HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1914-07-24, Page 7NOTES OP SCIENCT More than 300 kinds of fish are . known .to prQduee sounds, Paris has about 115 residents to the acre to London's 50. • Pure lithium, which is the, lightest metal known, has no practical use.. , So-called Chinese rice pager is, made from the pith of a Formosan tree, Great Britain deports more than 20, 000,000 bottles of mineral waters an- nually. Auxiliary steering gear for automo- biles, operated by the feet has been invented. In Germany a patent has been grant ed for a rubber substitute made from soya beans. . Italians are experimenting with th production of cotton on the oases Tripoli with much success, Honing on clean aluminum afte whetting on a stone will give a knif a a razor edge if done carefully. That Esquimaux have two more ribs than any other human race has been discovered by an.. English scientist. Au Englishman has patented a grass trimmer that resembles horse clippers and is operated by both hands. Much success has attended an Eng- lish doctor's experiments in curing lead poisoning with an electrolytic bath. Harnessed water power in the Unit- ed States represents an annual saving of more than 33,000,000 tons of coal. The crater of an extinct volcano in which there are numerous hot springs is utilized as a sanitarium in Japan. What is said to be the largest wire- less transmitting station in the world recently was completed near Carnar- von, Wales. A. flatiron for travellers which takes up but little room is hollow and can be filled with alcohol for heating it Quickly. A French electrical device for curl- ing women's hair is said to be so effi- cient that the hair retains its shape for months. Tongs have been invented by a Con- necticut man to enable bakers to han- dle freshly baked pastry without touch- ing its surface. A gun carriage patented by a Ger- man artilleryman holds a gun level no hatter how uneven the ground on which the• wheels stand. A new oil headlight for bicycles is provided with an electric bulb and stor- age battery for use when the fuel be- comes exhausted. For spreading oil on troubled waters a British patent has been granted a German inventor for a series of tanks attached to a cable. An English woman has obtained a United States patent for bunks for .ships so supported as to remain level no natter how much vessel rolls. A. record is believed to have been made by afire engine which pumped water at Superior, Wis., for three months with but five stoles for repairs. There are estimated to be 200,000,- 000.000 board feet of merchantable lumber standing on the 60,000 square miles of public forests in the Philip- pines. By allowing its inmates perfect free- dcm and employing then at useful oc- cupations an insane asylum in Prussia Affects about twenty per cent. of cures • annually. • English tests of the use of radium to aid plant growth have shown that it is naost effective when used in the pro- portion of one 700th of a gram to a ton of soil. By connecting a hinged step with the air -brake system, an Englishman has invented a device to prevent a train starting while its passengers are a- lighting from or boarding it, Primarily for the use of physicians, a dynamo transformer has been in- vented in Prance which will turn out currents of various • tensions and strengths at the same time if desired. e o i- e Slot machines which automatically sive t e receipts for coins that are drop- ped into them have been installed in several public places in Budapest by a savings bank to attract depositors. If white netting be put on the out- side of a window screen and black on the inside, the vision of a person be- hind the screen will not be obscured, while persons outside cannot see into a room, English experimenters have found that above a temperature of 39 de- grees salty solutions are less corrosive of iron and steel than pure. water, while below that temperature the re- verse is the case. Ground cork and a binding material have been formed by a French inven- tor into a cover for bottles that guards them against breakage and keeps their contents at a teniform temperature without using a vacuum. For restaurant purposes a coffee heater has been invented which in- jests a jet of steam into a cup of cold coffee just before it is served to save impairing its aroma by'keeping it at a ,high temperature for hours. • a, Extinct. Teacher—Now, 'James, do yoi clerstand- the meaning of. the word "extinct 2" J'ames---Yes'm, Teacher—Then name one bird that is now 'extinct. , James—Chipper. Teacher—Chipper ?. What kind of a bird is that? Ja•m,aseekly pet pigeon, The 'cat naught hila this Morning. Fond Mother -;-"My dear, are You better this. Morning?" Dolly --"T don't, know; mamma, Is the ;jelly all gorier Fond Mother—"Yee, dear." Dolly ----"Well, I think I'rn well enough to.get up now." ROHBINO, WONMEN OF :THEIR HEALTH Anaemia ...Unless, Cheek -4> Passes IntoHopeless Decline Anaemia is like a ,spectre that steals on you unawares and drives .all happiness out sof existence. It is a thief that robs you of your life and energy. • 'Thousands of 'wo- men in this country ate the vic- tiins of anaemia (that is, bloodless- ness), which ,spares neither rich "nor poor, young or old. It robs- woman of her health, her vitality, her beauty—of • everything that givers a, woman her charm. The chief symptoms of this trouble in- clude a distate for Mood, prostrat- ing headaches, extreme langour, loss of weight, nervousness, pale cheeks, lips and .gums, heart palpi- tations, dizziness and a constant. feeling of 'wretchedness. The only way to effect a cure is to increase the blood supply—to make it pure, rich and red. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved thousands of young girls and - wo- men from the early fate that threat - ed them through anaemia's rav- ages, for these pills enrich the blood, stimulate the circulation, nourish the nerves, and restore the energy and perfect health that make women attractive. If you are a victim of bloodlessness in any way, do not let it run into a hopeless decline, but begin the use of .Dr. Williams' Pink Pills today. The following bit of evidence proves the worth of this medicine. Mrs. Maurice Sims, Liverpool N. S., says : "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a blessing to me. About two years ago I was so badly r to down that I had to give up all work and go to bed. My husband and parents were much worried about' me as they thought I was going into consumption. The doc- tor who was attending me changed his medicine several times; but it did me no good and I began to feel very much discouraged myself. One day a. friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided to do so. In a ,few weeks I felt much better and I continued tak- iflg the pills for a couple of months until I was again in perfect health. I believe that if I had not taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would not have survived, and I shall al- ways be very grateful for what they have done for me." You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine or -by mail at 50 cents a box or 'six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont. 014 CRUELTY IN GERMAN ARiIY. Erutility of Officers to Privates Slowly Decreasing. The unceasing criticism of press and parliament is slowly reducing the number of cases of mistreat- ment of soldiers by their officers, but a recent report shows that 490 noncommissioned officers and offi- cers were convited of such offence last year. - This was a reduction of Itchine Scalps Pandr Bait'. lling lair uccessf lly to 4a. With Cuticap And CelticuraOintment. Directions: Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scalp has been gone over. Next morning shampoo with Cuti. cura Soap. Shampoos alone may be used as often as agreeable, but. once or twice a month is generally sufficient for women's hair. Cutle ee Sos , anti Ointment aro sold t hrouhhouc the world, A liberal aurae of each, with 82 -cage. Skin rioorc, sent Post -arcs.. Address Potter Drug* Ohcm. Corp,, Dept. elk, a3oston. U. 5, A; ninety cases from te figures of five years ago, writes a Berlin corres- pondent. '1.lhese 490 convictions by rion means indicate, however, that only that warder of private nsoleliers were. brutally handled' 'during the year. recent case, and: one by non,means unusual, was -.the' ,conviotiozi of a noncommissioned officer of the Third Bavarian regiment, who was sharg- ed with no less than ninety offen- ees against the men under him. One soldier wain lamed by 'beim; . struck on the kneecap with a gunbutt, and there were a dozen of '-•cases: in which recruits were choked . and struck in, the face. It is not long since a 'captain was forced to leave the service after his third .convio- tion for mistreating recruits. The charges against hint covered bru- tal treatment in 140 cases. Complaints of these 'conditions made in the reichstag, have from time to time moved the minister of war to declare that the government was equally concerned and was do- ing its best to put a stop' to them. Figures have been quoted to -,show that cases of mistreatment are grad- ually growing less common, and it has been declared that the govern- ment desired that punishment of the offend -ars be exemplary. With all credit to the minister of war, it must nevertheless be said that sentences in the majority of these cases are extremely mild and. by no means