.. Write us to -clay, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL', LEGAL DARDS. PBOUDPOOT SAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries . Public, etc. Qodetich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. 0. R. 0. Says. J. L. Killoran, W. Proudfoot jr. BUSINESS, DARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS. AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales eelndnoted in all parts. Sitio- 'tuition guaranteed or no pay. Terms. reasonable. Orders left at this . (Ace will be promptly: attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE 'NSC/RAN oe agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand. ard. Wellington and Guardian. • Etery thing in fixe insurance, Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday pen • every Wednesday afternoon and evening, Saturday Open eyery Saturday, all day, and; evening. r.� THOS. liLUMPf, Proprietor. DASHWOOD Mr. H. Klapp and lady friend spent a few days at the Bend last week. Rev, Louis 1VIiller of Sharpsburg Pa., is visiting his brother her. The flax is now ready to be harvest- ed and pulling has commenced. Mr. John Eidt has received his new ear and is busy praoting the run- ning of the same. Mr. Chas. Beaver sold six choice cattle to Mr. Elliott of Stanley, for which he received a good figure. Mr. George Snider of Oardi.ngton Ohio,; is visiting his parents in the village. Mr. and Mrs.Fred Baker ° spent a few days with Mrs. Stephen Godkin of McKillop,' during this week.. Master Ralph Jeaining of-.Thedford is visiting at the home of his . 'grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. Mr. and -Mrs. Armstrong and fam- ily are visiting Mrs. Armstrong's rel- atives here. A bus load from here took in the Children's Day festival at Crediton on Sunday last. Mr. Henry Wiliest is oonfiined` to his home through illness, We hope to see around soon. M. Seabed_ and daughter of. Full- erton spent ull-erton,spent Sunday with Mr. Louis Willert and family. Mrs. Fred. Howald and daughters of Thamesford spent. the past week with Mr and Mrs Norman Kellerman. Miss Elsie Patterson who bas been visiting with Miss Ethel Kellerman for sometime, left forher home Tues- day morning. Misses Normand Cora Schierholtz. and Miss Hilda Strom of Elmira are visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Graupner. . Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hartman of Parkhill and 12:r, and Mrs. Joe. Mc- Manus of Watford visited friends here on Monday. Miss Eleanor 0. Wolper' .has re- turned to her hone on the Bronson in ;,a,fte' ?iVA bet ; s?er, fff.-rs. O. F., Klapp. Rev. J, 0. Grenzebach of Webster, New York, is expected to preach in the Evangelical church, both morning and evening. He will deliver his ad- dresses in English, Everybody come to the • baseball diamond to -night (Friday) " and see the fastest game of ball that has ever played on our field, between Zurich and the locals. Boy Scouts of Ontario Will bide Farewell to their CHIEF SCOUT at the Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO An that is, eagerly looked foreword to by the boys of the Boy Scouts is the Rally at the Canadian National Exhibition.° This' year's event ,promises . 'to eclipse all previous • re- cords and great things are planned. The Rally will take plane on Saturday. September 5th., and will be" in the form of a grand farewell to his Royal Highness, tke Duke of Connaught Chief Scout's for Canada. Arrengements are being made to give those who attend a good time. The boys will be camped upon the grounds of the Exhibition and noth- ing will be spared to make each boy comfortable. There- will also be given a grand illuminated • Pageant of floats shoving the various activi- ties of this great Boys Welfare Moye- men 't: nis hoped that every district in the Province will be represented at this, the greatest boy event yet held in Canada. The main object is to know one another along the lines as laidflown. theAraisingof. ,.a. .Boy Scout, in other words to cement still further that bond of 'goodeomradsli;p that :exists throughout the .ot;ganizaa anon. Furth -et •information -will be -i warded from the Provincial . Office, Sherbourne&Bloor Sts., Toronto, any questions will be answeredupon app- lication to the Secretary. Dr. de Van'. Petmale PHI li reaiable French rr-;ta latort ttdVin faits. Th 17raitrM 7t cep i'g,T, rottre f BRUOEFIELD Mrs. Nettie Sirn)son of Toronto is the guest of her aunt, Mrs T. , Simp- son.