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The Herald, 1914-07-24, Page 8
unimer Oo Warm weather is now comingon,,and you will want the coolest and.. most comfortable wearing apparel for the next few months. We are xeacIyio supply you such as dress materials; in crepe cloths,' cotton voiles, silk Intl ls, tanslins, etc, Ladies's Underwear Etc. Li. porous and- plain knitt vests/'. combing tions, corset covers, white voile and lawn waists lisle stockings in white and colors, parasols,. fans, belts, etc. For Men and Boys We have a large variety straw .hats. going at reduced prices; suits, shirts, ties collars. Come and inspeet our various lines. No _. trouble to show goods, PlIONE .17 RUBY ti0 WEARS NOW MAKING STORM _ DOORS AND WINDOWS If you require any, send in your orders, we can make them. At Once. Get our combination Doors, they will keep you warm in Winter and coon in Summer. ALL KINDS OF .SAW LOGS WANTED. PHONE f_ 1 HURRAH "'URBAN Follow the crowd and go to Wagner's. We are leaders in:— Fine Confectionary Cakes and Bread Neilson's : Pasteurized and Homongenized Ice Cream` constantly kept on hand. Once test- ed, the memory lingers. SQUARE DEALING' Our motto W. C. WAGNER ZURIOH, • ONT COAL! COAL! FOR SALE 3 New Ontario Farm In the very heart of the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -kelt land.. Near the village of Matheson on the T. .de N. 0. Railway. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and im- provements begun. Excellent goverr lament roads through the entire local.- ity; school house and local P. G. a - corner of one of thelots; houses erecta ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each. TWO of the lots have close to 1,000, 0.00 ft of valuable timber on . each, (pine, birch, spruce' and. Whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add-. .ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farm. A rare opportunity for quick -ret - ns and safe investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $$4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively. It will pay you to investigate this unus- .xaal bargain. Apply to E, Zeller, Zurich, D 1 L k , QJL e eware, ac awanna Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All izes ALF. SCRUTON $ensall. For Sale or To Rent. Immediately. Lot 22 L R E Hay 117 acres also: South half Lot 21 L R E .Hay 75 acres the above lots will he sold• or rented together or separate to suit par tide. • Thomas Tweet) all THE ARMY .WORM w. On ,account of the crops in '° soak districts being badly attacked by ''this` ICS('pest, it is advisable'fore every farmer to be on the lookout and ready to combat it if it comes his way. ZURICH is about one and on ;; Still Doing Business at The Old Stand We have been appointed •\gents for the celebrated Massey Harris hnpleinents We handle everything'in that line, ceding Implements, :itIain re spread- ers, all kinds of_ Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Bean Harvesters, etc. Harvesting Implements Binders, .Mowers, 1.?akes., Hay Loaders, Etc. Massey -Harris 'Cream Separators r: Q I Fanning Mill Sieves am agent for the Clinton faun, ing mill 818170a, . andfarmers re- quiring e=gquiring anv, can procure them, at my fariri, South of Zurich John Hey ir. If YOU want. your suit -. press ed or repaired All kinds of Plaw r.eptdrs, .Gasoline engines. .See our line of Getters be- fore you WY; all our ow.ti make. pug- gies, Carrilges, Wagons, SIeiglrs, Square Dealing, Our Motto F. • does IT. Laundry in Connection 11. 110171/IA17 Caftor ZURICIi Our 1 25 ll( ring A new lent just in fivery One Gu . NtMA'te ;e.' < REPAIRING OTJR SI'1 (r tA.LT'Yr T. ;ItS Ziirioli. Store Leading Brand of Flour, Shur s, ran and Ji'eed ox'11 half inches long when frill, giown, andis striped With blaek, yellow and green, of •a dingy appearance and much resembling the cutworm.' When detected, all ef'torts should be centered on koeping.the worms out of crops not yet attacked, A. deep furrow;: (several furrows are better) ploughed around the fields with the vertical or steep steep side of tho furrow next. to the crop to be protected, serves as` a barrier to prevent the march of worms es they will not be able to crawl up the straight side of the furrow. Holes or pits should be dug in the bottom of the furrow every ten or twelve feet to catch the worms as they crawl along looking for a place to got out.' They can then be destr.oyed- with a blunt stick or by burning straw ovel them. By thoroughly spraying or dusting, a small strip of the crop in advance of the worms, with Paris green, and lib- erally distributing poisoned bran, (mixed at the mate of fifty pounds bean 'and one pound Paris green with enough molasses and water to sweeten it) Large numbers may be destr'oyed:1 Afield so poisoned mist' not be past,;, ured Until rainhas thoroughly wash::. ed. it. whatever is done must b©; done quickly and at once, for a single. day's delay may often mean the ruin of a valuable