calculated to c is - courage brutal officers from. a repe- tition of their offences. The non- commissioned officer just mention- ed was sentenced to three months and fifteen days' imprisonment and degraded. This is a, really severe sentence, but it is at the same time in every ease it is a foreigner in- a, most unusual one.volved, The last Canadian • criminal The following case is typical of statistics available, those for 7912-13 the nearly ten eases occurring onshow that an average each week. A noncom- h t in that year there were missioned officer of the Third Guard 52 charges and 25 convictions for Field Artillery regiment command= !!! murder. Of the 25 convictions no ed .a recruit to clean harnesses. He was not satisfied with the recruit's work and started expressing his dissatisfaction by striking the man over the head with a bridle. He then forced him to march up and down in the stables and todo set- ting up 'exercises, including the fa- tiguing knee bend," until the re- cruit fell from exhaustion, -' He kicked him in the thigh and on the ]n'ees and otherwise maltreated a `io' 1ervjIirie" Cures Toothache, -Earache IT RELIEVES "EV RY`:EXTERNAL PAIN. Cures Colds, Coughs, ` Sore Throat Tight Chest and Hoarseness It's when sickness comes at •night, when you are far from the druggist or the doctor, that's when you 'need Nerviline most. Experienced mothers are never without it. One of the :,anti• dren may have toothache, Without Nerviline-a sleepless night for:. the entire household. With Nerviline the pain is relieved quickly. It may be earache, perhaps 'a Stiff neck, or one of the kiddies coughing with a bad chest cold.' Nothing can give quicker results than - .vigorous rubbing with this old-time fancily 'remedy. Nerviline is too useful, too valuable to be without, . For lumbago, lame back, sciatica or neuralgia there is no liniment with half of Nerviline's pow- er to penetrate and ease the pain:. As a family safeguard; as some- thing to ward off sickness and to euro the minor ills that will occur in every family, to cure pale anywhere, you can find nothing to compare with old- time Nerviline, which for forty years has.been the most widely used family remedy in the Dominion. The most economical size in the large 500. fam- ily size bottle, small trial size 25c. All dealers sell Nerviline. FOREIGN POPULATION. That the "growth of the foreign population in Canada has also add- ed to our criminal statistics is shown by the fact that there are at the present time no less' than seven murder eases under review by the Department of Justice and less than 17 were ..foreign born— foreign -born meaning elsewhere than in Canada, the United States or Great Britain. One was born in Scotland, done in England and the remaining six in Canada. During the same period there were 31 convictions for attempt to murder, and of these only three were Canadian born. The national- ity of three were riot given and the remaining twenty-four were born outside ..of Canada_. Of these six ASTJMt1,.LIA'S POSITIIol.V.,w Among the Richest Portions' of thi British Empire. It has been proved that anythixa that can be grown or produced in any other part of the Empire can be successfully grown or produced within the island continent of Aus- tralia. Whether in the farm of wheat, wool, dairy products, fruit, timber, meat, or minerals, Austra- lia has been able alleady' to pre - dace and export in fairly substan,m ball quantities, and to -day there is a rapidly growing demand for every kind of product. The grow- ing demand for the produots has. encouraged the Australian Govern- ments to "speed up" the work of, immigration. The soil is there and the climate is eminently favai?ab1e. Although for several years there has been a steady stream of immigration and the new -comers have soon been able to "fit in' :arid become success- ful producers those whoare apt to think the beet opportunities have been seized ,and that there is a fear of quer-crowdting, might be reminded of the fact that Austra- lia is still one of the most sparsely peopled portions of the British Em- pire. It has shown that it is nat- urally among the richest ley reason of its wonderful mineral resources, its fertile soil, and its healthy 'cli- mate; eli-mate; yet there are per square mile a smaller number of people than in almost any other part. There is a population of only 1.5 persons to the square mile as compared with 373.3 persons to the square mile in the United Kingdom. flow a Sick Wounal Call Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY, "For years 1 was thin and delicate, I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying: to my feelings, but because 1 thought my skin would never look nice: again .1 grew