„ Rev, Mr,, Essel from. Persia : Spoke in the Presbyterian . ohurch .last week. He was a student in Knox College and is trying to interest the people in mission work in:that land. • Mr. Joseph Addison is laid up with a severe attack of rheumatism. Robert Young : who has been all with rheumatism ]las ' returned to work ori the railway section. THE SINGLE DUE There is only one way in which )hen's opportunity to earn a living may be equalized and at the same time their freedom preserved. It is by the restitution of land values to the people and the abolition of all rates and taxes. It is a misnomer to call this a sipgle tax. A man is not 'taxed who yields value' for something which belong to everybody. He is ;a robber if he refuses to pay. It is due from him; this is not taxation, it is equalization.. Taxation is imposition, therefore dingle tax is a .wrong term, it should be called the single due. OEIOK'S FORCASTS A Reactionary, Storm Period is central .on,the 1st, 2nd, and .3rd, with th;e Mercury disturbances` still in full force. Tick and prolonged eloudli nese, attended withdrizzling; rains oven, much of the country, will be natural, results at this time. The Moon being at its extreme :declina- tion south of the 2nd, winds will blow from northerly directions, being ing a possible respite, for two or three days from very warm weather. Ry° the closeof this Mercury period, we may indulge the hope that refreshing. rains will have reached wide areas of the country, giving, at least, a partial mid -summer boost to'tnaturing crops, especially in .central to northwestern sections. HENSALL Miss Helen Swan has gone to Tav- istock. Mrs. R, Horsley has bee visiting Clinton relatives. Mrs. Daltsn of Mitchell has been visiting Mrs. Drams. Miss Haynes is spending a few weeks at W. Lainnaie's. Mrs. Mcliarg of London has been visitibg her parents Mr, :. and Mrs. Peart. Miss Emma Johnston has returned from Woodstock where she has been visiting for several weeks. The Craig family who left a : few weeks ago, have writtenreporting a prosperous voyage and all in good health. The Blind Child should Attend School The expenditure, of public money 'upon "schools andschool masters" is regarded by our :legislators, ands .by the people who elect the legislatures, as a good investments. The edtrcat- ed man is more useful to , the com- munity than hie illiterate neighbour; his labour is more productive, he lives a happier and more eontented life, alaing aarintelligett interest in Elie various questions that come before him for decision; he is not easily.: mis- led by the demogogic agitator, and he knows better than ,to yield totenlpta- tions'in a. criminal direction. 'For these and numerous other equally good reasons, it "pays the state" to. provide facilities for education for all the children of the people, whether born here or coming from a foreign country to make their homes amoung us -hence our free school system, reinforced to some extent by compul- sory edueatifn laws, For the blind, who cannot be taught to read by sight a system for reading by touch has been devised, the printed characters represented letters, etc., being indicat- ed by a difference in colour. Having.. learned to read and writed, the • educ- ation of the blind person can be con- tinued to any desired extent, includ- ing the subjects taught in public school for the seeing, music and sew= eral handicrafts. Happily the blind are not sufficiently numer- ous to necestate the equipment of many schools for their aocomoda,tion,. so the scheme of taking the blind child to the free school • instead of bringing the free school` to the blind child has been adopted. The. Ontari° Schad 'for the blind, located at Brant. ford, admits as pupils blind • persons of both sexes, between the ages seven and twenty-one, without charge' for board, tuition for book, but parents are expected to provide clothing and pay travelling expenses. It is a school—not a ` Home" nor a Hospital nor an Asylum—and among the pup- ils are many who, though not entirley blind, have sight do defective that they cannot receive an education . in the ordinary public schools. If any reader of the EMBALD has a child so afflicted, or knows of one in his neigh» borhood, a letter or post card, add- ressed to H. F. Gardiner, Principal 0.4...1 ., Brantrforily,giving.tho name, and post -office of patent or guardian, will help the !school ;ioido *The for which .it'? ?estali'lished :d i ansiiritstined:by the Government. DR DeVAN'S•FRENCH PILLS A 1 tuat ug• Pili for Women. $6 a box or threeffor Sts, -Sold' at' all Drug Stores, or mailed to any atdSrigi crrpea,oOpntnre ,co. Sconia t;bxuq PUOSPHaP43U. VAR :MEN. Regtore;: 'trim and wr. Vitality, for lc--/ and Brain; increases Krep get «etlilte teller stet a Tnil "r * il l �,ir- l yeti up. i3 a Uox n. Yor t, f.);• .9rtt1 t7m� t c.a jai tlt➢ rKrt+^t ' ' .