crop. �,---m-, ELECTRICAL -EFFECTS Will be striking feature of this year's Canadian National Exhibition d ee Produce of; all Jtinds taken in exchange; We are agents for Interna,. tional and Royal Purple stookfood, 4180 a fc11 line of Grocer - res on, bend, ARKS :(Z DOTTGLA aro and the "Two" oar each side of it Do you ieineniber how the tiny el ectric lights twickled like fireflies a- mide the foliage of the trees at the Cenaciiau National Exhibition last rear? That was the foundation of a wonderful system of electrical orna,' mentation that is being completed for this year's Exhibition. The Grand. Plaza will be canopied with electric. stars, and the fountain will be illn miaated, while various devices syrn•, helicalofPeace Year will help to beautify the grounds. NEW ,$2 MILLS A new Dominion :; 2 bill was issued in cominoinoration of the Duke and 1)uohess of Cannaui rit in Canada. It -will bear their porrraits in either t-coroer with the fitter,, "2" the cep - 1 the bill be of a li:ht lir e seen, Fars for Sale Lob 23. Con 7, Parr Line Hay North 50 acres, or will sell- the whole let. For particulars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensen P. 0. Dwelling for Sale. Good, two storey brick dwelling with brick stable; all in first class repair. Good water and large garden, Would give possession this Spring, For Particulars apply at once to Er-., nest Gies, Zurich. Custom Sawing Wanted at .loshua Snider, Sauble Line. McEwen Bros. • Bayfield BULL FOR. SERVICE The uudetsigned will hold for the iiup oyenient of stook this year, that pure bredchoice bull "King George.' The animal is rising 5 yrs and will easily weigh 2300 when fat. Well matured sires are the great for thrifty stock, rates $1.50, Oscar 'dopy. Mack Wilkes Standard brad trotting stallion En- rollment No. 2111. This stallion is 4 yrs. old,. Seal brown, stands 10 hands, weighs 1200 lbs., is gentle and kind, best of feet and legs and action. His sire 0,ra Wilks the greatest trott- er producer: in Canada. 'Will stand at his own stable, :;10.00 to insure. Payable March 1st. Geo. Joynt Phone 10. Ilensall. FOR SALE House For ,Sale. --A White 'Brick House.esected by Sian Ireland, and ab present occupied by Otto Restemayer, for: particulars apply to H. Weigand Dashwood. GOOD BRICK DWELLING :AN 12 AND ,HALF ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE Good brick-develliog 24X.84 with kitchen 18X22, together wi-h large frame barn _and about 2e acres of land, The properly is nicely situat- ed and wilt be tend on reasonable terms. There j8 a „lad well cistern and furnace in hepta.. For farther particulars appy t,e a . 'Zeller, Zurich. Possession may 1e, an abort let. July. C, Greb own. Berlin Onb. IiIP1S ZCE. CBEs\ are CON'FECm.i of the p1iree Luncheons; Sef to be had or; Fruit, S. PARLORS 'rr i.s oar hand. and Cigars lees, a1'so 11x3�,77,, rovor we also stock New Perfection coal oil stove. „4 $5.00 gold piece is just as pure as as the gold in the $20.00agold4piece,°only there is less of it. ..,1 So no matter what style stove you may select, you cannot make a mistake as long as it is a "Detroit Vapor Gasoline Stove.” Many use the "Detroit Vapor" stoves summer and winter, as they heat their houses with furnace or steam, and with a "Detroit Vapor" stove for cooking they have practically the oonvenieoe of a gas stove. Do you know that it takes about 2 minutes to generate a common gasoline burner, three burners 6 mintnes, three tines a day 18 minutes 365 days in a year would be about 11 days at ten hours per day, wasting four time your time and gasoline. to smoke up your rooms, while get-. ting your gasoline stove for cooking. Why not apply this wasteful ex- pense toward buying a "Detroit Vapor" stove that lights like gas? THINK IT OVER C.- I11RTLEU. t } }. PH0NE 13 rl HURON'S LARGEST Costa AIA" EO£41 STORE HE TJALITSTORE u e Furnis* in s The place to buy your Housefur- nishing is at . eraser's. We have in Stock Tapestry qares, Oilclothg Linoleum's; Curtain Scrims; Lace Curtains and anything you need in the douse furnishing lines. We have also have a something, new in Dress Materials, and a nice line of white Lawn Waists. Call. and see what we have. Highest Prices paid for farm Produce - Zurich ar I 1ornoit Let ns know your wants. We handle everything in, Farm Implements. Engine Supplies Pullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting'. Ptunp and pump piping• Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. If you are in need of Machine Re- pairs we can get them for you. We give special attention to our, repair department, LOUIS PA G NIS E T Prompt Serv-ice Moderate,- Charges W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, -. Ontario Electric Restorer for Me h&i,s hnnni p restores every nerve is the god _ to its' re er to t ' . p nsre , re8 er vim and vita1zty, i'runiture decy arra all sexd weakness averted at ;nes. Fltainp ironol w vi 1 et yeti.a avow rria1r 2rtcr. 5 tl bprc, ar two:f ^6 Nadb4 tl}pnv