despondent. Then nip appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit., A hills. The recruit was removed to were Americans and four English; a box tovisit my Dsister put into my hands the field hospital suffering among leaving fifteen what are known as' Hamilton's Pills. She other things, with concussion .of the .; „ placed reliance upon them and now brain. The court martial condexrrii= foreigners- that they have made me a well woman ed the officer to five weeks' lr ht A caxding to the'Iasi oensus fig= 1 would not be without them whatever Remit - arrest. g tires those born in foreign coup- they might' cost.. I found Dr, Hamil- -trice—excluding United States and ton's Pills by their mild :yet searching Great Britain—formed' 6.2 per cent. action very suitable to the `delicate (quiet Desired. character of a woman's nature- They e popuiation,•yet in 1912 the foreign never once griped me, yet they estab- Wifie—Do you love me still, dear born offenders of all classes were lished regularity. My appetite grew Hubby—When I'm trying to read 17.2per cent. • keen --icy blood red and pure—heavy the. paper I do. The Canadian born 'offenders rep- rings,under my eyes disappeared and resented 36.1 per cent., ,although to -day •my skin is as clear and un - THE SQUARE DEAL PAYS Canadian born form 77.9 per cent, wrinkled as when 1 was a girl. Dr. dud square with the enemy every man .of the population... British Hamilton's Pills did it all." born out - gets when he separates Himself from his side 'of Canada were 19 per cent, of corns by Putnam's Corn Extractor. For .the offenders, but 'formed 11,6 per fifty rears "Ptbtnams" has cured every cent. of the population. American man St treated -use "Putnam's" only- born formed 4.2 per cent. of -the it's painless and sure, 26c. at all dealers. population, butt the convicted of oe American birth were 7.6 per •cent. MODEL COTTON PLANTATION. e . GOOD CHANGE. English Spinners Seek to Be hide- . pendent of America. Tea and Coffee to Postum. In the hope of some day securing The large army of persons who a raw cotton supply independent have found relief from many chron- of America, the International Fed -is ailments by changing from tea eration of Master Cotton Spinners' Ind coffee to Postum as a daily and Manufacturers' .Associationorf beverage, is growing •each day. England has launched a scheme for It is only a simple question of the establishment of a model cot --trying it ler oneself in order to ton plantation in Punjab, India. know the joy of. returning healthe Considering the advances already . as realized by this .young lady. made in India, it is estimated that She writes: before many years the Indian crop "I had been a -coffee drinker will be almost_as large as. the Ameri-nearly all my' life and it affected can crop, The model plantation in my stomach—caused insomnia and India will demonstrate the benefits Ito*as seldom without a Headache." which arise from intensive farming (Tea is just as injurious because it thereby encouraging .the landed icor contains the same drug, caffeine), prietors to adopt this system and to improve the 3 ie.lcls per acre anti I had heard about Postum and the quality of the fibre. how beneficial ib was,°"so, conclud- Thc land will be sown with as ed,,fo quit coffee and try it, large percentage of American cot- I was delighted with the change:, ton -seed as possible, and the Agri I can .now sleep well and ,seldom cultural Department of Punjab will ever have headache. Myestomaeh have the right to purchase any of has gotten strong and 1 can eat the surplus seed pxoditced which is without suffering afterwards. I. not required for the estate, for dis- think my whole system greatly tribution in cubes' districts. .benefited by Postum. The Federation has secured a "My brother also sttffe'red frons twenty years' lease of 7,500 acres stomach trouble while he drank olose to the railway and water sup- . coffee,. but now, since using Post-. ply. A modern ginning mill is to um, he feels so much better lac. be erected, and as there is scarcely would not go back to 'coffee for any population in the vicinity, mo au;ythitig." del villages are to be established Name ,given by Canadian .Postum for the workmen, . who are to be 'Co.Windsor, Ont. Read "The brought in and instructed by 'ox- T3.oa,d to Wellville," in pkgs, ports. Postum comes in tufo farms,: Leading members of the Federa- Regular i'ostum--must be well tion believe that within, a few years 'boiled. 156 . and 25c packages. it. will be possible to increase the Instant ' I'ostuin-is .a Lsolu•ble Indian cotton crop to ten million powder.'A •teaspoonful dissolves bales without encroaching en the quickly in a cup of hot water and, area required for food. Manufao-,, 'with eream and sugar, makes a 'de turer in all countries using Indian licious beverage instantly. 