� .r;y 1i]lo:��yG�: �,. t�E U@thartor. x �v ii9r,•••••• Hydro -Aeroplane Flights Will be Given at the Canadian National Exhibition this Year. Visitors of the Canadian National Exhibition this year will have the opportunity of witnessing hydro -aero- plane Sights... Arrangements have been made, whereby W. A. Dean will fly his machinedaily, starting from the lake and circling over the exhibi- tion grounds. These flights will be given at, various intervals during the afternoon, but one will be held at the fixed: hour of six o'clock everyday. A sufficient heightwill be maintained oyer the grounds in case of accident there will be time and room to guide out over the water before descending. old Boy* Reunion Seaforth, Ont. The Old Boy's Reunion and Prov- incial Firemen's Tournament at Sea - forth August lst. to 5th. promises- to be the biggest affair in Western Ont- ario this year, provisions being made forthe accomodation of 15,000. The Streets Business Places, Parks and Residences have been gayly decorated with -thousands of colored •electric lights, flags, streamers etc. by the Electrical, Decorative and Equipment Co. of Toronto—the electric arches 'courts of honor and emblems of the fraternal societies presenting a mag- nificent -sight. The shows and Mt- ractions'•arefurnished by the Meyer- hoff Co. of New York, and the fire- works display is under the direction of Prof. Hand of Hamilton. An ex- cellent .program has been provided for each- day, from the arrival of the speo- ial trains en Aug. 1st. to .the Provin- ee, their friends, racing teams and Bands will be present. - ' The Procession on Tournament day will be three miles long -no fewer than 85 Fire Companies being in line 13 Bands including the 48th. High:,,. lenders of Toronto with Clinton, Luck now and Kincardine Kiltie Bands. Reduced Railway rates have been granted to Seaforth from all points in Canada and the U. S. for the biggest week's fun tobe.had during 1914. BLAICE CEOPPER T will be operating -the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday andFriday, until further notice. Have a first class grind: er, and will guarantee good r asu1ts. SAC O13 EIPPEit BLAKE ONT. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSION: •TOS Points on the TEMISKAMING & NORTRE' ONTARIO Ras., I3aileybury and Northern Ontario: Flom all points in Ontario and Quebec on the Gr Trunk and C. P. Rys., except west of Chalk River north to Parry Sound on the C. P. R. Tickets at especially reduced rates, good going J ,, 10th and valid for return until June 20th. See y nearest railway Agent for full particulars, or apply t A. J. Parr, G.F.A., T. & N;O. Rlys. North Bay, Ont. ....-., WESTERN FAI - LONDON, CANADA IOntario's Popular Exhibitio September 11 to 19, 1914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST 1 Magnificent Programe of Attractions. Two Spee Events Daily. New Fireworks Every -Night. COME AND SEE The Dominion -Experimental Farm Exhibit an . The ,Canadian Royal Dragoons. 1 Reduced Railway Rates Commencing Sept. llth. Special Excursion Days, Sept. 15,16, 17th. A Tickets good till Sept. 21st ALL INFORMATION FROM THE SECRETAR W. J. Reid, pres. A. M. H_mt. sec f1� IThe Cost of Livin ADVERTISING turns over stooks rapidly, and therefore muntiplies pro- fits. This means that prizes in a shop which advertises oon be short rather. than long. Of this you may be sure: Prices in a shop which advertises are not MORE than in a shop which, does not advertise. The chances are that they are oftentimes lower. This, also, is generally true: You will find better goods, better values ann better service in those shops whiph turn over their stooks rapidly, This moans, ars a general thing, shops which advertise. A NOTE TO MERCHANTS Advertising costs you notating—it is paid for by the profits on increased sales. Advertising is easy --it is simply saying in writing what you say to the customers in your shop. Turn over stocks quickly if you would make mere motley. Shop Whore YOU are -1110ted "to : Sito