HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-31, Page 1Consolidated With TH L I WO I PfIDNPP, Vol. XIV. FRIDAY MVCORN INC JULY 3I0 1914,. No, 11 Published every two weeks Price grati A. little paper devoted to neves usually'lieard and seen around a General and Hardware Store. 11, iraa+c ra.a-ac ra.sike-a =. e -s ► t Mrs. T. B. De)3nis of Gait is visit LOCAL NEWS. ixtgher`£atbete M�.'G.` 1loltzilxan' Mr. 'Tbeodore Rader has invested' es�41141/eT4'1/a r- tra.cz:a,ii--"+7 in aneev Ford automobile. Mrs. Archie Procter is visiting her, FOR SA.LE_A young oow, dne to uncle Mr. A. Heideman. IOU soon. .Apply to D. Smith, St. The Heiden3:an family picniced ' axi i Joseph, Onb, the Bend on Monday. i l4Tr and'Mrs. Albert Heideman awnd Flax pulling has commenced, anti k seri of Detroit ata spending a few clays the crop is reported as a fair one I v+lef Mr, Rudolph Heideman, Mr. Elmore °°°°11of Dashwooal- Mr. Henry Heideman of Detroit is was in town on Sunday. upending his vacation with his . Per - Mr. J. J. Wiesner M. P. purehaseeslents. a new 7 passenger Studebaker antic: i Mr. Wilford Brown of Toronto is Mrs. McWaters of Detroit is visitin ! Spending his holidays1<with his par - with Mr. and Mrs. 11 Well. lents, Rev. and Mrs, -Brown. Miss Mahaffey of Clinton is. spend I'tr. Hubert Xlopp motored to Strat- ing a few days with her friend I\1xe••; ford on Sunday, to.talce in the exeur- Alice Johnston. + sion`to Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Beeman of Da.- ; lir, and 14Irs, August Wesstob. of troit are visiting at. the latter's pn - r l;tillilz itin are viewing at the home aMr. ents, Mr, and Mrs. :i E. IIeideinan. :tir, and Mrs. Hy. Weseloh* this week. Miss L. Schoonhirde is visiting lis J faniilvpicine was held in the cousin Miss i?lvinna Heideman foe . ; , haa.rcd a)£ Mr.1Ay. Neeb, on Thurs- few days. „ s t ie lass &bout 200 people assembled Dr. S. i1. MacDonald, dentist s; .,a, i all.report a good time. fIeusall, mill stay at Dominion Hone , . A rink of our expert bowlers are every' 1-1°11cllr, 1 , .:i3 g with rVI:1 ', i attending the Bowler's Tournment ust 3rd, Don't neglect your t r , virr.deli is the most in ::sr - t ,s t buildiag, on the Triacc. O co'.; r.,ycu ucc paint un 27our house4 mal cater -�iTS LLE'ew o, ,., seed for tli :.nne Feaco.a you suould use paint of your barn. Pain:: is not on y giant to mate buildings loot; better but its most important t cc: is on account of the protea moan it aeons against the attacks of the weather, A well painted LT.1111. wth kcep in good repair for a c entady whsle an unpainted, neglected building will go to pieces in a quarter of that time. Come and see us today about special barn paints. arils Urecn Wo have the exclusive agency for Zurich for Berger's Pure Paris Careen. This green is imported from England and will do its work more satisfactory than ordinary kinds. It is put up in half and one pound packages. Gold Medal Every farmer is acquainted with Plymouth Twines and ropes. We handle only the. best made by this well known. firma. Gold Medal and Green Sheaf Twines give satisfaction. Wo guarantee them in every . way. Surnnier • Stoves We have a few gasoline stoves which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. If you want something good 111 coat off .r 3 ook stoves investigatet h e merits of the Detroit eoal oil range. Ib requires no wick, is simple and ab. .solutely safe. The price is :reasonable. Summer Suits held on the E Teter green this week Mr. Werner, of Buffalo is visitiui: i a.)3cl next. with 'lir. and 1;