30c and cotton are subscribing to the pro- .5.0c. tins. jest. The cost per' cap of both kinds is about the same. ifiomue people dream of success, "There's a reason foe " tine ees. keel) awe,:ee sand belie -Vs it, Postntn. • ... soldby Gi'occrs.. The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25o. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. Take No Chances. Alice—How many time would you make a man propose to you before you said yes? Marie—If you have to make him better propose say yes the first time. 19Tinard's, Liniment Cures Disteuaper. Improving. .Jiusbarid-There you are my dear; you see I'ni improving, I've brought the umbrella. back. Wife --That is very extraordinary, considering your umbrella. is still in the stand, and that you went out with your walking stick! YO1UR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL XOP`. Try Murine Rye Remedy forRed, Weak, watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids;. No Smarting -- just .stye Comfort. ,1 Write or Book of the Eye byma,11vree. Murinenye,Remedy Co., Chicag*o, Spoiled children, and foolish par- ents are often .found in the same house, Minard'0 Liniment Cures 7DiphtLeria. Considered Others. "How can you smoke those vile cigarettes 2" "Many great men have clone the same thing. Hobert Louis Steven- son smoked' cigarettes." "I know that, but Stevenson had' the decency to go to the middle of the Pacific Ocean to do it.'' Recent stories abont the milieus way in which some women endorse cheques • are stepplemented by, this from a •correspondent: --4 young wife ' had got a cheque from -iter husband as a birthday present, and when asked by the banker to 'oil- dorse it wrofe on the back :-••- "lVlany thanks, dear. I've got the manse. Your affectionate wife, Isobel." Most inen are industrial from n . cessity. Delicately flavoured--, Highly concen- trated. WIdy" WORRY ! Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "•`Clark's", '1^ °.+r°$ or Save. a horse and, won't have to buy c Don't sell or destroy horse' on account Spavin, Splint; RingoCurb,Sprrains nrxatuen Spend- one dollar fo bottle. N.**ALL SPAVIN CURE Ins saved a great many horses thele back to work, even after they ha been waives tap, Over 35 years of succ have proved its value. Mr. J. X. gremlin or St. Lta, Quo•- i hnvo been usingyeur Spovin Cern form,} 'au,,, always with exoolbar:suite' tiny n,,'Metras F i e ta 01 iu ser bottlo.6 bottles for 0.1.6e.•,,, Treatise on the norse•'free at drruggats ern= Cr. B. J. Kendall Co., EnosburgFalls Vermont,1l,5.A, P,&EMS POR SALE. it. w. Dawsolq, Ninety Colborne Stree Toronto. TF YOU WANT TO BUY 01 SELL .J, Fruit, Stock.. Grain or Dairy Far write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or •0 Colborne St. Toronto, H. W. DA.WSON, Colborne St., T'oront. NZW,SlaAPEES'i?OR SALE. i(_1 OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN 1•i leer York County. Stationery and Boo Business in connection. Price ons $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish ing Conipa.ny, 72. West Adelaide Street Toronto- MTSCELLANEOVS. NJetANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, Ora internal and external, cured wit out,. pain by our home treatment. Writ us before' too late. Dr. Gellman Medina Co., Limited, CiYTlingird , Ont. Dividing The °Blame.. Frarik--If you hadn't been st Tong- -:dressing we - shouldn't beat missed the boat. Mrs. Frank—And if you hadn't hurried, fee so we shouldn't ha e so long to wait for the next. IVEinard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. TwoObjeetions. Dad'—What's your objection to that young fellow, Jaysport? .Daughter -His clothes are so aw- fully pronounced and his English is pronounced so awfully. • Wire Wounds My mare, a very valuable one, was bad. lv bruised and cut by being caught in a wire fetrce• Some of the wounds would not heal, although I tr'ed many d'iferent medicines. Dr. Bell advised ane to use Iry bf .1ltD't3 LIZrI1iENT, diluted at first, then Stronger es the sores began to look better, until after three weeks, the sores have healed, and best of all, the hair is growing well, and is NOT WHITE as is most always the case in horse wounds. F. M. DOtOBT, Weymouth. Hopeful. Father—I get a number of sealed proposals at my office to -day. Daughter—Oh, pa, were any of them for me 2 Mfnarrre Liniment Cures Garget 3n Cowg. Sensative. Fond Father--Tolnmy writes as:a real feeling letter from boarding school. Doting Mother—And what does the poor darling say 2 . Fond Father—He says he's been whipped so often he can tell what kind of wood the teacher's switch is made ef-by,the feel. • .D.' 7.